Anan Sahadi

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  • in reply to: Harrison Bader #2280291
    Anan Sahadi

    stop being busy with the one freak that pretends to like Isreal. Instead look at the college campuses where the next holocaust is starting. In life do not get caught up on silly things. isru chag sameach!!!!

    in reply to: ORANGE SOAP IN MIKVAS #2180725
    Anan Sahadi

    I know you people may have alot of time in your hands, but please, let’s talk abt divrei torah!

    in reply to: Why BDE #2180726
    Anan Sahadi

    I think that is the way people express their personal grief in the public setting.
    nothing is wrong with that

    in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2011883
    Anan Sahadi

    How did you guys leave out Passaic? There is a vibrant young hassidic and ultra orthodox community. I have many sources in Passaic that tell me there are good manners there.

    in reply to: Sukkah roof idea #1988236
    Anan Sahadi

    Well maybe instead of using all your krum svaras that are shelo kehalacha learn the sugya.
    Since you probably won’t I’ll tell you guys a few tidbits.
    – Ayin Tosafos In Succah that asks if its muttar to use boards as schach than geshem isn’t a kllalah
    – there was a shailah about an invention that a yungerman made that was schach that the rain slides off (too lengthy to explain here) and its a machlokes
    – the best option is a shlock

    in reply to: Chinuch in 2021 #1948491
    Anan Sahadi

    I was just saying that to make a point

    in reply to: Chinuch in 2021 #1948492
    Anan Sahadi

    you are right though, sorry!

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948474
    Anan Sahadi

    1. When mispallelim come to shul to daven, the expectation is that kaddishes will be said, hence the brief awkward silences that occur before people realize nobody is saying kaddish and they move on. Since people have already mentally given this time to kaddish, it cannot be a waste, and you are actually preventing awkwardness by saying it.

    PLEASE! people must learn how to handle awkward experiences

    but, great point you bring up!

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1948185
    Anan Sahadi

    your copy paste works REALLY well

    but on a serious note BEUTIFUL DVAR TORAH!

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1948184
    Anan Sahadi


    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948183
    Anan Sahadi

    shachris on a regular day should take 55 minutes MINIMUM
    and m and t 1HR and 10 MIN

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948182
    Anan Sahadi

    I am perturbed by your lack of chashivus for mitzvos

    ”Why is it not permissible to use a lemon for a esrog???!!”


    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948181
    Anan Sahadi

    Do you think the avos hakdoshim davened for no reason????????????????!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948179
    Anan Sahadi

    You are correct! The only reason you would ask such a question is because you do not value tefilla

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948173
    Anan Sahadi

    When I was a kid if I asked such a question I would be slapped and whipped. wow, times have changed…………..

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948171
    Anan Sahadi

    I have been a 9th grade rebbi for 20 years and many talmidim have asked these type of questions (tachnun, bentching are also things my talmidim want to skip) I always reply kindly and explain to them the value OF 1 AMEIN!

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948169
    Anan Sahadi

    I do not understand what you mean by wasting other people’s time. ITS CALLED TEFILLA BITZIBUR!!! During the lockdown, I PERSONALLY REGRETTED every moment of davening I missed. What is this an ANTI-TEFILLA GROUP???!!!!

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947764
    Anan Sahadi

    I would like to offer a new perspective:
    maybe to prevent chaos, and for the good of our nation cuomo held back the numbers….
    BUT CERTAINLY DON’T BLAME HEALTH COMMISIONER HOWARD ZUCKER MD he is just a parrot. everybody should just chill!!!!!!!

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