Forum Replies Created
areivim, sharp! Thank you.
~a~ the real one
anonymisssParticipantmepal, it was the birthday party that got damaged en route.
moish, sorry about that. Have a super happy birthday and a year that’s FAAAAR more successful than my party!!! Wishing you a year of only the best and success in all ways!
~a~ the real one
anonymisssParticipantmoish, CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!`.
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anonymisssParticipantkapusta, totally off-topic. Unless that was a suggestion to improve ywn.
~a~ the real one
~a~ the real one
anonymisssParticipant😉 fun word, moish. Sorry we missed each other!
~a~ the real one
anonymisssParticipantareivim, I was wondering the same.
~a~ the real one
anonymisssParticipantkapusta, I’m here now. What secret?
iiii hhhhhhh
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mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm ooooooooooo iiiiiiii sssssssssss hhhhhhh hhhhhhh.
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anonymisssParticipantMOISH IS HERE!! WOW!! This calls for a celebration!! Cool that you went to Israel. Tell us about it. Please?
anonymisssParticipantgood, b”h;)
anonymisssParticipantwho, me?
anonymisssParticipantjax, nice! thanx;)
anonymisssParticipantThanx, jax, can’t wait for the chulent (and visit with ya lol!)
anonymisssParticipantmepal, yeah, like me. I need a job for the summer!
anonymisssParticipantyou’re added and so is kapusta!
anonymisssParticipantkapusta, thanks, lol!!
jax, good one!
anonymisssParticipantno, not anymore. Good night!
anonymisssParticipantwill the mod let me post a pic of them together?
You know the answer yourself
anonymisssParticipantlight brown!!!
anonymisssParticipantjax is a suspect!
anonymisssParticipantyou know what that meant, but I think you’ve repented;P I’ll take you!
anonymisssParticipantThey’re in the BM, shteiging away together!!!
anonymisssParticipantMaybe Israel. And cuz you’re nice to me most of the time;), I’ll def consider taking you along.
anonymisssParticipantNope, jax, even better!! Anyone wanna take a guess?
anonymisssParticipantYeah, but I just can’t do it anymore. I think I need a vacation from her!!
anonymisssParticipantMr. Mod, what happened to you? You needed more coffee? Here (_)) (_)). Enjoy!!
anonymisssParticipantI miss him, too. He’s gotta get back here qwik!
anonymisssParticipantOh, well, how should you know? I never said anything about her. She’s not totally off but close enough….
anonymisss, I had no clue where you were going when you just mentioned your sister. Is she still in school?
Advice: (disclaimer, I have never had any need to use this advice, I’m not guaranteeing it will accomplish anything) Buy her a small present with a card for her b-day (or if shes 18 than graduation) and do something with her, maybe go out for ice cream or something just because your sisters and you wanna have a better relationship with her than you do now. When you see her ask her how her day was, ask her advice about any issue (problem students?) ask her help planning an end of the year celebration for your class, game, party etc. (I hope I’m remembering correctly that you teach) Talk about her talents, say loud when she can hear, maybe sara rivka rachel leah would know, have <whatever>
Now that we just went through all that, what caused her to go off?
I did have her in mind during davening today, (and you that you make it through in one piece)
No, she’s not in school. She works for a few hours a day, though.
Thanx for the advice, it is good. When I saw where she was headed, I worked quite hard on strengthening my relationship with her and now we have a VERY good relationship. It’s really draining, she’s so self-centered. Anyway, yesterday was the first time in more than a year that I said something not so nice to her, and I was in a really bad mood about it the whole day, yesterday and today.
Thanks for having us in mind;)
anonymisssParticipantclosing in on them…..Oh my!!! You’ll never believe this, guess where they are????!!!
anonymisssParticipantWow! Do mods memorize every post that gets submitted?
That question was submitted by rabbiofberlin in July of last year
anonymisssParticipantOh, I completely forgot about that, hang on a sec, my computer’s tracing them…
anonymisssParticipantjax, your cr trivia memory is doing good!!!
anonymisssParticipantjax, thanx for sharing abt your bro, appreciated. And a teensy bit better today, thanx for asking;) How old were you and how old was he?
anonymisssParticipantJax, I’m coming to you this shabbos!!
anonymisssParticipantaussie, nice to know that you were here tonight.
anonymisssParticipantareivim and moish are hiding out together, uh oh!
anonymisssParticipantI’m here. A mod’s here. No one else is here.
anonymisssParticipantanonymisss, I had no clue where you were going when you just mentioned your sister.
anonymisssParticipantaussie, you’re slacking off again;P
anonymisssParticipantaussie comes and goes at odd times.
anonymisssParticipantHey, I once got some kind of random message on facebook about someone with the same last name as me leaving me millions of dollars lol!!
anonymisssParticipantJax, good one!
Moish, now that you know you were missed, you could come out of hiding!!!! We’re all waiting for you!
anonymisssParticipantjax, thanx, I know it’s so scary sometimes at night when she’s not home!
kapusta, no, I was involved with these kids before my sis was one of them. (btw, I was always so careful not to bring them into/near my house, I guess it was no use, though.
anonymisssParticipantkapusta, I guess I’ll speak to you tomorrow. I’m going to sleep now.