Forum Replies Created
Avram in MDParticipant
Little Froggie,
I doubt anyone here drive a 1996
You’re right, I don’t drive a 1996. I drive a 1992. I’m guessing it has around 230K miles, but I cannot tell you for sure because the odometer was broken for a number of years. Original engine. Other than the heat, pretty much nothing else works anymore. Some of the gears are acting up, and I’m hoping the car doesn’t need a clutch job before I stop needing the car.
December 28, 2017 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438916Avram in MDParticipantzahavasdad,
Has that been confirmed by the Vaad of Queens?
December 28, 2017 1:02 pm at 1:02 pm in reply to: PSA About the Use of the Phrase “Trolling” š¢ #1438830Avram in MDParticipantNeville ChaimBerlin,
Thatās not trolling. When David Duke publishes his Antisemitism, itās not trolling; he really believes the stuff. It riles people up because heās a jerk, not a troll.
Your definition is simply not correct. Using anti-Semites as an example like you did, an infamous neo-Nazi Web site makes itself a base for what it calls a “troll army” to attack prominent Jews in the media. The neo-Nazis on that site thus really do believe what they are saying, yet refer to themselves as trolls. Additionally, governments, organizations, and political factions are increasingly resorting to online trolling as a means to advance their agendas or products.
I understand that you may be concerned about someone with honestly held controversial views who unintentionally disrupts a forum or engenders highly emotional responses being labeled a troll perhaps unfairly, or people using troll as an ad hominem to attack those with differing positions, but your redefinition of the term is much too narrow. I would broaden the definition of troll to mean someone on an online forum who attempts to provoke, surreptitiously influence (e.g., caution trolls, or sockpuppetry), or cause pain, regardless of what his/her true views are.
Yes it does, but ātrollingā is not CR specific slang. Itās a popular internet slang word which just happens to be misused a lot on this site.
I’ve typically seen it used correctly here, and with a few exceptions, those identified as trolls are usually rightly identified.
December 27, 2017 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Enough with the multiple threads started at the same time about the same topic! #1437839Avram in MDParticipantRebYidd23,
You posted that under the wrong name.
December 27, 2017 2:29 pm at 2:29 pm in reply to: How can people live in America? It’s so scary and dangerous there #1437745Avram in MDParticipantRabbi of Crawley,
The fact that you think that Jordan and Lebanon (!!!) are nice, safe places to visit does not bode well for our impressions of Britain. Like someone from Canada saying that Chicago is not so cold.
December 27, 2017 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1437609Avram in MDParticipantAvi K,
C’mon, don’t offer him another rabbit trail to go down just yet!
December 27, 2017 10:58 am at 10:58 am in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1437343Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
you didnāt add much in your last comment other than hot air
I’m only responding to the material I’m given. Try writing something more substantive than baseless insinuations and fallacious statements, and maybe you’ll get more than hot air in response.
What ātactā is lacking in explaining it? Kohanim are more chashuv and important than Yisroelim. … You see saying all that as tactless?
Yeah, that was pretty tactless. And in a world iy”H soon where we feel pulled towards the ketores, towards offering our own korbonos, and towards experiencing closeness with Hashem in the kodesh kodashim, you might want to work on that delivery when talking to your children.
Those same principles between a Kohein and Yisroel apply between a man and a woman.
Yet the man and woman case seems to be the only one that interests you. Why is that?
When the goy came to R’ Hillel and challenged him to explain the entire Torah while he stood on one foot, he did not say, “if a man and a woman both need saving but you can only save one, the man comes before the woman. That’s the Torah, the rest is commentary, now go learn it.” What did R’ Hillel say?
Regarding establishing a state, the issue is the Three Oaths.
Who said anything about establishing a state? Is someone else named Avram posting in this thread, and I can’t see his posts?
How does saying the Halacha regarding men and women provoke goyim?
You answered your own question pretty well, so if you really care, you can go back and reread your own post. However, that’s your argument, not mine. I’m not concerned with provoking the goyim in this thread. I’m concerned about protecting the Torah’s honor, and not making it into a spade for anyone’s misogynistic dig. By responding to your points regarding bris mila and shechita, I was just pointing out an interesting contradiction in your approach to Jewish interactions with the non-Jewish world.
December 26, 2017 3:51 pm at 3:51 pm in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1437009Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
So youāve now jumped from … [blah blah blah]
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Hamevin yavin.
Your Agagi example is incomparable since he specifically and overtly used it to attack Yidden.
Once again you make my point before I can! The example is quite apropos.
You still have failed to, despite being asked to, identify which Halachas should be toned down from being publicly discussed āeven though the halachos are correctā, and what criteria youāve come up with.
That’s not my job. Most people learn about what is and is not appropriate to say and when to say or not say it when they are young.
Toeiva, shechita, avoda zora, gender roles?
Nope, nope, nope, nope. I’m not uncomfortable with any of those concepts. You may think that attempting to bully me through insinuations that I’m influenced by goyish mores and values will be effective. Sorry, it comes off like shooting wildly in the dark.
it would be unusual and interesting but no one would get bent out of shape because he repeated it so. Even if he kept saying it to Yisroelim.
I disagree, I think it would come off as rude, condescending, weird, and creepy. That said, the reason we don’t have much of an emotional response to the differences in status between kohanim and Yisroelim is due to the long darkness of golus. We don’t remember the avoda of the Beis Hamikdash, and don’t yearn for it properly. IY”H soon may we have to have some additional sensitivity and tact in explaining why kohanim get to do things that the rest of us don’t.
If someone would present a halachic argument here, even a convoluted one, making that same argument in support of the reverse of what I showed from Halacha, Iām quite sure you wouldnāt be jumping all up and down about how terrible it is to say that.
Wrong. Obviously you don’t read much of what I write. But that’s fine.
But regarding this cited Halacha youāre embarrassed how the goyim perceive it. Thatās the only motivation to be upset to hear the Halacha in public.
Wrong again. I’m not concerned with how the goyim perceive halacha at all.
If the goyim in the near future widely start deeming shechita as cruelty to animals or bris milah as child abuse, something certainly within the realm of possibility in the future
I share those fears.
I can see those with your thought process insisting we not too loudly or too much or publicly discuss shechita or mila.
Absolutely, but not CV”S because I’m “embarrassed” by those mitzvos, but because I treasure them and want to perform them without interference. It’s interesting that you seem to get that we are in golus and shouldn’t excessively provoke the goyim in regards to things like yishuv baaretz, but on other matters you seem to have no compunction to provoke. But all of that is irrelevant here. I doubt many, if any goyim are on the CR.
December 26, 2017 10:37 am at 10:37 am in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1436578Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
While your characterization is completely inaccurate, as I havenāt mentioned this Halacha in years (provide a few links to several examples if you feel otherwise)
Whatever. See: for example. You’ve probably had to lay off the topic for a while to keep the mods from blocking your posts.
If someone were to repeatedly bring up in the CR in numerous threads halachos about …
Yayin nesech is certainly not controversial to discuss in the beis medrash. But consider what the Agagi did with those halachos when he went to King Ahashverosh and said, “if a fly falls into a Jew’s cup of wine, he will pluck it out and drink the wine, but if the king touches a Jew’s wine, he’ll dump it out!” That statement was 100% factual, but due to the context it was cited as an example of Haman’s evil.
If instead of this Halacha I had cited the Halacha about the requirement to save a Kohein before a Yisroel would your reaction have been as equally vocal
You just destroyed your own argument. I would have brought this up had you not. We do not have a kohen constantly reminding us of this halacha on the CR. If we did, we’d probably think there was something mentally wrong with him.
December 25, 2017 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1436362Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
If a part of the Torah offended you, you should seek an explanation from a chachom rather than set off against what you donāt like or invent your own boich svara that is different than what the Halacha clearly states.
No part of the Torah offends me. Misuse of the Torah, however, does. Some parts of the Torah have very specific intent or context, or deal with very sensitive issues. If a man decided to shout out those halachos repeatedly on the subway in a mixed crowd, it’d be highly inappropriate. And a chillul Hashem. Even though the halachos are correct.
The fact that you repeatedly bring this halacha up on the CR in numerous threads indicates problems with your mindset, not the Torah.
December 21, 2017 1:12 pm at 1:12 pm in reply to: Would you try kosher locust protein powder? (FOOD TECH) #1431433Avram in MDParticipantLightbrite,
Solaro: Arenāt bugs animals? Maybe it would be considered meat, like chicken?
Fish are animals, but their meat is pareve. Locusts would be treated like fish. Basar v’chalav (laws of meat and dairy) apply only to the animals included in the Torah D’oraisa prohibition (kosher domesticated animals) and the rabbinical extension of the prohibition (e.g., “wild” animals, fowl).
December 21, 2017 12:51 pm at 12:51 pm in reply to: Would you try kosher locust protein powder? (FOOD TECH) #1431425Avram in MDParticipantIf one doesn’t have a mesora for which locusts are kosher, then none can be eaten. Do any communities other than the Teimanim have such a mesora?
December 21, 2017 11:07 am at 11:07 am in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1431343Avram in MDParticipantSyag Lchochma,
but some in my neck of the woods are waiting with bated breath for that extra $80 in their paycheck so they can buy some amoxicillin.
Anyone paying $80 for amoxicillin is getting fleeced and the pharmacy may be doing something illegal. Even without insurance, a typical course of amoxicillin should cost around $15.
That said, I agree with you that Obamacare has not been all positive. My insurance premiums have gone up quite a bit, and prescription coverage has become poorer – though some of that may be because the cost of some drugs has skyrocketed. There are quite a few quirks and inconsistencies in the law; for example, the main driver for keeping insurance prices down in Obamacare is an influx of young, healthy policyholders via the mandate, but this influx is limited by the law itself, because it allows children to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26. Given the benefits of the law, however, I favor well thought out adjustments and modifications rather than repeal. Just axing the mandate will do nothing but make things worse.
December 21, 2017 10:34 am at 10:34 am in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1431299Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
××× ××××Ø×× ××Øש××Ŗ,ש××× ×ק×Ø××× ×× ×××× ××× ×צ××Ø× ×¢×¦××. × ×Ø××× ××××××× ×שע×Ŗ ×× ××Ŗ×, ×××× ×¢××××× ×× ×××× ×שע×Ŗ ××ק×
Baruch Hashem Who is matir assurim! And yes, we owe President Trump much hakaras hatov for taking this action, whether we voted for him or not.
December 20, 2017 11:19 am at 11:19 am in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1430737Avram in MDParticipantSechel HaYashar,
I agree with you that religion in general, and Yiddishkeit in particular, are endangered by the political climate. And you have articulately expressed the dangers presented by recent trends among secular Democrats. I think it’s unwise, however, to turn a blind eye to the dangers coming from Republican politics, however, which are co-opting religion for political purposes. Even if the Republican platform was closer to representing Jewish values than the Democratic platform, which I don’t believe, closer is not necessarily better. Open Orthodoxy is closer to Judaism than Reform, but presents a greater danger to the frum world.
December 20, 2017 11:14 am at 11:14 am in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1430702Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
Farshteit zich that we have to choose the one that is closer to our ideals, from the poor choices weāre offered.
Explain how the Republicans are a “poor choice” in your mind, because from your posts here it seems you are in complete lockstep with the party.
December 20, 2017 11:12 am at 11:12 am in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1430697Avram in MDParticipantWhy do we have to choose a party which is ācloser to our idealsā? Both are too far from our ideals for that to even be a consideration. We need to vote for candidates who we think will make the best officials ā all the while realizing that lev mālochim vāsarim bāyad Hashem, but we still need to go through the motions.
We don’t vote for “parties”, we vote for candidates. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are my “team.” My team is klal Yisroel, and our mission is to serve Hashem, not score political points on the backs of perceived opponents.
December 18, 2017 10:26 am at 10:26 am in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1429234Avram in MDParticipantNeither political party has a Torah perspective, and to try and wedge the Torah into the Republican or Democratic platform is wrong and dangerous.
Avram in MDParticipantFor those with sensitivities to certain chemical fragrances, scented dryer sheets and detergents are awful. Sometimes I have to cross the street to avoid the fragrances when dryers are running in people’s houses.
December 15, 2017 11:09 am at 11:09 am in reply to: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date? #1428019Avram in MDParticipantIs this family going to call their son’s new boss to vent their fury that he has a long commute to work?
December 15, 2017 11:06 am at 11:06 am in reply to: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date? #1428003Avram in MDParticipantMTAB,
For each date, he had to take her out of the town so nobody would see her. So he had to plan out dates out of town and drive there after his hour drive.
So this is a little bit strange, and the young man can certainly factor this in when considering whether he wants a second date or not. Or he can talk with the young lady about it and maybe gain some perspective. But ultimately it was his choice to go with it, and a mature adult takes responsibility for his decisions.
The family is furious at me for enabling the whole thing. And I hear their point. But their fury really should be directed at the system which uses up the boys.
Wait, the family is furious? And at YOU for the young man deciding to go on a third date? Sounds like this young lady really dodged a bullet.
December 15, 2017 11:06 am at 11:06 am in reply to: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date? #1427993Avram in MDParticipantMTAB,
No, itās a whole lot of good points. Put yourself in the boyās shoes if you are capable of empathy.
Wait, you’re asking me to show empathy, when while addressing potential discomfort for the young lady, you retorted that life is full of discomforts? And complaining about a young man’s hour long drive for a date is most certainly whining. Cry me a river! The commute for my first job was an hour each way, plus three miles of walking, rain, snow, or sunshine. The commute for my second job was also an hour each way of driving through brutal traffic. And guess what? Nobody gives out medals of valor for commuting. You want something? You have to work for it.
And at the end of the day, the young man made his own choice. He’s not a slave. He’s free to stay in the comforts of his home and look for a young lady who lives in his town. He chose to travel a longer distance in order to increase his prospects. The long drive was a known part of that choice.
Look at what Iām saying, the guy is doing everything.
The young man is free to do or not do whatever he pleases. All of the responses in this thread are simply suggesting what is polite and would make a good impression.
That is not good even for the date. It creates a situation where the girl is passive and passive people tend to be judgmental. They have nothing to do but judge. People need to be busy. Haimish dating leaves the girl with nothing to do but expect.
The funny thing is, the young women say the same thing. That they have to be and look perfect, and the young man judges them based on a short and superficial first impression. Stop making this into a male vs. female war, and just accept that dating is hard on everyone, and move on.
Itās amazing how everybody acknowledges the shidduch crisis but yet most are resistent to any changes in our methods, even though we picked up half of them from the goyim.
The shidduch crisis certainly does not bolster your argument. And what exactly did we pick up from the goyim? And rather than complaining about what is, how about sharing some ideas of your own?
December 13, 2017 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm in reply to: Is it acceptable to go for a walk on the 1st date? #1426936Avram in MDParticipantMTAB,
Let me see if I understand. The guy asks the girl out or calls the shadchan who gives him a number. He makes the call, then must ask her out, then must travel to her, then must think of something wonderful to do and it canāt be in her neighborhood because someone might see her, then he must pay for the wonderful activity and the whole time make sure she is perfectly comfy in all ways. And if he stumbles in any these steps, then she must run because obviously he is an axe murderer. Her job is to judge him.
That’s a whole lot of whining. Look, do you want to eat? If yes, then you must find a source of income, travel to the store, pick out what wonderful foods you can find and afford, buy it, shlep it home, put it away, prepare a meal, go to the table, and eat it. And cleaning up after yourself is a bonus. The way of the world is that you have to put in effort. Does a young man want a wife? Then he must put in the effort. Be a man.
Do I have it right? Wonderful system.
What would you suggest? Going to bars like non-Jews? Have the young women call the men and set up the dates? I doubt men would fare better in that situation.
do you have sons? You want them to go through this nonsense?
Please Hashem.
Avram in MDParticipantslominer,
At what age is it kinda late to wait to, to start toilet training a toddler?
I think between 2 and 3 years old is most common, though a few kids might show readiness before 2, and a few may not be fully ready until 4. Beyond that, one should probably schedule a visit to the doctor to rule out any underlying problems. Nighttime bed-wetting beyond age 4 is more common than many parents (and kids) think, and doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem.
December 11, 2017 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) š¤ #1424478Avram in MDParticipantChabadshlucha,
There really was a plan a. However what I said still stands.
You said that the etz pri hadaas was essentially a set-up. By this do you mean that, despite the fact that Hashem told Adam to not eat from the tree, He meant for them to? Sorry, I have a hard time believing that our Creator, who commanded us not to put a stumbling block before the blind, and who said through His prophet, “choose life!” would desire a sin and the death it brought.
Sounds like you never heard of the concept before.
I have, but never from an Orthodox Jew.
So I guess it could be another discussion if you want. I may need hypo on up the sources though, so is this only foreign to avrammd? Abs others can fill in?
Go right ahead.
December 11, 2017 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) š¤ #1424277Avram in MDParticipantChabadshlucha,
But he knows that Hashem set up Adam and Chava for chet etz hadaas so really He wanted the system to work this way.
Woah wait, stop the wagon. I cannot for one second believe that Hashem commanded Adam and Chava to not eat from the etz pri hadaas while secretly wanting them to, so that their sin somehow caused the world to function in the way He intended to. That is completely contrary to the plain meaning of the pesukim, and it implies, CV”S, that Hashem is deceptive. Yet, as we say every day at the end of Shema: Hashem Elokeichem Emes. It is clear that Hashem did not want Adam and Chava to eat from the tree, and that their doing so resulted in extremely negative consequences for the world, and required adjustments to Hashem’s plans for humanity, most notably the exile from Gan Eden.
Convenient answers to your question are that man, not G-d, causes suffering due to sinning. And that suffering is a kapara. And that suffering yields opportunities for a man to elevate himself, such as the testing of the Avos. These answers are all true, but probably feel distant and cold to someone who, G-d forbid, has a child who is suffering. Nobody knows the answer to your question, because we cannot understand even the tiniest fraction of Hashem’s perspective. All I know is we do not see the whole picture, and Hashem loves us more than we can know. And it’s ok to cry.
Avram in MDParticipantI second Kirkland Signature (Costco) as good quality non “name” brand paper towels.
Calm down, this is the CoffeeRoom.
Avram in MDParticipantTo strengthen Mammele’s suggestion with personal experience: a few months ago there was an avel who served as shaliach tzibbur a lot at my shul. He, for some reason, had completely changed his havara to something other than what his original custom was, and it was a type of pronunciation that was both very uncommon and not consistent. Additionally, he literally sounded uncomfortable pronouncing some of the words in shemoneh esrei with these changes – coughing, lose his breath, etc. – which made it painful to listen to. I felt very annoyed, and would inwardly groan when he went to the amud, and I felt guilty at the same time for being annoyed. One evening after maariv it was raining and I saw him walking home, so I offered him a ride. He politely refused, but after that point we would greet each other in shul if we crossed paths. I found that my annoyance was still there, but substantially reduced.
Avram in MDParticipantlitvishechossid,
Just wondering. Does anyone think the landing was real or not.
The technology they used was less than an iphone 5. How is that possible?
Apples and oranges. Your iPhone5 can’t drive you to the store, but the automobile, which has been around in some form since 1886, can.
Their equipment moonwalkers and all looked like they were wrapped in aluminum foil and created in an arts and crafts project. If it really occured then it is mighty impressive.
None of the equipment looked like that to me. Have you seen any of it in person, e.g., at the Kennedy Space Center in FL, or the Air and Space Museums in DC? Keep in mind that whatever the astronauts took to the moon had to be launched up there from Earth. They couldn’t bring the kitchen sink with them! There had to be a balance between the safety threshold and the weight threshold. So aesthetics took a backseat to functionality. Maybe some day in the future humans will be able to wield sleek, powerful looking spacecraft.
If they did it back in 69 using practically an iphone 5, why cant they do it today? Isnt technology much more advanced?
Computing technology is certainly orders of magnitude more advanced, but other technologies such as rockets, spacecraft, etc. are not much more advanced. The Apollo Program was extremely rushed, and there was a gigantic budget, so a lot of waste was tolerated. Huge Saturn V rockets launched 3-part spacecraft, only 1 part of which returned to Earth and was not reused.
The Space Shuttle program was an attempt to bring down the costs of space travel yet still transport heavy items to orbit via reusable vehicles, but it was still extremely expensive. The fuel tanks couldn’t be reused (they burned up on re-entry), the solid fuel booster rockets had to be found in the ocean and repaired/refurbished, and the shuttles themselves required extensive maintenance and took large amounts of time to become spaceworthy again after a mission. The high costs of the shuttle program probably hampered other things NASA could have been doing. And NASA’s budget is a fraction of what it was during the space race with the USSR.
Is it odd that humanity left a footprint on the otherwise untouched and pure moon?
It’s amazing!
December 3, 2017 9:46 am at 9:46 am in reply to: WaPo Article When Lubavitcher Rebbe Was Niftar #1417206Avram in MDParticipantIf Moshiach were to come from the dead, wouldn’t Dovid Mamelech himself be the ideal candidate?
December 3, 2017 9:28 am at 9:28 am in reply to: What’s a good setup for a Chanukah holiday pic of my dog? #1417201Avram in MDParticipantTake a picture of your dog chewing up a stick in the back yard, and you with the menora and latkes. Sticks are for dogs, Chanukah is for Jewish humans. You’ll both be happy š
November 29, 2017 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm in reply to: Hashkafic views on taking money from the medinah #1415376Avram in MDParticipantAvi K,
2. Why donāt they says the tefilla for the Medina or at least the misheberach forthe soldiers. Do they not want Hashem to give us a wise government? Do they not want the soldiers to come back in one piece?
I don’t think this is fair. One can care about the welfare of the soldiers and pray for the government, yet still feel uncomfortable with making structural changes to the tefilla, or adding moadim to the calendar.
3. I agree that those who are really learning should have some kind of deferment. What about learning in an IDF bet midrash in a hesder-type arrangement and saying that it is for the merit of the troops? Why not become chaplains and give shurim?
In theory, I think that’s a wonderful idea. I think the chareidim, however, distrust the army’s intentions – they see the army as desiring to assimilate them, to change their lifestyles. And, frankly, the army has done little to ameliorate those concerns, and a lot to amplify them.
Would it not be much better for them to go into the army, get out their aggressions in a socially acceptable manner and the get jobs after they have cooled off?
Aggression is not something that can be vented. Acting out on anger only leads to more anger, it does not dissipate it. A change of attitude is required.
November 29, 2017 1:35 pm at 1:35 pm in reply to: Rav Avigdor Miller on Satmerers and Lubavitchers Holding Hands #1415278Avram in MDParticipantI think they’re talking about the thread title, which was kind of strange, not Rav Miller’s words, which were not.
November 29, 2017 1:01 pm at 1:01 pm in reply to: Why Are Gedolei Yisroel Silent Or Complicit In The Peleg Demonstrations? #1415192Avram in MDParticipantWow, I thought you were going to manage to write that entire post in one sentence, but a period finally appeared about halfway through. Still, it’s gotta be a near-CR record.
Avram in MDParticipantLilmod Ulelamaid,
In the US (at least in the NY area), people tend to keep the heat on very high in the winter (not sure why people want to be hotter in the winter than in the summer, but whatever..),
When our system is set for the furnace, we keep the thermostat at 68 degrees. When it’s set for air conditioning, the thermostat is set to 74 degrees, though sometimes we pull it down to 72 on Fridays to counter all of the heat rising from the kitchen. So our house is almost never warmer in the winter than it is in the summer. I’d imagine most people set their thermostats similarly. Otherwise, the heating bills would be outrageous.
November 27, 2017 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm in reply to: Where did all these Chabad warriors come from? #1413240Avram in MDParticipantNeville ChaimBerlin,
Nah, the fireworks are plentiful, but not as bright. By the Zionist threads, Zionists are called Nazis doing maasei soton and shmadding Torah yidden, and anti-Zionists are turning their backs on Hashem and won’t go up to E”Y at the geula.
This is gentle ribbing in comparison.
November 27, 2017 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm in reply to: Where did all these Chabad warriors come from? #1413114Avram in MDParticipant770Chabad,
Why about zionist?
Try it, you’ll find out.
Avram in MDParticipantMoshiachChat,
I appreciate ur comment, but Iām confused about ur not looking for who is moshiach. The Sdei Chemed says people in EVERY generation are accustomed to look for who moshiach is. āAll this is obviousā he says. Why not do the custom of every generation?
I am not familiar with that Sdei Chemed, but what you are depicting as obvious I see as dangerous. We are supposed to yearn for Moshiach, because upon his coming our relationship with Hashem will be restored to the way it’s supposed to be. But even Moshe Rabbeinu had to hide in the cleft of the rock and wait until Hashem’s glory had passed before he could see. Trying to predict when, or guess who, is far more likely to lead to heartbreak and disaster than an answer. Indeed many people have been “accustomed” to look for Moshiach, and our history bears this out with story after story of false messiahs and pain. Hashem controls the entire universe. When He wants us to know, we’ll know. No need for gymnastics.
November 27, 2017 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm in reply to: Where did all these Chabad warriors come from? #1413049Avram in MDParticipantThey’re valiant, but not the best tacticians. If they want to put a stop to the Chabad storm on the CR, they should open a few Zionist/anti-Zionist threads, or Tzniyus threads. Problem solved.
November 27, 2017 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm in reply to: ACHDUS! Chabad And Judaism Are One! Let’s Bring Moshiach Together #1412734Avram in MDParticipantachdus,
Did you slip on a yellow flag on the sidewalk last week or something?
November 27, 2017 11:19 am at 11:19 am in reply to: Machlokes over Eruv versus Machlokes over sports #1412335Avram in MDParticipantMeno,
What (frum) community is fighting over sports?
Frum communities where there are sports teams that are actually good. Unlike yours, apparently. >:)
Avram in MDParticipantzahavasdad,
The Agudah used to have their convention this weekend and they used to serve Turkey
Turkey means nothing unless it’s accompanied by jellied cranberries and the green bean/portabella mushroom casserole with fried onions on top. Did they serve those too?
Avram in MDParticipantChabadshlucha,
The Rebbe definitely fulfilled the first four: he started the momentous baal teshuva movement as waged the wars of Hashem against assimilation the continuation of which is ongoing by his over 5000 shluchim. And all it takes to qualify is sincere effort, not complete success as that is the first of the conditions for Moshiach vadai
You can’t have it both ways. Did he fulfill it, and there are no longer any non-observant Jews and the enemies of our people are vanquished? Or did he not fulfill it? You can’t say he fulfilled it, but then say he did not, but sincere effort was all that was needed. For me to be a grocery shopper I have to go to the store and shop. I cannot drive halfway there and then be called a grocery shopper because I made a sincere effort to get to the store.
Avram in MDParticipantChaim Eliezer,
How could the Rebbe have been so irresponsible as to orphan his Chssidim? Is it any wonder they have been subject to troubling ideas about him?
This doesn’t make sense. We’re not talking about young children here, but grown adults, who, per Chabadshlucha and Sechel HaYashar, are as learned or more learned than other Jews.
Avram in MDParticipantChabadshlucha,
So when I say chassidus 101 I am referring to Chabad chassidus.
For the purposes of respectful interactions, it’s probably best to write out Chabad chassidus when interacting with Jews who are not Lubavitchers. If someone explained a non-Chabad idea to you and told you he was explaining Judaism to you, you’d probably be offended.
Avram in MDParticipantSechel HaYashar,
I donāt know where you get these sheer and utter nonsensical statements from, do they teach them in school or did you make it up? The Rebbe zyāa never said not to fast on YK. Nor did he say Moshiach is already here.
DaasYochid didn’t say he did either. The point of his question is, what exactly happened that caused the messianic fervor to increase in those specific years?
Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
ChabadShlucha: When do you plan on answering the questions in the very first post (the OP) of this thread?
Well, before I answer that, we need to make sure that we have an understanding of what we mean by “question”. To facilitate this, I will present a 15 shiurim course on the subject for you lucky participants in this thread over the next week or so. Once that is completed and there are no further questions, we can address your questions. Except that since I just said there are no further questions, there will be nothing to address. Any questions?
November 22, 2017 11:06 am at 11:06 am in reply to: Is yogurt of significant economic importance? #1409003Avram in MDParticipantRebYidd23,
Would anyone notice if it were all replaced by soft cheese blended with milk?
Besides the changes in taste and texture, the spike in food-related illnesses would be a clear giveaway.
November 22, 2017 10:39 am at 10:39 am in reply to: COLLECTION AGENCY NIGHTMARE PLEASE HELP!! #1408928Avram in MDParticipantIf they haven’t already, demand that the collection agency first contact you in writing. First contact should never be by phone, and do not give out any personal information over the phone. The collection agency must provide you their name, telephone number, name of the creditor, the amount owed, when the debt was incurred, and who is responsible for the debt. You can also send them letters specifying how you want or don’t want to be contacted. If they are repeatedly calling you, calling you late at night, threatening you, or publicizing your debt to anyone other than a credit score agency, their behavior is likely illegal. Keep records of all communications and interactions and contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Avram in MDParticipantChabadshlucha,
The part thatās universal is that we all have a breakfast, which at itās core, is one with Hashem
Right, but some (Chabad) eat it before davening, while most wait until afterwards.