anonymous Jew

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  • in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2382286
    anonymous Jew

    To me, the big mystery is why people are responding to Hakatan et al. The bottom line is most religious Jews never regarded the Satmer Rav as a gadol, let alone THE Gadol and don’t ascribe any particular importance to his sforim. They are entitled to their beliefs and should live and be well

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2361007
    anonymous Jew

    It seems like, using your logic, I can refuse to pay shul dues because they are excessive, unfair and are robbing me of hard earned income

    in reply to: Dangerous scooters #2358434
    anonymous Jew

    You’re missing the point. They serve a need BUT should not be on the sidewalk and must observe the traffic laws ( i.e. stop at stop signs and red lights, not ride against traffic )

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351204
    anonymous Jew

    As per the IRS, a parsonage i”s a home that the church provides a pastor to live in rent-free as reasonable compensation for their ministerial services.”

    It can also be a synogogue or a mosque but not a school. How many rebbaim are also the rav of a shil and are getting free housing?

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351184
    anonymous Jew

    One thing that always irked me was the secrecy surrounding the yeshiva’s finances. We were expected to pay our tuition and to keep quiet. Unlike our local public school board, our yeshiva never provided any budgets or information on where our tuition money was going.

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2342575
    anonymous Jew

    Taking credit for Isra’s effective elimination of Hamas, Hezbolla ,Assad’s downfall and significantly weakening Iran

    Oh, this was after Biden dud everything he could to prevent the above by repeatedly threatening Israel to NOT go into Rafah, to NOT to not respond to Hezbolla rockets , to agree to ceasefires and slow walking arms shipments

    in reply to: A lot of DL Bashing Charedim Lately #2334584
    anonymous Jew

    It’s difficult to equate pre-Holocaust positions to what Reb Elchonon Wassermanmight might have held had he survived. One of his sons , David, relocated to Brooklyn and sent his eldest son, who was named after Reb Elchonon, to a Zionost MO yeshiva ( Yeshiva of Flatbush ). I know this to be true because my wife was in his class.

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #2331455
    anonymous Jew

    It’s President elect because he currently is not the president

    in reply to: Giving credit where credit is due #2320023
    anonymous Jew

    To prevent U.S. from warning Hezbollah, Israel didn’t notify U.S. until jets were in the air and about to strike. Biden had no role

    in reply to: Hatzulas Nefashos vs. Hatzalah #2317561
    anonymous Jew

    So, let me get this straight. I’m involved c”v in a car accident where I sustain $5000 in damages and the other , frum guy , is 100% at fault, I’m not supposed to file a claim ? Where is he going to get the money?

    in reply to: Ukraine Asks Jew not to Come to Uman #2315050
    anonymous Jew

    Ex ctl lawyer. Good thing I’m not in your history class. Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, not 1942

    in reply to: Ukraine Asks Jew not to Come to Uman #2314799
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, non jews aren’t going, especially not in those numbers

    in reply to: Zionism #2309898
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, did Zionism cause the Crusader and blood libel massacres and the Holocaust?

    in reply to: 42nd Yahr Zeit of Satmar Rav Ztz’l כואב the 26th of Av #2309082
    anonymous Jew

    With all due respect, not every one holds him with the same high esteem, certainly not as the gadol hador

    in reply to: Sukkah tree clearance #2307511
    anonymous Jew

    It would help to know where you live

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305633
    anonymous Jew

    Unfortunately. 5town is a good example of making up an issur that isn’t there and then looking down on both the Rav and the mispallilim. At “best”, it’s a chumra.
    Our chevra kadisha, like others, gives cushioned chairs for shiva that are low to the ground. There is no requirement for discomfort. I can’t imagine what it was like years ago to sit on those cardboard boxes for hours with no back support.

    in reply to: Baseball cap #2304714
    anonymous Jew

    Get a life

    in reply to: Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane #2302486
    anonymous Jew

    It’s not just frum people. There are youtube channels dedicated to why/how people get thrown off planes and have yet to see it happen to a frum person

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2302360
    anonymous Jew

    Everybody lies, but Democrats and the media are taking it to new heights. Despite ample video and textual evidence, they are trying to gaslight Americans by denying Harris was the border czar. Did they forget the interview with Lester Holt where he asked why she hadn’t been to the border?

    in reply to: Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane #2301623
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, you can request but cannot demand segregation based on gender.
    When asked, I comply 7nder the following conditions:

    1. The seat must be an aisle seat
    2. Seat cannot be near an infant

    anonymous Jew

    Just curious as to why site appears to be updated Just once a day

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2293019
    anonymous Jew

    Jackk, the laptop was verified by the FBI and was used by the Department of Justice to help convict Hunter Biden.
    Former partners of Hunter have testified before Congress regarding “the Big guy” i.e. meetings with Hunter’s source of income that Joe Biden has denied ever happening

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2292933
    anonymous Jew

    Just one note. There is a difference between hospice care in a facility and hospice at home. The hospice that my mil used offered both. The overall patient satisfaction rating was only 3 out of 5 stars , with in facility ( where my mil was ) getting 5 stars and at home getting 1 star. Why the difference? At home you still were responsible for hiring 24 hour aides, with all the complications if an aide cancelled . Similarly, doctors and nurses didn’t always show up on time. However, those issues never arise when you are in the physical hospice , where my mil received great care.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2292806
    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, as usual, you make grand assertions with no facts .

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291770
    anonymous Jew

    Exctlawyer is exactly right. I don’t know where people like JD get their information from.
    Patients aren’t forced into hospice, it’s their ( or their health care proxy’s) choice.
    Doctors don’t give up; if anything they refuse to give up and want to to administer more powerful drugs or invasive surgeries.
    Hospices don’t starve patients; that would be murder. My mil was on an IV. The goal of hospice is to make the patients last days as comfortable as possible. It’s difficult to be comfortable if your conscious and starving.

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291426
    anonymous Jew

    Hospice care doesnt mean you are taking or ending your life. That is fear mongering.
    What it does entail is making your final days as comfortable, and as pain free as possible. My mother in law was admitted to hospice dying from a failed heart valve ( she was frail, age 99 ) and couldn’t have survived valve replacement surgery. She received good care, never regained consciousness and passed after 4 days. Nothing was done to hasten her death.

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291228
    anonymous Jew

    People have this misconception about hospice care. If you’re not terminal,with a life expectancy of less than 6 months or if you want care that will possibly prolong your life, you do not belong in hospice care.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277458
    anonymous Jew

    That Israel achieved total surprise in its attack on the Arab air forces in June 1967 was anything but conventional. Only an ideologue such as yourself would deny reality.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277442
    anonymous Jew

    I know you, and others mean well, but neither armies of military soldiers or learning soldiers have any guarantee of protective value. From recent times ( Holocaust, pogroms ) to ancient times ( Menashe, Herod and the Romans slaughtering thousands of chachomim and tens of thousands of other Jews) and times in between ( Crusader massacres, blood libel massacres, Inquisition, forced conversions ) learning hasn’t protected us. There are those who say that there were other events that learning prevented. Even if true, they couldn’t have been much worse than those that did.

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2276225
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, I appreciate the explanation but how did the chametz get into the milk? From the cow or the carton ?

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2276117
    anonymous Jew

    How does chometz “revitalize” itself?

    in reply to: Mordechai & Esther’s Graves #2271857
    anonymous Jew

    WW1 was called the Great War until WW2 started

    in reply to: lashon hara how bad is it #2264753
    anonymous Jew

    What’s the point of sheduchim resumes etc if you’re not allowed to tell the truth. I’ve also never understood why protecting consumers by airing that a contractor was dishonest and did shoddy work was loshon hora

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2261798
    anonymous Jew

    Here’s the crux of our differences. Believing in Chazal’s knowledge of all science is not central to yiddishkeit. Not believing it is not denying chazal or Tanach. There is no proof of it other than their sayso.

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2261688
    anonymous Jew

    This is addressed to hotel naysayers.

    Nobody is forced to go to a hotel. Many people have valid reasons for not going. They include hashkafic, financial,familial and simply not enjoying it. So, why does it bother you if someone does have valid reasons to go and enjoys it? I’ve never seen a comment criticizing someone for not going.
    So, please stop the critiques as they will not change anyone’s mind

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2261638
    anonymous Jew

    5TResident, would you like a medal?

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2261605
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, you seem to have picked up some progressive tools. They try to shout people down by calling them racists, homophobes etc, you do it by calling anyone who disagrees with you an apikores.

    You actually present no evidence. How do we know that chazal
    knew all science? Because chazal said so. Where are the inventions, discoveries, cures etc? They don’t exist because of convenient stories provided by chazal ( I. E. Shlomo hid the car,
    Chazal didn’t want to upset the world order etc.).
    What I really don’t understand is why it’s so important for you to believe they were all knowing regarding science. Believing this doesn’t enhance one’s emunah

    in reply to: Is Claudine Gay’s Resignation Good News? #2251151
    anonymous Jew

    Jack, please, for once look at things thru neutral glasses. Everything she’s attained was based on 50 ( so far ) instances of plagiarized material, even her doctoral dissertation. If you condone this, then how can you punish a student for plagiarizing? And, her actions say she’s antisemitic. Would condemning a group advocate mass murder of people of color, would that require context?

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2249399
    anonymous Jew

    Remember when we had to walk to school uphill, both ways?

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2249398
    anonymous Jew

    Why do Jews vote progressive Democrat?

    in reply to: what’s the yichus of yichus? #2249397
    anonymous Jew

    Look at Esav’s parents. So much for yichus

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2238127
    anonymous Jew

    Jack, NYC regulations had made it almost impossible to own a gun or get a carry permit . Criminals, of course, were not affected by the regulations

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236504
    anonymous Jew

    Jack, technically , you’re right. But until recent court decisions striking them down, most Democratic states and cities had such restrictive regulations that made gun ownership impossible

    in reply to: Biden or Trump #2227379
    anonymous Jew

    CT, besides everything else, doesn’t Biden’s declining mental health worry you? Each day brings another embarrassing gaffe.

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2218150
    anonymous Jew

    Avira, try explaining your “history” to the American Jews 75 years ago who learned Chimash with Rashi.
    The current kolel system did not exist in pre war frum Eastern Europe there was no social welfare system to support it and Jews by and large were poor. The vast majority of Jews basically had a cheder education and then , except for the superstars, had to go to work. The average shtetl Jew did not have much knowledge and this was evidenced by how many , in Post ww1 Eastern Europe abandoned Yiddishkeit willingly. Prior to 1800, this was not a problem the gedolim had to face as Jews were barred from universities and many professions and ” non religious ” was not an option as the only way to not live in jewish areas was to convert. The gadolim were not prepared for a world that afforded Jews options and entry into the secular world. . The Misnagdim and Chassidim were so busy fighting each other that they didn’t realize, too late, that more Jews were becoming not religious.

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215636
    anonymous Jew

    UJM and Avirah
    Why do you both care? UJM, your questions, besides being very condescending, betray an intentional pseudo ignorance as this subject has been discussed here ad nauseum. Avira, do you actually believe there is a single mesorah? Is it the Yemeni, Iraqi, Italian,North African, Sfardi, Bucharian, Ashkenazi, Chassidish mesoras?

    in reply to: Jew vs. Jewish Person #2215140
    anonymous Jew

    I totally agree with you. The source is not mystical. Deriving mysticism today is not a problem

    in reply to: Jew vs. Jewish Person #2214605
    anonymous Jew

    So, I’m curious. What was the mystical experience of the Greek translation of Judea that led the future formulation of the word Jew?

    in reply to: Jew vs. Jewish Person #2214449
    anonymous Jew

    Nomesorah, mysticism doesn’t change the pshat of the terms derivation and had nothing to do with the origin of “Jew”

    in reply to: Jew vs. Jewish Person #2214393
    anonymous Jew

    What’s interesting is that the terms Jew, Jewish, and Judaism all derive from a Greek translation of Yehudi in the 3rd Century BCE. Biblical Hebrew doesn’t have a J sound but the Greek Y sound was often pronounced as a J sound. It was that Greek translation that carried forward and led to the term Jew

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