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  • in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224981

    YR: thats cuz you went to BMG where the janitors speak spanish whereas i attended ______ where the ________ speak french

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631494

    google minnow… google pike fish… ok- anyone got the answer yet?

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631493

    feivel- its a good thing u retracted that hot topic cuz Rosh Yeshiva was about to deliver a long drasha on it

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631491

    charlie- that all depends… that’s a dangerously vague question you ask

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633487

    RY- what a shtarke chiddush. tell mama & pappa, they’ll be proud

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831868

    mod72- what a comfort you are. to quote asdf: i feel all fuzzy & warm inside

    Debbie: WELCOME! are you new? please ask our usheress, asdf, to direct you to the correct first topic you should be visiting

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633484

    RY: in answer to your previous post “did you mean mirror? and what do you mean to a russian yeshiva? and btw i am the ry of BMG guess which one!”

    please note- in this case i actually meant what i said and said what i meant. Now read again and try to disentangle- g’luck. It was actually a gevaldige chapp for a change (if i may say so myself)

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633481

    blahblah- i don’t know any males that say blahblah or DO blahblah

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631432

    joseph: don’t pay attention, squeak just advised charlie he’s going crazy/insane so i guess that applies to living location as well

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224979

    YR!! escusemoi sil vous plet

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631487

    RY- who said geneva isn’t my proffession?

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633479

    ehem- i believe it’s MRS. blahblah

    in reply to: Why Yidden are the BEST! #1166486

    gavra- where else do you see such a concept? not around me

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831864

    mod72- you bring some serious de ja vu to the CR. your tone sounds too similar to some of my teachers from way back

    it is very scary how things get misconstrued and misinterpreted when written instead of spoken. i really do not intend for my remarks to have a snide, negative or nasty connotation. the ppl that know me well, know how to take my comments (and what I mean when I say it). i will sincerely try to do teshuva (even though i DO re-read my posts b4 sending) and will try to delete phrases which are bound to get u ticking. but u have to admit all the juice has just run outta the CR

    and one more item- i’m feeling very singled out to get a mussur shmooze. i can list a few others that can use it too (but i won’t since that will be my first violation since deciding to do teshuva)

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224977

    YR- deffinitely. that’s why i’m warning u ahead of time

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632097

    oh goodness- i just Chapped regarding peanuts n charlie brown. i feel slow

    in reply to: Shikufitzky #631240

    no squeak, not a lie, just the twisted truth… like the the world we live in

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224975

    YR- stop analyzing so much, that’s my job. and those that enter my territory….

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631485

    leave curiosity to curious- you stick to your specialty

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632094

    who IS the peanut crew? please say “I”

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633477

    RY- i can say more than 1 thing. you wear pants, tzitzis, yarmulka, shirt. guide me please- what else do i know bout you?

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831862

    mod72- i hear you loud and clear but you gotta be able to take as good as you give

    I let you and others say anything you want about me. I think that you know why I edited some of your comments – remember this rule: not everything that is typed with a smile is read with a smile even with a :o) or :} or any other variation. The tone can come across completely different from what is intended maye on the list I will add 10) those that understand what is typed is not always what is read :o) YW Moderator-72 if you want specifics of your posts, I can be reached at moderator72 at

    in reply to: Recipes for Dafina/Chamin/Sephardic Colent? #632373

    smart move squeak- but too late. you already got too high not to start in the other direction. i’ll go it slow- but where it hurts 🙂

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633473

    RY- wasn’t it recently in the news that the RY of BMG lost his Mirrer in BP at 12:30am to a competing russian yeshiva? your highness- i can not believe i have the honor of typing to theee

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831860

    charlie brown: disguise? who needs disguises with generic screen names like charlie brown, chofetz chayim, rosh yeshiva, joseph, chacham, moish, intelligent etc.

    btw: brook is a female and nominated herself chairwoman of the CR board meetings. do you really want me to ask her to be chairman? excuse me- i need to go take care of that sudden pain in my side

    in reply to: How can we help people who need jobs? #684785

    squeak- we finally have the zechus of witnessing one of your very rare serious moments. But i’m happy you brought this up and will not make choizik by saying “apply as a mod to YWN” or some such nonsense.

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632091

    if my brain is still holding out i remember posting on this topic about an hr ago…. no comment from the peanut gallery

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831859

    murphey’s law that this topic had to be moderated by the very strict mod72. I’ve come to the realization that mod72 takes pride in being tough and actually ENJOYS increasing his toughness as we increase our whining about it. so- i’ll stop asking, begging, pleading… and i’ll start punching, attacking…. and visit the anger management topic every 5 seconds

    certain things are typed in jest and we accept that. other times the attempted humor crosses the border and the posts are either edited or deleted.

    btw we do not divide the threads for moderation so whether you get the very strict mod72 or the very lenient mod72 or mod42, mod55, mod99 is all just timing. YW Moderator-72

    in reply to: WHY LABEL #631685

    ask 100 ppl and get 600 different answers- especially in the CR where opinions run amok

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631483

    you got me there Rosh Yeshiva- and that’s why we have you round here. For your pure wisdom and direction- showing us the straight path to the…. coffee room

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631784

    joe- step outta ur office, dont tell your employees that your meeting your anonymous pen pal, and wave like crazy on the avenue…. oh- i see you now. forget it. uh, i just got really busy. bon appetite

    squeak- how’d you KNOW???

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831856

    curious- check out sephardim, ashkenazim topic and stop that annoying sniffle

    in reply to: Plans For Winter Vacation #637106

    mazal that is so insightful. i’m sorry i didn’t think of it myself

    in reply to: Recipes for Dafina/Chamin/Sephardic Colent? #632371

    squeak- where do you get your bottomless pit of vast wisdom?

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631783

    right now joe bro

    in reply to: Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chassidish, You Name It! #631915

    i like this topic- doesn’t HAVE to get controversial.

    you will believe this- i’m as tzimisht as mazal77 (not as extreme, but close). and “Well, after this long galus, I think we’re all mixed up”- couldn’t agree more

    now once again i will do some analyzing and guessing:

    joseph, asdf, qwerty, moish01, squeak, RY, BYM are obviously ashkenazi

    chacham is sephardi

    Charlie Brown, Curious, bored@work and beacon are… American?

    in reply to: Random Questions 2 #631481

    random question: i know how i stay tuned here here during the day, but how do the rest of you? the ones that don’t work in an office

    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #854817

    i’m being called nice, official ego booster, shadchan etc… the heart simply can not handle

    in reply to: POLL: Do You Think YWN Should Have More Mods To Go Faster #832212

    the paramedics just brought me back to consciousness. I fainted cuz i got something for FREE… i think i’m gonna pass out again

    i gotta hand it to you- eating, eating, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping- ahhh geshmak

    (and this time i did not hesitate on the send post button- so there)

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831855

    squeak- the “real world” ppl i surround myself with would die twice over from laughter if they heard you say that bout me

    hey charlie- i take it as a compliment to be like you. you may now TAKE A BOW

    so- brook- we need a chairwoman for the board meeting Charlie, Rosh Yeshiva and i need to have- for my 2 diff positions here in the CR

    in reply to: Fave Foods #639440

    food says a lot about a person- i was finally able to analyze and decipher the real men from the ones that pretend to be, and same goes for the females round here

    and squeak- you always violate 1 of the mod “best posters” rule: double meaning. but that’s what makes you unique and i really go for it! keep it up

    in reply to: Who’s Your Favourite Singer(s)? #1055189

    dear mods: i sat and wrote a long post on this topic and it was never posted. I am not asking why so that i don’t C”V break one of the 8 rules. however, i do ask that you delete whichever part you deem inappropriate and post it- please. thanks in advance. (i hope you still have it from around 5:00 yesterday or heaven help you)

    OK. I did it for you this time. The post is now visible after editing. In the future we don’t approve posts that border Lashon Hara even though I know that’s not what you meant. If you read your post you will notice where we edited it. Please try to keep that in mind.

    Thank you!

    –YW Moderator-99

    in reply to: Anger Management Group Therapy #649489

    yes squeak- a FAN! you know- the type that spins and cools the person near it. Perfect for the cool down session of anger management

    in reply to: Why Yidden are the BEST! #1166482

    Charlie Brown- so many topics that need to be addressed… how bout starting with my current state of insanity and CR addiction. Please guide me and show me the light

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631426

    squeak- aha! i was right when all the way in the beginning, when i was a pure novice in the CR, i asked if you just made aliya. i can’t get over that you’re __________ wow oh wow- i’m having cardiac arrest

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631781

    i’m up for lunch- anytine during the day or night. it has to include chulent though, and take place somewhere in the flatbush vicinity

    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #854812

    welcome RY (i stood up as you walked in). we need to work hand in hand being that i’m the shadchan

    and I cordially welcome myself since nobody will do it for me (the welcome i received was from squeak and it said “stop posting or i will have to put it on your performance review”)

    in reply to: Plans For Winter Vacation #637103

    good one azi- and welcome to the CR? are u new?

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631424

    squeak & asdfghjkl- i will flip if you’re Frankel guys (i didn’t know girls attend minyan asdfghjkl)

    in reply to: POLL: Do You Think YWN Should Have More Mods To Go Faster #832210

    squeak- please tell me what my future holds

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