Avi K

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  • in reply to: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft #940153
    Avi K


    “Any Arab violence after the advent of zionism (which predates ’48) can be attributed to it.” How about “any Arab violence after you were born can be attributed to you”? Just as logical.

    “Jews were never big volunteers in serving the military”. In EY they were.

    in reply to: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft #940120
    Avi K

    What about all the double-shirkers who are registered with yeshivot and kollelim but spend their time wandering the streets and hanging around the coffee machine?

    in reply to: Why are little dogs so feisty? #930915
    Avi K

    It’s called a Napoleon complex. They are fearful because of their small stature so they attack in imagined self-defense.

    Avi K

    Maybe they’ll become Religious Zionists.

    in reply to: Anyone Know What A 'Zohar' Is? (Night Before Bris) #924281
    Avi K

    I have never seen anything waved over the baby. In fact, the baby is not even present. The men read portions from the Zohar regarding berit mila and then eat so as to say each of the food brachot.There is no halacha that one must be 40. Many say that one must be 40 to learn Kabbala but the Chafetz Chaim and Rav Mordechai Eliahu say that this does not apply to just reading from the Zohar.

    in reply to: Racism and Chinuch: What do we teach our children about diversity? #929163
    Avi K

    Akuperma, am hanivchar does not mean superiority but a special mission. A Jew can rise higher than a Goy but he can also fall lower. It all depends on his individual deeds.

    in reply to: What's wrong with the draft? #923960
    Avi K

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    in reply to: What's wrong with the draft? #923941
    Avi K

    Kanoi, do you have others put on tefillin, daven, etc. for you so as not to be mavatel Tora? What about all those who are registered in yeshivot and kolelim but are not exactly learning every second?

    in reply to: What's wrong with the draft? #923931
    Avi K

    It is a mitzva for every able-bodied Jew to serve in the Israeli army in some capacity, even those who have exemptions in non-emergency cases.(Rambam Hilchot Melachim 7:4). Even women should do some support work (ibid with Ridbaz). If someone is really learning (and not just listed) he might be given an exemption but really he should begin every day with a statementthat he is learning for the success of the Army. One cannot compare Israel in its present situation to America even during WW2.

    in reply to: Definition of ???? ?????? #920616
    Avi K

    Hinduism is definitely avoda zara. There is a well-known machloket between Rambam and Rabbenu Tam if Natzrut is a”z for non-Jews (although all agree that it is for us) as they associate another being with Hashem (shituf). Almost all (the Ran disagrees) hold that Islam is not.

    in reply to: Should A Pauper Be Thrown Out of Town? #916525
    Avi K

    Uneeq, we don ot paken directly from mishnayot, we pasken from poskim down to the present. There are two dinim here:

    1. What the individual is required to do by himself.

    The pauper is expected to sell and move to a less expensive place. Obviously, presuming that it is not in a dangerous neighborhood.

    2. What others are required to do if he does not do the right thing.

    If he refuses the community is only required to pay his expenses if the poor people are few in relation to their numbers and wealth. The best course is to find him a job or set him up in business. While they cannot evict him (unless the community is the landlord) they can tell him to find an alternate source of money.

    in reply to: Should A Pauper Be Thrown Out of Town? #916522
    Avi K

    A person is obligated to live as simply as possible in order to avoid tkaing tzedaka Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 255:1). Thus, if someone is liivng in an expensive house he should sell it and even live in a small rental apartment. If he is unwilling the community is only obligated to defray his expenses if the paupers are few in relation to their numbers and wealth so as not to deplete the public treaury (Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh Deah 250:4-5). Of course, if the community is wealthy the best thing would be to use their connections to find him a job similar to his previous one or set him up in business (Shulchan Aruch 249:7 and Shach seif katan 7). If this means selling his house and moving into a rental to raise the capital it would seem that he is obligated to do so,

    in reply to: Discrimination Against Baalei Teshuva #1035499
    Avi K

    Rav Moshe (Iggerot Moshe Even HaEzer 4:14) says that if a BT does not have the characteristic bad middot of a ben nidda we can assume that his mother was tahora b’diavad (e..g. if she went swimming before he was conceived). The Steipler Gaon (Likutim 2:23) writes a similar responsa on the matter, stating that if the BT is crowned with good Midos, he is obviously from the minority of bnei nidda who have good middot.

    The Steipler goes further and questions whether the statement of the Gemara means that the child of a niddah will himself have bad middot, or that the blemish of being a ben niddah will possibly affect future generations as well. According to the latter approach, even if the ben niddah has good middot perhaps one should distance one’s self from him.

    The Steipler concludes, however, that even if the blemish remains in future generations (a point which is not at all clear in the first place), there is no reason to stay away from a ben niddah. The reason for this is because who can be certain that none of his ancestors, back to the generation that left Egypt, were bnei niddah. Even if they weren’t, Chazal list ben nidah as only one of nine bad middot that produce offspring with bad middot.Among the others on the list are the children produced by unions where the mother is afraid of the father, or quarreling with the father, or the father is drunk, etc. As these are common occurrences among families that are not bnei Tora, there are probably a very low percentage of families that carry no blemish at all. Thus, there is no reason to distance one’s self from a ben niddah.

    Having said that, there is something to the claim that a BT will more likely have common ground with another BT. Howeevr, I heard htat a BT is someone who is at the beginner’s stage. The natural progression is for him to become over time as if he is an FFB. On the other hand, an FFB might also be a BT, either because he went OTD or because he became significantly more observant than his parents.

    As for rabbanim seeking shidduchim for his children exclusively with families of other rabbanim, this is by far not a universal practice.In the case of a son who also plans to go into the rabbanut it might be preferable because the daughter of a rav knows the benefits and drawbacks (such as shul politics). Similarly, a daughter of a rav might admirte her father’s work and want a similar husband. On the other hand, she might want someone who does not have to deal with the problems a rav faces.

    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913502
    Avi K

    HaKatan, on the contrary, conquering EY is a Tora mitzva (Ramban Sefer Hamitzvot). As for the Gimmel Shevuot, they are not paskened in any of the codes. They are not Halacha but Aggadata. Moreover, even if they once were in place they no longer are either because they were only for 1,000 years (Rav Chaim Vital – BTW, the end of the 1,000 years more or less coincides with the beginning of the Crusades. Perhaps the “terrible punishment” is for not coming back) or because the nations gave permission at the San Remo Conference (Rav Meir Simcha) or because Hashem has called (Rav Soloveichik).

    However, you are correct that for us Zionism is right up there with Shema Yisrael. Both are commanded by the Tora and are basic to Judaism. As Rav Tzvi Yehuda said, we are not Religious Zionists – we are Zionist because we are religious and religious because we are Zionist. The two are inseparable.

    As for lessening the imporatance of other mitzvot, does it lessen the importance of my Shema that I put on tefillin?

    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913479
    Avi K

    HaKatan, how is Zionism idolatry? On the contrary, it is carrying out the mitzvot of yishuv and conquering EY. Your other contentions are just as ludicrous. MO publications do not review bars/pubs and mixed swimming is certainly not promoted.

    in reply to: Muttar for a Rabbi to discuss the awful shooting on Shabbos? #913262
    Avi K

    Ben Levi, I think that the response was obvious considering the foolish way you put it. You should have noted the fact about where your relatives live at the outset.

    in reply to: Muttar for a Rabbi to discuss the awful shooting on Shabbos? #913250
    Avi K

    Discussing the Jewish view is not mourning. Rav David daSola Pool spoke about JFK after his assassination (which was on erev Shabbat). Why didn’t your sister ask her rabbi himself?

    in reply to: Connecticut elementary school shooting — our thoughts and prayers #913315
    Avi K

    If the teachers had had guns he would have been stopped immediately.

    in reply to: Throwing bleach at R' Nuchem Rosenberg to achieve justice? #912382
    Avi K

    Interestingly, just yesterday I read that some Libertarian is toting private criminal justice systems. This mafia-type act shows the need for government.

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913209
    Avi K


    1. We see that the Medina is established and growing. We have gone from a gray Socialist economy to a robust economic (as well as military) power that attracts international business and professional conferences. Various high-level professional conferences are being held here. The Geula is coming in stages (Yerushalmi Berachot 1:1).There are problems but instead of being part of them be a part of the solution.

    2. An offfical of another religion told Rav Yonatan Eybeschutz that he should go after the rov. He said that that is only when there is a doubt. In any case, I continue to dispute you. Produce the minutes of the session where they voted.

    3. Quite a few? A tiny minority of even the Chareidi community. Participating is acceptance.

    in reply to: Why do Litvish and Modern men always have their top shirt button open? #911146
    Avi K

    It is more comfortable.As for making a kesher on Shabbat, if it is undone whenever removing the tie it is no problem as it is a maaseh hediot (anyone can do it) and temporary.

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913205
    Avi K


    1. I am realy tired of this yes they did/no they didn’t argument about the rov. I dispute you.

    2. The Satmar Rebbe in fact admitted that he was a daat yachid but denied that we go according to the rov because there was no meeting or quorum.

    3. In any case, the rov can be wrong.If they are the halacha is reversed and they and those who went according to their pesak bring ????? Rambam Hilchot Shiggot ch. 12).Write down your debt in your notebook.

    4. The Medina has been established. Today nobody outside of the NK quacks is against it.

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913202
    Avi K

    The Medina is an established fact and both Rav Kook and the Imrei Emet foresaw that it would be and called for massive religious aliya so that it would be a Tora state. Their call was for the most part not heeded so we have had to travel a longer path. This is continuing (and even worse, there are some who do make aliya but do not at least vote, thus in effect voting for continued secularism). and so we are still on the path. The worst are those who continue to back-bite. They are truly the Erev Rav as they try to prevent people from making aliya.

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913191
    Avi K

    Health, as I have mosted many times it is simply not true that most gedolim were against the establishment of the Medina. Rav Kook, Rav Tzvi Yehuda, Rav Soloveichik, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Menahem Kasher and many others were in favor. Moreover, the chairman of the Aguda in EY, Rav Y. Y. Levin, signed the Declaration of Independence and was a Minister in the first government (this was before the fiction of a Deputy Minister with no Minister over him). Certainly almost every gadol today supports it or at least does not oppose it.

    in reply to: Neturei Karta. #1106130
    Avi K

    I hold that they are agents of the anti-religious whose job is to discredit us.

    in reply to: Why are some Jews against Israel? #913183
    Avi K

    1. Rav Kook was a great leader and was recognized as such by all of the gedolim and especiallty Rav Sonnenfeld (who gave him a beracha to be Cohen Gadol), Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rav Eliashiv. Anyone who disparages him is doing an extremely swerious aveira.

    2. Anyone who sees Hashem’s Hand in history knows that the British were at the time willingto help the Geula and the Turks tried to interfere. Later, the sun set on the British Empire.

    3. Both Rav Kook and the Imrei Emet called for frum aliya because they saw what would happen if there was not.The present sttate is due to the fact that frum Jews continue to err.

    in reply to: What is Nationality if born in Haifa, 1937? #907372
    Avi K

    Coffee & Dash, they used to have Jordanian citizenship but Hussein revoked it when he renunced Jordanian claims. They are now stateless.

    in reply to: Two Things to Remember Before You Order Your Palestinian Passport #906811
    Avi K

    Vochindik, according to Ramban in his sefer hamitzvot there is a postitve Tora mitzva to establish a state and a prohibition to give any part of it to another People even at the cost of war.

    in reply to: Becoming Chareidi #903698
    Avi K

    Himmel, it goes back further than the Eida HaChareidit. It was used to describe anyone who is shomer mitzvot from the pasuk (Yeshayahu 66:5) “… ????? ????? …”.

    in reply to: The funny things Goyters can do #899967
    Avi K

    “Goy” is Hebrew for “nation”. We are also a goy – a goy kadosh. “Gentile” comes from the Latin translation of “Goyim”(“Gentium”).”Ben/Bat Noach” or “Noahide” are also acceptable. “Sheigetz” and “Shiksa” are, however, very offensive as they come from “shaketz”.

    in reply to: Poll: Tefillin on Chol Hamo'ed #899073
    Avi K

    I live in Israel and minahg EY is that no one wears them as the Gra and the Bet Yosef did not

    in reply to: shaving during Chol Hamoed #898837
    Avi K

    Old man, Rav Solooveichik paskened that way as does Rav Lichtenstein. However, most poskim disagree.

    in reply to: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah? #897737
    Avi K

    I just heard in the name of Rav Neventzahl that a Goy can put up a sukka and even the shach. As for sitting in it, if he can even be part of it (if we can be sure that he won’t walk away) then surely he can simply be inside it.

    in reply to: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah? #897733
    Avi K

    Sam, the Gra says that there is only one machloket between the Zohar and the Gemara (whether one can walk past a person davening the Amida on the side – the Gemara is meikal, the Zohar is machmir). If someone thinks he found another either he didn’t understand the Gemara or he didn’t understand the Zohar of he didn’t understand either. As for inyanim, the Arizal is very strict about not weaqring black clothing on Shabbat. However, Rav Mordechai Eliahu says that today it is davka apppropriate as people today consider black clothing to be sharp and not the color of mourning. So it could be that teh issue of a non-Jew (during Chol HaMoed – Yom Tov is a halachic problem)could depend on the elvel of the local non-Jews, the relationship with him, etc. If excluding him will cause animosity then it is prohibited to exclude him for obvious reasons (BTW, the reason he cannot put up the shach is because he is not shayach to the mitzva. However, it seems that if we can be sure that he will not walk away he can be a dofen – Mishna Berura 630:55)

    in reply to: Jewish Judges on Secular Court #897080
    Avi K

    Shein, there is no problem of mesira where someone is harming the public (Rema Choshen Mishpat 388:11).According to many poskim this is even more true in a democracy where Jews are equal citizens (according to Rabbi Herschel Shachter such countries are considered partnerships between Jews and non-Jews).If the person is called as a witness there is an aditional factor that refusing to testify is a chillul Hashem Moreover, Rav Moshe (Iggrot Moshe, vol. VIII: Orakh Hayyim part 5: Siman 9:11) draws a dsitinction between a private citizen (who may not even be required by secular law to report a crime) and a government officer.

    in reply to: Jewish Judges on Secular Court #897078
    Avi K

    Shein, on the contrary, being a Criminal Court judge is much easier because the secular authorities have the power to impose extra-halachic penalties in order to keep public order (Bet Yosef, citing the Responsum of the Rashba, Hoshen Mishpat 388).

    in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913838
    Avi K

    Rav Scheinberg zatzal used to play loud music to prevent himself from think about Tora when he showered.

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman to shun secular education #894959
    Avi K

    Absolutely. However, it is also an obligation to teach secular subjects (Kiddushin 30b and Rambam Introduction to Moreh Nevuchim, Magen Avraham Orech Chaim 156:1-2)

    in reply to: Good ways to go about learning Yiddish #894824
    Avi K

    The worst anti-religious were the yiddishist Bundists. Let the dead language rest in pieces (considering all of the different dialects).

    in reply to: Time to make Aliyah and create a holy State of Israe #892403
    Avi K

    On the contrary, it is a Tora obbligation to establish a Jewish state in EY (Ramban Sefer HaMitzvot). This is the definition of yamot haMashiach (Rambam Hilchot Melachim 12:2). As for the Shalosh Shevuot, they are aggadata not halacha (see Rambam “Letter to Yemen”) and are ignored by all of the codes. Even if they were one binding they are no longer either because they were only for 1,000 years (Rav Chaim Vital) or because the Goyim gave permission at the San Remo Conference (Rav Meir Simcha) or because they violated their oath not to persecute us too much on several occasions (Shir HaShirim Rabba 2[7]:1).

    in reply to: Why do they need Chareidi support for war with Iran? #892328
    Avi K

    Also they need the Shas ministers’ votes.Eli Yishai is a member of the security cabinet so his ote is especially important.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893363
    Avi K

    Health, on the contrary, selling individual Goyim land in EY does not obviate our sovereignty. However, turning over the entire country is a bittul of the mitzva to conquer EY. Moroever, as the government does not own the land but is only a caretaker for Am Yisrael until the ownership of the nachalot can be established such a transaction would have no force or effect.

    in reply to: Will Moshiach Cancel My Credit Card Debt? #892318
    Avi K

    Rambam says the opposite. In fact, we do not even want them to serve us (Hilchot Melachim 12:4).

    in reply to: Shabbos Shoes #1134497
    Avi K

    According to Kabbala one should wear at least four white garments and definitely not black (Shaar HaKavenot, Inyan Rechitzat Panav, Yadav v’Raglav d”h gam tzarich adam lilbosh bigdei lavan; Ben Ish Chai Halachot Year 2 Lech Lecha 18; Kaf HaChaim 262:26). However, the pashtanim disagree (Biur Halacha 262:2 d”h begadim naim and see Shabbat 147a).

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893355
    Avi K


    1. According to Rav Soloveichik almoist all Jews would have assimilated in the national depression following the Holocaust if not for the State.

    2. On the contrary, it is a Tora obligation according to Ramban (Sefer HaMitzvot) and according to Rambam (Hilchot Megilla veChanuka 3:1-3) it is at least a very good thing.

    3. Most gedolim hold that we are in the time of Ikveta d’Mashicha.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893349
    Avi K

    Health, you have a shining future in stand-up. However, don’t give up your day job just yet.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893346
    Avi K

    Health, on the contrary, Turkey’s Jews live in constant fear and must toe the government line. In any case, having Turkey take over Israel c”v is an issur d’Oraita. Ramban is explicit that we must go to war rather than do this and Rambam stronly implies it. What you are proposing is simply insanity.

    Avi K

    Apushatayid, nobody wants to dismantle the yeshivot c”v. People just want all those who are registered but not learning, and especially the shababnikim, to do their share and iy”H turn into productive citizens.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893342
    Avi K

    Health, according to the statistics I have seen there are approximately 800K frum Jews outside Israel. This equals more or less 15 Knesset seats. This would definitely tip the balance. BTW, Turkey is already a fascist state.

    in reply to: Are you a Zionist? #893333
    Avi K

    Sam, you are confusing the Medina with the government. When bahab fell on Yom HaAtzmaut Rav Tzvi Yehuda would say both Hallel and selichot. Hallel for the State and selichot for the government. The solution is for frum Jews to make aliya and vote for change.

    Health, and you are motzi laaz on every soldier who davens for Hashem’s help.As for kol isha, we went through this before. There are heterim. What is the hetewr for someone who can to refuse to defend Am Yisrael?

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