Avram in MD

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  • in reply to: Are mermaids real? #1222574
    Avram in MD

    Bigfoot is real. My definition of Bigfoot in this case is someone with size 12 shoes or more.

    The Loch Ness Monster is real. My definition of the Loch Ness Monster in this case is someone within 50km of Loch Ness who behaved in a mean way to someone else that day.

    in reply to: Are mermaids real? #1222573
    Avram in MD

    Unicorns are real. My definition of a unicorn in this case is a horse or pony with at least one brass instrument (trumpet, trombone, etc.) located within a 5-mile radius.

    in reply to: What to do when attacked by anti-semite? #1222708
    Avram in MD


    As I was walking home from Shul on Shabbos about a month ago, Someone decided to park their car in the middle of the cross walk blocking the ability to walk normally.

    Just curious, did you say something to the woman about how her car was blocking the walkway before she yelled the anti-Semitic slur? Or was it completely random?

    As I had to really walk around this car , this woman in the car started yelling at me how hitler did not complete the job. So I yelled back. I will not stand for someone telling that to me

    I think that behavior would constitute harassment. If I were in that situation and thinking clearly (but most likely I would not be), I’d either say nothing or simply, “that was a very unkind thing to say”. And then try to memorize the license plate number and call the police after Shabbos. Especially if there were witnesses (e.g., someone walking with you or nearby who you know).

    in reply to: Big Gedalya Gumber #1222688
    Avram in MD

    Uncle Moishy is not something that can be told over. He must be experienced properly – at high volume while squished in an 8-passenger Toyota Sienna next to a car seat during a long drive, with 6-inch drifts of cracker crumbs and toys on the floor.

    in reply to: What to do when attacked by anti-semite? #1222706
    Avram in MD

    Ignoring someone who is so outside of societal norms that s/he would verbally attack a random person is not necessarily a sign of weakness.

    in reply to: Respect (T) #1222158
    Avram in MD


    RebYidd23 is Popa? Popa-inspired?

    No, I don’t think so.

    When you see a thread that ends, “by Popa”, you can be assured that it is a troll thread, but that usage is limited to a single poster. RebYidd23 is proposing a new troll thread indicator that is general enough to be used by any poster.

    An attempt at using a general troll thread title indicator was made previously, with OPs ending thread titles with “I do shudder”, but I think that eventually annoyed the mods.

    I shudder just thinking about it

    in reply to: What to do when attacked by anti-semite? #1222698
    Avram in MD


    If it’s physical call the police.

    If it’s verbal keep your head low, ignore and move on. Remember you’re in galus.

    Agreed, but if the verbal attack felt threatening, for example, if someone were following me or demanding I answer, I’d call the police then too.

    in reply to: Respect (T) #1222156
    Avram in MD

    (T) is the more generalized form of “by Popa”

    in reply to: Big Gedalya Gumber #1222684
    Avram in MD

    The old Gedalia Goomber would’ve dropped the ton of bricks off the building in order to rush home for Shabbos. The new Gedalia Goomber gives himself extra time to get home and prepare, but still drops the bricks for fun. Then he has to find a new job the next week.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225776
    Avram in MD


    The problem as I see it , in the general world nothing is sacred and you can pretty much say what you want. You can portray any character any way you want.

    That’s true, but not really germane to the discussion of whether The Chosen portrayed chassidic Jewry in a positive light or not. I do think the novel portrayed modern Orthodox Judaism in a very positive light, but not chassidism.

    You can also portray people as complex individiduals . for example In the chosen Reb Saunders has a dark side. A frum book would never show a dark side to a Rav (I didnt say a sinning side, just a darker side)

    Reb Saunders is not a real person at all. He is a character conceived by Chaim Potok, and as such informs us as to the author’s perceptions of chassidic Jewry, whether or not he is complex.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225763
    Avram in MD


    Sorry, I could not find the article you are describing. Can you provide more specific search terms, or post a snippet?

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225760
    Avram in MD


    Read the Hebrew Mishpacha Magazine Obituary of Rav Elyashiv


    in reply to: Jewish books #1225758
    Avram in MD


    is there are secular jewish work you approve of?

    Einstein’s special relativity is quite spectacular 🙂

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225757
    Avram in MD


    Many frum people consider Fiddler on the Roof (Tevye the Milkman) a negative portrayl, however most people think of it as very lovingly

    I’m only familiar with the theatrical musical version of Fiddler on the Roof, but I would agree with those who feel that it is a positive portrayal. It’s just not a very knowledgeable portrayal.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225756
    Avram in MD


    Like Ive seen, ive read “Frum” Books and you see things like how the father spent all his time learning (and not spend with the son)

    I think there’s a difference between a distant father and a neglectful father. A soldier can spend most of his time away from his family, but that isn’t neglectful per se. Reb Saunders made a conscious decision to refuse emotional connection with Danny.

    You are also spending all your energy on this one aspect of “The Pain and the widsom of the silence” There is alot more to the book than that.

    Silence and pain seem to be primary themes of the novel.

    You dont seem to mention how the Rebbe really took a liking to the Less relgious boy and invited him over regulary (Except during the Zionist phase)

    I did not perceive Reuven to be “less religious” in the novel – now you’re gonna get the MO posters up in arms 🙂

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225752
    Avram in MD


    If you are not used to a more general light then the Chosen is not for you.

    Aha, so I can’t properly appreciate The Chosen because I’m locked in some kind of sheltered frum box, used to sanitized Artscroll biographies exclusively? Not quite. I read The Chosen before I became frum, and formed my interpretations with that mind set. The author’s polemic against the perceived chassidic “circle the wagons” approach to modernity, and the juxtaposition of Reuven’s saintly father and Reb Saunders is quite unsubtle.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225751
    Avram in MD


    Ive read books from frum authors saying similar things.

    That doesn’t answer my question. Do you think that the portrayal of a chassidic “rebbe” emotionally neglecting his son in order to teach him compassion is positive, whether or not the author is “frum”?

    The problem is it came from a Non-frum author

    Why do you assume that? Did I write that anywhere?

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225748
    Avram in MD


    I think it is, but I am not the last word on this topic.

    Do you think that the portrayal of a chassidic “rebbe” emotionally neglecting his son in order to teach him compassion is positive?

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225747
    Avram in MD

    I read the book a long time ago.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225744
    Avram in MD


    Do you think it’s positive towards the chassidic frum community?

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225742
    Avram in MD


    Wait, first you write:

    (Its actally is quite positive towards the frum community)

    And then:

    I dont doubt [that those in chassidic frum communities would disagree], which is why I was suprised so many had heard of it.

    Which is it? Is it positive towards the frum community, or not?

    in reply to: Respect (T) #1222145
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    oh my gosh – have you guys noticed the tags showing up on the upper right? And it looks like anyone can add if they choose to do so.

    Looks like RebYidd23 noticed.

    in reply to: Jewish books #1225740
    Avram in MD


    It does shock me the in the frum commnity almost everyone has heard of the Chosen (Its actally is quite positive towards the frum community)

    I’m not sure those in chassidic frum communities would agree.

    in reply to: Hey Little Froggie #1221905
    Avram in MD

    Little Froggie,

    I don’t think I ever claimed to be a computer expert or anything of that sort.

    Perhaps not, but you’re the one with the thread named for you. Anyway, a computer expert is simply someone who has more complex and intractable computer problems than the next guy 🙂

    in reply to: Big Gedalya Gumber #1222681
    Avram in MD

    Once I was a builder, and on the 100th floor,

    I was carrying a load of bricks, an easy ton or more!

    But now it’s midday Friday, so I take an extra hour,

    I got home nice and early, an even had time to shower!


    Guess it doesn’t have the same ring to it 🙂

    in reply to: Big Gedalya Gumber #1222679
    Avram in MD


    Whatever happened to him?

    He took on bringing in Shabbos early.

    in reply to: What did the color yellow do? #1222503
    Avram in MD

    Are posts still hidden from public view until moderated, or are they now going up as soon as posted?

    in reply to: Hey Little Froggie #1221902
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    Maybe someone else can help me.

    I’m not sure that my level of help will approach even the knees of a little froggie, but I’ll give it a shot.

    First, you didn’t specify, but from your posts, I’m assuming that you are using Microsoft Word. At the top of your document, there should be a row with different tabs (File Home Insert … etc). Click “References” to get the options under that tab. At the bottom of the options you should see the word Footnotes, with a small diagonal or downward arrow on the righthand corner. Click that arrow, and a footnotes dialog box will appear. With this dialog box, you can control how the footnotes are numbered in your document, including changing the starting number. Good luck!

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221970
    Avram in MD


    I thought he was talking about serving kids wine at Purim. My bad.

    Ok. But why did you only direct your ire towards WolfishMusings, and not Joseph?

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221969
    Avram in MD


    Wasn’t mention overuse. Mentioned one time use.

    Understood, although we don’t know how often RebYidd23 needs a coffee antidote. My “rant” about the Benadryl was more of a rhetorical recapitulation of the wine issue anyway (though everything I said is true).

    I did not castigate Jewish parents for allowing older children to sip kiddush wine. They were talking about giving children alcohol on Purim. Close to drunk but not officially drunk.

    WolfishMusings stated quite clearly that he does not serve wine at his Purim seuda, and thinks doing so is wrong.

    Joseph asked if he served underage guests wine at his Shabbos kiddush (and incorrectly implied that it was illegal). WolfishMusings confirmed that he did.

    Enter your flaming response directed solely at WolfishMusings.

    I’ll accept your explanation and interpretation at face value, though it’s somewhat undercut by your follow-up post that stated that you don’t advocate anyone drinking any amount alcohol before their mid-20s – which suggested a moral equivalence between Joseph’s stated practice and WolfishMusings.

    Anyway. Say what you like. Don’t need to explain when words are twisted.

    Thanks for the opportunity still

    Just because you don’t like my calling out your response does not mean I twisted anything.

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222478
    Avram in MD


    At the risk of invoking Godwin’s Law, then even Hitler had worth.

    You already preemptively resolved this question above:

    I grant the point that even a rasha gamur can have worth.

    To quote Arthur Conan Doyle in The Hound of the Baskervilles:

    To all the world he was the man of violence, half animal and half demon; but to her he always remained the little wilful boy of her own girlhood, the child who had clung to her hand. Evil indeed is the man who has not one woman to mourn him.

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222469
    Avram in MD


    I’m sure your wife doesn’t agree. Or your kids. Or your friends.

    Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.

    Their opinions are actually the deciding ones. If I think something has worth, then by definition it has worth, and it doesn’t matter what the thing thinks of itself.

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222316
    Avram in MD


    In lightbrite’s world, a father who makes a positive example about sobriety and responsible drinking by never getting drunk giving his adult kids 2 oz. of 5% alcohol is a criminal

    I don’t think she actually implied criminal, although what she did say was quite harsh and confusing, and should get a follow-up. Lightbrite seems opposed to alcohol consumption at older than 21, perhaps up to 25, so I don’t think she considers this a legal issue.

    while someone who sets a terrible example by getting drunk in front of their kids is fine as long as he doesn’t actually give them any himself (because, as we all know, they won’t touch it if he tells them not to…)

    Not sure she stated or implied that either.

    What shocked me was the harsh statement she made regarding something that is commonly done in Jewish households and is both halachically and legally permissible (and not even medically harmful), and an implied moral equivalence with the idea of encouraging binge drinking among children who are not your own.

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221963
    Avram in MD


    I would take a Benadryl because it makes you a bit drowsy and is mild. 25mg to start. Maybe 50mg.

    Hmm. In another thread you castigated WolfishMusings, and by extension the majority of Jewish parents, for allowing his older children to have a sip of kiddush wine, using brain health as your reason. Yet here you suggest using a drug that has substantial brain impacts for purposes other than for what it was intended?

    Benadryl should not be used as a sedative. Potential side effects of Benadryl include short term memory loss, confusion, drowsiness, etc., all brain impacts. Overuse of it has even been linked to dementia.

    in reply to: Best Wines for The Purim Seuda #1219902
    Avram in MD

    The best wines are the Wines that are Sulfite Free.

    Anyone know of good ones that fit this bill?

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220416
    Avram in MD

    I walked in and yelled “HI, COMLINK-X!” to the first person I saw with a laptop facing the entrance. Got punched in the face. Must have been you.

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222307
    Avram in MD


    Avram in MD: Wolf who had just said this to Joseph…

    “If you can’t make that distinction, then I feel sorry for you.”

    Do you honestly intend to castigate every Jewish parent who allows their adult children to have a sip of kiddush wine as unfit to be a proper role model? And you see no moral difference between that and encouraging binge drinking among young teenagers?

    in reply to: Why are tomatillos overlooked? #1222542
    Avram in MD


    What do U.S. residents have against tomatillos?

    Unfamiliar and unwanted are not the same thing.

    in reply to: Why wasn't last nights speech a State of the Union adress? #1219905
    Avram in MD

    President Obama’s first address to a joint session of Congress in February 2009 was also not called a “State of the Union.” Neither was President Bush’s in February 2001. Perhaps it’s minhag 🙂

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222305
    Avram in MD


    Someone does not need to be visibly drunk to be impaired and have brain damage from consuming alcohol… especially a teenage or young adult whose brain is still developing until mid-20’s.

    I don’t think anyone in the medical field (at least that I’ve heard) worries about a bit of kiddush wine at a Shabbos meal. Regular consumption or binge drinking are the bigger concerns.

    If you cannot understand that, then I feel sorry for those who look up to you as you serve them alcohol.

    To whom is this comment addressed?

    in reply to: Why are tomatillos overlooked? #1222540
    Avram in MD


    I want to grow them in my garden, but I’ve never heard of anyone else doing that. Why?

    Because most hobbyist gardeners plant things that they eat, and tomatillos are not typically eaten or found in grocery stores in most of the U.S.

    in reply to: Purim collecting #1219884
    Avram in MD

    So it was Friday and we hadn’t made any challos yet, so I sent my kid to the bakery with some money to get challos for us. A little while later, the phone rings, and it’s the bakery. They say my kid cut to the front of the line, pushing an old lady in the process, was loud, and treated the cashier disrespectfully. I lectured them about how important the mitzva of kibbud av v’eim was, and how much merit my dear darling got for going out and bringing challos home to his family.

    Now, everything I said in my lecture was true, but did I still miss the point?

    in reply to: Purim collecting #1219883
    Avram in MD


    Boys will be boys.

    Indeed. Which is why, despite the fact that making an effort to collect tzedaka for someone needy is a tremendously meritorious act (and despite the straw man you and Joseph are putting forth, I doubt The little I know, Syag Lchochma, et al. disagree with that at all), it’s probably not a good idea to have unsupervised boys go into a shul or beis medrash during davening. And to be very clear: I’m not even implying that any organization is encouraging boys to go into shuls. But if it’s a known problem, the organizations leading the tzedaka fund have an obligation to properly instruct the boys where not to go.

    The fact that they act a certain way does not mean their rabbeim / yeshivos told them to do so (this may come as a shock to you…).

    Certainly not, but fairly or unfairly so, the behavior of children while “on duty” for an institution can result in a favorable or unfavorable impression of the institution. Therefore, the boys should be instructed and supervised.

    And why the parenthetical snark?

    Maybe yeshivos should REITERATE to be more respectful

    It seems like you agree with the OP here.

    but we’re talking about children they’re not mechuyav in mitzvos for a reason.

    That does not mean we turn the other way if a child does something wrong.

    in reply to: Coming to shul without a jacket for davening Shachris #1219715
    Avram in MD


    Google – “The Tefillin Jacket”

    LOL, I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not, but it’s definitely a solution. Does anyone sell these?

    in reply to: Coming to shul without a jacket for davening Shachris #1219712
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    Avrum – what do you see most people in your shul doing? What did most of the other guys do when you were in Yeshiva?

    The majority of jacket-wearers in my shul leave the arm out of the sleeve. I never went to Yeshiva.

    in reply to: Coming to shul without a jacket for davening Shachris #1219709
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    According to what Avrum wrote, it sounds like it’s almost impossible to do so halachically

    I haven’t figured out a way… but a way must exist. DaasYochid knows his way, though I couldn’t figure out from his description how to make it work for me. Also, some people, e.g., Chabad, Sefardim, wrap their tefillin differently than I do (I wrap towards my body when the strap is over the arm), which may make it easier to keep the knot and box together while shoving the arm into the sleeve.

    in reply to: tips for a sore foot #1219531
    Avram in MD

    Is it the bottom of your heel that hurts? Is it worst in the morning, with the first steps you take after getting out of bed?

    in reply to: Coming to shul without a jacket for davening Shachris #1219706
    Avram in MD


    DY: So the tefillin goes over the jacket cover? Like if a guy is wearing a white shirt under a black jacket, the tefillin is wrapped around the outside of the jacket?

    So confused. I thought that tefillin goes on a bare arm. Like a blood pressure monitor.

    The tefillin is placed directly on the bare arm, and then the sleeve(s) are pulled over the tefillin, covering them from view. The tefillin shel yad (I belive) are actually supposed to be covered from view, and they come with a black cover that slips over the bayis to fulfill this for those who don’t cover the arm with a sleeve.

    The problem I had with my jacket personally when I tried putting my arm in the sleeve is that the tefillin shifted on my arm due to the effort of sticking the arm into the jacket sleeve. When I removed the jacket after davening, I saw that the knot and bayis were not touching (they are supposed to). DaasYochid was bentched with a third arm that he uses to hold the tefillin in place while he slips his jacket on and off.

    in reply to: Would you be offended? #1219570
    Avram in MD

    Avi K,

    A non-Jewish supervisor e-mailed a Jewish employee that he was working like a Hebrew slave. The employee filed a religious harassment claim and recovered $10K in damages plus $10,980 in attorney’s fees. How would you feel if you were the employee?

    I have no idea. Context matters.

    in reply to: What I learned from the Turx Controversy #1219518
    Avram in MD


    Bad comparison. Refusing to bow down to a getchke, even if that brings the spotlight, is the correct thing to do.

    Absolutely, I certainly would never think that that was the issue. I was talking about the fact that Mordechai spent a lot of time near the king’s gates, which increased the potential for publicity and a negative reaction. He could have stayed home and not bowed to the getchke.

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