Avi K

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  • in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843698
    Avi K

    Health, I already posted what the Chatam Sofer says about mixing Aggada and Halacha.

    in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842899
    Avi K

    2qwerty, the owner gets the book value. The value of the car in question might be far less because of unusual wear and tear, accidents, etc.

    in reply to: would this be a Chillul Hashem #842861
    Avi K

    Someone, so this is a is a family fight. BTW, I never said wrote all frum Jews are customs evaders only that this has happened and suggested that as a reason for extra alertness.

    As for trhe conversation tou reported, to whom are you referring?There is a law against improproperly taking advantage of a public position. The offense is called “hafarat imunim” (betraying trust). Maybe if your cousin could arrange for the Proklitut to ask this person a few questions it would help.

    in reply to: The Chassidishe Gatesheader #842782
    Avi K

    Sam, when you posted had his comment of not caring about what Rav Kook says passed “moderation”? BTW, I think that message we get is fantastic.

    CG, all rabbbanim with the exception the NK and its fellow travelers hold that we are in the atchalta d’Geula and except the aforementioned hold that one should participate in the Medina, at least by voting. There are only disagreements about certain points such as whether or not to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut as a religious holiday although I cannot fathom why someone will not say a misheberach at least for chayalei Tzahal if not for the Medina. There is a well-known injunction to pray for the government although in America (unlike in the UK) it is not practiced although it appears in siddurim.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848534
    Avi K


    1. Only one of the biggest? Who are my competitors? LOL

    2. That is your opinion. Obviously others disagree with you. (gasp)

    3. I did not write that there is a machloket about singing in the Chareidi “camp”. I wrote that there are machlokets. Do you deny this?

    4. You’re welcome.

    5. Can you list the marei mekomot for Rav Moshe’s pesak regarding shaking hands with a woman? I remember learning one where he pointed out that Orthodox rabbanim in Germany shook hands with male and female congregants on Shabbat evenings and wished the “gut Shabbos”. He says that they were probably relying on it not being chibba. The botoom line is that it is good to be machmir as one might derive pleasure from the contact. This is less than an outright “assur”.

    6. Why does there have to be uniformity within a “camp”. Is there party and coalition discipline in Halacha as in parliamentary systems?

    7. While we are on the subject, learn Rav Kook’s essay “Massa HaMachanot” printed in “Maamarei HaRaya” where he decries the existence of camps (in his time there were only: chareidim and chofshiim) as preventing teshuva.

    in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842890
    Avi K

    This is very strange. Fire and theft insurance go together so they could have had the cars stolen. In some neighborhoods it is enough to leave them unlocked.

    in reply to: would this be a Chillul Hashem #842854
    Avi K

    It’s not only a chillul Hashem but also hotza’at dibat haAretz, certainly lashon hara and possibly hotzaat shem ra.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848529
    Avi K

    There is a story about a Jew who was standing on his roof waiting for Hashem to save him from a flood. He declined the offers of a helicopter pilot and boatsman saying that he had perfect faith that Hashem would save him and therefore he did not need them and, in fact, they were threatening his emuna. After he drowned he asked Hashem why He didn’t save him. Hashem said: “Idiot! Who do you think sent the helicopter and the boat?”

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843692
    Avi K


    1. Get a copy of “Torat Eretz Yisrael” by Rav David Samson and read it.

    2. With your blame-the-Jews attitude you would fit in very well with the “genteel” anti-Semites in Britainstan. I suppose you also think that the Jews provoked the Nazis.

    in reply to: The Chassidishe Gatesheader #842775
    Avi K

    CG, Rav Kook said that the Erev Rav is anybody who is halachically Jewish but supports the Goyim against the Jews. This certainly fits NK who joined the PLO (its then leader was “Minister for Jewish Affairs”) and supports Iran. I also heard from Rav Yehuda ben Yishai that there is “erev raviut” – lack of belief in the Geula. As NK continues its denial (I leave whhy to the psychologists) that we are in the beginning of the Geula (atchalta d’Geula) that also fits. As they believe that the Satan is responsible for Medinat Yisrael that also makes them Satanists (or Notzrim, who believe that the Satan is Gd’s nemesis).

    in reply to: nasty experience with customs in Israel #842631
    Avi K

    Crazybrit, you stated that the customs agent’s intent was to steal the stroller. I think hte whole thing is a dispute over whether the stroller is new or used. I have not seen the stroller in question so I cannot say. If Mike did not come with his baby as some posters suggested this may have aroused their suspicions that his intent was to sell it. It would certainly would have aroused mine. Unfortunately, this is very common and there are some people (yes, “frum” people) who make extra money by bringing in all sorts of things which they then sell (including things which they hold are assur such as TVs and videos).

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848527
    Avi K

    BTW, I heard that both Rav Shimon Schwab and his brother asked about shaking hands with a woman. One was told “muttar” and the other was told “yehareg uval yaavor”. However, as I have posted before, a pesak lemaaseh takes into account all of the factors involved. This is the source of the machloket regarding listening to women singers at IDF ceremonies.

    in reply to: The Chassidishe Gatesheader #842768
    Avi K

    CG, Europestan? Are you for really for real? Zionism is about bringing us home, building a state where we can develop as a people and being a light unto the nations. This takes time. It’s been a long galut.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848524
    Avi K

    Sorry, I meant Sam.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848523
    Avi K

    Sanm it is indeed in Chelek 1 – in Siman 37. The teshuva can be read on-line at http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=20021&st=&pgnum=119 (at the bottom of the page).

    In any case, everyone agrees that it is prohibited. The only question is is it because of lo tikravu and yehareg uval yaavor or derabbanan because of a fence and devarim mechuarim, in which case it is not yehareg uval yaavor.

    in reply to: Kanoyim Campaign Against YWN #844191
    Avi K

    Hello, you’re right about ??. However, convincing others not to supppoert these groups is definitely a toelet.As for his beliefs, all criminals think that they are doing the right thing according to there codes of behavior. Would you delete all of the references to, for example, Abe “Kid Twist” Reles’ career because of a takkanant kadmonim and the fact that he thought that he was ridding the world of “dirty rats”? He, in fact, told the Brooklyn DA that he always knew that Hashem exists and according to one story I read never carried out a “contract” on Shabbat and being that he was a Cohen never in an enclosed area. The criteria is that the actions are well-known to be prohibited. He is thus presumed to know just that either he does not care for one reason or another.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848520
    Avi K


    1. I have already posted several reasons for being meikal and it has been noted that Rav Ovadia and other rabbanim were personally meikal.

    2. If there a machlokot within the Chareidi camp (which is not just Aguda) why shouldn’t there be within the National Religious camp (which is not just Mizrachi)?

    in reply to: nasty experience with customs in Israel #842618
    Avi K

    Crazybrit, you are over on motzi shem ra.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843685
    Avi K


    1. The three oaths are not brought to haalcha by any of the major codifiers.

    2. The Chatam Sofer says (Responsa OC end oif 51) that someone who mixes Halacha and Aggada is like someone who makes kilayim.

    3. Rav Meir Simcha, who was an ardent supporter of Zionism in general and the JNF (HaTor, 2nd publising year, 3rd edition)in particular wrote (HaTekufa HaGedola pg. 174) that since the San Remo Conference there is no problem of rebelling against the Goyim. The Netziv also noted that the Zionist movement operated legally in Russia (Shivat Tzion 17). Moreover, the Goyim violated their end of the bargain (to not persecute us “too much”) on several occasions so the deal is off anyway.

    4. Which nations living in the Land? The Druze, Beduin and Circassians are all loyal citrizens who serve in the IDF. The “Palestinians” are actualy an erev rav of Arabs wo came from other countries in search of economic opportunities opened up by the Zionists.

    in reply to: Kanoyim Campaign Against YWN #844187
    Avi K

    Hello, see Rambam Hilchot Melachim at the end of Chapter 3, Ran Derasha 11, Rema Choshen Mishpat 3, Avneui Nezer YD 312:46-52 and Mishpat Cohen (Rav Kook) 147 regarding the powers of the secular authorities. See also He’emek Devar Devarim 17:14 that the Am has the option of a representative democracy to carry out these powers (Abarbanel, if I remember correctly in his introduction to Parashat Shoftim, even states that it is far preferable to monarchy and also states that the people choose the judges of the batei din of three and twenty-three as they have the right to decide who will judge them. Israeli judges are chosen by a committee which includes the people’s representatives).

    in reply to: Kanoyim Campaign Against YWN #844186
    Avi K

    Hello, you’re right. I meant 8:7. Regarding the Be’er Mayim Chaim, in section 14 he states that “everyone” knows that the action is prohibited. Are there people who do not know that it is prohibited to assault and terrorize fellow Jews? In subsection 15 he says that one does not have to intend some benefit such as causing people to distance themselves from him or causing him to do teshuva when he sees people’s reaction to his malefactions. It is sufficient not to enjoy condemning him due to personal hatred, to not exaggerate and not to condemn him priavtely unless he fears him or does not want to create a machloket. He must intend leshem Shemayim to cause others to hate him so as not to learn from his actions. I cannot speak for the writer of the piece but I imagine that he does not even know the individual.

    in reply to: The Chassidishe Gatesheader #842763
    Avi K

    I wonder if in a previous gilgul he insisted on staying in France, Germany or Poland because the Nazis were obviously talking about other Jews (respectively, German Jews whom they considered traitors during WWI, Polish Jews whom they looked down upon as foreign and primitive and Russian Jews whom the considered to be Communists).

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848513
    Avi K

    CG, all these groups put together make up a microscopic portion f the Jewish people. With the exception of the Badatz hashgacha (which is not acceptable to Sephardi chareidim who have their own hechsherim)nobody with the exception of journalists looking to flll space and other Charedi groups who fight with them from time to time.(Belz once put the Eida in cherem and the Yeshivish wing was angered by their attacks on Rav Eliashiv) pays much attention to them.

    in reply to: Kanoyim Campaign Against YWN #844184
    Avi K

    Health, he was judged according mishpat hamelech. See also Sefer Chafetz Chaim 8:5 that for lashon hara it is sufficient if everyone knows that he is a rasha because of the constant bad stories about him whose veracity they do not doubt. See also Choshen Mishpat 34:1 that even if only one person knows that the person is guilty it is assur for him to testify in bet din along with him because of “al teshet yadcha im rasha” (Sma).

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848508
    Avi K

    Health, you are over on dan bekaf zechut. Are you bochen kelayot velev? As for the former IDF Chief Rabbi’s postition, is this the first time you have encountered a disagreement among rabbanim?

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843672
    Avi K

    Very few are real atheists. In fact, Rav Kook pointed out that even in his time those who “opposed” Tora did not know what they were “opposing”. The problem is that the Medina is not run 100% according to Halacha (Rambam, in Hilchot Melachim 4:10, counts four jobs of the secular authorities: defense, fighting crime, establishing justice and spreading Tora. According to the Avnei Nezer in YD 312 they are only to stop aveirot ben adam lechavero not aveirot ben adam laMakom such as chillul Shabbat). The main problem being the civil justice system (the criminal justice system is anything the public, as the equivalent of the king, wants)is not run according to Halacha and that part of the educational system more-or-les ignores Jewish traditions. The solution is for frum Jews to make aliya, become citizens and vote for change and for Tora learners to learn and teach hilchot medina.

    in reply to: nasty experience with customs in Israel #842610
    Avi K

    So far as I know you could have paid with a credit card. Perhaps the customs agent thought htat it loked new. Unfortunately, many people try to slip things in and this has led to a feeling of an adversary relationship. Contact AACI. They have counselors who help people with these and other issues involving the Israeli system.

    BTW, the Americans are no better and even worse. I was asked suspiciously why my passport was issued in Yerushalayim and there was a case where an Israeli couple was expelled for having a picture of the Ben Ish Chai which the customs officials took to be Bin Laden.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848502
    Avi K

    I also think that the teshuva is very straightforward. The boy wanted to go out with a certain girl and perhaps was already going out with her as the introduction states that his rabbonim had tried to speak to him about it. The boy claimed that they were not over on negiah or yichud but never claimed that it was merely platonic (“reut” implies a closer relationship). “Chibba” means affection. This is, in fact, clear from the Shach in YD 157:10, where he talks about “negia derech chibba” (he specifically brings the case in the Gemara of a man who fell in love with an eshet ish) and 159:20, where he uses the term “derech chibba vetaavat biah” (as you implied, the Shach brings that there is a machloket Rishonim regarding whether this is d’Oraita or derabbannan). Rav Moshe also stated explicitly that if the boy wanted a platonic friendship he would seek out other boys (although it is true that many other rabbanim have stated that even if it does start as a platonic friendship it will perforce lead to something more, especially among teenagers). He then went on to say that even if they are not now over on yichud or negiah one thing will lead to another (thus according to the opinion that it is derabbana it is a fence around the Tora).

    in reply to: Kanoyim Campaign Against YWN #844181
    Avi K

    If someone has been convicted of violent crimes and the matter is generally known it would seem that he is muchzak barabbim as a rasha. The store owner’s problems with this mafia are also well known.

    That being the case, it would have been bettr to write something along the lines of “crime does not pay” or “be warned” and some hope that he does teshuva. Just as Hashem does not desire to punish a rasha and takes no pleasure when He must do so neither should we.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848494
    Avi K

    Raphael, I think this was the reason for the differentiation between ceremonies and entertainment. There is also an issue of always following the mara d’atra – in this case the IDF Chief Rabbi. In the Army this is especially important being that, as is well known, for eevry two Jews there are three opinions.There have already been clashes between a rosh yeshivas’ pesakim and a chaplains’ pesakim so it could be that Rav Peretz is asserting his authority.Probably though when things cool down there will be unofficial, quiet exceptions.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843666
    Avi K

    Mom, Yaakov also davened and prepared for war.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843665
    Avi K


    1. It is only a mitzva to mock and ridicule avoda zara. Nobody holds the Medina is a divinity.

    2. Zionism has alsao been supported by gedolim and frum Jews since its inception.

    3. If you do not want to be part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848486
    Avi K


    1. An individual soldier will not hear the same singer “all of the time”. He will not even hear singers all of the time. Only here and there when his unit is sent to the ceremony. There is about as much chance of him deloping a friendship with her as there is of someone developing a friendship with one of the Republican contenders by going to a debate.

    2. Only rabbanim associated with microscopic groups like the Eida HaChareidit and NK (if they are considered a Jewish group and not a breakaway, heretical sect) assur voting. All of the rest hold that it is a mitzva. Some even support specific parties.

    3. How is it easier to be frum in America? Everything is according to the Goyish calendar. To get off for Shabbat or Yom Tov you have to put in a special request. You can’t even write the Jewish date on a check. There are no mitzvot taluyot baAretz. Ramban, in fact, states that there are only mitzvot in Tumaland in order to practice for Eretz Yisrael.

    4. Look inside yourself. Rav Moshe states explicitly that the boy wants to go out with a girl even though neither is old enough to think about shidduchim. “Reut” means something more than mere friendship. Rav Moshe also uses the term “dibbur leshem chibba” (speaking for the purpose of affection) and uses the word “chibba” in several other places.

    5.”If you want to be friends with a girl more than with a boy there must be an underlying, even subconcious, physical affection”. You are contradicting yourself. First you say it was paltonic then you say it was the opposite. In any case, the boy did not say that he wanted the girls friendship more than a boy’s. Rav Moshe said that if all he wanted was friendship he would seek out other boys.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843657
    Avi K

    Josh, there is a difference between “attack” and “ridicule and mock”. There is an obligation to attack actions which are improper as did the nevi’im. However, one must refrain from ridiculing and mocking – that is to say attacking the person rather than the action.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848484
    Avi K

    Hello, he uses the term “leshem chibba” – for the purpose of affection.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843653
    Avi K

    Health, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. BTW, the term “treife medina” was originally applied to the US. When Rav Aharon Kotler was trying to decide to where to escape he used the goral haGra and came up with “Aharon followed Moshe into the desert”. He understood that he was supposed to follow Rav Moshe into the desert of Tora.

    in reply to: Making yourself a Rebbe #842182
    Avi K

    Rav Kook says in his perush on the siddur, Olat Rayah, that we ask Hashem to save us from a chaver ra after already asking Him to save us from a bad person because sometimes when two good people get together (mitchabrim) there is a bad result. This, Rav Kook says, is connected to the secret of neshamot that Hashem keeps to himself. I think that the same applies to choosing a rebbe. You come acrosss a rav with whom you feel a good kesher. Whether you choose him because of his hashkafa or choose your hashkafa because of him is probably a chicken-and-the-egg question unless you are very young. As for confiding, this is dependant on one’s personality. Some people tend to keep their own counsel, others confide in just about anyone and the rest are somewhere in the middle.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843644
    Avi K

    From the Wikipedia article on Jabotinsky:

    Obviusly Weizman did not consider saving all of Europe’s Jews a possibility in the face of British opposition. You can also google “Bergson Group”.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843643
    Avi K

    HaKatan, two possibleexplanations were given by a NYTimes book reviewer edited, we don’t allow links

    1. Ben-Gurion was cynically writing off half of Europe’s Jews

    2. He was explaining that without a Jewish state they would be doomed anyway.

    This could also apply to Gruenbaum’s statement. Weizman’s obviously means that the old ones had no hope and the Zionists had to save whom it was possible to save. In any case, you do not mention the transfer plan whose goal was to bring over all of Germany’s Jews nor do you mention Ben-Gurion’s insistence that all Jews would have th right to make aliya despite the desperate economic condition of the new state. Nor do you mention the fact that the albeit controversial Rudolf Yisrael Kastner saved the Satmar Rebbe and other religious leaders.

    Nor do you mention the Zionists of other political stripes, such as Jabotinsky, who warned the Jews of Europe of what was being planned to no avail.

    So far as the “declaration of war” is concerned, this refers to the boycott of German goods instituted by various Jewish organizations. This was at a time when a united boycott could have brought down the Nazi government and prevented even the early discriminatory laws. After the Nazis felt strong enough there entire goal was to wipe out the Jewish people c”v. Even towards the end of the war they diverted railroads desperately needed to bring supplies to the front to bringing Jews to concentration camps.

    In nay case, we are arguing about people who have long gone on to their final judgements. The State of Israel is a fact. Make aliya, become a citizen and at least vote for change.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848476
    Avi K

    hello, Rav Moshe is talking about a romantic phone call in the context of a teshuva about dating.

    Zahava, the term is “eshet yaffet toar” (beautiful woman).

    Health, this is not gilui arayot. According to some opinions it is even muttar lechatchila as I have posted several times. Therefore, it is totally appropriate for a rav to be meikal if he feels that the situation warrants. In nay case, as I have posted, the fault for the fact that Israel is not yet a completely (there are also many good points – as Rav Kook said light and darkness are blended together) tora state lies squarely on the shoulders of those frum Jews who come here but do not become citizens and vote as wel as those who choose not to come because of their love of Galut (= chet hameraglim).

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843640
    Avi K

    HaKatan, actually the Zionists made a deal to transfer German Jews to Eretz Yisrael. They would have transferred all of Europe’s Jews if the British ym”s had not stopped them.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843636
    Avi K


    1. Who said he “suddenly” became an anti-Semite. He represented that faction of Islam which divides the world into the world of Islam and the world of war and sees Jihad as being a literal war against the “non-believers”.

    2. Rav Kook likened this to the ignorant workmen coming into the Bet HaMikdash in their soiled clothing and muddy boots to make repairs (bedek haBayit). He also blamed the frum Jews of Europe for not making aliya when hte gatres were wide open under Sir Herbert Samuel and “taking over” the Zionist movement democraticly. This also applies today. As rabbiof berlin wrote, Medinat Yisrael is a fact. The question is (and I heard this in the name of Rav Dessler): what do we do with it? There are approximately 700-800K Orthodox Jews outside Israel. If they would make aliya, become citizens and vote this would represent approximately 12 (depending on what percentage vote as a proportion of the total voters) additional Knesset seats. Hamevin yavin.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843625
    Avi K

    Helath, just as there are machlokets among us there are machlokets among Moslems. The Mufti had delusions of reestablishing the Caliphate with himself as head as I have posted. If he had succeeded c”v he woiuld have reduced the few Jews (he certainly would not have allowed those expelled by the Turks during WW1 to return) to the low status they had under Moslem rule. In any case, it is a mitzva d’Oraita to conquer Eretz Yisrael and establish a state as I have already written several times.

    HaKatan, if we would all convert or assimilate into secular Americathat would end the problem forever. Is that what yoou want? Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with a State or not being true-blue Americans, etc. We are hated because we are.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843607
    Avi K

    Sushe and HaKatan,

    1.Ramban states explicitly that there is a mitzva in every time to go to war to conquer Eretz Yisrael. Some explain Rambam’s silence as his opinion that the mitzva of conquering the Land is included in another mitzva or mitzvot.

    2. It is far safer in Israel than in other countries where Jews live, especially if one adds regular crime to hate crime.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848444
    Avi K


    1. As I posted Rav Aviner madethe statement about an enjoyment one is compelled to receive. I quoted the Gemara as an example. Othewise Rabbi Hyya bar Abba would have said that the man must cancel his plans and not just praise him for closing his eyes.

    2.Who says that aiva doies not apply to Jews? As for pikuach nefesh, there is a mitzva to go into the Army to defend the country and its people as set forth in Rambam Hilchot Melachim.

    3. The Seridei Esh speaks about zemirot, song in praise of Hashem, etc. The Sede Chemed in the name of theDivrei Chefetz talks about kinot. Rabbi Bleich discusses this in his article.

    4. It could be that sevral heterim are needed and I listed several.

    5. That is not the way secular people think. Professional singers especially consider this an expresssion of their whole beings.How would you feel if someone would get up and leave when you started to speak knowing that it is because he disagrees with you? In any case, it is not my statement but that of Rav Yosef Carmel of EWretz Chemda. If you want to argue with him, send him an e-mail at http://eretzhemdah.org/contactus.asp?PageId=10.

    6. See this statement by Rav Metzger at this site (http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/General+News/113890/Rabbi-Metzger-Comments-On-Resignation-Of-Air-Force-Rav-Ravaad.html):

    Chief rabbis over the generations took part in state ceremonies, which to my sorrow included kol isha. This includes Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. They did not walk out in protest. They found their own personal solution, perhaps to concentrate on learning or something else. When I was a soldier for example I did walk out but I was not chief rabbi then.

    If Rav Ovadia did not feel required to leave what can we say?

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848437
    Avi K

    Getting back to the topic of kol isha (As I have already posted, no one today knows how to give rebuke. The Chofetz Chaim said that ????? is related to ?????. You have to prove it to him – in a way that he can accept) , there are several reasons to be meikal:

    1. They do not have a choice in order to do there military service, which is a great mitzva. Merely being in a place where there is immodesty is muttar for any need (Baba Batra 57b). Rav Aviner posited that an enjoyment one is forced to get is not called an enjoyment.

    2. According to many poskim issurei d’rabbanan are allowed ???? ???? (see Responsa Chatam Sofer Vol 2 Yoreh Deah 131 and Mishna Berura 330,8). This, of course, is assuming that kol isha is rabbinic – and there are such sheetot.

    3. There are heterim for songs which are not intended for enjoyment (Sedeh Chemed Klalaim Maarechet HaKuf 42 in the name of Divrei Chefetz) and Seridei Esh 2:14. This would certainly apply to the types of songs sung at military ceremonies.

    4. There is heter for several people singing together based on ??? ???? ?? ????? (Chatan Sofer Orech Chaim Shaar HaTaharot Yadayim 14).

    5. Embarassing the singer in public where the soldier walks out (Rav Carmel).

    Thus a rav can certainly allow soldiers to go to such ceremonies. The one to decide is the mara d’atra, the IDF Chief Rabbi (as ruled Rav Yaakov Ariel).

    For a general discussion of the issue of kol isha see Contemporary Halachic Problems col. 2 pg. 147.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848423
    Avi K


    1. The moderator will decide whether or not you are heard on this site.

    2. We were talking about yehareg uval yaavor not whether it is prohibited. The rabbis realized that this was a put-on.

    3. The point is that an action done under compulsion is not considered an action. See Rambam Hilchot Melachim 10:1 that a Ben Noach is patur when anus because he is not chayav in kiddush Hashem. This is the chiyuv of yehareg uval yaavor (therefore a Jew who does so because of onus is also patur as he is mevatel an asseh).

    Sam, I heard that they also sang shirei Eretz Yisrael – which are also praises of Hashem. There are also heterim for other types of songs where there is no intent to get hanaah from her voice as brought down by Rabbi B;leich. Bli neder when I have some more time I will see if the sources are on the Internet.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848415
    Avi K


    1. There is a similar machloket regarding shaking hands with a woman. Both Rav Shimon Schwaband his brother asked shailot (of different rabbanim). One was told yehareg vealyaavor and the other was told muttar. Regarding an individual this is fine and common but the Army obviously needs a unified pesak. The address is obviously the IDF Chief Rabbi, who is the mara d’atra (so paskened Rav Yaakov Ariel).

    2.From the Chief of Staff’s tone (I heard him on the radio) and the fact that he created a stir by making a joke about it I gathered that he does not want this but needs to do it because of pressure from feminists and singers who for some reason feel personally offended. Thus, even if it is assur it is hanaat atzmo.

    Regarding giving a heter, many times issurei derabbana are allowed mishum aiva. Here it is even easier as there are heterim which already exist. One is the microphone. The Seridei Esh mentions zemirot and shirei Eretz Yisrael, which might apply to the type of songs sung at military ceremonies (and the purpose of these ceremonies is morale, which is very important to combat soldiers). Another, put forth by Rav Shlomo Aviner, who is not known as a meikal on tzniut, is that any hanaah the soldier receives is against his will and therefore not halachically hanaah. There is a similar sheetta which says that any melacha one is compelled to do on Shabbat is a melacha she’ain tzericha lagufa and therefore according to Rabbi Shimon (according to whom most Rishonim pasken) it is an issur derabbanan. The Chatam Sofer, the Minchat Yitzchak and others use this to allow giving medical treatment to a Goy on Shabbat mishum aiva (Rav Gustman added that the doctor would lose his license and thus be unable to treat Jews). Rav Yosef Carmel of Eretz Chemda posited that walking out would be embarassing the singer in public. Rav Metzger, who himself does not walk out when women sing at ceremonies, said that he takes his mind off her by saying Tehillim to himself (although he added that this is a difficult heter to give to a bachur).

    3. The Gemara is talking about an eshet ish. The doctors started with asking to allow him to be with her. This is clearly not allowed even for pikuach nefesh. Later they tried to bargain and went down to a conversation and just seeing her in the altogether. Obviously, this was just an excuse.

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843591
    Avi K

    Sushe, the Zionists di not radicalize the Arabs. In fact, just after the Balfour Declaration the Emir Faisal met witrh Chaim Weizman and expressed support for Zionism from an Islamic perspective similar to what Fundamentalists are saying today although without statements about converting us chas veshalom. The radicalization was carried out by the Mufti of Yerushalayim ym”s, whjo was an admirer of yemach shemo in Germany and had delusions of reestablishing the Caliphate (under his rule, of course). Thus, in Tarpat the Arabs massacred non-Zionist Tora learners in Chevron. The mob included those with whom the Jews had long-standing good personal relations.

    As for the pre-Zionist situation is concerned, for years Ashkenazim had to masquerade as Sephardim because any Ashkenazi founs was imprisoned for debts on the Churva synagogue. Not to mention the Damascus blood libel.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848407
    Avi K

    Popa, your prustkeit shows from where you are coming. The Chief of Staff said that there is room in the Army for women to contribute according to their abilities. The extent and its ramifications for frum soldiers is a matter for the Army Chief Rabbi, who is the mara d’atra, in consultation with the General Staff to decide.The purpose is not to make soldiers do aveirot but for what is seen as the unity of the Army. Thus, at worst it is hana’at atzmo. Actually, considering how girls behaved at Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and Beatles concerts (which no boy did at any concert of any female singer) there might be room for a takkana on kol ish as apparently Nature changed. However, we do not have the power to do so or to eliminate the prohibition of kol isha. Poskim, however, do have the power of heter in different situations – and this ower is preferable (Beitza 2b – and while you are dusting off your seforim look at the Tiferet Yisrael at the beginning of the masechta regarding the pronunciation of the name of the masechta).

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