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  • in reply to: Question about Satmar #935334

    “Do not believe the propaganda that Satmar hasidim (in all their flavors) are sub-human perverse misanthropes incapable of dealing with the real world. “

    LOL…Sounds like Lakewood.

    in reply to: Filtering the Water #933810

    As long as you do not see bugs with your eyes you do not need a filter.

    in reply to: Is Quinoa Considered Chometz? #934096

    While you ask your LOR, just letting you know that you can use Quinoa to make sushi on Pesach. It tastes good!

    in reply to: No Thanks for Your Mishloach Manos! #1009947

    B’h I don’t have any inconsiderate, ungrateful friends. MY friends understand that Mishloach Manos is a way of expressing love and friendship to each other and not to promote commercialized junk food. They understand that Mishloach monas is not too see who can spend more money or deliver the fancier basket. If one of you can pick a dipsy doodle over a hot piece of potato kugel then you are the ones missing on the true meaning of Purim. In addition, this is the same kitchen that feeds you when you come over for a shabbos meal, or provides you food when your wife is ill or just had a baby. So if their Mishloach Monas is not up to your standards, please stop being friends with them because they are too good for you.

    in reply to: Did your wife fast today? #932099

    Forget the wife…i couldn’t fast

    in reply to: Pinworms and Parasites 5 year old #932963

    chanasara:”my daughter took garlic pills and was one of 3 kids in her bunk in camp that didn’t get lice/nits. “

    That’s because all the kids stayed away from her with all that garlic:)

    in reply to: Cousins Marrying #930437

    popa_bar_abba: “that no amount of genetic testing will find every genetic disorder, since every one needs to be tested for separately, and it is implausible to test for every one.”

    True and no one has to go nuts. But if you marry your cousin, you should go through aggressive testing. If not, do not blame hashem for any misfortunes that may occur.

    Dor Yeshorim tests the common genetic mutations. Labs test everything.

    Dash: Two recessive genes cause a 25% chance in a family of 4 to have the disease.

    in reply to: Cousins Marrying #930431

    As the genetics informed us, it is pretty common for all Ashkanazi descendants to be related.

    Yes, there are Rosh Yeshivas and Rabbonim that married their cousins, but 1) ain somchin al haness, and 2) their kids might be fine because the gene is recessive, but they could ruin the lives of great great great great grandchildren. I wonder if you ask them if in 10 generations one of your grandkids will die young because of a genetic disease by marrying their cousin, what they would answer. Would they still marry their cousins?

    in reply to: Dealing with Work-Related Stress #929406

    Join a gym. It has been proven to reduce stress.

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927728

    Health: “Don’t read into the Chazal something that it doesn’t say!”


    By the way, g-d is bringing this massive snow storm tonight and tomorrow where where the Capital of NY will be hit with up to 2 feet of snow bringing the whole area to a stand still because of the way you spoke to me! Bain Adam Lechavaro is VERY important to Hashem. The Dor Hamabil was destroyed because of that. Now look what you have done! How many innocent people won’t be able to go to work and lose millions of dollars that could have gone to Tzedaka and helping yungerman learn in kollel.


    in reply to: Touro 23rd Street #930772

    truthsharer: Don’t go there. That topic was already discussed and I agree, Brooklyn is a more affordable and better college. However, you’ll have a hard time convincing these people of that.

    in reply to: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim #927339

    Sam2: The difference between us is that I do not consider dressing like a nun an issur d’oraysa of Chukas Hagoyim so dressing like a women is much worse than a nun but it is still muter on purim.

    cherrybim: Yes, my rav will say tZe Pasht Nisht, but we are talking about usser.

    in reply to: Touro 23rd Street #930768

    on the market: Most learning boys won’t care as long as you support:)

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927724

    The problem with this Shtus argument equating Hurricane Sandy= Gay Marriage is your disgracing the torah.

    Minnesota was the first state to allow Gay Marriage in the 70’s, and I didn’t see anything happen to it? Massachusetts who was the most recent state to legalize gay marriage did not get the full brunt of the storm.

    Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, etc all allow same sex marriages (since the 1980’s!), and again, don’t see anything happening to them!

    So you all can quote chazal, medroshim and all of the sources, but all you are doing is providing a forum where people can start questioning hashem and how fickle chazal is since no other state or country was badly damaged.

    Leave the reasons to god and just give Tzedaka to people who were affected!

    Oh, by the way, the first Jews were at Matttan Torah, so the argument that Medos Hadin can impact Jews when there is din by goyim is not accurate.

    in reply to: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim #927331

    Sam2: Dreassing up like a woman is a D’Orasa of “Lo Silbosh”, however, the Mishna Breura poskens on Purim one is allowed to dress up like a women. The same would apply to dressing up like a Nun, Priest, or Monk.

    in reply to: Making Sunday an official day off in Israel #927068

    I was considering moving to Israel, but couldn’t because of working on Sunday! I need that day off to take care of things around the house, shopping or just doing anything that I need. Sunday is awesome in America becasue the kids are in Yeshiva and the adults can do what they need to do.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926344

    enlightenedjew: Which bus are you taking?

    in reply to: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim #927318

    cherrybim- I agree you made a stupid statement. Even goyim (normal ones) would not let their kids dress like Zonahs.

    in reply to: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim #927311

    Most of you are missing the point of why we dress up on Purim. We dress up because the Jews disguised themselves when the Gezayrah came out so save themselves. Some might have dressed as nuns or momks.There is nothing wrong with dressing like a goy because that is what actually happened!

    Do you think Purim is Halloween where we just dress up?

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926336

    Takah: I agree with you. As someone who davvens on the bus ( I admit, I am lazy to get up and go to shul), I am appaled how little of Hilchos Teffilah people know. You do not need to stand when traveling, not even for Shemona Esrai!

    You are correct, you probablly have more Kavana in those 30 minutes, then anyone on the bus because 1) getting up and down while the bus is moving, is not so easy, 2) constantly waiting (feels like 5 minutes) until the old man allows the Baal Tefilah to continue because we passed a landmark is distracting. 3) If you are one of the unfortunate people who has a seatmate, it is also cramped having a coat, tallis/teffilin bag and your belongings on top of you.

    For anyone to disagree with the OP that we cordon off the women and keep as many seats as possible is lying and rishus. The FACT remains, the mechitza is usually up before women get on the bus and we determine where and how many seats they are allowed to have. Before the mechitza is moved to grant more space, we verify that they are all doubled up while the men have rows to themselves.

    So before you argue or disagree with me, please show me ONE minyan bus that the mechitza goes up on the GSP when davvening starts.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926334

    No one called them lazy going to work, but lazy in treating avodas hashem with the same zeal as they do with the bus! There are people who go to a 6:00AM minyan in shul and catch a 6:40 non minyan, these people one can respect. This bus also only stops for a few old timers who insist it must stop for narish reasons.

    So far everything I have said, you agreed with, so yes it is a fact! You may argue the reasons, but the actions are all FACTS.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926327

    nishtdayngesheft: Have you ever been on a minyan bus? If you have,you would affirm what I described is the truth and not make it seem like what the OP described is not the norm.

    The wall street bus and the Manhattan buses, women are forced to double up in a row so the men can each have two seats. Please do not try to deny this because that would be lying.

    As I mentioned prior, there are always the non minyan bus this young lady can take, where the seating is not prearranged and she can sit on any side of the bus. But the minyan bus is controlled by men.

    Don’t get me started with the bus that stops for Shemna Esrai! They don’t have a problem davvening on a bus, but for Shemoni Esrai the need to stop?! What about making people late for work??!

    This whole attitude of davening on the bus is that we think our teffilos is mvater everyone else’s comfort! In fact, if there are no separate buses, it is rude for men to disturb people on the bus. It is inconsiderate and selfish to assume that g-d wants our teffilos while disturbing others.

    I personally hate it when people on the way home decide to davven on the bus mincha or maariv. I work hard all day and all i want to do on the bus is sleep and relax for that hour. Then some men decide that it is OK to disturb people for minyan because it’s terrible to miss a minyan. Even if it disturbs ONE person, you should not davven on the bus. Show hashem that 1) you are considerate to others so he should be considerate to you and 2) maybe put in an extra effort trying to find a minyan during the day and not be lazy and do it on the bus.

    in reply to: Issue With Inconsiderate Men Davening On The Bus Every Morning #926302

    mirror I actually used to daven on those buses until I decided I’d rather wake up and go to shul.

    You are correct. What them men do is we all take two seats. One for our coat and tallis bag and the other to sit. We do expect the women to sit two by two while we can stretch and be comfortable.

    You can either accept the situation because these people will not change or go to a non minyan bus.

    in reply to: Something which takes place here pretty often and is wrong #925162

    WIY: There is no obligation for one to hear both sides when dispensing advice. It’s advice, not a judgement. A judge is required to hear all parties.

    in reply to: Folding Talis on Crease on Shabbos #925430

    OdAmiChay: You cannot compare suits pants with a Tallis. A wrinkled suit pants one will not wear for shabbos. A tallis, everyone wears even it is wrinkled. The perfect proof, when was the last time you laundered your tallis? Me, over 10 years ago!

    in reply to: Ayin Horah Person #925062

    Just to clarify, I am not upset at my wife for spending money. I think the price blew me away and if I know would have said no way!

    I am just curious about other people’s opinion on the ayin horah business and it’s legitimacy.

    in reply to: Ayin Horah Person #925060

    DaasYochid: You cannot compare entertainment with this case. If she asked for a donation it is one thing, but to charge for something you do not even know exists? When you visit your rosh yeshiva or Rebbe for a brocha, does he charge you or you give a donation?

    in reply to: Folding Talis on Crease on Shabbos #925423

    My rosh yeshiva said it’s not a problem. There is no hachana since you are not using after shabbos and there is no mesakain.

    Folding on a crease it mutter and I do it every shabbos.

    in reply to: This may sound like a crazy question but I'm serious… #941869

    What about overpopulation?

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927651
    in reply to: Ayin Horah Person #925053

    Avhaben: Sure, let’s playt this out ..

    Me: “Honey, I demand you reimburse me the money you spent on this voodoo.”

    My wife: “Sure, honey, can I borrow some money to pay you back?”

    I think you misunderstood chazel when it says all her money is his. The drush on that means she spends all HIS money!!

    Here’s the thing, like I said, I am a skeptic and do not believe in anything unless it logically makes sense and can be proven. So if i do not believe in an Ayin Horah, then I should not have any? So my only conclusion is that this is a scam because the lady said I had multiple.

    in reply to: Tzahal Sweatshirts #946636

    The Litvishe Kiryas Yoelite: and men?

    in reply to: Davening times #1178246

    Chassidish–I prefer 11:00AM:)

    in reply to: Tzahal Sweatshirts #946634

    HaKatan: Can you please list off the MANY gedolim that state that it is yehareig ViAl yaavor to join the IDF? Do not include Satmar or Neutra Karta.

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927560

    Health: I have to disagree because I do not think they are religious enough to take g-d into consideration. To them its a “natural” think so why restrict it. One can make the same argument with polygamy, so why do they outlaw it?

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927554

    I just read something interesting: In countries where polygamy is legal, marriage for gays is illegal. In countries where same-sex marriage is legal, polygamy is illegal.

    I wonder why this is so? I am not looking at this from a Torah perspective. But for people who state the same gender marriage should be allowed because of love and freedom of choice, why would they prohibit polygamy?

    in reply to: Wearing a coat by Maariv #1024870

    Hmm, so a Ski cap is a sign of respect? Or are you just saying BLACK hats are a sign of respect and if you wear blue, or gray it must be taken off?

    in reply to: Wearing a coat by Maariv #1024868

    Should one take off his hat while davvening? It looks like he is about to run out of shul??

    in reply to: Extraterrestrials in judaism #1013474

    Talmud: If I remember correctly, Daf Nun or Nun Aleph, when it talks about different planets. Og, and he writes there are beings that have no nose, just two holes in their face….reminded me of Martians!!!!

    in reply to: Tzahal Sweatshirts #946628

    Better question, I see a lot pf BOYS wearing Yankee T-Shirts etc. during Bain Hazmonim, is that Tznius?

    Which is preferred, if you have to pick one..Yankees or Tzahal?

    in reply to: Girls in Shidduchim wearing sweatshirts ? #922929

    Why is it the OP’s who have issues with the way girls dress are always men who try to impose their logic in the situation. You never know, soon we will have people suggesting the way Yeshiva Boys wear their hats look goyish.

    in reply to: Extraterrestrials in judaism #1013471

    The Me’am Loez on Parshes Berashis talks about Aliens. He writes that there are aliens with a human head and horse body; like a Centaurs. He also writes there are planets where there are very handsome people, but they cannot grow food. They come to this world to eat people! Speaking of Alien Abduction!

    in reply to: Tzahal Sweatshirts #946606

    MDG: Now that is one way to resolve the shidduch crises.

    in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927546
    in reply to: Fertility concerns about a prospective shidduch #920476

    Dos Yaochid: Yes, but you should remember the medroashim that all the Avos had to davven for kids. The chumish clearly states that they were an “Akarah” (barren without children). Sarah gave Hager to Avroham as a wife. Yitzchok & Rivka davvened in seperate corners. Rochel tells Yaakov that she like a dead person if he does not give her kids.

    Hmm, I just wonder if these emaous were around today will this potential mother in law reject them?

    This girl is only a safek, and not even that! The fact that she was born with assistance shows her mother did have children. Don’t forget, males also contribute to this issue. I would suggest thatthe girl request that this boy undergo testing to show he can provide children. Just to be sure.

    in reply to: Fertility concerns about a prospective shidduch #920464

    It’s funny how frum people talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. We all say bitachon, and Emunaha which seems to apply to every situation besides oneself. All I can say is B’H the avos were not born in our generation since Sarah, Rivka and Rochel all had fertility issues. I wonder who would marry them all their children.

    in reply to: Grocery Shopping on a tight budget #920170

    We like to shop at Shoprite since when they have sales they really have great prices. I know this is blasphemy, but if you clip coupons and go to ShopRite on weeks they either double or triple your coupon value then you really save a lot of money. I hung a receipt from Shoprite that showed my wife spent $140 and after the sales and coupons it went down to $60. We also call the manufacturer and tell them we love their products and they also send high value coupons.

    Kosher stuff, like chicken and meats are cheaper in Kosher Stores, except when Costco puts their chicken on sale for $1.29Lb.

    The key is only shop for sales and stock up. Also always make a list what you need and NEVER deviate from it.

    in reply to: Letting my baby CIO #919172

    I don’t know why everyone thinks 7 months is too early to sleep through the night. My children, who were all nursed, slept through the night at 6 months and slept from 12:00AM-5:00am by 3 months. It’s a matter of training them.

    in reply to: Touro college #919695

    Health & Hakatan- I had a nice winded response which it seems the mods will not post because they are afraid to show I am right:)Oh well, have a good shabbos.

    in reply to: Jacob Lew, Orthodox Jew? #918955

    I just find it funny how everyone knocks MO and now decides to call Jack Lew an Orthodox jew where he will follow the haclacha of the Yeshiva world. Jack Lew davvens at Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah (BSCTT) which is a Modern Orthodox synagogue on Seven Locks Road in Potomac, Maryland. It is led by Rabbi Joel Tessler and assistant Rabbi Nissan Antine.

    For the past few days people have been arguing that MO violates halacha time and time again, but now you decide differently?

    Jack Lew will do whatever his Rabbonim tell him, not what YOUR rabbnim say. If he works on Shabbos, I am sure his Rabbi provided him the guidelines when it is necessary to work.

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