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  • in reply to: THE ISSUE: To Stay On Topic, Or Not #634925

    squeak- so tell me, are you annoyed, upset, frustrated at the turn of events? At the setting up of these rules? You can confide in me- I’m your psychologist after all

    (is this off topic?)

    in reply to: YWN CR Rosh Chodesh Shevat Festival #635366

    hot and humid… wouldn’t that be in some sort of chemical power plant? or sauna? hmmmm

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081912

    moish- I don’t know if the following words will be the biggest mistake or the best thing on earth. I do not know your emotional makeup or what makes you tick. But the honest truth is that I haven’t stopped thinking about you the entire Friday, Shabbos and Sunday. and I mean NON-STOP. I wonder if you even hear yourself talk (type).

    You’re busy telling us how this spiritual business is not the real you and you CHOSE to do these things etc…

    Well you know what? Hashem didn’t make your leg break and then get you addicted to the CR for nothing. I’m not going to be the one to make these cheshboinos- but at least SEE and absorb what’s going on here! Oh my god! It’s incredible! You have come to a point where you are really looking deep within yourself. And your day is not just to live for the next “fun” moment.

    Don’t let this opportunity slide! Grab hold and run with this newfound clarity, inspiration, yearning… I don’t know what you prefer to call it… to the nearest siddur and ball you eyes out to Hashem! Beg and plead with him to help you out here. To help you make the right decisions when an “opportunity” arises; to help you be strong and fight your ta’avos and your powerful yetzer harah.

    I had so much to tell you over Shabbos, but it’s out of my head now. I want you to know I’m davening for your success and I’ve never been more sincere in my entire life.

    I don’t care if you give a flippant answer and knock this whole thing down to the ground. Anything you say doesn’t matter- my humiliation would have been worth it. Because I truly care. I don’t know HOW it’s possible- I DO NOT KNOW YOU. But I guess choosing my screen name was no coincidence and I really do care for my fellow Jew.

    “sheva yippol tzadik v’kum”

    Of course- speaking to someone that cares would even out that road a bit.

    PS- Please don’t let your surroundings stop you (what will my parents, friends, siblings… think of me.) Believe me, those that are true to you, will stick by you through thick and thin. And those that don’t…

    (MODS- I know this is long, but please post it. I really appreciate your patience to read through this.)

    in reply to: Please Rate President Obama�s Performance #637970

    I (think)I’m with Joseph on this one. I may be the only one to have correctly interpreted what he meant when saying “He has yet to perform.”

    Joseph- you didn’t mean it’s too soon to judge, am I right?

    in reply to: YWN CR Rosh Chodesh Shevat Festival #635360

    night poster? I’m very firm about declaring my afternoon posting status. WHERE do you get your info squeak?

    any party with food- i’m present

    in reply to: Is YWN addictive? #635793

    AL2- I WAS referring to marvelous middos, what then? agent emes? neh- way too recent

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665413

    hey- charlie hands out compliments in the CR like it’s goin outta style. Oh- that was a compliment- i’m done. Outta here

    in reply to: CR Rosh Yeshiva’s Luncheonette – BYOF #646940

    asdf- me too, adios par’ner

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081859

    syrian- stop being so narrow minded. You dafka want moish to come out and say what he’s done? you’re egging him on and please, we’d like to be spared the griddy details.

    in reply to: Camp Mogen Av #687054

    asdf- i know for a fact that we do not daven in the same shul & do not live a block away for each other. Now that I piqued your interest, i wouldn’t be able to reveal HOW i know these facts cuz that would be severely personal info. You see, there are things you may have assumed about me that just aren’t true. I never said them out right, but I’m sure some of my comments on specific subjects were deduced to mean a, b and c about areivimzehlazeh. And- since you & qwert write all the facts down about each member, you can go and erase everything about me! niyehehehehe

    even after all this, assuming what I’ve figured out about you is true, my opinion still stands that our sisters may know each other and that you most probably know someone from my family.


    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081857


    “and if it somehow is- do me a favor? send a message to god that i don’t need to be so awesome.”

    – my (old) sentiments exactly. I used to think that all the time. I’d rather be a real weakling than be a strong person with all these nisyonos.

    PPS- this was all an inner struggle during my teenage years

    in reply to: Pregnancy/Infertility #635587

    amicha- i agree with that. It’s ALMOST impossible, not at all natural

    in reply to: The Weather #655742

    hey ames- they didn’t post my harry potter post either! They don’t judge fairly- first they put up 3 posts with HP content, then all HP posts get deleted. THE MODS NEED RULES

    in reply to: The Bombadier Beetle #778888

    Rosh Yeshiva- this time DO NOT PUT YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH, just shhhh

    in reply to: Camp Mogen Av #687053

    hey qwerty- what about me- i was the first to notice you were missing in action 🙁

    in reply to: CR Rosh Yeshiva’s Luncheonette – BYOF #646927

    moish- notice how long it took the mods to approve that post about sushi being GIRL food. They must have had a boxing match over that one

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171954

    kapusta- your last post is outrageously hilarious!

    in reply to: Is YWN addictive? #635789

    moish- hahahahaha

    ok- lemme rephrase

    moish is having a healthy childhood

    areivim 😉 had a healthy childhood

    squeak & charlie are offering their children healthy childhoodsssss

    in reply to: Following the Goldbergs #634254

    squeak- all night i puzzled over “P.S. I wouldn’t sue myself! (that goes back to your first post ever, hope you get it)”

    please enlighten me b4 I plotz

    in reply to: Bituchin & Emunah #1072566

    oomis- your post was so long i decided to print it & read it at home. I had my mouth hanging open throughout, with chills running up and down. Thank you so much for sharing

    in reply to: Let’s Work Together On 1 Middah #665406

    unfortunately, there are so many to choose from…. everybody is gonna have a suggestion of their own. Do you think this thread will stay civil?

    Being that we have so many experts in the CR re: t’filla- can we start with that? Any aspect of it

    in reply to: Revealing Personal Info in the CR #634014

    Itzik- i’m LOLing

    in reply to: Jonathan Pollard #633670

    So why should Pollard be different??

    in reply to: Personal Connversations #633741

    heimisheyid- the CR brings out the child in us. It won’t kill you to join

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081851

    Why on earth would we be happy you said/feel that way?????

    Hashem only gives nisyonos to those that can handle them- that certainly says something AWESOME about you.

    I have to echo squeak & commend you for your deep questions.

    ames- I agree with oomis. You have a way with words, a passion for yiddishkeit that is truly contagious. I hope you are using this talent outside of the CR. Don’t be shy- it is a rare, incredible and an APRECIATED talent to have. Please utilize it

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1225031

    I dunno if this already exists, cuz I aint no mod. But I really hope there’s a “recycling bin” for all our deleted posts and that every morning the big YWN boss reviews all the deleted posts so that the mods can actually be rated and have a performance review.

    I know of a lot of posts that were deleted and (probably) not a single other mod got to see it and judge if it should have been deleted. It just went whoop- in the trash. and that was that with my poor old post

    in reply to: CR Rosh Yeshiva’s Luncheonette – BYOF #646925

    awesome thread.

    asdf- i was gonna say the chulent & overnite kugel, but if you insist on bringing it urself…. I’ll just have to bring myself. Then you can all rip me (instead of my posts) apart limb by limb and grill me over an open flame. Bon appetite

    All: warning- make sure the check is good b4 cashing it

    RY- that comment about raising dough for the yeshiva was so Rosh Yeshiva’ish- very good. You’re beginning to live up to ur screen name

    in reply to: Personal Connversations #633740

    squeak- I can not BELIEVE you accepted this lunch offer

    in reply to: The Weather #655741

    WELCOME BACK QWERTY!! WE MMISSED YOU! …that took all the energy outta me

    in reply to: Pistachio Nuts #643795

    syrian- what’s the question? hook and make a support group

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676213

    awwww- RY- i’m touched

    in reply to: Camp Mogen Av #687043

    moish- good work! was that b4 or after the fiasco?

    in reply to: Best Part of Living in the Five Towns #672067

    lesschumras- see squeak’s post/suggestion above

    in reply to: Following the Goldbergs #634251

    squeak- i’m literally LOLing right now- hahahahahahaha

    but I’m not as dumb as i sound- here i am with a straight screen as good as ever! niyehehehe

    hey squeak- you must work at that computer programming place around the corner from me

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146498

    and thirded (??) by areivimzehlazeh

    in reply to: Personal Connversations #633731

    uh uh uh RY- that answer belongs strictly in the General Shmooz thread. I guess this saying sticks “the one who makes the rules can break them”

    in reply to: Zoos #636200

    charles- is this the only thread you post under this screen name? dafka to get at us?

    in reply to: The Wasp and the Zombie Cockroach #692775

    yes RY- i was thinking the same thing

    feivel- are you a scientist?

    in reply to: Pregnancy/Infertility #635581

    RY- i fully agree that we have the power to avoid agmas nefesh, but we should definitely be careful not to do something that will directly cause an ayin hara. One has nothing to do with the next. I agree she should be involved, I agree you should maintain the relationship etc. I noted all this in the beginning. However, there’s a way of going about this so that the situation doesn’t become unbearably painful and therefore causing ayin hara….

    in reply to: Is YWN addictive? #635761

    so moish, squeak, charlie & myself DO have something in common- we all had a very healthy childhood

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1081813

    good one cherrybim

    in reply to: Pistachio Nuts #643785

    syrian- let’s hook up. Check out what one of the mods (the one that choses to stay anonymous) wrote to me on the Carlebach thread.

    We need to create a support group- I need therapy for this kind of bashing

    in reply to: Best Part of Living in the Five Towns #672062

    The mods really listen to me! I’m touched to the core (or as my friends are fond of saying- touched in the brain)

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171948

    squeak- i’m impressed by your down to earth explanation & humbled by your ability to say you don’t know it all

    in reply to: Should The CR Have Sports Threads? #831654

    notpashut- good chapp

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676208

    RY- I just answered on the parking thread but i dunno if it’ll post cuz it’s a thread that’s off the charts

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633606

    sorry RY- I’m a strictly afternoon poster. oh but of COURSE we can be friends. wanna get together at…..? [edited by Mod—]

    😉 kidding

    in reply to: Camp Mogen Av #687041

    …………. And qwerty is STILL missing in action- or- missing THE action.

    I really hope he wasn’t scared off like Charlie Brown. That would be terrible. I really miss the guy! Can anyone remember if the last time he showed was right before that whole revealing fiasco happened?

    in reply to: Convention #633887

    MOD- there are HUNDREDS of girls that pass thru camp bnos every summer- please post my post. Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Best Part of Living in the Five Towns #672057

    It’s been fixed. Thank you.

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