anonymous Jew

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  • in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2172642
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, the basis for your claim?

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2171659
    anonymous Jew

    Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway long ago recognized that a full time commitment to learning was not for every boy . Instead of forcing them to sit , bored, making believe and resenting being there, Rabbi Bender opened a trade school. They learn carpentry, plumbing electrical and other trades, while also learning part time. The boys end up being financial supporters of both their own family and Darchei Torah.

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171426
    anonymous Jew

    Well, for one, ujm keeps advocating getting stoned drunk. In addition, both of you seem to have a view that every drunk is a happy, gleeful drunk, full of merriment. Haven’t you heard of, or experienced a nasty, mean drunk? Just ask any woman or child beaten up by a nasty drunk. What is your proof that all rebbeim are pleasant drunks.
    With regard to the bochrim, until about 60 years ago, few had access to cars and there was less of an issue of driving drunk from rebbe to rebbe. Today, will a drunk rebbe, serving alcohol to his students, recognize inebriation ,or ask how much they’ve already drunk? Most teens can’t handle alcohol and don’t recognize the warning signs until it’s too late. And, I believe that in New York, anyone illegally serving alcohol to minors, or drunk 18 yr kids is legally responsible for damages incurred in a car accident.

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2166416
    anonymous Jew

    Coffee addict, I have no idea what the gedolim said about the earthquake or the attacks. What I suspect is that anyone who rushes in and publicly purports to know the cause by definition is not a gadol.

    in reply to: The עולם השקר #2165095
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, ujm, and of course, people never lie. Eyewitness testimony is known to be unreliable.

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2163238
    anonymous Jew

    CT, you don’t paint with a broad brush but many police are bigots and criminals. Pure socialistic countries ( Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Soviet Union ) tend not to be Democratic.

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162730
    anonymous Jew

    CT lawyer, please explain how Omar’s constituents are entitled to a seat on the Foriegn Relations Committee? She is still on other committees. Her extreme anti-Israel bias makes her membership on that Committee inappropriate.

    in reply to: How to Reduce the Cost of Getting Married #2161777
    anonymous Jew

    Maybe the goyim have a better idea. Many couples pay for their own weddings.

    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, who called 911 and the Shomrim?

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2157598
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, you missed and avoided my point. I clearly referenced someone from the time of bayis rishon when sacrifices were no longer allowed outside of Jerusalem. What prayers did they say when they put on tefillin? You didn’t address my point about the Samaritan “Torah” . They copied it from us and wrote it using paleohebrew . Calling the alphabet paleohebrew is not apikorsis

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2157423
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, not only has the application of halacha changed, our religion has undergone massive change in the past

    One example is divorce. Originally, a man could divorce his wife unilaterally;now she must agree.

    If Jew ( an anachronism ) from the early years of the first Bais Hamikdosh were to come back to life now, he wouldn’t recognize we call Judaism. In his tim e:
    1. There were no shuls
    2. There were no siddurs
    3. There were no religious rituals outside of Jerusalem
    4. He wouldn’t be able to read the Torah. Until the Babylonian
    Exile, Hebrew was written in Paleo-Hebrew script, not the
    Aramaic block letters that Ezra introduced. The Samaritans,
    brought into Israel by the Assyrians , copied our Sefer Torah
    and theirs is still written in Paleo-Hebrew.

    There is a lot more

    in reply to: Ethical Orthodoxy #2156597
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm,Avira then why do Torah institutions respect and honor individuals who earn their wealth through unethical/illegal means? I won’t name the examples. My friends shul has two prominent frum members currently serving prison terms for embezzlement, as is the former treasurer of a five towns shul. A close friend is a lawyer and many of his clients were frum clients who were victimized civilly by other frum Jews

    in reply to: The Rich and Community Standards #2156592
    anonymous Jew

    Because money always talks. You’re surprised?

    in reply to: Jews Who Lived Under Muslim Rule #2156488
    anonymous Jew

    For much of the middle ages Jews had a good life in Europe. Often their biggest protector was the local bishop I

    in reply to: Have Seminaries outlived their purpose? #2156490
    anonymous Jew

    How many families can afford the $25,000 cost , on top of the other children’s tuition? Remember, no discount on airfare , other expenses or the tuition. What is deficient in the prior 12 years of education that makes ay seminary year necessary? If anything, the girls in seminary are living in a bubble that won’t be there when they come home

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2155743
    anonymous Jew

    Nomesorah, as far as Rabbi Feldman is concerned , it’s a moot point as Beth Jacob was never a Conservative synogogue, despite R Eliezer’s mistaken and repeated assertions

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2155294
    anonymous Jew

    Israel has the same dentistry deal as Budapest

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2155162
    anonymous Jew

    Please look at your original post. You said he converted his congregation, not just some conservative congregants.
    And, nomesorah, didn’t Rav Moshe issue a psak forbidding Orthodox rabbis from taking Conservative pulpits?

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2155042
    anonymous Jew

    R Elezer, I think you owe Rabbi Feldman an apology for implying he took a pulpit in a conservative synogogue

    in reply to: Quick Quote from Rabbi Emanuel Feldman #2154721
    anonymous Jew

    R eliezer, Beth Jacob was never Conservative. It was founded 1943 as an Orthodox breakaway from an existing Orthodox shul that they felt was drifting Conservative ( which it eventually became).
    Rabbi Feldman’s humor was one of the tools he used, in his 39 years, to grow Beth Jacob from that small start to a community large enough ( over 500 families ) to support day schools, boys yeshivas, girls yeshivas ( both thru high school ) and a kollel.

    in reply to: Derech HaLimud of the Vilna Gaon #2151298
    anonymous Jew

    The chassidim were used simply as an example, because it was a large scale example of discarding of minhagim, mesora and nusach.
    The concept of minhag and mesora was more applicable in 1700″s and prior. People rarely left the village they were born in and the cohesiveness promoted the maintenance of the minhagim and mesora. However , the rise of chassidus, the haskala, massive pogroms and emigration have led to mixing of populations and the difficulty of most people have in identifying their mesora and minhagim

    in reply to: Should all Yidden know Hebrew? #2151143
    anonymous Jew

    The rabbis in my yeshiva ketana routinely beat us ( no patching) up . I’m talking punching, slapping and kicking. It inspired neither learning nor respect but did inspire FEAR .

    in reply to: Derech HaLimud of the Vilna Gaon #2151142
    anonymous Jew

    It’s amazing how excuses are found to justify positions. Minhagim and mesora are sacred, except of course for when the Chassidim discarded centuries of minhagim, mesora and nusach.

    in reply to: Derech HaLimud of the Vilna Gaon #2150989
    anonymous Jew

    So in this case apparently mesorah doesn’t count

    in reply to: Important Advice for Jews #2144847
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, unfortunately it’s no longer 2020. BTW, the attacker had 8 previous arrests , coffee addict, no jail time.

    in reply to: Important Advice for Jews #2144755
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, I won’t ride the subway anymore because of the crime and violence. A rider on his way home from work this past weekend was sitting and minding his own business when a deranged man walked up to him, punched him in the face and opened a wound requiring 8 stitches . The mentally ill and homeless roaming the streets and the subway assault anybody, Jewish or not

    in reply to: Important Advice for Jews #2144741
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, not a day goes by in NYC where there aren’t numerous violent attacks and shooting .

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2142080
    anonymous Jew

    Jack, while I’m not interested in bridges, you’re being naive. The nursing homes had patients who, by definition, had low resistance to infections. They weren’t set up to isolate their patients from the covid patients. They begged the NYS Dept of Health for prep time. Instead, the DOH, under pressure from the GNYHA, issued a March 26 directive that not only mandated that the transfers be accepted, the homes were forbidden to administer covid tests prior to admission. The directive was rescinded in May but the damage had been done.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2141843
    anonymous Jew

    Jack, you really shouldn’t make unsupported sweeping statements. I know at least 1 Hatzala person who contracted covid by treating/transporting a covid patient. The person who transported me. I’m sure there were others.

    By the way, how would you handle Andrew Cuimo? One of his biggest financial supporters was the Greater NY Hospital Association ( GNYHA ). They are the primary lobbyist for Downstate voluntary not for profit hospitals . The hospitals were filling up with covid patients who couldn’t be discharged. The problem? Hospitals don’t get paid by the day, but by the discharge so, as long as the beds stayed occupied, hospitals couldn’t bill n or admit new patients . The GNYHA came up with a solution. Prevail upon Cuomo to force nursing homes to accept the patients as transfers, whether they had covid or not. Despite protests that they weren’t set up for it and that their residents would be at great risk, Cuomo made it happen.
    To noone’s great surprise, thousands of unnecessary deaths ensued

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138509
    anonymous Jew

    It’s interesting that people are parsing dry coughs but noone has responded to Cuomo’s clear guilt regarding the nursing home deaths ( while being praised by the media for his handling of the pandemic).

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2137996
    anonymous Jew

    Gov DeSantis was excoriated for keeping schools and businesses open. Turns out he was right.
    Does Gov Cuomo deserve a pardon after needlessly causing thousands of deaths in nursing homes by forcing homes not prepared for it to accept transfers from hospitals. He forbade nursing homes from testing the transfers. Almost as bad, children and spouses of the survivors were forbidden to visit.
    To my mind, I’ve the best proof that, unlike other vaccines, the Covid vaccines don’t prevent transmission or reinvention. I’ve been double vaccinated and double boosted, yet the hospital waiting room ( I’m not the patient ) I’m sitting in still requires me to wear a mask.

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2132396
    anonymous Jew

    To Avira et al,
    Do you actually believe that LGB etc people don’t currently exist the yeshivish world? They exist but in the closet.

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2132395
    anonymous Jew

    The Alte Heim was a mythical place where every Jew was a Torah Scholar, even the ignorant ones

    in reply to: Respecting Differences #2129418
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, your world is so black and white, no shades of gray. The 2 milion+ Eastern European Jews who ignored Daas Torah and emigrated before the 1920’s restrictions survived the Holocaust. Hundreds of thousands more frum Jews who followed Daas Torah in the new Soviet Union were lost as yeshivas and shuls were closec and rabbis,mohelim, community leaders and teachers were murdered. In the Holocaust itself, countless frum Jews were murdered, including Gedolim.
    How does this fit into your narrative?

    P.S. the Jews of the early middle ages didn’t intermingle but that didnt prevent the Crusader massacres , blood libels and frequent expulsions

    in reply to: 5t vs Teaneck- what’s better? #2128538
    anonymous Jew

    You wouldn’t know it was Aseres yimai teshuva the way people are badmouuthing all MO

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2124547
    anonymous Jew

    One major problem with the Russian military , that dates back to to the Soviets, is the lack of non commissioned officers.
    In the US Army., nco’s ( sergeants and corporals ) are trained to recognize when circumstances affect their orders and to make adjustments on the fly. When Russian advances stall, only senior officers can make changes. This requires them to get close to the front and has already led to a number of generals being killed.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2124476
    anonymous Jew

    Aaq, while many attempts have been made, takanot have virtually never been adhered to.

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2123715
    anonymous Jew

    Jewish12345 made some very good points. We’ve never had a mesora of every man sitting and learnng full time, and for very good and practical reasons. In prewar Europe there were no social service networks ; if you didn’t work you didn’t eat. Only those who showed the ability to be talmedai chachomim, poskim and rabbinical leaders were supported by the community; everyone else had to work . The current phenomena didnt begin until 50 years ago , when the baby boomer generation, having been allowed to go to all the professional schools, had become wealthy enough to support theirs sons in yeshiva .

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123530
    anonymous Jew

    Not for me. You’re the one harking back to East European mesorah. BTW, the lack of extravagance was largely due to a lack of resources . You can’t spend what you don’t have.

    in reply to: Bar Mitzva Party #2123448
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, if you’re going to hold by mesorah, then our mesorah is to have weddings erev Shabbos!

    in reply to: Hospital Wait Times #2119261
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm and 2cents, let me be clear. Yrm reffered to homeless and elderly checking into hospitals for free room and board.

    I agree that anyone can walk into an ER and must be triaged ( assessed for illness/injury). However, you won’t be admitted unless the condition warrants it. If a Medicare patient falls and fractures a hip, and, mris etc determine that surgery is not needed, only bed rest, Medicare will deny that patient’s admission.
    In addition an ER is not a bakery. People don’t get treated in the order they arrive, but by how seriously sick or injured they are. You could be number 5 when you arrive but number 14 three hours later.
    One more note. If you’ve been sick since Monday, don’t be surprised if your insurance co refuses to pay for your outpatient visit on Thursday. Why? Because it’s not an emergency. The ER is obligated to treat you, but an ER is the most expensive place to seek outpatient care and the ins will say you had several days to seek out your dr or an urgicare center

    in reply to: Hospital Wait Times #2118725
    anonymous Jew

    A homeless/elderly person cannot simply check into a hospital unless they have a condition that warrants it. The hospital won’t get paid.

    in reply to: No torah no jewish state #2117899
    anonymous Jew

    Ive been told that the oaths are no longer valid , for 2 reasons:
    1. Our obedience to the oaths was conditional upon how the goyim treated us. The Holocaust negated the oaths

    2. A world body, t h e United Nations, voted to give us our land back

    in reply to: No torah no jewish state #2117259
    anonymous Jew

    Akuperma et al,
    You and others seem to have the idea that , absent the State of Israel , Torah Judaism was fine. Prior to WW2, North America was viewed ,correctly, as the treife medina and Western Europe was no better. However, their Eastern European bastion was showing enormous cracks. Starting in the 1880’s and accelerating in the 20th century, more and more young frum Jews were abandoning the shtetl for big cities and the US. Worse, they were abandoning religion for all of the isms ( socialism, Zionism, anarchism, communism, atheism) and the trend greatly accelerated in the 1930’s. On top of that, with Stalin’s crackdowns, millions of Russian Jews were lost spiritually.

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2116014
    anonymous Jew

    Yungermans. You repeatedly state that Hashem saves us. Can you then explain the Crusades, the Holocaust, Khmelnitsky, the hundreds of thousands of Jews killedin WW1?

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115648
    anonymous Jew

    A lot of people are coming to alot of conclusions about Trump’s guilt without any concrete knowledge. After 5 years of blockbuster media headlines ( Russia Russia Russia ) all claiming to finally being the one to bring down Trump only to fade into nothingness when the facts finally came to light, little wonder that, outside of this blog, the media has such little credibility with Americans. If Trump is actually guilty, how ineffective is the FBI that they still can’t prove it. Remember Adam Schiff repeatedly claiming he had incontrovertible proof of Trump’s guilt but somehow never presented it during the first impeachment? And , as a member of the Jan 6th committee I’m supposed to believe what he says now?

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2115185
    anonymous Jew

    avira, Im always fascinated when people speak of mesora in the singular. In your case, I assume you’re talking about Eastern European mesora, not Yemenite, Sephardic, etc. Even within Eastern Europe, chassidish mesorah only goes back 250 years

    anonymous Jew

    The warm period in Europe lasted from the 900’s to the 1300’s.
    During that period vineyards existed as far north as Scandinavia. However, as what became the Little Ice Age began, it became increasingly difficult for vineyards to grow in England, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Russia and Austria and wine became difficult to find and expensive. When the Mishne Brura paskened to allow kiddush shabbos morning over non wine , he cited a difficulty getting wine. This was the reason.

    anonymous Jew

    Akuperma, if they all lived in villages, then there would have been no need for the Gemorah to allow for the Megilla to be read on the closest market day .
    Also, keep in mind, the first synogogues didn’t appear until late in the Second Temple period and Shmoneh Esreh wasn’t composed until sometimevl during Bayis Sheni. So, why would they have needed a minyan on a regular basis

    anonymous Jew

    Akuperma, until the churban, most Jews outside of major cities did live on isolated homesteads. They were farmers. Shuls and prayers, as we know them today didn’t exist and thus there was almost never a need for a minyan. If one was needed a farmer would travel to a village. The Gemorah talks about reading the Megillah on the closest market day to the actual day of Purim so as not to make the farmers travel twice in one week.

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