anonymous Jew

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  • in reply to: What happened to Jewish Radio In Flabush?? #1823986
    anonymous Jew

    If what they are doing is illegal, how is it justified?

    in reply to: MO Daf Yomi #1819679
    anonymous Jew

    Coffee addict, by your logic men should also be barred based upon the number of men who pasken here incorrectly based upon what think they know

    in reply to: Yeridas Hadoros, prime ex: Kibbud Av v’Em #1814045
    anonymous Jew

    I’m amazed as to how people can make sweeping generalizations based upon little real knowledge other than anecdotes.

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810754
    anonymous Jew

    Your relying on Michael Cohen?
    The transcript ( not letter ) says do us, not me. a favor
    Hunter Biden had a deal with China also
    Fox propaganda? You’re watching too much MSNBC. If you were watching any of the hearings, you had to have seen that
    the rules that Schiff implemented gave him veto power over Republican witness requests, and did not permit counsel. The Republicans were constantly complaining that Schiff was vetoing their requests.
    Once again, the legislative and executive branches are COEQUAL. If there is a disagreement on the validity of any requests, the answer is the courts, not impeachment

    If , as you all claim, that everyone “knew” it was a threat, why didn’t Zalinsky know,

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810651
    anonymous Jew

    Typo correction. Most of the witnesses had not only not met Trump, they had never spoken to him. How could they testify what his intent was?

    in reply to: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment #1810599
    anonymous Jew

    It’s clear that Reb Eliezer and GH continue to suffer from Trump Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    Neither of you have either seen the transcript or seen any of the hearings
    A. The transcript does not mention suspension of the aid or a quid pro quo
    B. None of the witnesses called by Schiff heard Trump state he wanted a quid pro quo. They testified that they thought Trump was implying it, yet most of the nor only hadn’t ever met Trump, they hadn’t ever met him. This type of testimony would be thrown out by a judge at trial.
    C. The only witness who was on the call, the Colonel, said there was no quid pro quo on the call
    D. Ambassador Sondland, the big witness, under cross examination admitted he was only presuming a quid pro quo. He then , upon further questioning admitted the following:
    1. He called the president subsequent to the July call and asked Trump to clarify what he wanted and Trump responded that he wanted nothing, no quid pro quo. He somehow left this out of his written testimony.
    2. He admitted that although the alleged quid pro quo required Zelinsky to make a public statement regarding a Biden investigation before he could get a meeting with Trump and the aid, the aid was released and a meeting was held without the statement.
    E. Zelinsky has twice stated that he had not been pressured by Trump and in fact was not even aware the aid was being held.
    F. Schiff’s impeachment hearings were one sided. Witnesses were not allowed legal counsel, Republicans were not allowed to call witnesses and most of the hearings were held in secret, with Schiff selectively leaking testimony to the media. Gee, I can’t imagine why Trump wouldn’t cooperate.
    G. Refusal to cooperate with Congressional subpoenas is not illegal or an impeachable offense; it’s routine. The Executive is not subservient to the Legislature and has constitutional right to appeal to the Courts , the third branch of government. Had Congress not been in such a rush and appealed to the courts, and Teump still refused, that would be obstruction.
    H. The 3 experts called by Nadler were a farce in that they’ve been advocating for impeachment since day one. Korman was so anti Trump that she couldn’t walk past the Trump hotel in Washington without crossing the street. Turley, although called by the Republicans, is a Democrat who voted for Clinton. His point was that the Democrats were incorrectly rushing the process to meet a calendar deadline. In the process too many witnesses hadn’t been called because it would have required time consuming court appeals. He wasn’t saying that Trump was innocent. He said that we were setting a terrible precedent by going forward with an impeachment based upon flimsy proof .

    in reply to: Flatbush or Midwood? #1808937
    anonymous Jew

    You have to go back into Brooklyn history. Until the early 1800’s, Kings County consisted of the Cities of Brooklyn and Williamsburg and the Towns of Flatbush, Bushwick, New Lots, Flatlands and New Utrecht. Williamsburg was absorbed by Brooklyn in 1855 and the rest by 1898.

    Midwood is within, but not synonymous with Flatbush. The original Flatbush Town Hall, which still exists, is on Snyder Avenue between Flatbush and Bedford Avenues.

    in reply to: Sephardic and Ashkenaz Weddings #1807383
    anonymous Jew

    Every ashkenazi wedding I’ve ever been to has been indoors

    in reply to: Family seperation at the border #1806696
    anonymous Jew

    Quay, one last item . Requests for aid were made as far back as Jan 2019, but no bill was introduced. Why? Because Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Hoyer claimed that there was no need for a bill, that there was no crisis. It’s all on You Tube.

    in reply to: Family seperation at the border #1806630
    anonymous Jew

    Quay, you’ve also misrepresented the facts. The Democrats turned the aid bill into a political bill. The humanitarian aid was to expand the number of , among other things, detention beds given the huge numbers attempting to enter illegally. The Democrats, who are for open borders, tied the aid to issues that they had to know the Republicans wouldn’t accept ( the wall , ICE ) , thus holding the illegal immigrants hostage

    in reply to: Chassidim vs. Beis Yaakov #1806075
    anonymous Jew

    What hasn’t been mentioned is that the collapse of the traditional model that allowed for the large scale ignorance of Jewish girls in yiddiskeit outside of kashrus and basic Shabbos laws led to the founding of Bais Yaakov. . With the post WW1 collapse of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires , Jews were no longer confined to the shtetl and isolated from the outside civilization. More and more women were being exposed to outside influences. Without a firm background in, and knowledge of their religion, assimilation rates among women were alarming. BTW, despite romanticized views of the alte heim, there was a post WW1 migration out of the shtetl that was contributing to an overall increase in assimilation.

    in reply to: Family seperation at the border #1805838
    anonymous Jew

    Recently the UN came out with a negative report on child separation at the border and Reuters, among others, ran with it, attacking Trump. Then it developed that the UN report was based on 2015 data, when Obama was president. The news report disappeared.
    The left refuses to recognize that crossing the border illegally is a crime , and that it was Obama who set up the separation practice. Keep in mind that it was the Democrats in January 2019 who refused to appropriate funds to set up family facilities, alleging the border crisis to be a fantasy

    in reply to: Thanksgiving Day #1805825
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, I guess you consider a sense of humor to be a Christian creation too.
    I assume you’re basing your statement on the Pilgrim story. In fact, the first official Thanksgiving Day was declared in 1789 by George Washington thanking hashem for the Constitution. It also marked the first time a Rabbi was asked to deliver a benediction at a government function . Observed intermittently, intermittently over the next 70+ years, it was established by Executive order as an annual holiday in November 1863 by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and established by law in 1941 by FDR.
    Last time I checked, presidents do not establish Christian holidays. Do churches hold services? Yes, but so has the Spanish and Portuguese Synogogue since 1789.
    Just because shuls say hallel on Yom Haatzmaos doesn’t make it a Yom Tov.

    in reply to: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush? #1805090
    anonymous Jew

    Lowertuiyoon, charter schools are considered public schools and are funded by the city

    anonymous Jew

    DY, all of the things I mentioned are all positions that I agree with. I’m just saying that from their perspective, the conservatives might not like it ( from our perspective, can’t be helped ).
    What I find amusing I’d how we react when the shoe is on the other foot. There have been several incidents where frum Jews, attempting to escape the overcrowded, expensive real estate conditions in Lakewood and Rockland, have sought to buy in neighboring semi rural communities. Those residents viewed the Jews ( bringing with them high density housing ) as a threat to their way of life, the same way the Jews of Midwood view the charter school. Why is it antisemitic for the semirural residents to protect their way of life but not racist for Jews to protest against the school.

    anonymous Jew

    Let’s see, people like Joseph condemn their movement, we’re not allowed to daven even in an empty Conservative sanctuary, we don’t accept their conversions or kashrus standards and we certainly don’t include them in any communal organizations. And we’re surprised they when they won’t work with us?

    anonymous Jew

    I’m concerned that if this is your worry, you’ve gone off the deep end.

    in reply to: A surgeons needs (T) #1803312
    anonymous Jew

    Vesamachta, how many Ethiopian Jews have been refused treatment and what is your source? I hear the same problem exists with Kenyan and Bangladeshi Jews

    in reply to: Do you love all pizza #1801353
    anonymous Jew

    Ungarishe? A silly joke?

    in reply to: Scammer Targeting Frum People at airports #1801351
    anonymous Jew

    This is an old scam. It was being done in Penn Station, Grand Central and the Port Authority Bus Terminal back in the 1980’s.

    in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1800243
    anonymous Jew

    Which will come first, Moshiach or every organization/school/yeshiva seeking funds being open and transparent as to how each penny is being spent ( i.e. more administrative salaries vs better and timely pay for rabbanim,).
    Until that happens, don’t be jealous of how money is being spent. After all, you don’t know how much they give to tzadakah

    in reply to: Do you love all Jews… #1800158
    anonymous Jew

    You’re missing the point. The philosophies of Chassidus and Open Orthodoxy are totally different but the Vilna Gaon viewed Chassidus like we view OO. What I said was the Vilna Gaon treated Chassidus beliefs ( i.e. miracleworker rebbes and visions ) as close to , if not in fact , Kfira and excommunicated them. The Misnagaid vs Chassidus war didn’t calm down until the mid 1800’s when they both realized that they were fighting over a smaller pie as more and more Jews were being lost to the Haskala.
    As far as the other arguments, the Satmar factions, Lubavitch vs Satmar etc didn’t just disagree. They had a true personal dislike as there were physical assaults , property damage and ( as Joseph keeps overlooking) long ongoing CIVIL lawsuits in gentile courts

    in reply to: Do you love all Jews… #1799897
    anonymous Jew

    This question is not so simple. The Vilna Gaon considered the chassidim as if they were Open Orthodox and refused to have any dealings with them.The two factions of Satmar dislike each other . Whenni was growing up, brawls between Lubavitch and Satmar were not unusual.

    in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1798637
    anonymous Jew

    My numbers came from Levi Yitzchak Leifer, head of the Boro Park shmira patrol in an interview in Tablet magazine. And these are violent assaults, not property damage.Not a week goes by without reports of men being assaulted on way to shul on Shabbos . So, 19 assaults ( again only those defined as hate crimes; the 19 doesn’t include “routine” muggings ) makes them extremely safe neighborhoods?

    in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1798571
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph. you’re in a dream world. Hate crime assaults against Jews totalled 17 in 2017 , 33 in 2018 and 19 in the first 6 months of 2019. And that doesn’t include assaults and muggings not classified as hate crimes

    in reply to: Worst US Presidents #1798147
    anonymous Jew

    Reb Eliezer, Carter had nothing to do with the Egypt-Israel peace. They did it on their own, an act for which Carter never forgave Begin or Israel

    in reply to: Boys Learning in Eretz Yisroel #1798097
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, what studies can you cite that document the ” the significant disparities between boys versus girls ” ?
    Or is it your personal opinion?
    Ironically, it’s the Boomer generation that started this trend as they had the education and wealth to be able to send their sons and daughters to learn in Israel. I don’t see how their grandchildren ,those having chosen the Lakewood kolel lifestyle, will be able to afford sending 5+ kids to Israel ( tuition, airfare, food etc). Will they have to settle for a “lower” level of learning ( as per Joseph )?

    in reply to: Airline seating alerts #1797068
    anonymous Jew

    Daas Yachid, I think your missing the point. Anyone is entitled to request a seat change. But they are not entitled to refuse to take their seat and delay departure, and, by and large, I’ve only seen that behavior among those refusing to sit next to a woman.

    in reply to: Trump goes OOT #1796781
    anonymous Jew

    Katanhatorah, laugh and make fun if you must , but you are entirely missing the point. Cuomo and DiBlasio may rip the rich but they desperately count on their taxes. The 1%s pay 40% of NY’s taxes and, while Trump may be the latest to leave, he certainly wasn’t the first and won’t be the last. According to moving company statistics, the states with the largest outflows are NY , NJ, Conn and Illinois. They are all high tax states. The 2 leading inflow states are Florida and Texas, both no tax states.

    in reply to: Airline seating alerts #1796441
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, not when 10 to 15 men are making the request and refuse to sit and delay the flight. If I have an aisle seat, I won’t move to a middle seat for a 12 hour flight to accomodate someone who is machmir on sitting next to a woman

    in reply to: Following Halacha #1793824
    anonymous Jew

    Not everyone holds with hat and jacket, dipping or washing on pizza. You have your poskim, they have theirs. It’s interesting that you picked 3 that are not universally accepted and assumed your position is the correct one.
    That is the problem with giving tochacha

    in reply to: Stuffed cabbage for Simchas Torah #1793825
    anonymous Jew

    Just don’t say it’s a halacha

    in reply to: Chazanus and the Bronx #1793828
    anonymous Jew

    It’s named after The Bronx River ( as per several historical sources ) which was named after Jonas Bronck, the first European settler in the area. It wasn’t called the Bronx until it was acquired by NYC in the late 1800s

    in reply to: Solomon’s Meat in Costco #1791943
    anonymous Jew

    I don’t use the TriangleK but your comment is worthless if you aren’t willing to name the Rov or the Rov is not willing to publicly own his comments. What if Plony made the same statement you did but with the opposite conclusion? Would you say oh great, now I can try Hebrew National? Of course not. So why do you expect your anonymous assurance of an unnamed Rov to be taken as proof?

    in reply to: Sitting in driveway #1791467
    anonymous Jew

    More importantly, mesirah has been used to protect molesters and stop people from reporting them to the police.
    It’s been a big issue in Melbourne since 2015 where molesters have gone unpunished and the victims who went public were punished by the community as mosers.

    in reply to: Sitting in driveway #1791225
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, too many frum yidden have used mesirah as a shield to commit all kinds of bad acts. You block my driveway, I will be more than happy to call the cops.

    in reply to: New NY License Plates #1787584
    anonymous Jew

    Cuomo rescinded the fee for the new plates yesterday

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1786833
    anonymous Jew

    Katanhatorah, to really get an appreciation of denigration of those who they disagree with, just turn on CNN, MSNBC and any other leftist media. Lying? Just in the past two weeks CNN has had to retract phony stories as did the New York Times , which reported that planes flew themselves into the Trade Towers. You can go on YouTube and find any number of clips where Pres Trump clearly and unambiguously denounces racism, the KKK and white nationalists. Yet , during the last debate, Booker repeated the lie that Trump refuses to denounce racism. And, don’t forget, Warren’s academic career was based upon lying that she had legitimate Native American ancestry.

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1782913
    anonymous Jew

    I checked with joseph

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1781943
    anonymous Jew

    Last I checked, all baked goods are made in a central location and sent to the store. The problem with stores that sell trief sandwiches is that everything Is warmed in same oven.
    DD doesn’t sell ice cream. Some are under same roof as Basken Roberts

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1780363
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, what points are you talking about? You for the most part keep saying torah supercedes the law, and that one case will bankrupt a yeshiva. The law didn’t change the standard of proof, just the time frame to file. I agree with Syag. This issue is like Alice in Wonderland, every thing backwards. In our version of the Metoo movement, going back decades, it’s the molesters who must be believed, not the victims. Syag is also right in that molestation is not , for the most part a one time event and the school had to have been aware of what was occurring and should be held responsible, no matter how long ago it can be proven to have occurred.

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1778733
    anonymous Jew

    Philosopher, you keep assuming that all the cases being brought under the CVA will be 50 year old cases in which a victim just woke up.
    It’s just not so. The 38 victims who filed yesterday had all done so previously, but had their cases thrown out because the statute of limitations had already passed. The victims who filed against Rockefeller University had also previously filed. The old laws maximum ages of 21 and 23 was in many cases to soon before victims were emotionally ready to file.

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1778530
    anonymous Jew

    Well, the first shoe has dropped. I had posited three categories where lawsuits were likely to come from. Yesterday 38 victims ( from category A – admission of guilt made after statute of limitations had expired ) filed lawsuits.
    Joseph, if only one case in 25 years is too many, why did the Brooklyn institution and the summer camp protect that molester for 25 years?

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1777748
    anonymous Jew

    I left out the year of the meeting . It was 2010

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1777744
    anonymous Jew

    People here are assuming that decades old cases will come out of the woodwork , with no proof, and file cases. While this will probably happen, they are ignoring the more probable cases:
    A. Admissions of guilt made after statute of limitations had expired. Two examples: edited. Now, victims can file suit.
    B. Victims who had previously filed suit with credible documentation but whose cases where dismissed because of statute of limitations.
    C. Victims who are under 30 years old but the time to file had passed.

    I have 2 questions to ask of the posters who maintain that there were few cases of molestation in the frum community:
    1. If there were so few cases, why was Agudah”s
    longstanding opposition based upon yeshivas
    being devastated by a flood of cases
    2. Why was a handbook outlining the dangers of child abuse , and how to recognize and deal with it, given to 36 camp directors at an April 29 meeting in Flatbush? Written in Yiddish and English, it was prepared by the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Israel. The camps represented were a who’s who of frum camps.

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1777588
    anonymous Jew

    I did some additional reading and it appears lawsuits can be brought against the actual abuser AND the institution/individuals who enabled them. The individuals do not have to be alive. The articles mentioned that one of the goals is to publicize the identity of abusers, even if they can’t obtain financial compensation. In California, approximately 300 previously unknown abusers were identified.
    BTW, alluding to what I said earlier, my older sister can’t sue because she can’t prove it. Everyone who she told is now dead ( I was an infant and didn’t find out until many years later ) as are the abuser and the enablers

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1777509
    anonymous Jew

    Tlik, you’ve constructed a strawman, claiming that the law allows anyone to stroll into court, offer zero proof and collect a check. Can you cite the section that permits this? My understanding is that proof is still required, the change being the statute of limitations.

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1775472
    anonymous Jew

    Joseph, please stop. Bais Dins and yeshivas have ignored the problem for decades. That alone should be enough grounds to pursue justice in secular courts.
    In October 2016 a prominent Brooklyn yeshiva agreed to pay a $2.1 million settlement for the sexual molestation of two boys. The molester had been allowed to teach for over 25 years, despite decades of allegations.

    So tell me Joseph, would a bais din have accomplished or resolved anything?

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1775232
    anonymous Jew

    ABBA, i agree that, as I mentioned above, lawyers are probably going to go after deep pocketed institutions ( the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts ) . When it comes to yeshivas,all they have to do is find wealthy board members and donors who would have the resources. Keep in mind that the National Agudah could be a target , primarily because of its summer camp.
    From this morning’s paper, money does not appear to be everyone’s motivation. Some of the people suing simply want the organization/school/religious body to finally come clean and admit what they allowed to happen.

    in reply to: Child Victims Act now in effect in NYS #1775227
    anonymous Jew

    Syag, the only reason I use that example is point out to Joseph that there are extenuating circumstances that can cause religious people to resort to civil court

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