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  • in reply to: Should a Yid own a Ipod touch? #728032

    Nothing like the “smart siddur”, when you get your ipod, make sure it is one of the first apps you buy.

    in reply to: Designer Clothing – Waste of $$? #727054

    brisker, again, you are missing the point. You listed brand names that are all similarly priced, at the end of the day, that is a standard YOU believe is a minimum and everything else is junk. There ARE people who disagree with you and buy the labels of the big box stores such as walmart, target and costco and believe that nautica and the other labels you mention are overpriced and a waste of money. There are people at the other end of the spectrum who believe anything less than prada and gucci is junk. just leave everyone alone, let them buy what they want without your input.

    in reply to: Switching Rabbanim? #726668

    A lot depends on your husband in general. Did you husband learn in more than one yeshiva in his life? How did he handle his relationships with his Rabbeim when he went from one yeshiva to the next (assuming he developed a relationship with anyone, anywhere)? How he handled that will determine how this is handled as well. In general, it is always good to have something of a relationship with the local Rav, even if you maintain your ties, and ask almost all your shailos and get all your hadracha from the “old” Rav because on a practical level you will have things that come up that will require the local Rav.

    in reply to: Designer Clothing – Waste of $$? #727052

    Clearly you missed the point. You are taking your standards and applying it to someone else and stating they are wasting money. What if I told you anything less than Gucci (including your Calvins) is junk?

    in reply to: Who Thinks Mid-Winter Vac. Should Be Banned? #728687

    Stop calling it midwinter vacation and start calling it bein hazmanim.

    in reply to: Designer Clothing – Waste of $$? #727048

    Why is the minimum standard Calvin Klein? I say you are wasting money if you don’t buy it on sale at Walmart.

    in reply to: Married Women's Surname #726362

    Was Eidel the Maharshas mother or mother in law?

    in reply to: What do you say to this??? #726393

    As long as they use deodorant.

    in reply to: J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS #843389

    Thank you Jim Caldwell for calling a timeout with 31 seconds left and the Jets facing a 51 yard field goal. After your TO, the Jets were able to pull off a pass play for almost 20 yards and go from trying an improbable 51 yarder to a very makeable 32 yarder.

    in reply to: Leave the Guys Alone! #726256

    The problem is not what guys want. The problem is that most boys, with few exceptions, have absolutely nobody to guide them when it comes to shidduchim. The current trend of bouncing from yeshiva to yeshiva leaves little to no chance that a bachur had a real chance at creating a real kesher with anyone who can offer accurate advice and guidance.

    in reply to: Married Women's Surname #726349


    in reply to: Councilman Greenfield; Can We End Alternate Side Parking Permanently? #725845

    Don’t know about where you live, but my block gets cleaned once a week.

    in reply to: What do you say to this??? #726388

    My dermatologist (frum man) recommended I get a manicure (and pedicure) for dermatology reasons. A female member of his office helped me find a place to get it done – quite a distance from the nearest frum community. She also gave me several tips on proper protocol (what to ask for, how much to tip etc..), bless her soul 🙂

    in reply to: Letting people bring food into your home #726155

    What does it mean you trust them in their homes, but they are not up to the standards in your home? Does that mean you trust them to abide by whatever standards they hold of, but you just dont hold of those standards? Does it mean you would eat their food in their home, but not in your home?

    in reply to: If You Had Sixty Seconds With Dovid Hamelech,What Would You Say? #725781

    Please daven for moshiach.

    in reply to: Seeking a Match For Ones Sister #725271

    Must be an age gap thing 🙂

    But, I did get it on the 3rd try.

    in reply to: Thank you by request? #725278

    I think it was rhetorical.

    in reply to: Seeking a Match For Ones Sister #725269

    Fasure. To what language does this word belong?

    in reply to: Best Modern invention/discovery by a Jew?? #725730


    in reply to: BEST EUPHEMISMS #725892

    I always thought they were custodial engineers.

    in reply to: BEST EUPHEMISMS #725889

    Nice middos = not that great in the looks dept.

    in reply to: Seeking a Match For Ones Sister #725263

    “telling me reasons y it fasure wont work out!!!!”

    One reason might be they couldn’t communicate with you 🙂

    Took me three reads to figure it out.

    in reply to: Favorite Simcha Drummer #1117768

    Drummers are like offensive linemen. You should never know their name. Keeping a beat and wildly banging to the beat, are 2 different things. Of course, if you want a showman….

    in reply to: Too many pinocchios (nosy people) #963034

    Its interesting to contrast the most recent comments on this thread, with the thread Major Mazel Tov.

    in reply to: Too many pinocchios (nosy people) #963026

    If you want to teach them something you can let them know that the things on your desk or screen are covered under the cherem of rabbeinu gershom and are assur for them to read.

    in reply to: Too many pinocchios (nosy people) #963025

    When I read the title I thought it would be a rant about how little independent thinking goes on and how everyone is just a puppet. 🙂

    Also, pinnochio as a mashal for jews sticking their nose into a place it doesn’t belong feeds the stereotype of jews and big noses. There is an old megama song with a line “Its OK if they got big noses, as long as they are stuck in the 5 books of moses”.

    in reply to: Learning vs. working #725321

    There are many fine, wonderful bachurim learning in YU, who have graduated from Touro and other colleges with the ability to go out and earn a parnassah. They are also very shtark and very dedicated to torah and mitzvos. I suspect your sister is more concerned about not doing the cookie cutter thing and is worried about answering to her friends than anything else.

    To the person who made the comment about growing up in a home of torah, while children whose fathers are lawyers, doctors, cpas, store owners or whatever else it is people do for a living these days, can’t say my father worked on a ketsos all day, they can also grow up in an environment of torah. They know abba (dadd, tatty) is out of the house at 5am to meet his chavrusah at a kollel boker (how many who sit and learn all day know what 5am looks like?), they know that daddy goes back out to learn after 10pm for an hour after he helped with the homework and bedtime, they know shabbos and sunday when there is no work for abba to go to he learns with the kids or is at a shiur. Legal holidays when no work, he is at a shiur (how many yarchei kallahs exist during bein hazmanim?) or with his chavrusah. This sends a powerful message about the importance of torah to children too. More powerful, I believe, than the 9am minyanim for shachris that pop up during bein hazmanim.

    Balabusta, there are many fine bachurim out there for your sister, the ribbono she’ll olam already called out bas ploni liploni, hatzlacha in meeting up with him quickly.

    in reply to: magazine ad about sheitels #724773

    Where did this ad appear? What is the full text of the ad? Are their accompanying photos?

    I’m sorry, I really have a hard time believing the ad is hinting at what you claim it is.

    in reply to: Kashrus #725870

    It really depends why a product has a hashgacha to begin with. Often it is a marketing tool and the more people the hashgacha reaches, the better it is for the company. If employing a “chumra” is cost effective a compamy will do it. If not, it won’t. Same with the kashrus agency. If word gets out that they are meikel on everything, nobody will rely on the hechsher, which will render it worthless to a large corporation looking for a hechsher. In your kitchen, you have one goal in mind. Commercialy there are a number of goals that have to be met.

    in reply to: magazine ad about sheitels #724768

    You sure it wasn’t an ad for the new edible rebbetzin chia pet?

    in reply to: Seeking a Match For Ones Sister #725257

    Are you embarrassed to to approach your sister and tell her you know of someone who might be a shidduch? Are you embarrassed of the other party?

    in reply to: The Real Issue: Facebook #724679

    The CR is Facebook in anonymous mode.

    in reply to: magazine ad about sheitels #724763

    Maybe they werent talking about the shaitel?

    in reply to: Sensible Shoes And A Beautiful Mind… #782294

    She has nice middos.

    in reply to: How much should one spend on dates? #725219

    Oomis. You must have dated the wrong guys, who took you to the wrong lounges 🙂

    in reply to: Best Modern invention/discovery by a Jew?? #725721

    Internet chat(the first user friendly, commercially available product that is) was developed by an Israeli company named Mirabelis and the product was called ICQ. They were bought by AOL in the late 90s, who then renamed the product.

    The Kindle was developed in Israel as was much of the current technology used in cell phones.

    in reply to: magazine ad about sheitels #724738

    How many carbs per serving?

    in reply to: Kashrus #725868

    “I would probably be more comfortable eating in your home than in many commercial establishments.”

    Kashrus in commercial establishments is not the same thing as kashrus at a factory, which I believe the original post was discussing.

    in reply to: Dating Someone Your Friend Went Out With #724861

    I’m guessing TMB, Derech and Dunno are males.

    in reply to: Bankruptcy in Jewish Law #724483


    QUESTION: In the U.S. and other countries, the law allows one to declare personal bankruptcy which frees him from the obligation of paying back his debts. Does the halachah, too, recognize the concept of personal bankruptcy?

    DISCUSSION: No, it does not. While one who declares personal bankruptcy is not legally obligated to pay back his debts, he is still obligated to pay them back under Torah law. Thus one who avoids paying his debts because he has declared bankruptcy violates the Torah prohibition against stealing. (11) Even if one filed for bankruptcy years back and he has all but forgotten about his debts since he was legally exempt from paying them, he is still obligated to make every effort to pay back all of his debts, either to his creditors or, if they are no longer alive, to their estate. The legal concept of “statute of limitations” is not recognized by the halachah.(12)

    11 See Koveitz ha-Poskim 26, pg. 221; Minchas Yitzchak 3:134; Pischei Choshen, Halvahah 2, note 63; Koveitz Meishiv ba-Halachah 9:129 and 10:141.

    12 Pischei Choshen, Halvahah 2, note 72.

    in reply to: No Women On The Seruv List? #746864

    There ARE women who have seruvs issued against them by batei din. You just wont read about it in the jewish press.

    in reply to: Questions when checking out a boy #724446

    Does he daven during davening or does he sit with a gemara open in front of him all davening.

    in reply to: Johnnies 61 Hoya's 58 #724274

    I still remember the taunts aimed at Patrick Ewing of Georgetown. My all time favorite was the sign that read “Patrick Ewing can’t read this sign” (there was a lot of controversy how he was academically eligible for a top tier school like Georgetown University). Of course, once he put on a Knicks uniform it didnt matter what he could or could not read, as long as the ball made its way through the rim and he clogged up the middle on defense 🙂

    in reply to: Paying For The Dates – Split The Cost #724515

    Aries, it might be a bigger problem if it DID match 🙂

    in reply to: Paying For The Dates – Split The Cost #724513

    “I think the girl…also pick the guy up, and…..”

    Better make sure the boys mother is a seminary graduate or she wont be able to give the girl a farher while the guy finishes combing his hair. It would be very embarrassing if the girl shlugged up the boys father if he tried to give her a farher 🙂

    in reply to: Work at home vs. in an office #724188

    Better in terms of what?

    Surely working from home provides a better commute.

    Working in an office allows for greater and more productive interaction with your coworkers where it is required.

    in reply to: pre paying shadchanim #724806

    “IS there a comparable field where the people helping and the people being helped have such strong opposite feelings?”

    Best I can come up with is used car dealerships and auto mechanics. people either swear they are great, or are ready to kill them.

    in reply to: Johnnies 61 Hoya's 58 #724272

    “there should be no reason why this isn’t included in what the gemara calls ???? ????.”

    One can make the same argument for YWN. Its been so long since I saw them play live, they were still called the Redmen and Bill Wennington was the man in the middle!

    in reply to: Interviews: Funny answers to trick questions #972465

    I once interviewed someone for a job. I was given a list of questions to ask by my supervisor, one of which was, what would you say is your weakest trait. The applicant replied, I have no weakest traits, except perhaps I’m a bit to modest. Needless to say I didn’t pursue that line of questioning any further.

    in reply to: Questions when checking out a boy #724428

    How does he act behind the wheel of a car? How does he spend his bein hazmanim?

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