Avram in MD

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  • in reply to: hearing every word of Megillah #1144140
    Avram in MD


    instruct congregants not to bang by Haman, or even to tap their feet on the ground AT ALL … That is the right way to hear the megillah raboisai.

    Not if you or your shul has a different minhag. I was very impressed with the children in my shul on Purim who banged when Haman’s name was read (and only then), and then stopped banging very quickly so that the leining could go on. Fun and good behavior can coexist.


    on more than two occasions I have seen Gedolim not resort to fire hazards

    How is it a fire hazard if the doors are locked on the outside (to prevent latecomers from disrupting the leining) but are still easily accessible for exit? Do you lock your front door at home before going to bed?

    in reply to: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha? #1144086
    Avram in MD

    DaasYochid and zahavasdad,

    Do you have a source

    I might get pilloried for suggesting an Artscroll book (kidding), but the issue of having non-Jews visit during Yom Tov is addressed in The Laws of Yom Tov by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen. He is quite good with citing sources in the footnotes. Asking a shaila for the specific circumstances of one’s own case is very important as well.

    in reply to: traffic tickets and lesser charges but NOT FBI searches #1142860
    Avram in MD

    Syag Lchochma,

    [Quoting nishtdayngesheft]

    You’ve never pleased to a lesser charge in traffic court?

    no nisht, I have never pleaded guilty to something i didn’t do, nor not guilty to something i did, and i am confused (sincerely, not being argumentative) how that could be okay l’halacha.

    I don’t think nishtdayngesheft’s question implied pleading innocent when actually guilty, or pleading guilty when actually innocent. He seems to be referring to a case where a violation did occur, but it could be charged at varying degrees of severity. In that case, he is talking about requesting (or accepting when offered) a more favorable/merciful charge.

    but when my kid ran a stop sign, i instructed them to plead guilty, as they were indeed guilty and stating otherwise would have been sheker.

    From what he has written, I don’t think nishtdayngesheft would act any differently than this. What he seems to be asking is, if your kid had been charged with [attn CR lawyers, I’m making this up] 1st degree stop sign runnyness, which carries a fine of $1000, would you request that the court consider reducing the charge to 3rd degree stop sign runnyness ($250 fine), or if the court offered a plea bargain that if your kid admits guilt right away to the 3rd degree stop sign runnyness, they’d go with that and not pursue the 1st degree charge in order to save the court’s time? I don’t see how doing that would be sheker.

    im still not sure about how you would know the tickets are trumped up or whether or not they are giving multiple tickets

    The tickets/charges to give are largely at the discretion of the officer witnessing the violation. I once made a left turn at an intersection where left turns were not permitted during rush hour (I didn’t notice the sign on the power line), and the police officer gave me a written warning. In other circumstances, I could have gotten a ticket. Would you consider it sheker to politely request that the officer give a warning instead of a ticket?

    in reply to: survey – how often do you [men] daven for the amud? #1141144
    Avram in MD


    Your not davening for the amud, your davening before the amud.

    You’re nitpicking, but you’re not literally removing lice from your head 🙂

    I think “for the amud” is an expression, not meant to be taken literally.

    in reply to: Now I Know What It Feels Like… #1141528
    Avram in MD

    The Queen,

    Sorry you are have it wrong.

    I hope I do, and I apologize for overreacting. What I was responding to was:

    1. Using Little Froggie’s (who works and opened this thread to praise his wife) thread to criticize the kollel lifestyle as objectively wrong.

    2. A perceived implication in your responses that men do not pitch in with housework and childcare, particularly kollel men.

    3. A perceived implication that women are duped into servitude via the shidduch process, and that their husbands don’t care about their suffering later on.

    Am I off base?

    Just for the record, I am going on vacation iy”H and my husband is staying home with the family.

    That’s great! For the record as well, I work and my wife stays home full time, I am very involved in parenting and housework, and I enthusiastically agree with Little Froggie’s sentiments in this thread. And neither my wife nor I want to take a 2-week vacation solo, and it has nothing to do with lack of trust.

    in reply to: Now I Know What It Feels Like… #1141525
    Avram in MD

    The Queen,

    Unless, the wife has a valid reason why she can’t go, my first assumption would be that she doesn’t trust her husband to take over.

    It seems perhaps we have a misandrist viewpoint to balance out the mysogynist ones here.

    in reply to: Now I Know What It Feels Like… #1141524
    Avram in MD

    The Queen,

    I know a woman of a large family who juggles two jobs, and has no option to discontinue, because at her shidduch she agreed to support her husband.

    This does not contradict what I said in the slightest. If she’s happy to make that sacrifice, then who are we to judge, even if we’d hate to be in her shoes. If she’s unhappy, then they have problems, not because of kollel, but because of her sense of “no option to discontinue.”

    in reply to: Now I Know What It Feels Like… #1141516
    Avram in MD

    The Queen,

    And your two weeks of juggling is what their regular life looks like.

    I think there is truth to this. Taking on your spouse’s role for a while is a good way to appreciate what they do; however, a lot of the “juggling” is likely due to lack of experience and routine.

    This is the reason I don’t think it is fair for men to place the responsibility of parnossah on their wives. Raising a family is a full time job and bringing parnossah is another full time job. Hashem created a family with a father and a mother for a reason.

    And I don’t think it’s fair to make blanket judgements of how other families conduct their affairs. Parents are big boys and girls, and they can make their own decisions and work things out together so everyone is able to thrive. If they cannot, then they have problems that are independent of the lifestyle they are choosing to lead.

    To all the men who want to weigh in, first send your wife on a two week vacation. Then we’ll talk.

    What if she doesn’t want to go?

    in reply to: The purpose of mechila #1139812
    Avram in MD


    Why aren’t you judging the guy who requested mechila l’kaf zechus that he requested it properly. Especially since no one claimed otherwise.

    It’s possible I’m not; I’ll have to think about it.

    The minyan was, as Sam indicated, per S”A. I don’t think Sam would have invited the minyan into his home if he didn’t want to grant mechila, as he indicated.

    So why not the yard, or the hall? Bringing it to the workplace is reminiscent of the tactics of shady collection agencies.

    in reply to: The purpose of mechila #1139808
    Avram in MD


    Sam didn’t say that his earlier three requests for mechila was improper.

    That is true, and only Sam2 can clarify. Still, I wrote what I did because:

    1. I am judging Sam2 l’kaf zechus that had the requests been truly proper, and that includes being patient and not pestering or humiliating the wronged party if he asks for more time to work through his feelings, he would have granted mechila.

    2. If the man gathered a minyan together, he should have used that opportunity to confess his wrongdoing to Sam2 publicly and beg for forgiveness. Instead, he used the minyan to humiliate Sam2 by showing up at his work site rather than home and making the focus his refusal.

    If we see that the last thing off the assembly line is pork, should we assume that everything that came off before it is kosher?

    Nor did Sam say he expected something additional from the fellow that he failed to perform.

    He expected more time.

    in reply to: The purpose of mechila #1139806
    Avram in MD


    Sam, if he followed Shulchan Aruch k’peshuto after you declined mechila, how can you have an additional taaina on him for doing the only thing pashut halacha states he should?

    Who says he requested mechila properly? As Syag pointed out above, if the wrong is not even righted as best as possible, the request for mechila is worthless.

    in reply to: Favorite Brand Orange Juice #1139863
    Avram in MD

    Florida’s Natural

    in reply to: which is frummest? football, baseball, basketball or hockey? #1139552
    Avram in MD

    Baseball and football, since they are the easiest to follow by radio.


    in reply to: Why can't girls stick out in a crowd? #1138905
    Avram in MD


    And coffee addict from what I have heard from married women, we unfortunately do not get to sleep late, like until all our kids are out of the house.

    Yes, and I’m not sure why this retort keeps coming up; it’s really not a good one.

    Kids can usually take care of their basic needs and learn to be quiet and let their parents rest for a couple of hours by age 7 or 8 (it’s good chinuch for kibud av v’eim), so hopefully it’s not the teenager waking the mother up to beg for breakfast at 6am 🙂

    in reply to: Early Shachris – Miami Beach #1138715
    Avram in MD


    He basically said he’s surprised that there are people in Miami Beach who would get up for an early minyan.

    If I were to say, “I’m surprised there are people in MD who actually get up early to daven with a minyan”, you wouldn’t find that cynical?

    Ah, ok, I understand how you interpreted golfer’s comment.

    I didn’t see what golfer wrote as a knock on the Miami Beach frum community at all, but rather a comment on the conduct of frum Jews even when they are on vacation. To expand on golfer’s statement as I understood it:

    This is a great thread.

    It made my day.

    Who’da thunk it?

    [Even when on vacation in] Miami Beach, home of the hibiscus, the palm tree and the long sandy beach, [where people spend lots of money to go just to relax,] there are people who won’t leave to catch a morning flight [even after a late night hassle to pack up] without first finding [an early morning] minyan!

    in reply to: If Bernie Sanders is Jewish, I'm a Christmas Tree #1139628
    Avram in MD


    Avram: Sure. Incest is one example. Also, a purported non-Jew may have sinned with an eishes ish who did have an earlier halachic marriage that never terminated and generations later none of the decedents were aware of their Jewish lineage.

    Good points, thank you. Those cases would be extremely rare I would think, even given newbee’s calculus.

    in reply to: bitachon #1139155
    Avram in MD


    If my post pushes even one person to think a bit more deeply about their own emunah, bitachon, and the decisions they make, and pushes them to take even one step towards ensuring a responsible path for themselves or their friends, I will be consider the post as having served an important to’eles.

    When you mock what people hold dear, your message, if any, will be unlikely to go through. Your “examples” shed no light, but mocked through caricature and insult; suggesting that those engaged in full time learning were poor parents and stupid.

    then they are stuck in a terribly stressful position, and “the system” has failed them

    Your post is long in complaints, but short in solutions. If you truly want to convince people to move in a different direction, provide some suggestions or ideas.

    in reply to: Early Shachris – Miami Beach #1138713
    Avram in MD


    Not sure if it was your intention, but your comment sounds pretty cynical to me.

    Didn’t sound cynical to me at all.

    in reply to: If Bernie Sanders is Jewish, I'm a Christmas Tree #1139624
    Avram in MD


    So every Ger is a Safek Mamzer and Assur to marry?

    Can there be a mamzer situation in the absence of any halachic marriage whatsoever?

    in reply to: Are hospitals "organ harvest happy"? #1138829
    Avram in MD


    I don’t think removing a ventilator would be murder.

    In the case of Terri Schiavo, which Health was referring to, a ventilator wasn’t removed; rather, they removed a feeding tube.

    in reply to: Why can't girls stick out in a crowd? #1138899
    Avram in MD


    our teachers are always telling us that we have to be refined in the street, look refined, no screaming, running, and so on….how talking on the phone makes people look in your direction so it shouldn’t be done.

    I have to wonder if boys ever get speeches like this?

    With the exception of the phones (which were not allowed on school time), I got those speeches every time there was a school activity, and I was in a public school. To me, it has more to do with being non-disruptive and mature rather than modest. Perhaps your teachers are making it an issue of modesty because they think that’s what’s important to their students.

    so I started wondering if our teachers really mean that ALL girls should not be taling loudly, how are boys, men, children allowed to do so too?

    I don’t really see adult men or women screaming, running, etc. in public. Did your teacher specifically say that boys and men are allowed to?

    It’s seems so outlandish to say girls can’t run in the street and boys can

    Who has said that it is ok for boys (or man) to be disruptive? Even if you see boys doing so, didn’t you say that the majority of girls in your class don’t take their teachers’ advice either?

    I just don’t see why it’s considered to “moshech eneyim” of guys when we run, or talk loudly, but if boys do it, kids are doing it….then why would we stick out anyway

    Once, very late on Shabbos night, there was a loud commotion outside my house that woke me up. I felt very upset because I was concerned that it would wake the baby, and my first assumption was that our (non-Jewish) neighbors were having a wild party, as they had done once or twice in the past. The voices didn’t sound like them, however, so I peeked outside and saw a group of Yeshiva boys cavorting down the middle of the street. I don’t think that behavior was ok. Nor do I appreciate when I am forced to overhear someone, man or woman, having a fight with someone else on their cell phone in the store or subway or wherever. Nor do I feel comfortable when packs of adult-sized “children”, boys or girls, engage in horseplay in shopping center parking lots. I don’t think you should interpret your teacher’s advice as an over-emphasis on modesty, but rather advice on how to conduct oneself as a mature adult. And that applies equally to men and women.

    in reply to: All G-d wants is… #1138704
    Avram in MD

    Little Froggie,

    Statements like “we cant let Halacha decide who to love..” or “all HaShem cares for is Ahavs Yisroel, the rest is nonsense” (ok nobody wrote that) is a slippery slope.

    Nobody wrote either statement you put into quotations, so why are you addressing them at all?

    I don’t think your point is wrong per se, but it is misplaced. Kind of like if somebody opened up a thread about suggestions for how to improve their marriage, and someone came in and posted that divorce is permissible according to halacha.

    in reply to: Why can't guys sleep late? #1197897
    Avram in MD

    If one connects to Torah not entirely due to pure love of Hashem, but instead uses it like a spade for something else, like misogyny, there is a risk that the person will come to disrespect mitzvos.

    This thread is a good example of that.

    Is waking up at 8:00am to fulfill the will of the Creator really so hard that it’s worth complaining about, even in jest?

    in reply to: Why can't girls stick out in a crowd? #1138891
    Avram in MD


    A friend of mine recently took upon herself not to talk in the street on her phone as it causes “attention”.

    So? Why does that affect you? Do you feel like you have to do it now? What if your friend decided that purple was the most modest color, and took it upon herself to only wear purple outside?

    What do you mean, men can do it?!

    Who says? Maybe somewhere out there there is a man who took it upon himself to not talk on the phone in the street.

    Why is it not okay for us to do things men do in the street, such as hug an old friend, get overly excited, talk on the phone, run, or pretty much do anything that isn’t walking with my mouth shut?

    How did you conclude all of this from your friend deciding for herself that she didn’t want to talk on the phone in the street?

    in reply to: Out-Of-Town Jewish Hillbillies #1138056
    Avram in MD

    Yeee haw! Good Shabbos, you’uns!

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140161
    Avram in MD



    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140156
    Avram in MD
    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140153
    Avram in MD


    The above are about the appearance of honesty

    Not exclusively. Yes I want to avoid potential maris ayin, but it’s also about self-training and increasing my sensitivity, which should be what chumros are about.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140150
    Avram in MD


    People are not concerned about such minor matters. They are refering to such practices are “Paying off the books” or not charging sales tax for example

    1. Who are the “people” that you refer to?

    2. I consider your examples to be basic halacha. The OP was asking about chumros.

    in reply to: How about being machmir on ben adam l'chaveiro? #1140136
    Avram in MD

    Avi K,

    There are a number of threads which lead me to believe that people say “Mirror, mirror on the wall.

    So you get your information about Jews from the CR? Not a good idea…

    Of course, the men do not look at it but address it as Mrs. Mirror with their eyes on the ground

    Making fun of people is not nice, especially in a thread purportedly advocating for chumros in bein adam l’chaveiro.

    What about chumrot regarding honesty in monetary matters?

    1. I do not permit my children to bring their toys into a store if the store may carry similar merchandise.

    2. If I don’t get a carry-out bag from the store, I hold the receipt in my hand when I walk out.

    3. I try to be as careful as possible regarding complementary items; e.g., taking only the amount of ketchup packets I need for the food I just bought, offering to pay a quarter if I ask for an empty disposable cup, etc.

    How about you?

    in reply to: What's your go to nightime snack? #1193051
    Avram in MD


    Cookies and milk.

    Darkei Emori. And how do you know the milk left out for you when you come down the chimney is cholov Yisroel?

    in reply to: People who can't shut up #1136600
    Avram in MD


    People who can’t shut up* must be shunted out & expelled from every single Shul in the world:- No exceptions!!

    * in shul during davening or leining**

    ** assuming they are not the shaliach tzibbur or baal korei

    Is that what you meant?

    in reply to: Superbowl Parties #1136402
    Avram in MD


    If you hold wearing a tie is Chukas Akum – so don’t wear one!

    But do we then get to look down on everyone else in shul who wears one?

    in reply to: Superbowl Parties #1136399
    Avram in MD


    I meant there are things that are totally kosher and things that arent kosher and arent treif.

    I know that’s what you meant, and that is what made me go “huh”? How can something be not kosher, but not treif (i.e., forbidden)?

    Going with your kids to the park is Kosher and seeing a sporting event is Pareve. Im not sure if you get the difference.

    No, I don’t get the difference. Why is going to a park “kosher”, but going to a sporting event “not kosher”?

    Its not always possible to do a totally kosher event like going to the park

    Why not?

    in reply to: How Do I Know I've Ever Properly Performed Any Mitzvah? #1136321
    Avram in MD


    The more I think about it, the more I realize that there isn’t a single positive commandment that I can say that I *know* for sure, 100%, that I’ve fulfilled it in the proper way at any point in my life.

    And that’s just sad.

    No, that’s called being human. If Hashem desired 100% accuracy 100% of the time, He would have populated the Earth with robots, or angels.

    in reply to: How Do I Know I've Ever Properly Performed Any Mitzvah? #1136320
    Avram in MD


    I’m doomed either way.

    Do you really think that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is R”L a big meanie in the sky who gave us the mitzvos just to trip us up and trap us in sin so we can be punished?

    in reply to: How Do I Know I've Ever Properly Performed Any Mitzvah? #1136319
    Avram in MD


    A. Other people don’t seem to have these doubts. They’re confident that they have fulfilled the mitzvos, and perhaps they have.

    That doesn’t make sense. If I have confidence that I’m the president of the United States, I might actually be the president?

    And besides that, just because you don’t see people having doubts doesn’t mean they don’t have them.

    B. Even if the previous point is false and I am like every other Jew, so what? Does the fact that everyone else fails at a task magically make it okay for me to do so too?

    The gemara says that even the least of the Jews are as full of mitzvos as a pomegranate is full of seeds.

    in reply to: Getting together #1137296
    Avram in MD

    I have heard that you can safely ignore anything written after the words “I have heard” in an OP.

    in reply to: Superbowl Parties #1136395
    Avram in MD


    One should see alternatives to allow one to recharge and take a break with things that are kosher or pareve (Fully kosher activities might not be available so Pareve ones are good too)

    Kosher or pareve? Huh?

    in reply to: How Do I Know I've Ever Properly Performed Any Mitzvah? #1136314
    Avram in MD


    My problem is with positive commandments, where, despite my best efforts (which, admittedly, maybe aren’t enough), I can’t say that I’ve ever actually fulfilled one.

    And how does this make you different from any other Jew?

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136445
    Avram in MD


    I dont generally see this and it is usually a subtle thing known but not discussed. But its very possible others do discuss it.

    For me personally, I discuss how I feel Hashem’s presence extensively with my wife, rarely with my Rav, and pretty much never with anyone else (except my post above, and even there I described things vaguely and briefly).

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136439
    Avram in MD


    Also, do some people feel nothing at all and only relate to mitzvos out of a sense of intellect or obligation?

    Sometimes. I tend to have varying degrees of experience in my relationship with Hashem.

    Once on Yom Kippur during Mussaf, when the kohanim began their bracha, I sensed an intense energy radiating from their hands, somewhat like the feeling of direct sunlight on my face when my eyes are closed. Although there were no physical sensations, I would have feared to look directly at the kohanim had I tried to. Emotionally I felt very protected. Other times I do not feel anything special during bircas kohanim.

    Once I was davening very intently for the success of something I was trying to accomplish, and if I was successful, it would have helped me Jewishly, so I thought Hashem would surely help me. Instead, events seemed to conspire to thwart me at every turn, and I was ultimately unsuccessful. I felt dejected and rejected. Several months later, however, a new opportunity came up that was far better than what I was previously trying to accomplish. Had I been successful previously, the new opportunity would never have come up. I once again felt very protected. Other times I have a more difficult time seeing the good in disappointments or frustrations.

    Sometimes when I am learning Torah I get a sense of awe that what I am dealing with is not of human origin, but is in fact Divine. Other times, while intellectually aware of that fact, I don’t attain the sense of awe.

    I have been slowly learning that kavannah is important, not just in davening, but in everything that I do.

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136438
    Avram in MD


    So not one person can actually describe what it feels like to come into contact with God and what a personal relationship feels like?

    Perhaps it’s not an issue of ability, but rather willingness, since you are asking a rather personal question.

    Instead lets have another 5 thousand conversations about cholov yisroel, talking in shule and shidduchim.

    Note that the CR is not full of threads discussing people’s feelings and experiences regarding their relationships with their spouses either. It’s too personal.

    in reply to: Stop defaming animals #1125840
    Avram in MD


    They are not suicide bombers.

    Give a dog the ability to be one and tell him there’s a big box of dog biscuits in it for him, and I’d bet he’d do it.

    in reply to: Government programs are not tzedakah #1125928
    Avram in MD


    Avram in MD – Sure I was over the top, but many republicans (like those who would vote for Trump) would completely agree with what I said. That perspective is alive and well in the US, even if not correct.

    I thought we were talking about the government’s perspective, not a segment of Republican leaning voters.


    One of the expedients of Party to acquire influence, within particular districts, is to misrepresent the opinions & aims of other Districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies & heart burnings which spring from these misrepresentations. They tend to render Alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal Affection.

    It serves always to distract the Public Councils and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill founded Jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot & insurrection.

    –George Washington

    in reply to: Stop defaming animals #1125838
    Avram in MD


    Plants are very active.

    Depends on your definition of active.

    Animals do not have any impulse to do anything that harms others without benefiting them in some way.

    Have you interacted with animals? That is a big underestimation of their impulses and intelligence. Animals feel jealousy and rage. They overeat, get fat, and get heart disease. They sometimes bite for little or no reason. They can be psychotic and anti-social. They can be lazy.

    in reply to: Stop defaming animals #1125836
    Avram in MD


    Animals don’t lock up animals in cramped space and deny them proper food and companionship. People do.

    Cats torment mice and birds. Feivel can tell you about a wasp that takes over the brain of a spider and drives it around before eating it alive. Dogs sometimes shun other dogs at the dog park.

    By acting like a plant, a human being confines his neshama, keeping it from rising, deprives it of companionship with Hashem, and fails to keep it fed via spiritual growth. That doesn’t make plants evil or make it an insult to call a person a plant.

    To willfully act like a plant would be evil; however, we tend to be more repulsed by active evil, e.g., harming others. And the vast majority of plants are not active.

    The sins for which people are called “animals” are not of the types of actions that animals do. They are of the exclusively human evil variety.

    The exclusive human evil variety is a toxic gumbo of animal impulses and human intellect.

    in reply to: Government programs are not tzedakah #1125926
    Avram in MD


    Depends who you ask. From a government fiscal perspective (looking to have fewer people on programs) it would be a positive.

    Do you think fiscality is the government’s only interest? What if I had an idea that could get everyone over age 22 employed, but the crime rate would skyrocket. Go for it?

    Also, do you feel that the only reason unemployment and poverty exist in this country is because people are either anti-work or unwilling to relocate?

    From a democrat/socialist perspective (where they want people to be dependent so they will vote socialist) then no.

    While I disagree with parts of the Democratic platform, the equation of mainstream Democratic policies with socialism is ridiculous (hey BarryLS1, are you observing this example of fear mongering?). Also, if the motive behind Democratic support for maintenance or expansion of aid programs is to enslave voters to the Democratic Party (more fear mongering!), then it’s a pretty ineffective plot. If aid pushed people into the arms of the Democrats, then the South would be filled with Blue States.

    in reply to: Government programs are not tzedakah #1125923
    Avram in MD


    Avram in MD: Also, a big difference. Taxing retiree benefits for the elderly with higher incomes is vastly different than a real dollar cut for lower income elderly.

    Your original statement referenced cuts in general, so this seems to me like moving the goalposts, but ok. To what are you referring specifically when you say a real dollar cut for lower income elderly?

    Give us an example of Republican lying to the elderly using scare tactics about their source of income.

    Who says Republicans use the same scare tactics as Democrats?

    in reply to: Government programs are not tzedakah #1125922
    Avram in MD


    Your statement was (perhaps intentionally) ambiguous, so I don’t know how to respond. Are my annotations below correct?

    When you [the government] pay people for being poor, you can easily end up with a situation in which they [the poor people receving payment for being poor] must keep on doing it [being poor] to survive.

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