This is my first time ever posting something and hopefully the last. Its seriously frustrating me how everyone is jumping down everyones throat about tznius. What other people do isnt anyone elses buisness. Worry about yourself, your family, your friends and your own connection to g-d. Yes, realistically tznius may be going too far. But if i may say so myself, this is why people are going off. Not necesarily OTD but not caring much about it. I personally can tell you thats when im dressed tzniusly to my standards, to how I was raised and was taught is ok, and what works for me and my family, isnt ok for other people. I still get the looks and the stares. How does someone know if i just became frum? And what struggles in Tznius i have to work on? Yes I wear my skirts a drop shorter than other, my wig has hair out, i wear my sandals. But guess what this is ok for me!! And if i continue to get all the looks and stares and comments who knows how far ill end up going out of resentment! Just saying…everyone can have their own opinion their own Rav their own minhagim etc…worry about yourself.