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  • in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2322537

    philosopher: Arso, lostspark, the Ohr Hachayim is not saying that Yaacov’s guf is alive forever. The Torah says that at the time he expired he was not a mes and the posuk 50:1 is what the Ohr Hachayimis commenting on; it is only later in the parshah where the Torah says that Yaacov mes.

    1. You’re missing the point. The gemoro says that Yaakov Avinu was alive even after he was embalmed and buried. The Or Hachayim is just explaining what is meant by lo meis, and by extension, since he is taking the gemoro literally, the implication is that he holds that he was alive even after burial.

    2. And once again, for the innumerable time, you are ignoring the Ramban who explains Rashi and the possuk which seems to say that Yaakov meis.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2322536

    Menachem: Someone has been baselessly accusing Arso of terrible things for a while now, and this individual is starting to reveal his true colors, which are even darker than we initially thought.
    I am increasingly surprised at the recent absolute lack of moderation on this platform, which has now descended from maniacal rhetoric to inyonim of hepech hatznius, r”l.

    I can only assume it’s qwerty you’re referring to, as I read all the posts other than his. The guy’s is completely out of his mind, and I don’t think it’s worth dealing with him. However, your point about the mods is very relevant. What’s happened to them?

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2322201

    philospher: No talmud chuchem and no yiras shomayim is laughing at what Rashi is saying c”v. They just find it amusing that there are people who interpret what Rashi is saying to mean that Yaacov’s guf is physically alive in his kever.

    So they find the Or Hachayim amusing? As Lostspark quoted:
    וישק לו. פירוש לו נשק אבל אין נכון לעשות כן למת אחר כי המת גדוש בטומאה וטומאתו בוקעת ועולה עד לרקיע ותפגם הנפש הנושקת אלא לו ליעקב כי חי הוא אלא דורמיטא קראתו כישן ונרדם

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2322176

    Neville, once again you made a very valid point at the end of your last post, and you made me very jealous!

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2321876

    philosopher: We see clearly from the Torah, that Hashem has no guf.

    I’m not disputing that Hashem has a guf c”v, just your statement that it is clear that that is the case from the Torah.

    In Mishneh Torah Hilchos Teshuvah (3:7) the Rambam write that one who says that Hashem has a guf is a min. The Raavad argues that such a person should not be considered a min as, “a number [of people] greater and better than him [the Rambam] followed this view because of what they say in the pesukim… which confused the minds.”
    ולמה קרא לזה מין וכמה גדולים וטובים ממנו הלכו בזו המחשבה לפי מה שראו במקראות ויותר ממה שראו בדברי האגדות המשבשות את הדעות

    So it’s not so clear from the Torah itself.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2321824

    philosopher, I apologize! It was not you who said/implied that Mashiach can be a woman. It was Happy New Year. My mistake totally, and, as I said, I apologize unreservedly.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2321564

    Neville to philosopher: There’s no way I can think of to word this nicely, so I’m just going to be blunt: some of us don’t like asking our rabbis stupid questions.

    Very well put! You make me jealous when you post things that I should have thought of posting myself.

    Btw are you still reading the looney’s posts. It’s such a pleasure to completely ignore them, although I have to admit that while scrolling I see he has a wonderful title for you.

    In the seforim it says that when someone insults you, he gets your aveiros and you get his zechuyos. It would be great if it applied here, but I wonder whether the looney has any zechuyos at all.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2321267

    I have stopped reading qwerty altogether, as I’m scared I’ll laugh so hard I won’t be able to stop. As to philosopher, I currently glance at what she’s saying, but it seems I’ll soon stop that.

    Kudos to Neville and Lostspark for their posts, and especially for their cutting retorts. Although I have to disagree with Neville on one thing he wrote. To say that philosopher is entiteld to her view is, I believe, untrue. A Yid is not entitled to misread a Rashi and to ignore Rishonim who explain it. That’s what she continues to do, and that, IMHO is unfortunately apikorsus.

    In the meantime… כתיבה וחתימה טובה to all!

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2321264

    Neville, I think you should just ignore her. She twists and turns to justify her apikorsishe view (yes, unfortunately, “playing” with Rishonim and Chazal the way she does – not to mention where she implied that Mashiach can be a woman – is apikorsus) based on her own mind, and then she continues to ignore the fact that the Ramban (in explaining Rashi) and others says clearly that Yaakov’s guf was alive.

    “6 or 7 people”?! She doesn’t care whether you have the entire Anshei Knesses Hagedolah against her. She knows better!

    Btw I see I was right in assuming that once you take up the argument you will be branded by the looney.

    כתיבה וחתימה טובה to all (without exception)

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320402

    1. It’s a relief having come to the realization that ignoring qwerty is the best thing. Saves me time and energy, and frustration that there are such ingorant and apikorsishe looneys who consider themselves clever and knowledgable. The only thing I regret is not having thought of it earlier.

    2. Philosopher, I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s not worth arguing with you. BH you are not on the level of the rabid qwerty, but you ignore misinterpret and conclude things that are illogical. Note: I am not the only one who has said that. (Of course, anyone who takes my side in anything at all is passeled by the looney.)

    The Ramban was quoted to show how HE understood Rashi, when you and others said that Rashi could not be taken seriously. Clearly the Ramban takes Rashi seriously enough to resolve the issue that you brought up (and that you won’t let go of). That’s the point that Shmei made originally.

    And I think you got yankel berel’s point wrong. I understood him to be saying that you quoting what the Ramban himself holds does not have any bearing on what Rashi holds, and that when dealing with Rashi the Ramban clearly says that Rashi holds that Yaakov Avinu is alive. In other words, you’re quoting of the latter part of the Ramban did nothing to support your view.

    Maybe I’m wrong about yankel berel’s intention. yankel berel can you please tell us whether I am right or whether philosopher is?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320098

    yb: Daniel [and / or other worthy individuals who have died] NEVER claimed it and therefore NEVER failed any test.
    Think this is pashut kebe’a bekutcha.

    It’s takke pashut, but it’s not pashut that the Ramban meant that at all. That’s where you’re drawing a long bow, and I believe, unnecessarily.

    If you pay careful attention to what Rashi is saying there, he writes that if Mashiach WAS someone who died, then it WAS Daniel. Neither the gemoro nor Rashi give any room for a second coming. So what did the Ramban have to be worried about? That the xian would say that it was yoshke even though he has died? If he would try to back his naarishkeit from the gemoro, he has no source. And if he’s going to deliberately misinterpret the gemoro, or totally ignore it, why would he care that Daniel did not make a claim?

    Sorry but I still think that you’re trying to prove a point that you thought of but that has not source or even implication.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320095

    philosopher, you are out of your depth by many many fathoms.

    What I and Shmei said:

    1. Rashi says that Yaakov Avinu did not die. (I don’t understand it, but there are lots of statements of Chazal and Rishonim that I don’t understand. That doesn’t change the fact.)
    2. The Or Hachayim, the Rif on Ein Yaakov and others hold that Yaakov Avinu did not die. (You’re ranting and raving – have you been infected by a fellow conspiracy theorist? – that you have not seen that Rif is so immature. It’s there and everyone who has seen it acknowledges it. From what I understand you seem to be claiming that Shmei intentionally cited both the Rif (aka the Alfas) and the Rif on Ein Yaakov as two citations. I don’t recall him doing that. Maybe he did. I doubt it. But even if he did, it’s not relevant to what Rashi says.)
    3. The Ramban was ALWAYS quoted in this thread to prove NOT WHAT HE HIMSELF HELD but what Rashi held. And he explains and resolves an apparent problem – the one you asked – in Rashi. So the Ramban agrees that Rashi holds that Yaakov Avinu did not die. That’s why Shmei quoted the Ramban. You then went and quoted what the Ramban himself holds, which is fine BUT NOT RELEVANT TO OUR DISCUSSION ABOUT RASHI’S VIEW. Yankel berel wrote that to you.

    You have accused me and I have accused you, as follows.
    You have accused me of saying that I personally believe that Yaakov Avinu is alive. I have challenged you to show us where I said that, and you couldn’t be bothered combing through the posts again. Great way to avoid admitting a mistake. Something worthy of your cohort too.
    I have accused you of not knowing how to learn gemoro and meforshim and of spouting apikorsus (possibly without realizing). Others have backed me up on both points. They have also backed me up on how ridiculous your statements are in light of the above-qouted meforshim.

    It’s time you took a break and realized that you are talking against Torah sheb’al peh, which, to put it mildly, is not very good!

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319984

    Lostspark: I suggest the conversation continues in Hebrew/Yiddish in order to create a barrier of entry for the dentist that forgot to take his meds.

    I don’t think that’s necessary because as far as I can tell he doesn’t understand simple English either.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319974

    philosopher, you keep lambasting Shmei because he is, in your words, trying to prove the authenticity of his Avoda Zara. Either he is or he isn’t, but you know very well that I am most definitely not trying to prove anything from Rashi in connection to Lubavich. So why on earth do you keep taking that tack, and not addressing the issue?

    Rashi says something. You had a question on it. It must be a good question because the Ramban asks and answers the question that you asked. But if you keep on harping about that question you are clearly ignoring the Ramban. Why?

    Not to mention that there is the Or Hachayim and the Rif on the Ein Yaakov. And, as I have mentioned, the Maharsha, while he definitely disagrees with Rashi, nonetheless says that Rashi says it and means it. You keep ignoring those gedolei olam, and then you take offence when I, and others, say you are spouting apikorsus!

    And you have still not have not been able to cite one post of mine or of Shmei’s where we say that WE believe that Yaakov Avinu is alive. What I DO believe is that Rashi says it.

    No, instead you resort to juvenile statements like, “I’m still waiting for you to tell me which Rabbi you asked.” How juvenile. I told you I wasn’t going to ask anyone as the above mentioned meforshim are good enough for me. Yet you REFUSE to deal with the Ramban.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319970

    yankel berel: So here the point comes. If a person failing the test [because of his results-less demise], is accorded a second chance to produce results, then per force there is no test whatsoever. He can ALWAYS claim a second coming during which he produces the results …..

    With all due respect, you keep on trying to force a differentiation between someone who died after ‘starting the process’ and someone died without starting it. But you have no proof. You’re just basing it on a supposed concern of the Ramban in his disputation etc. Sorry, I still don’t see it.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319623

    Happy new year, you sound partially xian, partially Karaite and partially kook.

    100% of Gemoro – not 80% as you wrote – is Torah.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319622

    Neville re what philosopher wrote: She?! Okay, now I’ll call you an apikorus.

    Neville, you are a welcome breath of fresh air!

    Please all of you who are interested see the post I just sent to the other thread. As I wrote the other day, I couldn’t be bothered doubling-up my replies about the same point.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319620

    First, thanks Neville and coffee addict for reiterating what both Menachem and I have been trying to say. Maybe they’ll listen to you. On the other hand, maybe you’ll be found guilty by association and be called some interesting juvenile epithets.

    Which leads me to the following.

    I suspect that qwerty is mentally unbalanced, and depite my disgust and distaste for him, I don’t want to be the one who causes him to go over the edge and do who-knows-what. Therefore, I have decided that until he stops posting inflammatory stuff I will totally ignore all his posts.

    Of course, he will now say that he has checkmated me (I wonder if he’s ever even seen a chessboard…) and that that is why I am ignoring him. But – I really hope he can understand something as simple as this; I have my doubts – if qwerty desists from his infantile rabid style, I will bli neder deal with his posts. If he continues to be rabid, even if it is not me he is attacking, I will pretend he does not exist. I don’t want to be the one straw that breaks his mental state and leads him to harm himself or others chas veShalom.

    As to philosopher, please read what Neville wrote to you. לא בחנם הלך הזרזיר אצל העורב

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319074

    Although I strongly disagree with ARSo on most Lubavitch matters, I respect him as a level-headed poster and contributor to the CR.

    Menachem, thanks for the compliment! And the same is true in the reverse. I disagree strongly with Lubavich views that you have posted elsewhere, but you’re certainly level-headed and not a looney.

    And thanks for reminding me that qwerty used to be censored a lot, and that we didn’t know why.

    I too what has happened to the mods…

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319073

    First, Neville my apologies for not compllimenting you for writing what you did in the original post. It was clear and to the point.

    Second, as it seems that this thread is devolving into a parallel thread to the original Chabad Media one, I think that although I will possibly read both, I intend to reply to anything that is related to the other thread as well only there. It’s just too much effort writing more or less the same thing twice.

    So if you’re interested in what I have to say, look over there. Unless they close down that thread, then I may return here.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319069

    philosopher: i am not talking about the Lubavitche and pro-Lubavitche bringing sources that moshiach can come from the dead, my point in my last post is that they are arguing on Ramban and Ramban who said that moshiach can’t come from dead.

    As you know, I have said numerous times that the LR is not, was not, and cannot be Mashiach for a number of reasons. One of those is that he has died and pre-Gimmel Tammuz all Lubavich, without even one exception, held that Mashiach had to be someone who is alive.

    Nonetheless, I find it laughable that you cite the Ramban as a proof when you refuse to acknowledge, let alone accept, his resolution of your question from a passuk.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319026

    yankel berel to me: You write that someone who argues on rishonim and meforshim about pshat in gmara is apikorsus.
    Not necessarily so.

    I thought I was being clear, but perhaps I wasn’t, so let me try now.

    If you argue on a Rishon or one of very early and well-accepted Acharonim based on the fact that other people of equal stature to them argue, then there is nothing wrong, as long as you agree that אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים.

    If, however, you reject a view of someone of that stature because it makes no sense to your small brain, then you are an apikorus.

    Do you agree with that?

    At any rate, here we are dealing with a third type of person: someone who rejects the existence of a view because they reject that view. That is, Rashi did not say it because it doesn’t make sense. If someone would make a shevua of that type it would be a shevuas shav because clearly Rashi does say it!

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319025

    philosopher: Do you know how many men learnt in yeshiva and yet are amei haaratzim ?

    No. Do you? One thing I do know, that you keep proving that men or women who do not have a yeshivah background are lacking in the basic knowledge of how to understand Rashi and other meforshim.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319022

    qwerty, keep piling on the insults. They work in my favor and against you. Although, you probably won’t be punished for your ravings because you seem to be a lunatic.

    philosopher, qwerty and anyone else interested: Show me one post where I said that Yaakov Avinu is alive. I said that Rashi et al said it, and that one is not allowed to reject Rashi based on one’s logic.

    Then, once you have given up trying to find me saying that Yaakov Avinu is alive, show me one post where I have disagreed with the Maharsha. Even the Maharsha himself says that Rashi holds that Yaakov Avinu is alive (!) but he argues with Rashi. He is allowed to argue with Rashi because he was much closer to him chronologically (sorry qwerty, you probaby don’t know what that word means because it contains the word ‘logic’ which you cannot comprehend) and he was a tzaddik gamur who wrote with Ruach Hakodesh. We, on the other hand, can’t reject Rashi or the Maharsha, and we have to resort to the rules of שבעים פנים לתורה and אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים. The fact that none of us can understand what is meant by Yaakov Avinu being alive must not bring us to say that it can’t be literal if Rashi says it is.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319000

    philosopher, please answer this. question clearly: Does the Ramban ask the same question you asked based on the passuk about Yaakov Avniu’s sons seeing that their father had died?

    If no, then you have not been paying attention. End of discussion. If yes, then next question: Does he answer it in one of two ways, the second being that they mistakenly thought he was dead?

    If no, then you are either lying or not translating correctly. If yes, then why do you incessantly quote the passuk as a proof that NO ONE holds that Yaakov Avinu did not die, when the Ramban resolves that issue?

    The only conclusion I can come up with is that you have an agenda and that that agenda is not allowing you to see straight. (I too have an agenda against Lubavich, even without their messianic claims, but that does not affect the way I have been taught to understand Rishonim and Acharonim!) And, unfortunately, when your agenda leads you to “disagree” with Rashi, it makes you close to an apikorus.

    As to your “demand” that I ask some Rabbi (who you will undoubtedly disqualify; after all, if the Ramban, the Rif and the Or Hachayim are disqualified, what makes mine any better?) I’m not going to do it, and I already told you why on the other thread. Do you, or have you ever, used Artscroll? They say it in the name of Rashi. If that’s not good enough for you, your agenda has completely blinded you.

    Listen, I KNOW that the Lubavicher rebbe died, and I KNOW the he is not Mashiach. So clearly my understanding of Rashi et al has nothing to do with Lubavich and their crooked beliefs. Would you agree that that is true? Seems obvious. So stop thinking that anyone who says that according to Rashi et al Yaakov literally did not die must have a Lubavich agenda!

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318761

    No, philosopher, he wants to say what I’ve been saying a long time. qwerty is talking garbage and arguing from a standpoint that is against that of lomdei Torah for centuries. All his invective is pointless if he doesn’t know how a 15 year-old yeshivah bochur learns, and it’s clear that he doesn’t.

    As to you having listened to many shiurim on Yaakov Avinu lo meis, and none having said that he is alive… so what? Rashi says it, the Rif on Ein Yaakov says it, the Or Hachayim says it, the Ramban defends it against your questions from pesukim – isn’t that enough for you?

    If any of your aforementioned talmidei chachomim said that Rashi is wrong (c”v) I would call them apikorsim, or at the very least huge am haratzim, but I am 100% sure they did NOT say that. You have to realize that aggadata is a prime source for derashos and shmuessen which are designed to attract and uplift an audience. Citing other meforshim who explain the statement in a way which is more suitable for a derashah is par for the course, and I would do the same if I was giving a non-lomdish talk. Citing Rashi et al doesn’t give you much opening for a derashah. That doesn’t mean chas veShalom that they reject Rashi! Ask them.

    There’s another point here which is very very important. Were you to reject Rashi on the basis that the Maharsha or some other well-accepted meforash does, you would be wrong in doing so because אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים, but it would be little more than a mistake. If you reject Rashi because in your opinion what he says doesn’t make sense (c”v), which is what you have implied by incessantly referring to the impossibility of him breating etc underground, then you are rejecting him based on YOUR comprehension. That is unacceptable in Torah learning, and close, if not equal, to apikorsus.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318683

    philosopher: Arso, BTW, not to argue again over Yaacov lo mes again, but I do want to know if you took the advice you gave me to speak to a ruv or talmud chuchem if Yaacov lo mes means he is physcally alive in his kever.

    No, I didn’t. And the reason is because I have a yeshivah background and have been learning gemoro with meforshim for many years. As I just wrote to qwerty, I was a high-level gemoro teacher for a number of years, and the parents and administration were distraught when I had to leave due to family commitments. In all the years, I never had one parent argue about my explanation of the gemoro I had taught his son.

    I do not claim to be the biggest talmid chochom around, but I know how to understand a Rashi. I don’t need to go to someone and ask the stupid question, “What does Rashi believe?” when I can figure it out for myself.

    You and qwerty, on the other hand, do not have that background, probably through not fault of your own. But just as I would be remiss to proffer an opinion about nuclear physics when I am talking to someone who has studied nuclear science for decades, you are remiss to argue with me and Shmei (despite him being a Lubavicher with quite possibly questionable beliefs) about how to understand a gemoro.

    I urge you to read my previous post to qwerty in which I explain the impropriety of some of the things you say, and how I would explain to a student the correct attitude a yerei Shomayim has to have.

    Please post the name of the rabbi you’ve spoken to about this who said that Yaacov’s guf is alive.

    Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzchak, 11th century commentator on the Talmud. Rabbi Yoshiya Pinto, 17th century scholar and commentator on the Ein Yaakov. Rabbi Haim ibn Attar, 18th century commentator on both the Talmud and the Pentateuch.

    Well, to be honest, I haven’t actually spoken to them, but I have studied at least some of their writings.

    One final word in this post:
    I believe that you are seeking the truth, but because of your background you don’t know how much you have strayed. Please don’t take that as patronizing because that is not at all how I mean it. Shiv’im panim laTorah means that Rashi is right… as are those Rishonim, and early Acharonim like the Maharsha, who argue with Rashi! אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים. How does that work? We frail humans don’t understand, just as we don’t understand all the other secret ways of Hashem. But we cannot say that we disagree with any of them. That is apikorsus. So please be careful what you say, and don’t rely on the ravings of a fool. For your sake, not for mine.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318674

    qwerty: To Lostspark

    It takes a retard to know one. At least I’m successful.

    Nope. It doesn’t take a retard to know one. But it certainly takes a retard to make such a juvenile statement.

    And your defintion of success is clearly not a Jewish one. An apikorus, by definition, is a failure.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318673

    qwerty: I already conceded that you’re right about Rashi saying that Yaakov Avinu is alive.but I and all rational Jews follow Maharsha who disagree with Rashi.

    In other words, you in your infinite wisdom, humility, non-arrogance, amazing literary skills, and more, “choose” to be rational – together will all rational Jews, of course – and “disagree” with Rashi.

    What a chutzpah to say such a thing! You “disagree” with Rashi based on your rationality. You are truly, and very very sadly, an apikorus.

    Listen, as someone who has a yeshivah-upbringing, and who taught high-level gemoro in a yeshivah for a number of years, let me set you straight. We NEVER say, “I disagree with [insert the name of any Rishon].” That is apikorsus. What we say is, “Shiv’im panim laTorah. Rashi says this. It doesn’t seem rational, but he was a Rishon who wrote with ruach hakodesh, so we can’t just ‘disagree’ with it.”

    And if the the student still doesn’t understand, we explain on a more basic level: “Do you think Rashi was, chas veShalom, a simpleton? You’ve learnt Rashi for some years now, and you have certainly experienced his absolute brilliance. So do you really think that he doesn’t know that it is irrational to say that Yaakov Avinu is still alive? Of course he knows it. But he decided nonetheless to write that Yaakov Avinu is still alive. So please don’t make an utter fool of yourself by saying you disagree with him.”

    Of course, qwerty, the above does not apply to you, because you are quite used to making an utter fool of yourself.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318647

    Lostspark: A narcissistic retard dentist and a woman debate a Lubavitcher and a Litvisher over a Torah subject they can’t comprehend.

    Hey! Are you referring to me? I am a card-carrying member of a chassidic group, as I have mentioned in other threads.

    Also, I can’t believe that you-know-who is really a dentist. Nor do I believe that he learns for hours upon hours each day and that he writes regularly for the JP. From his writing I get the feeling that he around 15 years-old and that he can’t control himself.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318645

    yankel berel: Proclaiming to Klal Yisrael by force of a full-fledged Prophesy that RMMS has arrived to irrevocably take klal yisrael out of galut is an as clear as possible claim to the messiahship.

    It’s certainly a clear claim to messianship, but how does that make it the start of the process? The Rambam makes no mention of the aspirer making a claim to be Mashiach. In fact when he talks about Ben Koziba he says that it was Rabi Akiva who declared that BK was Mashiach. (The Raavad, on the other hand, does say that BK himself made the claim.)

    A claim which has to verified thru results and reality.
    If there is a second coming and a second chance , then there is NO VERFICATION at all.

    100%. But there is a negative form of verification, that is that the dead person has done nothing so far to justify the claim that he is Mashiach, and he is therefore no better in this matter than any one of the millions of righteous Yidden who have perished over the last millennia.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318637

    Yankel berel: a] As far as I remember RASHI says ‘kegon’ Daniel. Not that Daniel is the only possibility if its min hameitim . There are other possibilities. So j would NOT be excluded according to that pshat of RASHI.

    The gemoro itself says kegon Daniel, and Rashi says that that either means that if Mashiach was someone who has died it WAS Daniel (and Rashi adds that the word kegon is lav davka), or that Mashiach will be someone like Daniel. From Rashi, therefore, there is no wiggle room to say that it can be someone else who has died. yoshke would therefore definitely be excluded according to Rashi.

    b] I am not ‘concerned’ about RAMBAN excluding j [because of his death], because he is contradicting RASHI. He contradicts RASHI many times.

    According to what I have explained above, does he still contradict him here?

    Now , let’s ask you . If the plastic and the forged one [or his followers for that matter] are able claim that a so called second coming will clear up all the left over mess, then we are back to square one.
    Any failed , forged or plastic one , will say – I am still the right one . Just wait until I reappear.
    Think about this.

    Call me stupid (this is an opening for qwerty to make his usual ‘pithy’ comments) but I don’t understand what you are trying to prove with the above.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318327

    qwerty, until you admit to Artscroll saying that Rashi holds that Yaakov Avinu is alive, you are a shirker and a liar because you said you would look it up and admit it if it’s true. Everyone can see that. You are also unfortunately an apikorus for declaring that whoever says that Yaakov Avinu is alive is wrong, as there are Rishonim and meforshim who do.

    So your name-calling and infantile epithets don’t insult me at all. Aderaba they just give me more sachar, like when any other liar/am-haaretz/apikorus/xian would call me names.

    Keep it up. I can do with all these zechuyos for defending Torah from people like you.

    I think the funniest thing about you (perhaps it should be considered the saddest) is that because you want to see an agenda in everything some of us say, you yourself have developed an agenda and can’t even own up to your own commitments.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318314

    yankel berel, your suggestion that the Ramban differentiates between someone who has started the process and someone who has not is something you invented because you were ‘concerned’ how the Ramban got away with his refutation when, according to Rashi, Daniel could be Mashiach despite having died. But if you look at the gemoro you’ll see that it has nothing to do with Rashi as it is the gemoro itself that says that Daniel may be Mashiach.

    If anything, Rashi makes a xian view even less acceptable, because he says either Mashiach is someone who is alive and similar to Daniel, or it was Daniel. It is only by ignoring Rashi that someone can wrongly extrapolate and say that someone else who has died is Mashiach.

    So why come up with a differentiation based on conjecture and for which you have no source?

    Furthermore, I would venture to suggest that if anything you have it back-to-front. Wouldn’t you agree that it is more likely for someone who has started to process to be an acceptable candidate after death than someone who has not started the process? If it has to be the latter, then why yoshke and not someone else?

    And that would make the Rambam even more simple to understand. That is, even though Bar Koziba, whom Rabi Akiva supported and claimed that he was Mashiach, was disqualified when he died, how much more so someone who did not ‘start the process’.

    As to your claim that by accepting petitions and the like the LR is believed by Lubavichers to have ‘started the process’, since when is accepting petitions a criterion? It certainly has no source in the Rambam. At any rate, what Lubavicher do or do not consider in regards to their rebbe is irrelevant to us.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318067

    coffee addict: Arso,

    My question from bar kochba was according to Lubavitch “starting a process” makes someone a candidate for moshiach if that’s the case bar kochba has as much of a chance as the Rebbe of being moshiach

    I don’t think that’s the case according to Lubavich. I think they decided long ago that the LR is Mashiach, and they distorted whatever they can in their attempt to have others believe it. Even if according to them he had not “started a process” they would still say he’s Mashiach!

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317677

    Sorry yankel berel, but after reading your posts TWICE I still don’t understand how you claim to prove that, based on Rashi in Sanhedrin, there is a difference between someone whom we disqualify because he “started the process” before he died, and someone whom we don’t disqualify because he died before starting the process.

    According to Rashi in Sanhedrin – and we don’t know for sure that the Ramban had that Rashi, but let’s assume he did – the gemoro’s mention of Daniel can mean either one of two things:
    1. If Mashiach was someone who has died, it WAS Daniel. No one else.
    2. Mashiach will have the same type of tzidkus/traits that Daniel had, but it will not be Daniel because Daniel has died,

    If the disputant of the Ramban believed in Rashi, then there is nothing further to discuss, as yoshke is both dead and he is not lehavdil Daniel.

    If the disputant did not believe in Rashi, and he misinterpreted the gemoro by saying that the gemoro allows Mashiach to come from the dead, then what difference does it make if the dead person in question has started the process of geulah or not? The gemoro makes no mention of it. So why would the Ramban base any part of his argument on that. His argument, according to what you say, is that yoshke did not fit the criteria of Mashiach, period. Having started, or not having started, the process is irrelevant to the discussion.

    Btw your differentiation between someone who has started the process and someone who has not works against you when it comes to the LR’s ‘candidacy’. He did not start the process – he may have wanted to, but he didn’t – and therefore according to your sevara – not mine! – he is not disqualified!

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317670

    coffee addict to me: You know bar kochba also “started the process”

    Bar Kochba was after the churban, and he waged a war to return Eretz Yisrael to the Jews, which seems to be “part of the process”. What did yoshke – who was in the times of the Beis Hamikdash – do to start the process?

    yankel berel writes that yoshke allegedly claimed that he was the messiah. But that doesn’t seem to me as being part of the process. If anyone today would claim to be Mashiach and not do anything other than that, I don’t believe you would say that he had started the process.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317669

    Philosopher: Arso, as usual, you misunderstood. Qwerty said he’s out of the thread. I never said I’m leaving.

    True. I misunderstood.

    I said I’m not going to argue about Yaacov lo mes anymore. Why should I waste my time with people who want to believe that Yaacov Avinue is physically alive, that his body is breathing while buried under the ground, that he’s eating and his bodily functions are working while at the same time being his body is in his kever not being able to move?

    Not one person on this thread, and not one of the meforshim I have seen, say that Yaakov Avinu is breathing, eating, or that his bodily functions are working. You take statements of Rashi and meforshim, twist them to reach your own conclusion, and then make fun of what you have concluded!

    Yaakov Avinu being alive after embalmment and burial is clearly miraculous, and as far as miracles are concerned it’s not a greater miracle for him to be alive without breathing etc than it is for him to be alive at all.

    I will not continue arguing with people who deny what it says outright in the Chumash that the brothers of Yosef saw their father DIED, and other pesukim that openly show that Yaacov died.

    So the fact that meforshim of earlier times discuss this problem, and answer it (!), means nothing to you?! Or are you going to ignore me for making that point, because you “will not continue” (despite feeling justified in denigrating those of us who understand what Rashi et al say, even though you wrote that you will not continue arguing).

    And my challenge to you is one of the main challenges to qwerty that went unaddressed:
    Does Artscroll say explicitly that according to Rashi, Yaakov Avinu did not die? Yes or no, please? And if yes, are they also as stupid and unlearned as Shmei and myself?

    They don’t understand how to understand pesukim, Chazal and meforshim which only SEEM on the surface to contradict the pesukim that say that Yaacov died, but if learnt correctly, which these people obviously can’t or don’t want to

    I take it you include in “these people” not only those on the thread, but also those meforshim, including the Ramban (Berishis 49:33), who answer your question.

    I reiterate what I have said in the past, and although you will take it as an insult I mean it as a limud zechus. Women should not be involved in these discussions because they do not understand properly how learning Torah sheb’al peh works. (The same is true of men who do not have a yeshivah-education background.) Anyone who can stick to their question and ignore a Ramban who deals with it explicitly, hasn’t got a clue!

    The fact is that you people choose to ignore meferishe pesukim

    While you only ignore a Ramban who deals with the befeirushe pesukim…

    because you want to use that as a springboard to then say the Lubavitche rebbe is alive. That is the point of you all arguing that Yaacov is physically alive.

    And you say this to me?! How ridiculous! I challenge you to find anyone more adamant than me in arguing against the LR being Mashiach in a number of threads.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317452

    yankel berel: Did he not expect or anticipate a challenge [by believing Jews or lehavdil learned apostates] from sanhedrin about Daniel , according to one pshat in Rashi ? What would he say if he would be challenged ?

    I have no idea what the Ramban thought or understood. What I do know, however, is that you can’t draw a definite conclusion from his supposed thoughts – as you seem to – that he differentiated between Daniel and any else who had died because Daniel had not started the process.

    And by the way, how did yoshke start the process other than by supposedly saying that he was the king of the Jews, if he in fact said it?

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? Where are you? #2317265

    For those wondering what the message in Vietnamese says, here is the translation:

    Thanh Trung Mobile is a reputable electronic device repair system, established in 2006 in Ho Chi Minh City. This center specializes in providing repair services for a variety of devices from phones, tablets, to smart watches. With over 16 years of experience, Thanh Trung Mobile is proud of its team of professional and dedicated technicians, along with the use of genuine components and modern equipment to ensure service quality. Customers can find screen replacement, battery replacement, hardware repair, and many other utilities at Thanh Trung Mobile.

    Perhaps he has, for some reason, seen a market to supply thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies!

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317263

    So now that the deniers of fact – no, I’m not talking about the LR’s death; I’m referring to lying about Rashi – are no longer with us, I’d like to return to my original post of three weeks ago. Namely

    1. What do those who say that the LR is physically alive and is with us ‘everywhere’ mean? And not meaningless drivel, please.

    2. What Torah basis is there for using a random opening of the igros as instruction?

    For the full explanaition of my questions see

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317260

    So qwerty has taken the ‘high moral ground’ and is leaving us.

    How noble of him… not to admit anything at all. I don’t know what others are waiting for, but I’m waiting for…

    1. An admission that Artscroll says that Rashi holds that Yaakov Avinu did not die. qwerty committed to admitting that once he saw the Artscroll. Does that mean that he will never open an Artscroll again in case he sees something?

    2. A statement that he explicitly asked Rabbi Plutchok, and the latter agreed, that the LR got his (alleged) theory of his master-race from H yemach shemo.

    3. Confirmation from his Rabbis that Rashi does NOT say that Yaakov Avinu did not die.

    I think there are more, but I can’t think of them offhand, and if he has takke left us I’m not interested in searching.

    So if he reads this – and I have the feeling he will – do the honest thing and admit your mistakes instead of slinking off with your tail between your legs while convincing yourself that you are morally superior.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316902

    qwerty to yb: So now ArSo is also arguing with you. He states that Menachem Shmei cites phony sources to prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach but on the other hand he defends Shmei against those trying to disprove that the Rebbe is Moshiach.

    Once again, the big lie. Show me – and don’t ignore this – where I said that Shmei cites phony sources, and where I defended him against those trying to prove that the LR is Mashiach.

    Of course in your humble, non-arrogant and very lucid mind, defending – actually, agreeing – with Shmei about Rashi’s view, is arguing with those who don’t think the LR is Mashiach.

    Someone, anyone, please explain that logic. Qwerty you’d better hope that you don’t like the same type of soup that Shmei likes because then you will be supporting his alleged view that the LR is Mashiach. No one else on this thread will understand that logic, but you should because it’s just paraphrasing what you write.

    ArSo is a contrarian and or a nut job

    To paraphrase Chazal, better to be called a nut job one’s entire life than to be an apikorus – not to mention someone who prays with idolaters – like you who distorts the words of meforshim.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316901

    yankel berel, your post on the history and the mood of the times of the Ramban’s debate (Btw I apologise for saying it was the King of Seville. I don’t know where I got Seville from.) is very nice, but your conclusion that WE MUST SAY that Daniel is different to the others because he didn’t start the process – something which the Ramban does not mention at all – is far-fetched and certainly cannot be proven to the extent that you take it as fact.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316900

    qwerty to me: Do you agree that the Rebbe declared himself god clothed in human form in 1962 and that he said he’s Moshiach in 1951 and that Lubavitchers believe they’re better than all other Jews and that the Rebbe’s goal was to conquer the world? Please tell me which if any of those statements you disagree with.

    Not sure whether you mean do I agree that he declared/said/believed all these things – the answer to which is I’m not sure – or do I agree that all those things are true, which, of course, I do not.

    But why are you asking me weird questions? Look though all my posts on all earlier threads and you will see clearly that I attacked the many things the LR claimed, citing proof after proof how it was self-aggrandizement. And, if may so humbly say, my attacks were far more coherent and logical than most others’. My view has not changed. BUT…

    That does not mean that everything a Lubavicher says is incorrect, even if they have an agenda. Lubavichers say to put on tefillin daily. Do you agree with that? I certainly do. Undoubtedly many of them see others putting on tefillin as the first stage of becoming Lubavichers, but that is irrelevant to the question as to whether putting on tefillin is importatn or not.

    Same with the discussion about Yaakov Avinu. I have no idea whether Shmei has an agenda – I suspect that he does – but he is right in saying that according to Rashi and others Yaakov Avinu is still alive. If he would state a crooked agenda I would argue with it, but I would not argue by saying the Rashi does not hold that Yaakov Avinu is alive, as it is totally untrue.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316701

    qwerty: And the simplest answer is that When Rashi said that Yaakov is alive he meant alive as per Maharsha and/or Ohr Hachaim, that is not literally alive.

    Funny that Artscroll – whom you are so careful not to deal with here – didn’t think of the simplest answer, because Artscroll says that the Maharsha ARGUES with Rashi. How stupid of Artscroll.

    And lets chalk up another win to Magnus-Carlsen-qwerty, world chess champion when playing with his own board and his own rules. Rules, by the way, that fly in the face of Torah. Oh, sorry. No they don’t. He has the word of his Rabbis that whatever he says is gospel (after all, he prays with idolaters).

    Surely youRashi wasn’t following the Pshat of a lying weasel like Shmei who needs to believe that Yaakov is alive to convince dummies like ARSo that the Rebbe is still alive.

    Well clearly he hasn’t convinced me, has he? SI’m probably too dumb even to be convinced. And, unlike you, B”H too dumb to write apikorsus.

    Why doesn’t ArSo see what’s obvious to all? Because he’s insanely jealous of me and can’t deal with the thought that I beat him Nebach.

    Did one of your alleged Rabbis tell you that? If yes, it must be true.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316684

    (I know I said the other day that I would not read all of qwerty’s comments, but sometimes I just can’t resist.)

    qwerty to me: My Rav confirmed that Rabbi Alive said that a supporter of idolatry is considered an idolater but he didn’t remember off hand where it’s found.

    And you expect me to accept the word of a pathological liar (you, not your alleged Rabbi) that Rabi Akiva said it?! As I wrote, maybe he did, but I have never heard it before, and I need a source. Not hearsay.

    What I said is that the Rebbe learned two things from Hitler, how to create brain-dead followers and how toto conquer the world.

    No you didn’t! (See my a above statement about you being a pathological liar.) You said that the LR learnt from H the idea of trying to produce a master race.

    You are also a liar in saying that I insinuated that philosopher is chayav misah, but that’s just the way you work.

    If you had an eighth of a brain you’d see I’m right. Maybe you need to be checkmated.

    And maybe you need to have your strait-jacket adjusted so that you can’t reach the keyboard (or the chessboard).

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316682

    Yankel berel, sorry, but your “perforces” don’t work. Rashi himself has two explanations re Daniel, and he himself does not say which he prefers. The Ramban may very well have held of the one that says that Mashiach will be similar to Daniel. He had no reason to worry that the King of Seville would argue based on the other pshat.

    Also, you say that the Ramban always tells us when he disagrees with Rashi. Is that true? Have you researched all of Shas to come up with that statement? Furthermore, does your “rule” apply in aggadata?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316681

    Menachem, thanks for the link to the Or Hachayim. I hadn’t managed to look through it properly myself.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316680

    Qwerty: You scored a direct hit with your two questions. Great job .ARSo the Shmei puppet can’t answer either question so he says, We don’t die from a question..” When we add my two questions is why do Maharsha and Ohr Hachaim not accept Rashi’s statement literally. So now there are 4 powerful challenges to the ridiculous notion that Yaakov is still

    Unfortunately you are not only stupid but you are an apikorus, and an ignorant one at that.

    1. My answer was clearly a humorous one, as can be seen by the smiley at the end.
    2. Your questions are stupid and worthless because you deny that Rashi et al hold that Yaakov Avinu never died, all because you want to prove that the LR can’t be Mashiach. Hey. I’ve been saying for ages that the LR can’t be Mashiach and that he is not alive, but I am still normal and honest enough to say that Rashi et al hold that Yaakov Avinu is alive. So climb down from your stupid dead tree, and accept that Rashi et al hold that.
    3. The Maharsha disagrees with Rashi, but he does NOT say that Rashi does not hold that. So you bringing a “proof” from the Maharsha (and the Or Hachayim for which I am still waiting for a source) is ridiculous. You may as well say that Shmei agrees with everything you say because you disagree with him.

    When will you learn not to avoid issues you don’t like and to stop with your ridiculous and infantile “checkmates”? You probably can’t even play chess.

    Anyone who disagrees with you about Rashi – and not “allowing” him to say that Yaakov Avinu is still alive is clearly an apikorus and an am ha’aretz – is a traitor, a puppet and whatever other silly epithet you can think of. I know you didn’t learn gemoro in school, but it seems to me that you didn’t learn – or at least failed dismally at – clear thinking.

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