Avram in MD

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  • in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251199
    Avram in MD


    The army can be diverse until you get in that Foxhole and you have to be prepared to be in that foxhole

    So how does providing a Jew with mehadrin kosher food affect foxhole prep?

    in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251147
    Avram in MD


    So apparently someone does not believe In hashgocha pratis.

    I didn’t assume that from zahavasdad’s post, but your point brought an interesting question to my mind. I’ve learned that in some cases, when a plague was unleashed, the destruction caused was, from our perspective at least, indiscriminate, meaning that both reshaim and tzadikkim in its path would both face danger from it. On the other hand, when the officers declare that those who have started but not completed the acts of building a house, redeeming a vineyard, and marrying a woman should depart, the officer continues and says that those who are fearful should leave. Rashi, quoting R’ Yose the Galilean, comments that the fearful man’s fear arises from knowing that he has sinned and may not merit divine protection, so he leaves with the others, so that other soldiers do not recognize him as a sinner. This presumes that the weapons of heated battle do not cause indiscriminate death.

    in reply to: New CR Bug Reports #1251150
    Avram in MD

    I think the developers are playing a game with us, because there were so many complaints about the long lists of “awaiting moderation” that we saw yesterday 🙂

    in reply to: New CR Bug Reports #1251120
    Avram in MD


    That’s a good safeguard and nice upgrade to the site! My concern was more about people retyping their message manually and then reposting. In this case, most of the time the text won’t be identical, so the “duplicate” post will still go through. This is frustrating to the both poster and the readers, and will eventually annoy the mods. A possible example of this is here, where zahavasdad possibly thought his initial post went into a black hole, and thus resposted a shorter version of the original post that was published right above.

    in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251084
    Avram in MD


    The Army is about everyone being equal

    Respecting diversity and treating people as equals are certainly not mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, forcing some in a unit to compromise on their values but not others is not treating people equally.

    When you are in the Foxhole and being shot at, the bullets being shot at you dont ask if you are Makpid Chalav Yisroel, Beis Yosef or even if you eat Kosher.

    And in the U.S. army, the bullets don’t ask if you keep kosher and go to shul on Shabbos, or if you eat fish on Fridays and go to mass on Sundays. Are you opposed to the U.S. army providing kosher food to Jewish soldiers, or allowing Catholic soldiers leave to attend mass?

    Part of army training is getting people to follow this philosophy.

    Training which should actually include respect for diversity, not squashing it.

    You have to have the thinking your fellow soldier is your comrade and equal otherwise you cannot fight together and when one of you is hurt, you have to help your wounded comrade

    What is the relevance of this sentence?

    in reply to: Is humor lost on some people? #1251019
    Avram in MD

    Avi K,

    I don’t think either of these cases reflect a lack of humor, but the impact of cultural differences. If someone is not yet or only recently fluent with a new language or culture, it is difficult to discern dry humor. When making such jokes to someone who is less familiar with one’s culture or language, it would be chessed to follow-up with a laugh and, “just a joke”. Yes that might spoil the dry humor delivery, but better a ruined joke than an embarrassed friend.

    I bet the Israeli you know who fell for the red light joke is very funny in other situations. Same with the American on the IDF base.

    in reply to: about the protest in yerushalaim #1251021
    Avram in MD

    YW Moderator-29,

    To the OP: I closed the other thread. If you don’t like the topic or the contents, why in the world did you bring it back?

    Hee hee.

    in reply to: Forcing chumrot on others #1251003
    Avram in MD

    Avi K,

    Does a soldier who is makpid on a mehadrin hechsher have the right to insist that his comrades also be makpid

    No, but if an army truly wants a community that sincerely holds by certain standards to send their children into that army with an atmosphere of mutual respect, wouldn’t it be a good idea to accommodate those standards, or work openly and respectfully with the community leadership to find mutually agreeable solutions?

    in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1250983
    Avram in MD

    So we got a couple responses, and the critical thinking meter has been pushed up just a tick or two. But let’s get real. Are we just to afraid to approach topics that may force us to see things in a way we are uncomfortable with? Are we too strong in our biases, too buried in our dusty attics, that we are scared to open up new avenues?

    Arguments for assuming that everyone in the CR who disagrees with me lacks critical thinking skills and has a dusty brain:

    1. I am so smart and my position so correct, that anyone who disagrees with me is obviously closed-minded and dusty brained.

    2. My failure to convince anyone else of my position is totally because they are closed minded and dusty brained, and it certainly isn’t because of my own persuasive abilities or flaws in my positions that need to be addressed.

    3. I can easily see the flaws in other people’s positions, so the fact that they hold those positions is because they are closed minded and dusty brained, certainly not because they have valid reasons that I may not understand fully because I never asked.

    4. I can throw out some meager points in favor of the opposing view. Because I never see anyone else do this, they must all be closed minded and dusty brained.

    in reply to: New CR Bug Reports #1250991
    Avram in MD


    Seems like the “Awaiting moderation” display has been taken away.

    Yes, when submitting a post, it seems to just disappear completely now, which is disconcerting, and could lead to people attempting to post the same thing multiple times.

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249918
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    When you are trying to determine the Torah’s position, you must do so from a place of rationality. If you determine that the Torah’s position is that you use your emotions when dealing with your children, then you should use your emotions while dealing with your children. But while you are deciding what the Torah’s position is, you have to keep your emotions at bay.

    True, and good catch. I misread what yekke2 wrote. I wasn’t intending to imply that our emotions should override our obligation to learn and carry out the Torah’s position, but rather that when the Torah deals with emotional issues, it takes into account that we are emotional beings.

    in reply to: jewish communities game #1249935
    Avram in MD

    Georgia (US state), Atlanta

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249854
    Avram in MD


    The purpose of this thread is to discuss whether: (A) Should you be expressing your love, or should your reactions be stronger to the point of anger, and suppress the love you feel towards your son;

    Anger and love are not mutually exclusive. It is totally appropriate to let your child know in no uncertain terms that you feel angry about a choice s/he made, and doing that is not a suppression of love. When anger overcomes our ability to make proper decisions or is used to intimidate a child, however, it blocks any constructive message from going through.

    (B) Are you supposed to be feeling the love at all; if we would consider him a Rasha, may you love your son who is a Rasha.

    Ask Avraham Aveinu about Yishmael.

    but I’m wondering what the Torah position is when we think about it rationally, leaving our emotions aside.

    Why would we cast aside our emotions when we are dealing with an emotional question?

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249718
    Avram in MD


    there’s absolutely nothing disrespectful nor out of context in pointing out that the Torah and Shulchan Aruch tell us we must hit our children when necessary to discipline them. Period.

    Saying something emphatically does not make it so. The thread up to your post was not addressing corporal punishment. Additionally, you provided no context, guidelines, reasons, or sources for your statement, so readers have no idea in what context the Torah addresses corporal punishment. What value does that add to the discussion?

    If one wishes to make the argument that today’s generation needs to be dealt with using kid’s gloves, and thus physical discipline is verboten, fine – state the case effectively.

    What does the Torah say about someone who acts violently (e.g., breaks things) or irrationally (e.g., scatters his money) out of anger? The vast majority of hitting occurs due to impulsive anger, not a well thought out action plan. Put the tough parent vs permissive parent red herring argument aside for a minute. Hitting is a tremendous spiritual danger for a parent.

    But don’t be dismissive of when someone points out what clearly and unambiguously is told to us by the Torah and Halacha.

    I’ll stop being dismissive when you actually clearly and unambiguously state what’s in the Torah as taught by our teachers of this generation. Right now you just threw out a statement with no context.

    And was practiced throughout Jewish history uncontroversially.

    I’ll take the guidance of our Torah authorities over some guess as to how our fathers parented any day.

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249448
    Avram in MD


    It seems that neither of us have any problems with blunting teeth 🙂

    I never used the term “libs” (neither here nor elsewhere)

    I’m glad that your level of discourse is so high; however, you have used “liberals” as a pejorative, so your response is essentially a quibble. But that’s fine. I retract my association of you with the slang term “libs”.

    What I said was pure Torah and it was said because it is pure Torah.

    Pure Torah is given over in proper context. As an extreme example, we don’t utter some excerpts from Maseches Nidda or other sensitive sections in halacha randomly in the office or on the bus (or even here in the CR, as trolls have tried to do in the past). To do so, even if what is said is word-for-word accurate, is not respectful of Torah. Additionally, when statements are made out of context, they can be misleading.

    If you have a “hard time” with something the best course of action is to request help not sputter falsehoods.

    So help me understand how your comment furthers this discussion.

    in reply to: Do kids really hate vegetables? #1249320
    Avram in MD


    Honestly, I think popular culture tells kids not to like vegetables.

    Yes, exactly! We have a board book for toddlers that ends with (I’m going by memory), “…morning snack is here for you! Milk and cookies, and broccoli stew (eww!), for the bunny, not for you! (phew!)” My wife and I change the words when we read it, but it’s hard to change the facial expression of the character on the page. And that’s just one example. When I was growing up, the anti-“healthy” food messages coming through the sewage pipe (sorry, cable) to the television were numerous and unmistakable. With these constant messages going to our children, is it any surprise that they think they’re supposed to hate vegetables?

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249311
    Avram in MD


    Has this discussion of unconditional love broached the fact that the Torah, directly, and Shulchan Aruch, al pi halacha, tell us we are required to hit our children?

    Out of curiosity, was the purpose of writing this an attempt to further Torah knowledge, or was it using our holy Torah as a spade for your personal quest to troll those you consider “libs”? Given the complexity of the issue and the flippant, distorted way in which you brought it up, I have a hard time seeing the former.

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249281
    Avram in MD


    Undoubtedly most of the time it is assur to hit our children. That doesn’t change the fact that sometimes we are required to hit our children.

    Do you eat grasshoppers?

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249280
    Avram in MD

    Lilmod Ulelamaid,

    What an excellent post!


    Is the only reason they are more fragile simply because we have changed the way we deal with our kids? Is it a direct consequence of our forgiving patient model of Chinuch?

    No, the fragility comes from the fact that we are in golus, and we have not offered a korban on the mizbeach for almost 2000 years. That hurts us and weakens us, even if we’ve never known differently.

    Of course you can love a kid and still be sharp. But this isn’t the conventional “Unconditional Love”, where you are told not to react negatively to anything, but show a constant outpouring of love and support, simply ignoring the bad.

    If that’s what you think unconditional love is, then you have misread a lot of parenting books. Unconditional love is about maintaining a constant awareness of why I am a parent and what my goal as a parent is: to raise good, healthy Jewish children, and to maintain that awareness even during frustrating situations. There is a big difference between healthy discipline and reacting with little thought out of frustration, anger, or wanting to seem like a tough with-it parent in front of others. Or going to the other extreme and being a pushover because you want your kid to like you.

    in reply to: I don’t want to say “humankind” #1246719
    Avram in MD

    So don’t.

    in reply to: Video of woman being attacked at peleg protest #1246681
    Avram in MD


    Thanks for being the one to say that.

    I, for one, do not think that adocs’ “shaila” was serious. It was a rhetorical jab and guilt by association.

    in reply to: need kiruv advice #1246579
    Avram in MD


    Some have pointed out that kiruv works when a person feels loved, and less so when someone convinces the other that Torah is emesdik. This has been my observations as well — people become close to chabad, to Aish, or whatever, when they enjoy Friday night dinner, etc. But not because we discussed whether there is a god, and if so, blah blah blah.

    I actually had the opposite experience. I became convinced that the Torah was true based on personal study before I interacted regularly with frum Jews. My subsequent road to joining the frum community served up a mixture of warm, friendly experiences and cold, upsetting ones. Thank G-d, knowing that the Torah was perfect, even if individual Jews had flaws and made mistakes, helped me keep going down the road.

    But if this is true, that means that in theory kiruv could work for anything.

    Absolutely! Only I wouldn’t use the word kiruv, but salesmanship. Large grocery store chains employ psychologists to help develop a presentation that maximizes impulse buying (simple examples: note how the staple foods are often grouped on opposite sides of the store, and kids products are lower down, commonly with brightly colored cartoon characters that stare straight out into kids’ eyes, happy and creepy). Christian missionaries pull out all of the psychological stops: they act warm and caring, treat you like a hero if you accept their faith, and make you fear things that go bump in the night if you don’t accept. Auto companies are pros at making customers feel successful and beautiful in their vehicles. Salesmanship is not a good or bad thing – that depends on what is being sold. And that’s why kiruv (to bring close) is different.

    This seems disappointing because it means to me that we’re not *really* doing kiruv, just pushing on people’s psychological buttons, and manipulating them.

    If the goal of kiruv was to get people to come back for more Shabbos dinners, or to double the sale of gefilte fish (sorry, zahavasdad!), I would agree with you. But the goal of kiruv is to help someone to start their path with Hashem, and if the gateway to that path is made sweet, why would that be dishonest? On the other hand, I think it’s important for those creating warm kiruv environments to mention that not every environment may be as warm, and that the goal is a relationship with Hashem.

    But if it doesn’t…

    Even if it doesn’t, the person still did some mitzvos, which is a huge zechus both to him/her and his/her people!

    in reply to: Video of woman being attacked at peleg protest #1246560
    Avram in MD


    But the rest of the protesters are probably justified after she did what happened before the clip started.

    Yeah… no. We are responsible for our own behavior no matter what someone else does.

    in reply to: Video of woman being attacked at peleg protest #1246558
    Avram in MD


    This question is directed at anyone who supports these protests.

    I have no idea what the protests are about, so I cannot answer whether I “support” them or not. Is it not possible, however, for someone to support a cause but not violence supposedly in the name of that cause?

    I just want to know…i clearly saw someone kicking the woman. What is the heter for any physical contact with that woman?

    Do you think that a bank robber sees himself as relying on a heter? Why would you assume a criminal cares one iota for halacha?

    in reply to: Quick question #1246553
    Avram in MD

    baisyaakovliberal chucks the ball up at the basket:

    Why do many teachers in bais yaakov schools refer to their students as “future wives and mothers of klal yisroel” but rebbeim in yeshivos don’t refer to their students as “future husbands and fathers of klal yisroel”?

    Joseph grabs the ball and slam dunks it in:

    Because men and women are different and have very different roles in life.

    Brilliant alley-oop Poe-Troll play!

    in reply to: need kiruv advice #1244691
    Avram in MD


    Kiruv is a very dangerous field to be in.

    One can have the right motivations and still say the wrong thing and poison the whole operation

    So what do you recommend?

    in reply to: Kosher in Basking Ridge, NJ #1244668
    Avram in MD

    Ah, I see, the restaurant has Chinese menu items.

    in reply to: Kosher in Basking Ridge, NJ #1244655
    Avram in MD


    There is a kosher Chinese Restaurant not far from there, called Tokyo Hibachi.

    That doesn’t sound Chinese!

    in reply to: New CR Bug Reports #1244532
    Avram in MD

    Not a bug, but a suggestion: Allow users to edit their posts at any time, but keep a log of the edits at the bottom of the post – each edit submission adds a line such as “Edited by [poster] at NNNN EDT – diff” to the end of the post, where diff is a link that shows what was removed/added. Moderator edits should also generate lines, but with no diff link.

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1244522
    Avram in MD


    If damaging one’s body (which we have temporarily) warrants intervention, so much more so when damaging one’s neshama (which we have permanently) and olam haboh demands it.

    True, but just as we wouldn’t stop someone from damaging his body by damaging his body (for example, were you to c’v find your neighbor’s kid using drugs, you wouldn’t shoot them), one must address the spiritual issue without causing further spiritual damage.

    in reply to: What would you do? #1242667
    Avram in MD


    Most respondents to your OP are assuming that the reason you were uncomfortable knocking on his door was because of tznius. In a later post, however, you wrote that you would just ask him what he would have wanted you to do, which suggests that you are fine with having conversations with him (i.e., it doesn’t violate your sense of tznius or safety). Therefore, I am confused about your OP, because I do not understand why you wouldn’t feel comfortable knocking on his door.

    Also, what did you mean by,

    I don’t want to be the nice older neighbor next door

    in reply to: Downside to gaming computer #1227721
    Avram in MD


    Gaming computers generally have more powerful processors and better graphics. Is there a catch?

    If you’re talking about a desktop system, then the main catch would be price. If you’re looking for a laptop, gaming laptops may have short battery life and get hot underneath during heavy usage, so check reviews carefully.

    in reply to: Male hangers vs female hangers #1228526
    Avram in MD


    nowadays our understanding and sensitivity to the higher spiritual world has been deadened and hidden. trying to grasp it is trying to grasp Hashem. dont let the Yetzer Ha Rah stop you.

    I agree with this in principle, but one must be careful in the application. Our conduit to the spiritual world is Torah, and its core precepts should garner our primary attention. Spices smell very good and therefore capture our attention, and, applied with skill, can turn a regular meal into a gourmet masterpiece. But chasing after spices when there is no meat to put it on makes no meal at all.

    in reply to: Halacha: no chametz or sell chametz? #1225843
    Avram in MD


    Understood, thanks!

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222978
    Avram in MD


    You must like baby greens 🙂

    in reply to: Halacha: no chametz or sell chametz? #1225838
    Avram in MD


    So, having no chometz around is not an issue as far as not selling it, but you do lose the mitzvah of destroying it.

    Thank you for pointing that out. We separate pieces of chametz out specifically to be burned, so I wasn’t even thinking about that aspect – just the stuff that we put away and sell.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222976
    Avram in MD


    marror too, you have to eat a certain amount. I think its about 5 stalks of lettuce for a Kezayis

    Depends on the size of the stalks.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222974
    Avram in MD


    I have seen people do what lesschumras said about pushing for food and even complaining about it unfortunately.

    I have seen accidental pushing, with “oh, sorry, excuse me!” thrown in, but that is a normal pitfall of a large crowd trying to access a small space.

    I have seen people grab an entire plate of food off the table, but it’s usually to move it closer to their plates so they can serve themselves without spilling stuff all over the table. If I ask for the plate back politely I’m usually obliged politely.

    I have seen people standing at the communal tables and eating, but they are typically unaware that they are blocking others, and a quick “good Shabbos” or “excuse me” will get them to move.

    and there were several otherwise normal yet ravenous individuals in the group.

    I bet the davening ends fairly late at your shul.

    in reply to: Halacha: no chametz or sell chametz? #1225836
    Avram in MD

    To those asking why this specific question is a LOR question: Why?

    Has anyone heard of a requirement to possess chametz before Pesach so that it can be sold to a non Jew? I would think that if it were possible to be 100% rid of chametz before Pesach (thus not needing to sell anything), that would be fine, or even ideal, and it doesn’t require a rav to say that there’s no need to go out and buy chametz before Pesach just to have some to sell.

    Based on previous posts, I feel that lightbrite has a LOR, and these OPs are more for discussion than psak. If that’s not the case, then AYLOR away.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222966
    Avram in MD


    So, let’s assur any activity that might possibly, however remote, result in injury.

    Slippery slope fallacy, and ridiculous. Do you play Russian roulette for the fun of it?

    Golfer, it’s hard not to notice when 1.someone grabs an entire plate of Kishka for himself

    Never seen that at my shul.

    2. When someone elbows you out of the way to get a chulent refill

    Never seen that at my shul. The minhag in my shul is to politely say “good Shabbos” (translation: I don’t hate you, but get outta my way!)

    3. When someone stands eating at the table and refuses to move etc.

    Never seen that at my shul.

    Just because you’re a member of Temple Beth Boor doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

    Avram, boorish behavior is in the eye of the beholder.

    I do think eating contests are boorish, but not one time did I say that or use that in an argument. So why are you arguing with me like I did?

    By your definition, a frum slumlord is committing an avaira by putting the lives of his tenants at risk ( bad wiring, no heat hot water etc)

    Absolutely. Not to mention potential chillul Hashem. Why would you think I would feel any differently? Dude, lose the prejudice and hatred against your brethren.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222964
    Avram in MD


    What does that mean?

    I was kidding. In just under a month, we’ll probably start reading complaints in the CR about how the shiurim (amounts of matza and marror we’re required to eat at the seder) grow each year, like the big ol’ fish that Bubba caught back in the day.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222961
    Avram in MD

    That wasn’t a contest, your childhood rav just held by Great Gedalia Goomber’s shiurim 🙂

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222959
    Avram in MD


    4. What about a children’s eating contest?

    Didn’t think about it back then, but I once babysat for a Jewish family. The children had a gherkin eating contest.

    The parents allowed it.

    I was there watching as they were laughing and stuffing their faces.

    I personally have discouraged my kids from competing with each other while eating, but every child and every situation are different, so it’s up to the loving parents. Depending on the ages and type of food, there still could be a choking risk to watch out for, but siblings at the table who are having fun are unlikely to “push past the pain” and risk hurting themselves.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222957
    Avram in MD


    and the general populace who wanted to know how overeating and wasting food helps those who are starving and need assistance to provide meals.

    Because eating contests are “entertaining” to watch – it’s a modern day bloodsport – and thus lucrative. Nathan’s hotdogs makes a lot of money off of their eating contests. Instead of watching gladiators maul each other in the Colosseum, “modern civilized” folk watch people maul their own bodies with food.

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222955
    Avram in MD


    Don’t let your vendetta against perceived “chumras” overload your common sense. Do you really intend to argue that endangering your life in order to win a prize is muttar?

    in reply to: Hot Dog Eating Contest #1222954
    Avram in MD

    Food “eating” contests are extremely dangerous to the participants, and for that reason alone should be assur. Eating huge amounts of food in a very short period of time is extremely unhealthy, and can cause serious gastroparesis and could require surgery.

    Back in 2007, a California radio station held a water drinking contest for a video came console, and a woman died of water intoxication after trying to compete.

    In 2010, a boy choked to death during a hotdog eating contest to benefit victims of the Haiti earthquake.

    in reply to: What to do when attacked by anti-semite? #1222729
    Avram in MD


    Furthermore, someone who is that angry/deranged/skewed generally is not going to consider what I am saying or any logic for the matter. Instead the person will get defensive.

    Yes, exactly. If someone is so outside the bounds of normal human decency that s/he would hurl abuse at someone, or say horrible things about someone to others as if that’s a normal thing to do, then there’s no way that person is safe to interact with.

    In my mind, social disengagement is the most powerful response. Stony silence after “jokes” sends a pretty clear and strong message to most people that they have stepped outside of proper societal bounds. What seems more problematic in your case to me was that the store employees were “playing along” with the deranged customer. Rather than being treated like the loon he was, his destructive behavior was reinforced. Given that, the best response would probably still be coldness and silence towards the offending employees, but lodging a complaint with management might be appropriate too. The store managers should know if a customer had a bad experience in the store.

    in reply to: What age to start smoking #1222876
    Avram in MD


    Let’s take it really slowly, step by step.

    1. Popa bar Abba asked when the best time to start smoking is.

    2. You responded that in his case, the sooner the better, because that would benefit you. Presumably this is a joke – implying facetiously that you do not like Popa bar Abba and would like to see him get sick and die and thus out of your hair.

    3. Meno does not think such jokes are appropriate coming from a self-described medical person. I cannot tell if he is joking back at you or not.

    in reply to: Clarity feedback request #1222203
    Avram in MD

    Very clear! I might try the game out on an upcoming Shabbos.

    in reply to: What to do when attacked by anti-semite? #1222710
    Avram in MD


    The police would do nothing. The police have better than to do than deal with an Anti-Semetic verbal incident

    Perhaps not if you make their job easier, with a license plate number and witness(es).

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