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  • in reply to: Rechokim or kerovim #871331

    I’m glad to see someone has directly addressed this everso important need of the Jewish community…it has always bothered me that while it is wonderful that there are so many centers geared specifically for kiruv rechokim (such as the one mentioned by rabbi fingerer, and aish, ncsy etc..) however, as rabbi fingerer mentioned, there is obviously a need for a place for these yidden (the kerovim) to seek counsel in a forum they feel comfortable doing so. so why is it that no such facilities specifically geared to this cause exist?

    now, it could very well be that you can think of an organization or two that deals with kiruv kerovim, but do you know of any whose sole focus is to be available as a listening heart for people with questions or struggles?

    as far as I know such an organization does not exist and would be a huge asset to the Jewish community at large

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