Forum Replies Created
yankel berel- go do something with your life
ardParticipantprobably not shtark and definitely not relatable
ardParticipanti guess she got the wrong prescription
ardParticipantaaq- my point was just if lu yitzur he came to you and told you to do xyz
ardParticipant741- whyd you have to do him like that
February 25, 2025 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2368978ardParticipanta good tziyur for what im saying is if lets say the ben ish chai told you personally to do xyz, you would have to listen unless…
ardParticipantand my point about listening to gedolim was that beetzem you have to listen/accept/follow to anything that comes out of the mouth of a gadol. UNLESS you have a mesora/gadol saying otherwise. square root said “Since Jews who are not Sephardic totally ignore Sephardic Rabbis, Jews who are not Satmar should totally ignore the Satmar Rebbes” the idea of totally ignoring a gadol is very twisted
ardParticipantand “כל הפוסל במומו פוסל” is an extremely specific klal that only applies very narrowly. this is blatantly obvious since otherwise anyone who calls reform kefira would be a kofer. in fact i have seen it being explained as the daas torah version of the psychological concept of projection which would only apply to subconcious middos
ardParticipantzsk and others- first of all, i dont have a side in this argument and i never called anyone a kofer (look at my post, i was asking how someone who was calling you a kofer would be one as you indicate through “כל הפוסל במומו פוסל”) my point was you cant say that about the satmar rebbe. and you did not show how you used the klal correctly
ardParticipanti come from a system that learns both extremely slow and fast with plenty of mesora (guess which one)
ardParticipantZSK- who are you to call a gadols shitah “a really weak argument” and completely misusing klalim from the gemara doesnt help you, דברי תורה מדברי קבלה לא ילפינן means you cant learn a d’oraisa from navi but if you actually learned gemara you would know the gemara brings sources from nach all the time, and which ikar emunah does someone violate by calling you a kofer?
ardParticipantwhile i dont usually get involved in this squareroots comment abou the satmar rebbe disturbed me- the satmar rebbe was an extremly great man who was accepted by all the gedolim, yes you are obligated to listen to the satmar rebbe, you may have another gadol whom you follow but you still have to listen to the satmar rebbe, thats like saying i dont have to listen to r’ ovadia yosef since im not sefardi
ardParticipantrocky- can YOU define mesora? and are you feeling ok? the gedolim run these yeshivos
ardParticipantwheres the mesora for this derech?
ardParticipantmaybe CS finally refilled her prescription
ardParticipantgadol and rocky do you guys happen to be rabbis? have you ever even learned sefer chofetz chaim? i want a RAV to mattir it before ywn posts something like that
ardParticipantyeshivaguy- ok thanks, a moderator did defend the article in the comments section though
yserbius-again, ywn may be right but that is not a heter for loshon hora
ardParticipantwould the ywn moderators either respond to my post or take down/edit the lev tahor page. at least tell us if youve asked a rav about it
ardParticipantwhy wasnt my thread on ywns attack on ami allowed through?
ardParticipantare you guys just trying to bury the whole thing?????
February 13, 2025 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2364202ardParticipantyechiell- are you defending transgenderism?
ardParticipantis blatant kefira allowed to be posted?
ardParticipantcs- im sure this question has been asked many times befor but as i am new to the coffee room i havent heard an answer. how does chabad explain the famous quote of the undisputed gadol hador rav shach about chabad?
ardParticipantcs- you said the gaon had a mesora against chabad, so does everybody, and to pick, then why are you telling everyone they must believe in the rebbe
ardParticipantits not exactly gaavah, its that you think youre already a someone because you wear a white shirt and more is not necessary, again its disputed even in cc and some branches require them
ardParticipantand my point about modox was not an aspersion on their torah but an assumption that most people on this platform do not hold of their hashkafos, the same way quoting a chabad rabbi about the rebbe would be pointless
ardParticipantyechiell- its fine, you dont have to believe in daas torah, gehenom gots plenty of room
ardParticipantjmn- this is a terrible place to ask a question like that, there are many, many people on this platform with extremely twisted hashkafas, find a real real rebbi and get a real answer
ardParticipantdaasyochid- its complicated and not even such a shtark hashkafa even within cc but the basic idea is it causes complacency among other reasons
ardParticipantand you didnt answer your self contradiction
ardParticipantcs- it is threatening when people try to spread their twisted views to the masses, but i guess no one is actually conviced so i really shouldnt be worried
ardParticipantcs- did the rambam learn chasidus and if not how will he understand moshiachs torah?
ardParticipant“That’s his mesora. Choose your pick”- so do all the people on this platform. why are you trying to missionize?
ardParticipanthow does colored shirts affect the person negatively? actually the reason cc wears colored shirts is to not be affected by a white shirt
ardParticipantardParticipantit is quite clear from his writings etc. that the rambam did not learn chasidus and chabad of course holds of the rambam
January 31, 2025 9:33 am at 9:33 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2358853ardParticipantand they werent actually hitmen, they were just scamming him, so of course the targets would deny it
January 31, 2025 9:33 am at 9:33 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2358852ardParticipantactually the judge took into account the hitmen during sentencing
ardParticipantim not joking
ardParticipantujm- they do a goral hagra (sorry if that name causes trauma) with the letters of the rebbe
ardParticipantCS- what does chabad think about the vilna gaon?
ardParticipantcoffee addict- thats why i added the every single other gadol part
ardParticipantby the way the three days are long over
ardParticipantif it was a car that hit you, you would be dead
January 28, 2025 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357695ardParticipanthe was responsible for much more trafficking than the average dealer and you didnt even try to address the five hitmen he hired
January 28, 2025 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357692ardParticipantsomeone who knowingly sells guns to criminals and gives cyanide to the suicidal should go to jail.
January 28, 2025 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357689ardParticipantnclm- do you actually think your comparisons are valid. that was a bunch of strawmen
ardParticipantwill moshe rabeinu need your services as a tutor when mashiach comes since he didnt learn chasidus? (also applies to every single other gadol ever)
ardParticipanti also come from a mesora that encourages using your own head and not being a parrot. but those who think they know better than gedolim show a rather bloated midda of gaava. maybe if they learned mussar they would recognize this
ardParticipantr’ yisrael salanter said the eleventh dibra is using your head