Forum Replies Created
June 16, 2011 6:16 pm at 6:16 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777378aries2756Participant
These trees are considered City property so when they find the thief it won’t be a matter of just stealing some kid’s bike there will be serious consequences.
June 16, 2011 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: Jewish Frum Orgs Need Address Female Only Job Ads #777357aries2756ParticipantIt depends on the size of the office. Why get so upset. Why not just call and ask? Pretend that you didn’t notice the ad said “female”. If you want a job go after it. I will also suggest that you don’t limit yourself to jewish newspapers. Look in the Times, Newsday, Post, Craigslist, etc.
aries2756ParticipantYossi congrats where did you find your apartment?
June 16, 2011 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777370aries2756ParticipantObviously NOT a yiddishe kup, why not just axe the chain?
aries2756ParticipantIn my neighborhood it is around $15,000
aries2756ParticipantNo there is nothing wrong with pony sheitels why would you even ask?
June 16, 2011 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm in reply to: Yet another tznius issue (but probably not a crisis) #778266aries2756ParticipantI think this is ridiculous and over the top. The logo is for “internal use only”. It is not for others to scrutinize. The uniform is exactly for the purpose of “uniformity” and not for you or anyone necessarily to recognize which school a child belongs to. That is a result of schools using the same uniforms year after year.
If you saw someone wearing an interesting belt with a logo on it or a decoration on it, would you go closer and yet closer to get a better look to see what it was or who the designer was. Is it really your business or do you really need to know? NO you don’t and if you did it would really be chutzpa. So it does NOT matter where the logo is. It is on a pocket and wherever that pocket lands on the shirt of the girl depending on the size and the height of the girl it is not your business and it is NOT a tznius issue. It is common that logos, initials, decorations go on a pocket of a shirt. Lets NOT look for problems where they don’t exist. Maybe girls should be required to only wear sweatshirts so they will never draw attention to their private parts. Maybe they should never wear necklaces because someone might look closer and actually zoom in on their chest.
When does this nonsense end?
aries2756ParticipantIt is so easy to come up with suggestions not so easy to implement. Out of the area might seem cheaper, but so is the pay while the cost of kosher products is actually more. The cost of chinuch might also be more because the choices are less or kids have to travel much further to get to school. And yes there is also the cost of travel to jobs and to visit family. And as soon as a community starts to get settled with Frum families, the prices start to go up. Moving is also an expense and kids don’t always do so well when they get moved around. It is NOT always such a good option for kids to pick them up and take them away from their friends and family support when they are already in a bad matzav and move them to a completely unknown area.
Really it is not so simple. But if you think that people in trouble don’t think about this and any other option they might have, you are wrong.
aries2756ParticipantWhy not post a “situation” wanted ad and see if anyone answers. Aside from that why not send your resume to all ads even if they “prefer” a female. If you are the most qualified they might reconsider.
aries2756ParticipantSeriously? You pulling our legs? Why would you want to be here and talk to all us old folks?
aries2756ParticipantFirstly, they don’t HAVE to walk up to the front and watch and they probably should be warned not to. Have someone stay nearby that can explain the traditions to them as things are happening. As someone said they do know what circumcision is, so that’s not a surprise they just don’t know what the ceremony is about. It is not such a big deal. Don’t worry so much about it.
aries2756ParticipantThis is an amazing skill. My father a”h was always ready in his clothes very early. The table was always set and ready. I cannot seem to manage this, no matter when Shabbos begins I need every minute. I think the point is to welcome the Shabbos Malka in a relaxed and gracious manner and not to be anxious, rushed and frenzied when she comes. Just as you would want to greet any other guest, you would want to be dressed and have the house ready and waiting and not have them waiting for you.
aries2756ParticipantIt is when they switch roles the wife demanding love and respect and the husband expecting total subservience – that the troubles begin!”
So, so true. So when the husband follows the Torah guidelines and the wife follows what is natural, being a nurturer as is described in the book “The River, The Kettle & The Bird by Aharon Feldman, the marriage is a continual balance of giving – receiving (refilling), giving – receiving (refilling) etc. So no one runs on empty. Which in essence is the Torah guidelines because it is what comes naturally for men and women the Marriage builds on that premise and foundation to be a strong and successful one.
However if you vary from the design and do what is NOT the natural. It will be chaotic and fail.
aries2756ParticipantB”H, you see, when you do what is right and best for YOU things do fall into place. Please keep on track and make the best choices possible for yourself.
aries2756ParticipantPumper, that is true and in addition there is probably a female secretary in the office as well which would probably mean “Yichud” for the two of you. Jewish employers and not looking for problems and issues whether it means their pocket when it comes to salary and benefits or when it comes to halachic requirements.
aries2756ParticipantI think we did this once before. I remember recommending Paper Clips.
aries2756ParticipantGAW, I knew I could count on you, well said.
BTW, the Torah also says that a man should love his wife as himself and honor/respect her more than himself. So if he considers himself the King, he must consider her the “Super King”. And as everyone knows “behind every great man, is a great woman”.
In addition we also know that Hashem told Avrohom to listen to Sarah.
So for anyone who wishes to put women down, or to bring some posuk from the Torah to show that men are superior, just stop. This isn’t a contest. That is NOT the Torah way or what a truly FRUM marriage is about. A truly Frum marriage is NOT about superiority it is about giving to each other and mutual love and respect, continuously.
aries2756ParticipantThe next morning. There are different shitas according to where you are from and if you are litvish or chasidish. The Yeshivish shita is the next morning.
aries2756ParticipantGender should have nothing to do with it. I too voted for McCain and Palin. I wouldn’t have voted for Palin for President though. I didn’t think she was qualified at the time. I did think that McCain was and still thing this country would have been better off with him at the wheel. I didn’t thing that Obama was qualified at the time and I think he has proven that. People got carried away with his charm and with the idea of the first Black President. That was wrong. Everything that he said against Bush at the time he took back. Everything he said he would do different that Bush was doing, he rescinded. He had no clue what he was talking about then and he still doesn’t have a clue.
aries2756ParticipantIt is a sad commentary when we consider “HEBREW” a foreign language. When I was in school girls took the Hebrew regent in the 9th grade and boys took it in 10th or 11th, but we both still had to take a language regent in 11th grade either French or Spanish.
aries2756Participantbpt, I never made it that far. Is that because of hand/eye coordination or speed?
aries2756ParticipantMIS, maybe not but a nice clean yarmulka wouldn’t be bad 🙂
aries2756ParticipantWhen we were kids there was a game we played with a paper that we wrote things on and folded up like origami. As we unfolded corner after corner, we had to talk about or enact something from the unfolded paper. There should be some kind of cube or dice or something small to take along on dates thats fun and keeps the conversation going. Can you imagine if the two concentrated on this piece and it says “adventure” and the couple on the date would have to discuss an adventure they experienced or it said “fear” so they discuss a fear they each had or something like that. Wouldn’t it be interesting. It certainly would be a conversation starter wouldn’t it?
aries2756ParticipantShlishi, yup those were the days that the wives stayed home while the husbands made all the money and paid all her bills. So now what? Should this now be the “Good Husband’s Guide” since now in most marriages the wives work also? And in most Frum marriages most of the wive’s work more? Obviously men should learn a lesson from this and pamper their wives more often. Thanks, Shlishi.
June 13, 2011 5:33 am at 5:33 am in reply to: Need remedy for crazy pregnancy hormones during last weeks…. #777662aries2756ParticipantPlease don’t take herbal remedies without speaking to your doctor. Ask your doctor what he suggests. Maybe you could try a maternity massage, reflexology (foot massage), soothing music, aromatherapy, breathing techniques, meditative yoga, or other type of relaxation techniques. If your doctor allows it you might try acupuncture or acupressure.
June 12, 2011 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm in reply to: why is it fair for a younger daughter to have to wait for the older daughter? #776293aries2756ParticipantWanderingchana, as outsiders this is not something we can help with. This is something that they have to work on as a family, maybe with the help of a Rav or a family therapist.
aries2756ParticipantThere are functions in Excel for charting and graphing. Just entering info in the spreadsheet does not complete the process. I don’t know which version you have and which processing system. So go into the help mode and search for charting or graphing whichever you are looking for and follow the instructions.
aries2756ParticipantYou really have to go to the store and try them out. You need to speak to the salespeople to get the lowdown on each one and decide what you do want and what you can do without. You also need to try them out to see the sturdiness and the stride.
June 12, 2011 6:54 pm at 6:54 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776958aries2756ParticipantThere is also a person who is known as a “dating coach”. This is a person that is very knowledgeable and knows how to guide a young person through the process. The point of the dating coach is for the young person to have ONE individual who can help and not be discussing the dates with 10 friends and get ten opinions. The coach is completely non-biased and doesn’t claim to know that person better than they know themselves. They are a good sounding board and can help them navigate through the process without getting emotional calling the date a “nerd” for doing or not doing a certain thing. They point out was is normal and why they should give the date another chance and so on.
aries2756ParticipantI have no idea what you are talking about, however, I appreciate that you stepped up to the plate and made things right. Kol Hakovod to you.
aries2756ParticipantMazel tov! I guess you did read the “slow down you move too fast…..” thread.
aries2756ParticipantThere is nothing you can’t accomplish if you put your mind to it. The only thing you have to think about is what sacrifice if any will there be. Is it you who will have to sacrifice to follow your dream or are you asking your family to sacrifice as well? If your kids will not be affected by your schedule then go for it. They will be proud of you and you will be the best person you can be for fulfilling your dream. Nobody wins if you are unhappy.
June 12, 2011 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: why is it fair for a younger daughter to have to wait for the older daughter? #776284aries2756ParticipantThere shouldn’t be machlokes between sisters. If the older daughter does not give her blessing to he sister to go ahead with the shidduch then there will be “kinnah” and bad feelings. That is something to avoid at all costs. These sisters have to love each other first, and they have to want the best for both.
aries2756ParticipantIUseBrains, sorry to say that not everyone uses their brains! Instead of being inspired by your enthusiastic davening, they are annoyed by it. That is a pity, and they should be annoyed by people who choose to consider the shul a living room or a social hall. Use your brains and realize that people are the way they are and there is nothing you can do about it. Just walk away and chalk it up to the fact that people will always find something to complain about and something to look down on in other people. May you always daven with Kavana and enthusiasm that inspires your inner soul and others who appreciate the meaning of your tefilos.
June 7, 2011 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: Why do politicians and others think they'll get away with dirt? #775782aries2756ParticipantEveryone will get caught in the end. Their friends today will be their enemies tomorrow. That’s how politics work.
aries2756ParticipantLying is a habit. If you get away with it once, twice the third time it becomes easier and then easier still. Once you let that first lie slip past your tongue you are almost doomed. If someone you know is a habitual liar the best thing to do is show them the consequences of their lies and how much it can hurt others.
aries2756ParticipantMay this Yom Tov be a yeshua for all of K’lal Yisroel.
aries2756ParticipantThat’s what these huge pocket books are for. To hold on your lap and cover your knees and hold in front of your legs when entering and exiting the car. 🙂
June 7, 2011 2:47 am at 2:47 am in reply to: Why do politicians and others think they'll get away with dirt? #775774aries2756ParticipantOfcourse, its their egos that get them into trouble, not their jobs or their wealth.
June 6, 2011 11:38 pm at 11:38 pm in reply to: Why do politicians and others think they'll get away with dirt? #775772aries2756ParticipantPeople allow their egos to cloud the little bit of common sense they posses. Anyone will true common sense control their egos and stay out of the public eye.
aries2756Participantcopasetic= Hakol b’seder
aries2756ParticipantMaybe you can suggest to him that he keep some toys or something to keep his kids entertained with when they come in his own desk, because they seem to wonder over to your desk looking for something to play with. Also let him know that you realize he wasn’t aware this was happening, but you are particular about your things and really don’t like anyone touching your desk. Hatzlocha.
aries2756ParticipantHappy Birthday PBA, biz hindred un tvontzik.
aries2756Participantminyangal, when you go this year, remember you are NOT alone. WE are with you and here for you whenever you need us.
aries2756ParticipantWe also don’t take home bencher unless it is someone very close or they are unusual or special. My friend is in the business and she asks “how many people are you having at the wedding” then she tells the customer if you are buying a new style people will want them so you need “x”. if you are buying plain, buy half.
aries2756ParticipantMy father a”h was my best friend. He passed in 1992. It was the biggest shock of my life. He left in Dec on a Monday and he said goodbye to all of us as he headed off to Miami with my Mom. We got a call on Friday that he had a massive coronary on the boardwalk and was gone.
My mom a”h passed on October 4 of this year. We sent her off with love, dignity and respect. We were all there, children, grandchildren and her youngest great-grandchild. We all said good-bye and surrounded her with love as she went on her final journey.
No matter what age we are, we will always remember our parents, miss them and grieve for them as if we were small children.
aries2756ParticipantIts never a good idea to get too comfortable. It is better to always be on your toes and keep moving forward. Opportunities are rare and far between, if you don’t take it when they are offered you might be getting even more comfortable while you wait for the next opportunity to show up.
aries2756ParticipantI just wanted to thank Mod-80 for allowing the other thread and then finally closing it. Thanks for your seichel and your sense of humor at least you got my point.