Avi K

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  • in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848401
    Avi K

    Popa, anything which is needed for the morale of the troops is part of pikuach nefesh. Obviously there was a reason why a distinction was made between ceremonies and entertainment.

    As for heterim, read Rabbi Bleich’s article on the subject in Contemporary Halachic Problems (offhand I do not remeber if it is in vol. 1 or 2 but you might benefit from both volumes).

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843587
    Avi K

    See Mishna Berura 561:2 (written when the Turks were in control) that even when the cities of Yehuda are populated by Jews they are considered desolate so long as there is not Jewish rule. See also (if you have a version not censored by the anti-Zionists) Chiddushei Chatam Sofer Sukka 36a that any work one does in Eretz Yisrael is a kiyum of the mitzva of building the Land. Thus, the zionists were and are filled with mitzvot like a pomegranate.

    HaKatan, if not for the Zionists the Arabs would have slaughtered whatever few Tora learners there were in Eretz Yisrael (as they did in Tarpat). Rav Soloveichik said that if not for the State almost all the surviviors of the Holocaust would have assimilated out of fear and depression.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848386
    Avi K

    Popa, there are heterim, for example, if she sings through a micrrophone. Obviously the Army Rabbinate was consulted and it was decided that there is a need which justifies relying on kulot.

    What about the fact that you are mevatel an asseh (Rambam Hilchot Melachim 5:1 AND 6:4)? As we all know, an asseh is doche a lo taaseh (if kol isha is d’oraita, which is not clear). Not to mention the fact that the Chofetz Chaim encouraged young Jewish men to join Goyish armies – and asked those who planned to dodge the draft what they would do when we have our owm state and army -even though they would have to do many more issurim.

    Cantgetit, Rav Shach gave each person who asked a personal pesak (as with everything else). Once, a very promising bachur felt a strong need to join the IDF (it was during wartime). His rabbanim brought him to Rav Shach and he told them not to “break” the boy. B”H he is still frum. How much more so boys who are not cut out for learning and will at best hang around the coffee machine (in Israeli slang there is even a word for them: parparim – butterflies) or at worst become part of the Shaba Charedi and terrorize their neighbors – as is happening in Mea Shearim.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848375
    Avi K


    1. Which gedolim? You remind me of the pashkavillim wroiters who sign “harabbanim shelita”. Which rav? The erev rav? Harav im kulam?

    2. Learn Tanach – unless your “gedolim” have banned it as Zionistic. David had an army. Learn Gemara. Just as Yoav needed David, David needed Yoav (Sanhedrin 49a)

    3. I doubt very much that Rav Shach stood up just because he liked his grandson. He stood up davka when he was in uniform – he stood up for the uniform.

    4. Is it also assur to have dealings with the Medina in order to take or just to give?

    5. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (I presume thaty ou have heard of him) used to go to Har Herzl to visit kivrei tzaddikim. He was very machmir that one should violate Shabbat to make things easier for combat soldiers in wartime.

    in reply to: Ban of mishpacha and others bans #841081
    Avi K

    I think that they are talking about a newspaper of the same name – especially as the YWN article said that the background is a dispute with Yated.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843581
    Avi K

    Health, who? Rav Soloveichik supported the establishment of the state. The leader of the Aguda in Eretz Yisrael signed the Declaration. Those in favor of settlement of the Land as a prelude to a state also include the Or Sameach, trhe Avnei Nezer, the Netziv and the Chofetz Chaimand the admors of Hosiatin, Ostrovtza and Gur (the Sefat Emmet)

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843580
    Avi K

    Gatesheader, the true analogy is someone reneging on his part of a contract. In any case, Rav Meir Simcha said that being that the Goyim agreed the the establishment of the State it is not rebellion. Not to mention the fact that the three oaths are not brought down as halacha in any of the major works. Not to mention the fact that the miracles of the establishment of the State have shown that the time has come.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848360
    Avi K

    Health, everybody knows that Rav Eliashiv does not write evrything that goes out in his name and everybody knows that gedolim are often misquoted. In fact, a Chareidi rav told me that once an avereich who was writing a halacha sefer asked Rav Eliashiv a shaila. Rav Eliashiv said “muttar”. The avereich hoched him in chinik until finally he said “fine – if you want it to be assur don’t do it”. The avereich then wrote that Rav Eliashiv said that it is worthy to be machmir.

    As for doing things through the Medina, who else runs an army to protect us? Jobs, on the other hand, are mainly in the private sector as are training courses (in fact, the ones that are specifically for Chareidim are given by Chareidi institutions). Apparently someone is afraid that if Chareidim leave the dole (doled out by the Medina)they will be less subject to control by those who supposedly represent their interests (this, in fact, is how socialistic parties stay in power).

    in reply to: Moving to Israel Because it's Safer There? #869605
    Avi K

    I jusyt googled the name and discovered that there are several Rav Yaakov Shapiros. When quoting him one should specify which one is meant.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848350
    Avi K

    I do not believe that Rav Eliashiv wrote this. He knows very well that there is a mitzva to defend Jews and Eretz Yisrael and to do hishtadlut for parnassa. He also knows very well what problems there are in Chareidi communities because boys who are not cut out for learning are not given alternatives.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843576
    Avi K

    It is an absolute mitzva to have a Jewish state. If the frum Jews of Europe had heeded Rav Kook when the doors were wide open Israel would today be a Tora state (as Rav Kook then stated). Learn Torat Eretz Yisrael of Rav David Samson.

    in reply to: Moving to Israel Because it's Safer There? #869602
    Avi K

    The attacks in Brooklyn, Highland Park, Lakewood and Belgium bely this. Not to mention the high cost of a frum lifestyle – especially in the US. Not to mention cultural assimilation and outright intermarrriage. Both Rav Soloveichik and Rav Moshe say that aliya is a least a mitzva kiumit and Rav Ovadia says that it is an absolute obligation – and sharply criticizes those who do not do so.

    I do not know who this person is or what exactly Rav Yaakov said to himThe Gra is quoted in Kol HaTor as saying that in the time just before Mashiach the chet hameraglim will attack the guardans of Tora with blinders. This was also stated by Rav Eliahu Guttmacher in a letter printed at the beginning of Em haBanim Semeicha and Rav Chaim Eliezer Vax in Nefesh Chaya at the end of Responsa 1 (see Torat Eretz Yisrael by Rav David Samson pg.249-250 footnote 29).

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984034
    Avi K

    Maybe we can have separate worlds.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #858983
    Avi K

    Yitay, the term “???? ?????” is in a grammatical form called

    “??????”. Thus, it means “the wisdom of Greek”. From the Gemara and Rashi it seems that it was a form a rhetoric. It may have referred to the methods of the Sophists, who were accused of deception – hence the English word “sophistry”.

    BTW, there is a joke about a bachur who finds a Tanach in hte bet midrash. He shows it to his chevruta and says “Look! Someone collected all of the pesukim in Shas into one book.”

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