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  • in reply to: Amdus Hayu. #796411

    I got a nickel shiny and new, I’m gonna buy me all kinds of candy that’s what I’m gonna do.

    How’s my memory?

    in reply to: Unsent Letters #824719

    Just writing the letter is more than enough in most cases to relieve the anger and frustration. Once the letter is written and you reread it, you realize that you already feel better and there is no reason to mail it.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003529

    Actually Romance is not about “lust” at all. Romance is about “giving” and “pleasing”. “lust” is about taking so all those arguing with PBA have no concept of Romance and have no clue what PBA is talking about.

    PBA, I hear you loud and clear. You can find beauty in many places. A song can make you cry and a poem can as well. There are many songs, even romantic songs that were taken from tehillim. Not every decade and era used vulgar language as this decade and the previous decade did. There were songs that I heard in stores after my father was nifter that made me burst out in tears and run from the store. They just touched me and something in the words just reminded me of him. No matter how much you try not to listen your subconscious picks it up. And when you are in love and hear a song that touches your heart and says the words that you would love to relate or express to your spouse but somehow were not able to verbalize or compose on your own it gets to you and you might want to share it to relay your own feelings.

    in reply to: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) #796034

    shlishi, obviously you can choose to hear what you want, believe what you want to and understand what you want to. The police commissioner and DA combined chose not to say that Aron chopped up the boy’s whole body. They only made reference to the boy’s feet. They know how to say the things they want people to hear and know at that time and they know how to hide certain things so the public should not know. More information was just released to the press from Aron’s written statement at the arraignment. No one knew that he didn’t eat kosher until that time either. There are still a lot more things that was not released yet.

    I choose to wait till the whole truth comes out in court which I hope and pray the family will not attend or have any knowledge of. I am sure that you didn’t know about his best friend until we found out about him today when the interview was released today. I am sure there will be more information that is released after the cops interview him more and as more people come forward that knew him whether that is in person or on the internet.

    But since you are so sure that the commissioner and the DA disclosed absolutely everything that you need to know and the case is closed in your mind, I have no problem with that. YOU are entitled to believe whatever you choose to believe. I don’t gain or lose anything by you believing what you want. I don’t gain or lose anything finding out the truth about this case other than opening the eyes of the Olam who choose to still be blind to this topic and keep shoving their heads, deeper and deeper into the sand like you are doing. Even the possibility of this happening to this poor child is out of the question with you. How does that help the situation? If you understand that this was a possibility then you would understand how to protect your children, the simple ABC’s. A – always tell mommy everything. Never keep secrets from mommy. B- Be aware. Even people that you recognize and don’t seem like strangers can be dangerous. Don’t go anywhere with anyone unless Mommy or Tatty told you beforehand that an arrangement was made for you to go with them. C- call out. If someone approaches you, grabs you, touches you inappropriate, speaks to you inappropriately, or shows parts of themselves to you CALL OUT and draw attention to yourself. Scream if someone tries to grab you “this is NOT my MOMMMY, Tatty, brother or whomever they are pretending to be. Scream, yell and run away even if it is a Rebbe who is trying to take you in a room alone with him it is against the rules.

    Furthermore every classroom should have windows in the doors that you can look into. Never allow a teacher to cover those windows up.

    in reply to: A Lack Of Sensitivity #795238

    PBA, it is very important that the kids see warmth and affection from their parents so they know how to emulate that in their own relationships.

    Observeanteen, may I suggest to you that you try filtering. You do not have to read nor get involved in every thread. If you do not agree or feel it is not a topic appropriate for your age or hashkofah, don’t go there, or don’t get involved. Personally I choose to skip over many topics because either it is not something I am knowledgeable about, or I don’t want to get in middle of the arguement.

    in reply to: A Lack Of Sensitivity #795236

    msseeker, BTW, whether you want to recognize it or not MO are also “frummies”. Furthermore YW is NOT YOUR turf, it is public turf for ALL jews. YOU don’t own it or run it. If the MODS do not want certain people here or want to exclude someone it is up to them and not you.

    jmj613, we have had this discussion on other threads so I was trying to stay out of it. You probably have already guessed what my opinion is, but here it is.

    It is hypocritical of anyone who calls themselves Chareidi to come on the internet and then spout anything about right and wrong. Just the fact that they are here is against everything their Rabbonim speak about. They are blogging and having discussions with mixed company besides being on the internet. No matter what heterim they give themselves, no matter what filters they put on their computers, bottom line is their leaders say it is “Assur” to be here so that is the first thing I have to say.

    Next. If you see something you don’t like there are nice ways and “not nice” ways of saying things. Msseeker did NOT discuss “her?” displeasure in a nice manner. When I go to a wedding and see that the Olam is a bit out of control it makes me sad not angry. I don’t judge others I feel bad for them that they don’t understand the beauty of tznius and behaving in a true tzniusdik manner especially in public. They are missing out and don’t understand what I do understand. That is a chaval. If I am at a Frum wedding and I see some of the young kids (the kallah and chosson’s friends) start dancing together in front of the Kallah or on the girls side I go over quietly and tell them “I am sorry to break this up but this is NOT appropriate here. If they say “it is OK with the Kallah” I say “it is the parents who are making and paying for this event and it is NOT OK with them. Let us not cause embarrassment for them in front of their friends and family or make things uncomfortable for them as the hosts of this Simcha, can’t we all just have a good time without breaking the rules, please?” And they just smile and agree and go back to their own places. All they really want to do is have a good time and not ruin anyone else’s good time.

    So you see there are ways to handle any situation in a nice and polite manner. As far as this website is concerned. It has a standard that it keeps to and WE are NOT the ones that judge what that standard should be. This is NOT a chareidi website. Obviously that would be ridiculous since chareidim are NOT supposed to be on the internet to begin with. Yeshivish people, according to their Rebbeim are also NOT supposed to be here, so to pronounce this a chareidi/yeshivish site and MO people don’t belong here with their ideas and opinions is totally ludicrous. This is a Jewish website for Orthodox Jews controlled and moderated by Frum Jews who work carefully and closely to keep it clean and kosher. They don’t allow Rabbi bashing and they try to keep us from bashing each other as well.

    So my opinion is we should keep offering each other positive support in the ways that we need and are looking for. We should stop judging others and try to be more welcoming and show more ahavas yisroel. We should stop thinking that we are each smarter than the next as we share our knowledge and experience. We should acknowledge others for their knowledge and experience and understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings. However, we should be careful how we present them as to NOT hurt others.

    in reply to: Bracha #796547

    SB, Amen! That was so sweet and thoughtful of you. May all your brooches and wishes be fulfilled fully and completely.

    in reply to: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) #796032

    You are so naive. They also stated that they found the feet in the freezer. They did not state that they found any other body parts in the home, nor did they state that Aron told them how he dismember the body piece by piece. They can say whatever they want to the public, they are NOT under oath in their interviews as they will be when they testify in court. In addition they did NOT say that they were “unequivocally certain “they said “at this time there is no evidence to prove” that is two very different ways of giving over a message. However, at any time in the future evidence, such as a confession, or dna evidence on the boy’s clothing can prove otherwise.

    in reply to: HELP #798301

    How would you know that? What is considered “good” rock ‘n roll and what is considered “trashy” hip hop?

    in reply to: HELP #798299

    In order to change a negative you replace it with a positive. So in order to stop a bad habit you replace it with a good habit. If you are trying to change the music you listen to, find another type of music to listen to. You might have to wean yourself off slowly. So instead of going from secular rock n roll music to Jewish hartzik music right away, you might find some hip-hop music that you like and then find some hip-hop jewish music and then ease into regular popular jewish artists that have a good beat or a good message like Soul Farm or that type. That would probably work better than replacing secular music immediately with Avrohom Fried.

    I am sure that you didn’t switch from Jewish Music to secular music over night and you probably won’t be able to switch back over night. It will probably be a work in progress. So start working and give yourself credit for every cd you listen to and every cd you give up. There are a lot of Jewish music you can listen to and buy on Itunes. You would be surprised how many groups there are and how entertaining they are.

    in reply to: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) #796029

    He lied about many things and we can see and we will still see. In addition we are learning more things than was released earlier. WE have no way of knowing what he has done before and cannot be sure about whether or NOT he molested the child. So that is still a question up in the air that remains unanswered and we can’t assume one way or the other, it is an unanswered question because he is lying and there are things that are not being shared. Just this weekend the Daily News revealed something about the “butchering” that we did not know before. I am not going to go into that details, if you don’t know all the better for you. And I am positive that that was only part of it, as I have heard more. So there are things that will still come out about him.

    The real question as to why in the world he would pick him up to begin with is still a mystery. Why would he take him to Monsey is still a mystery. At first we were told that he was left in the car and there was no sign of the boy on the wedding or surveillance video at the Hall. Now he claims that he took him in to the dinner. He claimed that he was surprised that the boy was still there waiting for him when he got home from work, but the ME said he was tied and drugged. YOU are choosing to believe the child was NOT molested or he never molested any children because HE said so, or because there was no evidence on the body? As if he couldn’t have washed the evidence off the child?

    in reply to: I don't deserve her #795424

    For future reference is it normal, as we saw on the “too fast” forum, that boys have a tendency to wear their heart on their sleeve when they “feel it” and girls are much slower to react and to trust their feelings. It just takes girls longer to be sure and to feel safe, even about their own feelings. So sometimes, maybe most times, it is better to hold back and try to keep pace with your date and not run too far ahead of them. Yes the boy should state his feelings first because girls need to hear it first and need to feel safe before they will allow their feelings to be known, but you need to bee somewhere in the same vicinity so you don’t scare off your potential mate.

    That might be because the boys actually have more dates and more girls to compare to so that when they do find the “right” one they zoom in on it and feel it faster. Or when a guy is dating for tachlis he doesn’t want to waste time or waste the opportunity when he finds what he is looking for. Or maybe because they feel more safe and secure in the dating process to begin with. Whatever the reason, it is important to stay tuned in, and that is why it is helpful to keep the shadchan in the middle so that you get feedback from the other party whether they are not comfortable telling you directly because they don’t want to rock the boat.


    Happiest, you have truly experienced a nightmare and the trauma that follows is ongoing. I am glad that you have NOT kept it a secret but have allowed your voice to be heard and are getting help, and are dealing with this issue. Please continue to work through this and surround yourself with supportive and positive energy.

    in reply to: I don't deserve her #795421

    Don’t be concerned. It is time to move on. If she thinks about you in the future that will be a sign that it was a mistake for her to let you go and it will be up to her to try and make contact with you and see if there is a chance for the two of you again. So that is her issue and not yours. Your issue is to move ahead and remember that you deserve as good as you thought this young woman was and better.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097811

    smiley, WE are also not the suing types. This country is too litigious and only the lawyers profit from that.


    Yaela, that is very, very sad and must have ripped your family to shreds. Every child needs two parents to count on. Every child needs a Mommy and a Daddy. It is extremely sad to not have that in your childhood and your adolescent years when you need them the most. Children need strong role models in their lives. Mothers need their husbands to partner with. It is very difficult to be a single mother whether you are in a marriage or divorced raising children on your own. I am glad that you had a support system to at least understand what was happening and how to handle it. Most kids and families don’t get that. You can’t help an addict. They have a choice to get help or feed their addiction and no one can make that choice for them. The only thing a family member can do is encourage them to get help while at the same time tell them “I love you and that is why I will not stand by and watch you kill yourself. That is not fair to me”. You have to respect yourself too.

    The best anyone can do is say “I will support your sobriety but I will NOT support your addiction”.

    As far as your food addiction is concerned you might also want to see a therapist and a doctor who can help you with that. It probably has something to do with the need to be loved and turning to food for comfort. A good endocrinologist can help you out by first doing a complete work up to see how your body is functioning and then recommend the proper foods and diet plan, and then a therapist can help you through your issues.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097808

    smiley, sorry I was just making a point because PM said that what i was saying was akin to not allowing a child to go out because there was a bully on the block, which one should be careful about as well but is not the same correlation. Obviously allowing someone to play in a home where there is a direct danger to one’s child is a real issue.

    Would you allow your child to play in a home that has a dog that bites?

    in reply to: hair covering and married women #816422

    Yaela, maybe I can help you understand it from a purely aesthetic perspective. Maybe the reason that sheitels look so natural and beautiful is to encourage women to cover their hair and not hesitate to do the mitzvah. Even when I first got married 36 years ago, my sheital macher was doing her best to make my sheitel look as natural and as much as my own hair as possible. This was to make me feel comfortable wearing a sheitel and not feel awkward at work. Every year the sheitels look and feel more and more natural and every year more and more young women are choosing to cover their hair. Just as you said, your mother didn’t, her mother didn’t but your sister does, and you do partially and are thinking more about it. With such beautiful and comfortable options available it makes the choice more palatable.

    Yaela, when I was a young bride, going to the mikvah was so awkward and uncomfortable. Well we have come a long way baby. Today mikvahs are like spas, clean and gorgeous catering to the needs of the women. They try to make the mitzvah as welcoming and comfortable as possible. The point is understanding that the mitzvos women have to do are not so easy for all women and women should feel proud and happy to do them.

    If you put a shmate on your head that makes you feel uncomfortable why would you choose to cover your hair? Yes it is the rule and yes it makes your husband happy. But if you are not happy doing it, how will that play out in your shalom bayis? But if you can do the mitzvah happily and proudly with a beautiful sheitel and feel good about yourself, feel comfortable in it then eventually you will be doing it for yourself and not just to make your husband happy. How much more will your husband be happy, proud, respect, appreciate and admire you for you performing the mitzvah for yourself?

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097805

    Peacemaker should we take a pole here? How many people in the CR would allow their 5 year old child to play in the house next door knowing that the 9 year old neighbor hits her and she has to hide from him?

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097795

    Peacemaker, if you know that someone is bullying your child in that house what is the reasoning behind letting your child go there? Please explain why you would let your child go play next door knowing that a child in that house will try and probably succeed to hit your child? If you know that your child will most likely or even might possibly get hurt next door how is that not negligence allowing your child to play there?

    Whether YOU believe it is negligence or not, the attorney representing the insurance company WILL without a doubt claim negligence on the part of BSD.

    in reply to: hot plates…so confuzzled #796149

    The hotplate from israel is hot enough to boil water and burn food, just so you know. Especially when brand new. I bought one and learned the hard way. I now put a foil pan upside down on this hotplate and pile everything on top of it except for the soup Friday night because it is liquid, but if there is not enough soup in the pot, it can boil out, otherwise it is very hot soup.

    in reply to: Anxiety-And Symptoms #795326

    Writing is good, because you are venting your feelings, or it might be better NOT to think about what is triggering your anxiety and just try to relax and concentrate on your breathing. In that case put on some relaxing music (yes even in the 9 days, it will only be for a little while), sit in a comfortable chair near a fan or a/c vent so there is air in your face and just listen to the music and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, count to 5 and then breathe out slowly again through you nose. Don’t talk, don’t try reading, just listen to the music and to your breathing until you are totally relaxed and in control.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097793

    BSD, Now that you have answered everyone’s questions here is what I know from working in the insurance industry for 9 years. Knowing that the older brother chases and hits your daughter, YOU were negligent allowing your child to play there. Furthermore, the boy was NOT chasing her at the time, she was hiding from him. No one pushed her, she got hurt on her own. To answer your question about your own insurance paying for your daughter getting hurt in someone else’s house. Yes they should cover it. If you fall outside, the insurance company doesn’t ask you why you aren’t suing the city or the homeowner in front of who’s house you fell.

    As far as car accidents are concerned. The two parties driving the two vehicles wind up in a law suit if there are long term physical damage or if one does not have collision insurance and wants the other to pay to fix the car. The passenger in your car would not necessarily sue you if you had a car accident and bumped into the car ahead of you, or if you crashed into a tree or pole. How would you feel if your friend sued you?

    And as I said earlier, you have 18 months to put in a claim. You should see some healing progress within at least 6 months. At which time you can determine what you should do. I highly doubt if you went to an attorney today they would take your case seriously. And obviously you should check with your insurance company or rather get a referral from your pediatrician to a plastic surgeon and see if you get approval from the insurance company before you think “law suit”. Speak to the plastic surgeon first before you blow this out of proportion and put both children through the ringer. And I would suggest to you, that if anyone hits your children in the future, you do NOT allow your children to play in their homes. That would be the best way to protect your children from uncontrollable bullies.


    Mom22, excuse me for saying so but what you got to get is a support system and a sense that YOU deserve better. In addition, you should understand that you deserve to be respected by your spouse but firstly by YOU. If YOU don’t respect yourself HE never will and will never take you seriously. AND more importantly if YOU don’t respect yourself how will your kids learn how to respect themselves. What kind of role models are either one of your for them?

    What do you owe yourself at this point? What do you owe your kids and what do you owe an abusive husband? Think about that for a while and then understand that only you have the power to make the right choices for yourself and your kids. It won’t be easy, but there are people out there who can help you. They are just a phone call away. SHOLOM TASK FORCE deals with this all the time. YOU are NOT alone. YOU are NOT the only one that has found herself in such a situation and thankfully there is a rum Jewish organization that is here to help.

    in reply to: Miscarriage and Stillborn #795837

    A miscarriage is when the body aborts the baby naturally on its own. A stillborn is when a mother goes through full labor and delivery and the baby unfortunately is not alive after the birth process.

    in reply to: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) #796016

    mikehall, unfortunately I can back you up 100% and some were already outed to the public

    in reply to: What can i do to sharpen my mind? #794730

    The first thing I would tell you is to see a Neurologist just to make sure that everything is 100% medically. You could have a vitamin deficiency that you need to supplement. The doctor will advise you to do Brain games and probably exercise. Brain games will include things like Soduko, scrabble, boggle, trivia games, etc.

    in reply to: I don't deserve her #795397

    Middlepath, maybe this is a test. Maybe Hashem wants to see you stand up for yourself and has done his part and is waiting for you to do yours. Maybe it is time you were nice to yourself for a change. Why NOT say how you feel? Why not say “I understand that you need time and space to think this through but while you are taking that time and space, please hear me out and give some thought to what I am saying and what I am feeling”. Then tell her “when I met you I couldn’t understand why someone like you would want to date someone like me. We are from such different backgrounds. I didn’t even know if I deserved someone like you. But then my friends made me realize that Hashem is in charge of shidduchim and if he put us together he must have a very high opinion of me and obviously feels that i deserve better than what life has handed me till now. I began to realize that I am deserving and I am entitled to have a wonderful wife and a wonderful life. I am entitled to have an amazing and successful future and I believe I can have that with you. It hurts me and saddens me that we are not on the same page. I can’t make you feel about me like I feel about you, but I hope you can give me a chance.”

    MP, that is the best you can do. If you don’t speak up for yourself then you will allow every good opportunity to pass you by. You can’t force things to happen but you can give it your best shot.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097786

    Lets get back to the original issue. Firstly you have within 18 months to sue. So calm down and wait to see what happens. Don’t get overly excited about a cut.

    Secondly, an insurance company will NOT pay out a claim over a slip and fall for a possible scar in the future. You would most likely have to go to court with your child and prove that the property owner was negligent in some way. That would mean that you and your child would have to be there as well as them and their child to explain what happened and how it happened. It is not so simple as you think just filing papers and the insurance company handing you the money. YOU will have to hire an attorney to sue and it could drag out for years. So that will cost you as well. In the mean time as someone else stated, the entire friendship will be ruined and the entire neighborhood will be forced to take sides.

    So getting back to what actually happened. Did they do anything wrong? Was anyone there to blame? Could this just as easily have happened at your own home? What if the situation was reversed what would you expect or want them to do?

    in reply to: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) #795998

    Nothing he does right now is as important as what he did. Nothing he says is believable. He had said earlier that he did not take Leiby into the wedding but left him in the parking lot. All of a sudden his story changed? He was seen on the wedding video without Leiby, so did he just let him walk around the hall by himself? Would he have taken that chance? But no one at the wedding saw him there. At this point in time someone would have come forward and said they saw him at the wedding.

    He said he was surprised that Leiby was still in his apartment when he got home from work so he made him a sandwich, etc. But now we know that he drugged him and tied him up. Let him keep talking so he digs his own grave.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097772

    It is a terrible falsehood when people think that it doesn’t cost the homeowner anything when they are sued because they have the insurance to cover it and the insurance company pays and it doesn’t come out of their pocket. Whenever a company has to pay out a claim they always find a way to get their money back. They usually raise the client’s premium, they might throw them out and cause them to take other insurance which might cost them more since every company does their research to see if there were claims paid out on that client, and general it causes them a lot complications with the insurance company, investigations etc and ill feelings.

    Why was your child there. Were they doing you a favor by watching her? Were they negligent in any way? Did they child do it to her? Did they do it to her? Did they have something on their property that should not have been there? Or was it plain and simple an accident that could have happened on your own property?

    As far as “many possum” are concerned, what does your own Rav say about suing your own neighbor? How would you feel if their daughter was playing at your home and she was the one that got hurt and they decided to sue you. Would that be OK with you and your husband? Would you still be friends?

    in reply to: Another Perspective #796488

    We already had this discussion. NO COMMENT

    in reply to: Just need to share this!!! #797521

    Health, I’m with you on that. Kol Hakovod!

    in reply to: Sprinklers and kids #794493

    Do young kids carry on Shabbos? Do they open and shut lights? Do they play ball on Shabbos? Do you stop a 2 or 3 year old from riding his bike in the backyard on Shabbos? They learn as they grow and as their brains are able to understand more and more. It is up to you as the parent to realize what they are capable of learning and retaining at their level. You can only account for how you raise your children and you can’t account for how someone else does it.

    Do you force your 2 year old daughter to wear tights in 90 degrees? At what age do you think that is appropriate? At what age would you stop taking your son in the pool with you? At 4, at 5, at 6? Well there are different opinions among different people. Some would say that they would NOT trust their husband to watch their 4 year old in the pool. Others would say he is in cheider with a Rebbe and does not belong in the pool with women. To me a 4 year old is a baby and belongs with his mommy.

    in reply to: Just need to share this!!! #797506

    Mazal tov! What great news. Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: Sprinklers and kids #794486

    If they are very young and it is so hot that you can’t cool them off any other way, don’t make a fuss over it. Don’t tell them to do it and don’t make a big deal about it. If they get wet they get wet and don’t say anything. Just do an “oops your all wet, you need to dry off, or we have to go home straight away and take off your wet clothes”. Don’t reprimand them, and don’t ask if they had fun. Just leave it alone. If however you have a nice cool place you can take them where they can cool off and be comfortable, then that is a better option. If they are school age then it is not a good idea to confuse them. They will remember that they went into the sprinkler on Shabbos and you didn’t stop them and that is not good chinuch. Again, you have to make sure your kids know the rules. “I know that you would love to go into the sprinklers today, but it is Shabbos and we are not allowed to. Would you like to stay in the park anyway and not use the sprinklers or should we go someplace else? Maybe we can come back here tomorrow, but we can’t use it today” You can also remind them “If we do stay and you use the sprinklers, we will have to go straight home and I will be forced to give you a consequence for not listening to Mommy”.

    in reply to: Mac vs. Windows #794462

    I changed from PC to Mac and I love it. It was easy to make the switch, I got accustomed to it right away. I doesn’t crash like the PC did. I have more on time than off time. I don’t have to reboot as often, and there are a lot of short cuts that makes computing easier.

    in reply to: Do you regret your '08 vote? #793689

    A23, Obama is so good to and for Israel that he never even went there all these years that he has been in office. Which US president behaved that way. And yes he is responsible for the unrest in the region. He pandered to the Arabs and did NOT support a strong and stable Israel as the center of the Middle East. He allowed a free for all.

    in reply to: Do you regret your '08 vote? #793688

    deiyezooger, and where exactly did I say he was? Obama was campaigning against Bush’s policies to make himself look good. He was talking about “change”. How he was going to “change” all the mistakes that Bush made. So where are those changes? Do you know? After he was in office he reaffirmed and retracted all those statements that he made.

    in reply to: Truisms and guidelines that only we know #890792

    And now all the men know the secrets of make-up. Can we move on to maybe………

    What are the truisms of Flat tires, running out of gas, or changing the oil?

    in reply to: Becoming A Shadchan #793705

    I used to be very involved. Every couple I set up told me that I was on the right track and that I listened to what they were looking for. Although I only really made one shidduch and that B”H was my own niece, for which I am very grateful. With the others it was always, yes exactly this type but not this one, keep working on it. I found it difficult to let the young people down. That was the hardest part. The work involved didn’t bother me, it was the hurt involved that got to me. But I did mentor a lot of young people through shidduchim. That was a lot more fulfilling.

    What I would like to say is that anyone and everyone should try to make shidduchim. It is a tremendous mitzvah. Many times the Eibeshter will put a thought into your head. You are obligated to follow through on that shidduch. We always think, why me? Why should I? It will never work. But on the other hand, we need to think, why did Hashem put this idea in MY head? Why does he want me to be the sheliach? Even if it doesn’t work Hashem wants me to get the mitzvah of trying. So even trying to make a shidduch is worth something, that in itself is a mitzvah. So whether you are doing it professionally or doing it for the mitzvah please try whenever you can.

    in reply to: hatzalah #794081

    When my father had is first heart attack Erev Rosh Hashanah in 1985, my mom called me from BP. I lived in Flatbush. She told me he was coughing and couldn’t stop. I told her he was having a heart attack and she should hang up and call Hatzolah. She dialed and afterwards told me that it took them as much time as it took her to get from the bedroom to the front door to let them in. They immediately stabilized him and took him to Maimonides. By the time I got to the house from Flatbush he was already in the hospital.

    There is no other response team like Hatzolah. There are no other volunteers like Hatzolah members. Yasher Koach to all of you. I can’t even thank you enough for the services you have provided my family over the years. We thank Hashem for you over and over again.

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794360

    So the first date is very formal and the girl dresses for it. The second date he is still wearing a suit and hat and things are “iffy”. The third date they decide to go casual. She puts on a funky skirt, ties her hair up in a pony tail and wears pink flats. He wears a nice sweater and slacks. They go out and have some fun and look at each other in a different light. Is this the same girl I had two dates with? She actually has some spunk to her. Is this the same stuffy guy wearing the levush, he actually knows how to laugh and tell a joke? Yeah there might yet be some chemical reaction in the works.

    I am just saying that sometimes it happens right away and sometimes you have to give it a chance. But many times in shidduchim, one or the other does not give the prospect their full attention or a real opportunity to see if it will work out. They have someone in the wings, they are comparing to someone else, the mother already said yes to the next, whatever it is, they just use chemistry as an excuse. That is a big shame.

    in reply to: Sprinklers and kids #794482

    Obviously if you are taking them to the park on Shabbos, you are taking them in play clothes, so if they get wet, they get wet. If it is so hot that they need to get wet what’s the problem, they will dry off. If you need to dry them off don’t take them to that park or let them know that if they go into the sprinklers you will take them home immediately and not go back next Shabbos.

    The problem is not the park or the sprinklers the problem is your relationship with the kids and them not listening to you. You have to say what you mean and mean what you say. If you say NO then it has to mean NO and the kids have to believe that. If it means that YOU are stuck in the house with them as a consequence then you will all have to be stuck in the house until they get it.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797274

    When you have bechinas you don’t have Mashgichim sitting on your head. You learn knowing that you will be tested on your learning. That means that you take your learning seriously and you should be proud of what you are doing. In addition you should never be afraid of being tested on what you learn. You should want to be tested to know that you are not wasting your time, you understand the work you have covered and are ready to move on to the next area. After all you are not there to daydream or to just take up space. You are there for a purpose and the purpose is to learn and understand what you are learning. You are not in High School, you are not getting grades or a report card, you are there to gain knowledge and to make sure that you are “getting” it. If you are not then you are NOT a professional learner and should pursue a different career.

    in reply to: I don't understand… #793570

    You are right. I don’t think it is so much that we can’t disagree, it is the way we disagree, almost with venom. Of course we can choose to disagree and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the way some of us go about it and rake each other over the coals for disagreeing is truly very harsh and wrong.

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794347

    You can’t expect chemistry or to “click” on the very first or maybe second date. If you do, that is great, but some times it takes a little more time to warm up and really be yourselves when dating. Many young people are so burnt by the dating game that they are guarded, some are just plain nervous, so young people have to be patient. My rule is if there is no reason NOT to continue then keep going and give it a chance to develop.

    If someone says “we didn’t click” or “there wasn’t any chemistry” after one or two dates, he either didn’t want to go out with her to begin with, or he already has his eye on the next one on the list. He obviously was not willing to give her his full attention and the opportunity to see if she was a possibility. If he couldn’t give more of an evaluation such as “she is way too shy, she is sloppy, she doesn’t dress well, her laugh is annoying, she is argumentative, she couldn’t hold up her end of the conversation, etc.” then he just wasn’t willing to give her a chance.

    in reply to: Using children to collect charity for organizations or families! #793650

    No, in this day and age it is too risky and a recipe for disaster. It also promotes a lack of derech eretz because no one teaches the child how to approach adults in a tzniusdik or respectful manner. In addition it promotes children to approach strangers and not be afraid of them. So that should be a situation that should be stopped.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797262

    I disagree, testing in higher learning can direct young men appropriately. In addition it can prove to some parents that some of these men are NOT cut out to be bench warmers and should be pursuing other goals, goals that they may desperately want to pursue. If you don’t pass the bechinas you might have to get another chavrusa that will push you harder or hold you more accountable, or you might have to learn that sefer all over again to make sure you truly understand it before you move ahead. Or you might have to rethink why you are there in the first place.

    You are sitting in Yeshiva “learning” instead of going out to make a parnasa so that is your job and you had better take it seriously. If you were at work you would have to prove yourself to earn your wages and if you have the luxury of being allowed to learn then you had better prove yourself as well. If you love learning but you don’t take it seriously that you can be tested on it, then it is just a hobby and you should be doing it in your spare time.

    in reply to: Do you regret your '08 vote? #793682

    I voted for McCain and am very sorry he lost. Firstly the mideast issue is a no brainer. The entire mideast is in turmoil and that is because Obama gave the Arabs carte blanche and turned his back on Israel. As far as the presidency and the country is concerned, I voted for McCain because of his experience and did not trust Obama because of his lack of experience which he has proven hand over fist. He would rather go on vacation or play golf as if he is in the White house just to play house than take his responsibilities seriously. The only thing he takes seriously is raising funds for his campaign and he really believes he can charm the pants off of anyone. He really believes he can fool the public twice.

    As far as Obama versus Bush is concerned every single thing that Obama denounced Bush for in his campaign and every single thing he promised to change was a lie. Once in office he negated every single thing he said and backed Bush’s decisions up. He lied, lied, lied. So what does that mean? He wound up supporting all of Bush’s policies. He was a fake and a phony from day one and the only reason he won the election was because he read his speeches that others wrote for him with panache and charisma.

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