Forum Replies Created
July 5, 2011 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909172anon1m0usParticipant
Daas Yochid:
1) I said ONE of the reasons, not THE reason.
2) Age discrepancies should not make much of a difference. An 18 year old girl would date a man 18-23. As she gets older, so does her age requirements.
3) The census includes population growth. In addition, boys are more common in the frum world. And this is a scientific fact, not opinion.
anon1m0usParticipantBack to the old riddle: When was the first time the jews kept shabbos? I would say NEVER!!! yes, there are Jews that keep Shabbos, but there has never been a case where ALL the Jews kept shabbos based on a medrish (which I do not know where but remember learning) that if all the Jews kept shabbos Moshiach would come. Hence the famous song, just one shabbos and we will all be free! The fact that moshiach did not come yet shows that the Jews did not properly keep shabbos.
Out of curiosity– during the times of Mitzrayim or even in the times of the first Bais Hamikdash (during Shlomo Hamleches reign), did the Jews pray for Moshiach?
anon1m0usParticipantAccording to the CRC, Bailey Irish Cream is NOT recommended with out an hashgacha.
anon1m0usParticipantWho cares if it Chukat Hagoyim or not??!!! Are you off from work and kids are still in yeshiva? Great, then celebrate!!!!:):)
July 5, 2011 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909168anon1m0usParticipantI think it’s funny that every frum think the “other” side has a harder time finding a shidduch. In YWN, it’s the working boys and in the other sites (can’t name them since it might be deleted) it’s the learning boys.
I, as a working boy, had a list of 10 girls on it each week. There was no shortage of dates and I never went without two dates a week. While my best friend, who is a learning boy, had a harder time. B’h we are both now married.
The point is….I think the shidduch crises is a man made crisis created by people who don’t have dates. In reality, there are 107 boys born for every girl (yes, worldwide, not jews alone). In addition, currently, there are also more than 100 MILLION men than women, as reported in the UN Census ( It’s sad though that Israel does have more women, which can be attributed to deaths from war.
One of the reasons why we have a “man made shidduch crises” is the refusal of both parties to travel to each other. For example, my learning friend refused to travel to Monsey for a date because it was a shlep. He would rather not date then to travel an hour for the girl. Funny thing is, he married a Monsey girl. Or a girl from Baltimore won’t travel for a guy standing on the principle the man should come to her. We stand on too many foolish principles!! The only time both parties are willing to travel is when they start getting older and more desperate.
SO in essence, there are more than enough guys who sit and learn for learning boys and enough guys for girls who want working boys.
anon1m0usParticipantWait until the kids come then you really can’t afford it. Tuition is a natural birth control:)
June 21, 2011 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: Many attempts were made for the Kallah. How would you proceed? #791111anon1m0usParticipantLeave it be. Or else you will look like a shnorror or someone who is out for money.
June 17, 2011 9:54 pm at 9:54 pm in reply to: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" #779676anon1m0usParticipantI think a better topic would be Chumras that people create.
anon1m0usParticipantOK, anyone who IS married knows why people should never marry 🙂
anon1m0usParticipantAlso, the Chosam Sofer states that the reason why the women danced was to be m’chaper on all the bad thoughts throughout the year. According to the Ramam, hilchos t’shuva, the best way to do teshuva is purifying the averya. Hence, on Yom Kippur, since women dress is white, to symbolize purity, we read the parsha of all the illicit relationships, it is the perfect time to do the teshuva. That is why they dance.
anon1m0usParticipantLet’s also keep in mind that R’ Moshe allowed it and he lived during OUR lifetime. Are we better judges of what Jews need and how we should be mahmir than R’ Moshe?
Also, say what you want but I never heard of a case of pelegesh b’givah in our times?
anon1m0usParticipantmdd: Should we have mechitza’s at restaurants based on the logic of “kol makom she’ata motze geder erva, ata motze kedusha”?
Do chassdim have it right by not having a shabbos seuda with the women? I have been to a house where the wife ate at the kitchen table while the men at at the dinning room table.
anon1m0usParticipantEratHashem: What is wrong with men seeing women dance? It can not be halachiclly wrong if we celebrate Tu Bav where men watched women dance and that is how they chose their wives.
People who say today we would need it, I disagree. I think the 60’s & 70’s, woodstock, free love was a worse time for issues than today and R’ Moshe wrote his teshuva in the 80’s.
Why do we need mechitzas?
June 16, 2011 8:18 pm at 8:18 pm in reply to: Those with MIS degree, where might they find job leads? #777702anon1m0usParticipantAlso
anon1m0usParticipantThere is a problem if you wear it on the left side. A pony on the right side is is lchatchilla kosher.
anon1m0usParticipantGeshmakMan: You are correct. There is no such thing as a plutonic relationship. However, there is a platonic relationship:)
anon1m0usParticipantI loved that Shimon & Gavrial (Simon and Garfunkel) song:)
anon1m0usParticipantmdd: A sotah has nothing to do with not being Tznius. A women can be miyachud with a man and not be a sotah. The husband has to explicitly tell her not be be miyachud with a particular man.
anon1m0usParticipantThe better question is: how many of us would allow our sons to marry Rus? Her ancestry is a shainda. Her great great grandmother slept with her father. Would we allow a shidduch like that?
Imagine the case: A Shadchin calls up you up and says she has the most wonderful girl. A balas chesid, machiv torah….all A+++++. But, she is a product of an incestuous relationship. Would ANYONE today allow their son to date her? I do not think the greatest rosh yeshiva today would allow his son, the future gadol, to marry her.
What Boaz did was AMAZING, but I do not think anyone can compare themselves to him.
anon1m0usParticipantI guess I’ll be burning:)
anon1m0usParticipantI took my dates to Jekyll & Hyde…that was always an AWESOME place to go if you lack any conversational openers.
June 1, 2011 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914075anon1m0usParticipantOk, there are certain questions which are foolish and others which might make a difference.
Some people do not like the weight question. If a person is not attracted to overweight people, not to say other people who do not care, why should they date? It might seem insensitive but it avoids embarrassing or terrible dates.
I heard girls ask if the guy is bald. I can understand why a girl would not want to go out with him. When you are 18-25, young etc, one wants someone good looking. Yes, after you are married and love each other, being bald is not a big deal.
Unfortunately, there has been cases where people take medications or are unstable and they end up getting divorced. Sometimes these weird questions is to uncover the truth from people who try to hide it.
anon1m0usParticipantProbably not. I would believe in G-d but not follow any religion.
anon1m0usParticipantLast time I checked Gazal Akum is assur.
anon1m0usParticipantOh, for Medical Advice, one can go to United Health Care’s website and they have online nurses who can discuss any medical issue you may have. AND you can call them directly to discuss issues.
anon1m0usParticipantYea, usually most of my posts are deleted:) Only 5.5% go through. The problem I see his that Mods only allow their way of thinking. If a non yeshivish person posts his opinions (not against halacha) it gets deleted. I Think YWN is known as a lakewood blog because only the Lakewood derech gets posted and anything else is deleted.
anon1m0usParticipantI bought my house for about $450 and made around $70K at the time.
1) NO Credit Cards!!!
2) All extra money you earn, put it into savings. Don’t bother buying expensive suits or hats. Put all extra money in savings.
3) Cut down on all your bills, as much as possible. Hence, I got rid of cable.
4) You will need to save for a few years. You should have enough for 20% AND closing fees which can range from 10-20K. You could probably put down less for a down payment, but pay PMI. Speak with a lender.
5) Shop around for the BEST rate, no matter if your friend does mortgages too. Be educated.
6) Do NOT move to Brooklyn or any densely related areas because the housing prices are high. Look for frum neighborhoods where you can get relatively cheap houses, like Monsey.
7) When you are ready to buy a house, increase your allowances on your W4 to receive more money back in your paycheck. I increased mine to 12. The end result is you will be receiving a less of refund at the end of the year. But who cares? You need money NOW.
8) Learn to be handy. Do not call an electrician to scrrew in a light-bulb or change an outlet. Home Depot sells great books that teaches you how to do it yourself. Yes, something you need help, but there are a lot of things you can do yourself.
Good luck and have fun!
anon1m0usParticipantB’h–My wife and I enjoy a nice scotch with herring every shabbos.
anon1m0usParticipantB’h I hold of the other Torah where drinking beer is not usser. In addition, if it is a glass cup and clean there is no issue of traifos since glass can not be mikabul tumah.
The only issue with a bar is drinking with goyim and unless this girl is not Jewish there is no Halacha issue of him drinking.
Now, should a boy drink on the second date? Who are we to answer what is appropriate or not? If this girl is the type not to mind, then there is nothing wrong. The fact that she is asking this question, means it bothers her and therefore she should not date him because obviously, he feels it is appropriate.
Or maybe it was a bad date and he needed alcohol:):) Who are we to judge?
anon1m0usParticipantyid.period- The point is, DON’T look at other women!!! What you are suggesting is that men will always be looking at other women! If that is the case, the problem is the man, not the woman.
anon1m0usParticipantIn the Gemora, Shabbat 64b, R’ Akiva allows a women to apply makeup even while she is a niddah!! This is a time most things are uisser, but we see makeup is mutter because of Shalom Bayis! The makeup is not for the women to feel attractive. We see from this gemorah that women wear it to make their husbands attracted to them.
One the the Takakna of Ezra was for salesmen to travel to every community to perfume or other things.
This is a VERY sensitive issue that one should not mess with! If a women wears makeup like a clown it is none of your business if her husband wants her to wear it! This is a shalom bayis issue and none of our opinions matter, but the husband and wife.
anon1m0usParticipantOk, so what I am hearing is that women should not be attractive to her husband if they leave the house.
If you feel makeup is not tznius then do not wear. There are people that disagree with the premise and would not dare walk out of the house with it.
My opinion is wear whatever color you like, how much you like to wear as long as your husband likes it!!
If you feel it will attract other men that means other wives do not look attractive because they do not wear makeup and hence they will look. if all women look attractive to their husband’s in and out of the house, we would all be better off.
anon1m0usParticipantLOL, ok, sorry I missed the type.
anon1m0usParticipantI wonder if we can start instituting all the women to wear veals. this way a man won’t be forced to look at other women and this would avoid all improper thoughts.
WolfishMusing- Should we apply Godwin’s law? 🙂
May 11, 2011 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm in reply to: Signs in BP regarding Tznius (Skirts that fall 4" below the knee). #767663anon1m0usParticipantPoster: You are missing the point. I don’t care if you have a mishgas about 4′ skirts or shaving or the likes. I have a problem with self righteous jews dictating their veiw points and hashgafa on others. We already saw this in Israel and Kirya Yoel. First you have the signs and then you have the “kanoim”, zealots, who take matter into their own hands. All of this is L’Shaim shmayim, their g-d, not others.
May 11, 2011 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm in reply to: Signs in BP regarding Tznius (Skirts that fall 4" below the knee). #767662anon1m0usParticipantWolfishMusings: We can call the law Wolfish’s Law.
anon1m0usParticipant600kilobear returns: What is funny how people like you idolize our history of the Bais Hamikdash when the same “Rodaf” state was in existence. People like you don’t realize that during the First & Second Bais Hamikdash, and even during the times of shoftim the “medina” was not religious. There were very few and far in between having frum Kings! The reason why the 10 shavotim were expelled was because Malchai Yehudha called on Sancharav to assist them during a civil war between the Jews! The same occured during the second bais hamkidah when there was a civil war between the chashmonaim brothers and called in Rome to settle the dispute.
I am sure if you lived in the times of the chorban you would have cheered on the Persians and Romans in their conquest of E.Y. As the gemrah said, the people in those times were violated Avoda Zorah, shfichas domim and geloa aroyas!
May 11, 2011 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm in reply to: Signs in BP regarding Tznius (Skirts that fall 4" below the knee). #767656anon1m0usParticipantPoster: That is a ridiculous statement. I find signs hanging in BP telling the masses that shaving is usser to be offensive! Am I doing something wrong? NO! But for people to “push” their beliefs or chumras on others is no better than the Taliban!
anon1m0usParticipantOne time more than my wife wants me to eat!
anon1m0usParticipantWell, Doris Day and Jimmie Stewart plays in it.
anon1m0usParticipantThat song was from the movie “The Man Who Knew Too Much”…..Great movie!! I love the old time classics!
anon1m0usParticipantActually, Yom Suf is the sea of reeds which is also on the way to Eretz Yisroel. Most people confuse the yom suf with the Mediterranean sea.
anon1m0usParticipantDerech: If you want everyone to get together then you stop eating gebrochts. It’s not a big deal. My syster does it all the time to spend time with the family.
The Goq: Do you make sugary treats for your guests or do you cook with alternatives?
anon1m0usParticipantListen to the cords of a violin being played or the keys on a piano, it is truly an amazing sound. Unfortunately, with my age comes the disdain of today’s load music playing at wedding where half of the guests are annoyed it is soo loud. So i agree, do not borrow money to make your guests miserable. If you plan on having an orchestra without drums or electric guitars, give me a call. I’d love to hear them play.
March 25, 2011 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm in reply to: Bochrim Spray-Paint Over �Not Tzniyus� Advertisement #759909anon1m0usParticipantOut of curiosity, is Tznius a D’Orayso or D’Rabbonan. I am trying to find the source where we learn tznius from.
anon1m0usParticipantA DJ is great, but if you are into music, watching the musician play is inspiring.
anon1m0usParticipanttruth be told: Not souring the mood but setting the true expectations.
anon1m0usParticipantI used to think like most of you that a seder in a hotel is a lack of chinuch or spirit of yom tov. But when I saw my family sitting around a seder table smiling, rested, and being served, it became the true meaning of a yom tov. After the seder we went to bed and did not need to worry about cleaning up or what to make the next night. That is what Yom Tov is about.
As far as your Kashrus is concerned, there is a reason why we have mashgichum and rabbonim there. Their job is to verify that everything is good. If you feel it is not good enough, you should also kill your own chickens and cows, because you are relying on someone else and pesach you should be more machir. You should not buy ANY items from the grocery like potato starch, because you are also relying on other people doing their job.
anon1m0usParticipantI wanted to get married in front of the Kosel. I told that to my mother and she almost died. I explained, it was cheaper flying my family (only siblings) to Israel than to make a big wedding. However, she wanted her party. As I once said, I was just a guest, the wedding was a night for her to shine:) What would the neighbors think? etc. I feel wasting tens of thousands of dollars for one night is ridiculous! I also would not want to have a wedding in a shul. I would want it in a more meaningful place, like the Kosel.
anon1m0usParticipantTrue & Sac: This thread is to encourage people not to give up. However, saying that you can be picky because it is a test from hashem is ridiculous! Yes, keep the faith and moral, but please do not think one can be picky and then blame hashem for a lack of a shidduch. It will make people lose their emmunah! Davven and do your hishtadlus and do not give up!