Avi K

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  • Avi K

    MW13, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, in a teshuva regarding the status of Eilat (the decensored version which iy”H will be published soon) calls the State “malchut”. As I previously posted, being that Eli Yishai is a member of the Security Cabinet this presumably is also Rav Ovadia’s view. Moreover, the Netziv in Haamek Devar on the mitzva of apointing a king says that elected representatives would have the right to declare war.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893325
    Avi K

    Health, how about Rambam (Hilchot Melachim 7:1)? What about all of the aveirot one can do anywhere? What about businessman who calls himself “self-made”.

    Nanny, not good to frum Jews? What about alll of the money given to yeshivot and kollelim? How much do other governments give?

    in reply to: Disinheriting an OTD Child #893435
    Avi K

    Chazal were not happy with people who disinherited OTD children as Hashem wanted children to inherit as He set forth and the child might have a BT child (Baba Batra 133b and Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat 282:1).Rav Moshe says ( Igrot Moshe C.M. 2:50)that if the son has completely left Judaism it is unlikely that he will have observant descendants but this may no longer be true.On the other hand, disinheriting the child might make the situation worse.

    Avi K

    How many times do I have to post that it is an obligation to establish a state in EY and go to war if necessary to conquer it (Ramban Sefer HaMitzvot)? As for the government, with all its faults it has the support of the people and this gives it the din of melech according to Rav Kook and all those who follow him (and being that Eli Yishai sits in the security cabinet I presume that Rav Ovadia also agrees).

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893316
    Avi K

    Englishman, which?

    2scents, so were Rav Kook and Rav Tzvi Yehuda. So was Rav Soloveichik. Read “Torat Eretz Yisrael” (in English) by Rav David Samson.

    in reply to: wording to decline a hand shake? #894001
    Avi K

    Englishman, “difficult” is far from “yehareg uval yaavor” and is not even “assur”. It means that a rav must consider the situation very carefully before allowing it.However, he definitely opens the door.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893310
    Avi K
    in reply to: saying good shabbos to girls (men) #892763
    Avi K

    In NY they say “If I want to have a lousy Shabbat I’ll have a lousy Shabbat”.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893308
    Avi K

    Health, it used to be a nickel. Inflation has sudsdenly picked up. The point is that you are making the Zionists (who are among the victims)scapegoats for the crimes of our enemies. This is the same tactic used by Holocaust deniers/explaners.

    in reply to: wording to decline a hand shake? #893992
    Avi K

    Greatest, Rav Aharon Soloveichik, Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Fuchs are not poskim “of note”?

    Avi K

    Health, Rav Chaim Vital, Rav Meir Simcha and Rav Soloveichik say that they are no longer in force either because they wer only for 1,000 years or because the San Remo Conference revoked them or because Hashem has called. See also Shir HaShirim Rabba, 2[7]1that persecuting us “too much” (e.g. the Crusades, which started approximately 1,000 years after the Churban as well as the Chmielnitzky massacres and the Holocaust)brings on the end of days. As for making the Medina the scapegoat for all of the world’s ills, we all know who were the newspaper editors who used that against the Jewish people.

    Greatest, it has been declared the opposite by other gedolei Yisrael.

    in reply to: Would Rabbi Akiva Eiger z"l wear a "kippa sruga"?so why do you?? #892041
    Avi K

    How do we know that Yaakov Avinu wore a kippa? Vetze Yaakov. Would Yaakov go out without a kippa?

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893292
    Avi K

    Health, that’s right.Blame the victims.You are motzi diba al haAretz and motzi shem ra on millins of Jews.

    in reply to: Sheidim #891588
    Avi K

    I know a few.

    in reply to: wording to decline a hand shake? #893982
    Avi K

    Yentingyenta, according to Rabbi J. David Cohen Rav Aharon Soloveichik allowed it lechatchilla if it is only for a brief period. As for the wording, this would depend on the poerson and you would need a great deal of siata d’Shemaya to say the right thing to the right person.

    in reply to: wording to decline a hand shake? #893980
    Avi K

    on the ball, Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky and Rav Hershel Shachter are meikal, at least in the situation under consideration. Rav Fuch (Halichot Bat Yisrael) seems to think that it is only a chumra. Rav Moshe also mentions that some are meikal as they hold that there is no affection involved. Against that, one must weigh the dangers of causing embarassment, anger, and/or hatred as well as the mitzva of parnassa, especially if one has a family.

    Avi K

    Health, “Just because it’s not mentioned in those Seforim doesn’t mean it’s Mutter”? Are you saying that anything not mentined in the Halachic codes is assur? It is obvious that all of the poskim knew about the Shalosh Shevuot. The fact they ignored them shows that they did not consider them Halacha but Aggadata.

    Vochindik, with all due respect to the gadlut of the Maharal, he is a commentator and baal machshava not a posek. Besides, the Shlalosh Shevuot were said before the destruction of the Bayit Rishon. Apparently Ezra either discounted them or thought that the time that Hashem calls had come. In nay case, Rav Mei Simcha and Rav Soloveichik consider them to no longer be of any force or effect (if they ever were) as I have posted several times.

    Avi K

    Health, you are evading the question! In which major halchic work (Rif, Rambam, Rosh, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, Nosei Keilim, etc.) are they paskened? What about Ramban’s sttaement in his Sefer HaMitzvot about it being a Tora obligation in our time to conquewr EY? What about Rav Meir Simcha’s statement that the San Remo Conference revoked them and Rav Soloveichik’s statement that the time that Hashem calls has occurred? What about the fact that the Satmar Rebbe himself admitted that he was a daat yachid?

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893256
    Avi K

    The State is innately kadosh as it is the realization of the Tora obligation to establish Jewish sovereignty in EY as stated explicitly by Ramban. It is the obligation of every Jew who is able to make aliya and take part in building the State, each according to his individual talents. Those Zionists who are religious or traditional want the State to be based on Jewish law whereas those who are not, with the exception of a small minority, want it to be generally based on Jewish principles.

    in reply to: wording to decline a hand shake? #893968
    Avi K

    Ask your rav if you can shake hands in this situation. There are poskim who are meikal. If you say it is against Orthodox Judaism you will have a problem if the next guy is an Orthodox Jew who relies on the heterim.

    in reply to: Who is a "Chareidi"? #891246
    Avi K

    The word “chareidi” appears in Tanach (Yeshayu 66:5) and means “those who shake in fear (at Hashem’s word)”. Originally it referred to all shomrei mitzvot but later became associated with people who follow the Eida HaChareidit/Aguda/Shas.

    Avi K

    RabbiofBerlin, even the Satmar Rebbe himself admitted that he was a daat yachid. Just out of curiosity, was this pesak given before or after he was stoned in Meah Shearim for riding in a car after what we hold to be shekiah (and before Rabbenu Tam time) on Leil Shabbat

    Avi K

    1.See Mishna Berura 561:1 that being that in his time we did not have independence the cities of Yehuda were considered desolate even though Jews were living in them.

    2. Common sense states that if the Jews were able to make the deset bloom the Land was waiting for its People and we are now in the beginning of the Geula.

    3. The Three Shevuot are aggadata and are not paskened in any code. Even if they did have some halachic standing that was obviated by the Goyim violating their end of the bargain (several times) and then giving permission in the San Remo Conference (Rav Meir Simcha, who was an ardent supporter of the JNF, said this explicitly).

    in reply to: Paul Ryan #890921
    Avi K

    He’s also very pro-Israel.

    Avi K

    Englishman, many gedolim such as Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, Rav Yitzchak Herzog, Rav Kahaneman, Rav Yechezkel Sarna, Rav Meshulam Rata, Rav Menachem Kasher, Rav Yosef B. Soloveichik and Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook were in favor of the Medina. The Chairman of the Aguda in EY, Rav Yehuda Leib Levin signed the Declaration of Independence.

    Avi K


    1. It is an obligation to establish a state as stated explicitly by Ramban in his Sefer HaMitzvot.

    2. Rav Soloveichik says that its establishment SAVED the Jewish people in the national depression that followed the Holocaust (see Kol Dodi Dofek).

    Avi K


    1. Which question am I allegedly evading?

    2. Who says it isn’t? Similarly “eagle’s wings” = airplanes.

    3. “Almost”! The Communists used to hold meetings in tiny rooms and report that there was standing room only.

    4. Also Ramban. He says explicitly that there is a Tora obligation to conquer EY in our time.

    Avi K


    1. Who says without irrigation? Who do you think gave the knowledge?

    2. I haven’t counted seforim but my impression is that most gedolim do agree with them.

    3. See Rambam Hilchot Melachim 12:1that national independence is the beginning of the Geula.

    in reply to: Married Women Learning Daf Yomi? #1028259
    Avi K

    Gavra, the full expression is “horses sweat. men perspire, ladies glow”.

    Avi K

    Sam, “chofshi” means independent” as Rambam says at the end of Hilchot Melachim.Unfortunately, a certain Leftist group has appropriated it.The soluiton is for frm Jews to make aliya, become citizens and vote.

    Health, one cannot be a complete Jew in the Lands of Tuma (as per Chazal). Ramban even says that the mitzvot Jews do do there are just to keep from getting rusty. If you want to read something really “extreme” look at Rabbi Chanina says on Ketubot 111a.

    in reply to: "Live and let live" #890490
    Avi K

    The Jewish equivalent is “eilu v’eilu divrei Elokim chaim”. Bet Hillel and Bet Shammai even married each other despite disagreements regarding yichus which were put into practice (Yevamot 14a).

    Avi K

    For that matter, why aren’t there prayers for the Federal and State governments in shuls even though they are in all siddurim. In Britain they say a prayer for the Queen.

    As for “HaTikva”, it is the most appropriate for Jewish events. True, Rav kook preferred the “Shir HaMaalot” we sing when there is no Tachanun but “HaTikva” became the minhag.

    in reply to: Can anyone explain going to Uman? #890155
    Avi K

    Hatzalojew, the way to go where?

    in reply to: Who says above knee osur #1022301
    Avi K

    Just last night I was told off for saying that one has to wash for a “mezonot” roll. The person claimed that I was “poseling” people who don’t wash and say “mezonot”

    in reply to: Who says above knee osur #1022297
    Avi K

    Toi, The Aruch HaShulchan bemoans the fact that never-married girls do not cover their hair and Rav Ovadia says thst they should when davening and making berachot just as men do (really one should ask why the minhag is not lie him).

    in reply to: Shabbos Shoes #1134465
    Avi K

    There is a machloket between the Korban HaEida and the Pnei Moshe as to how to read the Yerushalmi (Shabbat 6:2) that either says “it’s not the way of people to have two pairs of shoes” or “is it not the way of people to have two pairs of shoes?”

    Both the Ben Ish Hai (vol. 4 OC 13), the Kaf HaHaim (262:25) an the Tzitz Eliezer (7:2) say that they are not levush, the proof being that “malbish arumim” does not cover them (the Tzitz Eliezer says that levush is something that encircles the body). Rav Ovadia (Yalkut Yosef 262:6) also says that it is not necessary to have a special pair but it is sufficient to polish one’s shoes beforehand although one who has special shoes will receive a beracha.However, the Minhat Shabbat (72:71) says that it is necesssary, and this was the minhag of the Gra (Maaseh Rav 145) as did the Hazon Ish (Dinim v’Hanhagot meMaran HaHazon Ish 9:3). However, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (VeAlehu Lo Yavul 1:137) and Rav Eliashiv (Ashrei Ish 2:5) did not.

    Avi K

    1. There is no power to make new gezerot in our time.

    2. Rav Yosef Albo says (Sefer HaIkarim) that the Dor HaMabul’s basic mistake was thinking that because they had to be vegetarians they were on the same level as the animals and should therefore act accordingly. Thus, the children of Noach were explicitly allowed to eat meat. Rav Kook also says that vegetarianism is not for our time but only after Mashiach comes.

    3. There already is “kosher pork”.

    in reply to: Confiscating Shoes #994297
    Avi K

    That’s nothing. When I was in camp a counselor put the head of a kid who misbehaved in a toilet bowl and flushed it.

    in reply to: Who says above knee osur #1022241
    Avi K

    Square peg, above the knee is an erva according to all opinions. Therefore, it must be covered in a way that does not show it’s form. Thus tights, see-through, etc. are out. Below the knee is a machloket as I posted. If noon-covering of the lower leg is allowed then tights are allowed. If not, not.

    in reply to: Married Women Learning Daf Yomi? #1028146
    Avi K

    Rav Soloveichik allowed women to learn Gemara in our time where they have extensive secular (and often legal) education. Others disagree. As for Beruria, some say that that story was “inserted” into Rashi (it does not appear in the Gemara) and, in fact, it is very puzzling how Rabbi Meir could send a talmid to try to tempt her for several reasons. BTW, the Maharsahl says in one of his teshuvot that his grandmother was a rosh yeshiva – however, she taught bachurim from behind a mechitza.

    in reply to: Who says above knee osur #1022233
    Avi K

    The source is the Mishna Berura (75:2). This is actually a kula. The Chazon Ish says that she must cover all of her legs until the ankles. Anything less is peritzut and any minhag is invalid. Even according to the Mishna Berura, her upper legs (and arms) must be covered in all positions.

    in reply to: Mamzer #892635
    Avi K

    Rabennu Gershom did not issue a takkana. He issued a cherem. It expired some years ago but the Israeli Chief Rabbinate has declared it to now be Minhag Yisrael.

    in reply to: Dina D'Malchusa Dina #887785
    Avi K

    Avikaben, the Shulchan Aruch says that one who evades taxes is a thief whether from a Goyish or Jewish king. Where so you think the Jewish king rules? In Antarctica? And if so, what is the hava amina? Obviously, this means, as Rav Ovadia understands it (and even says that one cannot say “kim li” as it is against both Rambam and the Mechaber), that there is dina d’malchuta dina in EY.

    Rav Eliashiv ruled ” ???????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??”?”.This is also the opinion of the Avnei Nezer (Yoreh Deah 312:48), who says that what is beyond the poweer of the king are dinei mamonet (although the concensus of the poskim is that they have the din of minhagei hamedina as thye are accepted by the community) and dealing with averot ben adam laMakom.

    in reply to: Dina D'Malchusa Dina #887781
    Avi K

    The Shulchan Aruch (Choshen Mishpat 369:6) rules liek the opinion that there is dina d’malchuta dina in EY and Rav Ovadia (Yechaveh Daat 5:4) and Rav Eliashiv (Piskei Din Rabbaniim vol. 6 p.376-381) pasken thatt his applies to Medinat Yisrael. In addition, many poskim hold that the Knesset and Government as elected representatives have the din of Shiva Tuvei HaIr.

    One who disagrees has a problem as he cannot walk on any land or use any road that was built through eminent domain.

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887523
    Avi K

    Rav spent eighteen month with a cattle driver to learn about mumim before he checked bechorot (Sanhedrin 5b).

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887495
    Avi K

    Sam, what is “standard Jewish thought”? As for burning the Rambam’s books, Rabbenu Yona held that the Talmud was burned in Paris as a punishment for this and went to all of the communities where he denounced the Rambam and publically recanted.

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887492
    Avi K

    Shlishi, produce the letters. In nay case, many rabbanim support him and at least some of those only signed because someone else signed – which is absolutely unbelievable both regarding the subject at hand and the ramifications.

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887488
    Avi K

    Sam, who are “we”?Do you consider Rambam “borderline”.

    Shlishi and Toi, Rabbi Aryeh Carmell, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz and Rav Tzvi Hersh Weinreb suppport Rav Slifkin. Rav Zeev Leff publically apologized for his condemnation and declared neutrality regarding whether Rav Slifkin is correct or incorrect.Here is Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky’s letter”:

    ?”? ????? ??????? ???”?

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    ????? ??????

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887468
    Avi K

    Israeli Chareidi society as it presently exists will end anyway.Who will pay for it? There is no one left alive who worked, the financial crisis is drying out donations from the US and a more Libertarian economic outlok is lowering government benefits. Add to that the growth of the Chareidi population and a concominant rise in the number of young men who are not built for full-time learning and tired of poverty in the midst of prosperity and you get a metamorphosis into a Chardal or American Chareidi sector.

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884334
    Avi K

    Health, once again you make contentions which have nothing behnd them, writing hotzaat shem ra about an entire tzibbor.

    It is unreasonable, as Yonatan Rosenbloom pointed out in an essay in “Mishpacha”, to expect Israel to make due with a volunteer army due to its security situation and small population relative to its enemies. The taxes required to attract people, especially the type of technosavvy people most needed, would break the public.

    As for guys who are not learning as they should, they are stealing from the public which supports them amd shirking their duty. This must stop.

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