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r’ yisrael salanter said the eleventh dibra is using your head
ardParticipantalso they dont teach their kids about other gedolim (how many kids in bais rivka knew who r’ chaim kanievsky was?) and in general put aside any torah other than chabads
ardParticipantand what i meant in the later was that even though every single other gadol says the rebbe is dead and buried and certainly not mashiach, chabadskers still hang on delusionally and even try to missionize others
January 28, 2025 1:45 am at 1:45 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357200ardParticipantujm- dpr did it because he believed anything should be able to be bought and sold including drugs and fake ids
ardParticipantas well as daatos nashim kalos hein
ardParticipantand my point was that no one can claim to think straight without training in torah, that is the whole idea of daas torah, otherwise why wouldnt we go to mathematicians and scientists for guidance. and certainly a few tosfos (and why you would learn them is beyond me) would not change much
ardParticipantCS- the rebbe told you to learn tosfos??
January 27, 2025 2:55 am at 2:55 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2356631ardParticipantNCLM- he facilitated those deaths (and ruined many, many other lives) the same way any other drug dealer does. would you say that someone who aided a suicide should go to jail? this is a much worse version of that
ardParticipanti thought only frum jews posted on ywn but i guess provaxx proved me wrong
January 27, 2025 2:50 am at 2:50 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2356633ardParticipanthe also hired hitmen an alleged 5 times
ardParticipantsquare root- trying to focus on the daas torah aspect of it
ardParticipantcs- heres a pretty strightforward question (considering you havent actually answered any of the other ones). why doesnt chabad accept any other gedolim?
ardParticipantcrazy- names please
ardParticipantmenachem answer lostspark’s other questions
ardParticipantwhy cant you comment on the new news page about the meeting?
ardParticipantalso its olam Hafuch
ardParticipantaaq- tell that to the gedolim who consider it apikorsus, and there are are many hashkafas (including mine personally) which heavily stress outreach, (such as chofetz chaim and R’ Noach Weinberg)
ardParticipantpeacebeuponus- nice answer
ardParticipantlav davka probably still wears a mask
ardParticipant“I’m hoping they’ll actually learn how to read and think critically like me”- you’re a girl who has never learned a gemara, let alone a tosfos etc. what the heck is going on here
ardParticipantInteresting thought, I’ve never heard of someone who converted to meshichism. When the only people who believe in an ideology were brainwashed from youth, it tells you something.
January 22, 2025 3:01 am at 3:01 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2354940ardParticipantcan you use CE?
ardParticipantall politicians lie and quoting from AP completely negates the argument
ardParticipanttechnically, if you consider them apikorsim there is no issur of loshon hora
January 22, 2025 3:00 am at 3:00 am in reply to: Warning you will regret not reading very word. #2354937ardParticipanthey, trolls have rights too
ardParticipantand CS, as a girl do you learn the relevant gemaras etc. ? thats what I meant
ardParticipantthis is actually pretty funny
January 21, 2025 9:14 am at 9:14 am in reply to: Warning you will regret not reading very word. #2354612ardParticipantmaybe you should go learn some gemara
ardParticipantsimcha- what the rosh yeshiva meant was that it’s not a yeshiva bochur’s (or yungerman’s in this case) job to worry about the hostage deal. his job is to immerse himself in torah as much as possible
ardParticipantdoes chabad teach their girls to be rabbis?
January 7, 2025 11:42 am at 11:42 am in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2349789ardParticipantNCLM one is allowed to say jesus, thats just his given name, its the second part which is problematic since it means hes mashiach
January 3, 2025 10:58 am at 10:58 am in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348685ardParticipantShortening the date doesn’t accomplish anything
ardParticipantwhy is this a conversation? I dont know of a single rov (not modox) who said to vote for biden. why do people think they know better than daas torah?
ardParticipantpeople who run schools dont spend time on the ywn coffee room
ardParticipant“Drabanan are equally bad” ??????????
Assuming the OP means normal american milk, relying on R’ Moshe is just as bad as fraud????ardParticipantgottytruth well said
ardParticipantstop banning things for the fun of it
unless you feel you’re actually being negatively affected by using sefaria which would be a different problemardParticipantregardless of the creators it doesn’t (necessarily) mean the product is assur
even twisted translations and the like are irrelevant, no one’s hashkafa is getting affectedDecember 8, 2024 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm in reply to: Tehilim 83: Syria (Assyria) joined anti Israel genocide #2339276ardParticipantAshur is northwestern iraq
Certainly not the main parts of syria which would be aram (aleppo is aram tzova, damascus was the capital of ancient aram see melachim beis 5:12, 16:9)
Gevol is north of Eretz Yisrael, and יֹשְׁבֵי צוֹר is Lebanon (Hezbollah) -