Amil Zola

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  • in reply to: Dangerous scooters #2365709
    Amil Zola

    Barach, were you taught how to troll in yeshiva or was it a family value that you internalized?

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2293001
    Amil Zola

    In my area home hospice care schedules providers. This is a secular non profit. You can also choose to use their residential hospice program.

    During my husbands last illness he chose home hospice. Their workers were professional, sensitive and compassionate.

    in reply to: Michael Cohen #2288475
    Amil Zola

    Certainly a salient point of all of this is the former president didn’t want the negative press about him and Stephanie Clifford, because he was afraid it would impact his chances of being elected.

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2287728
    Amil Zola

    Happy trails to you. Wishing you all the best across the miles.

    in reply to: Memorial Day #2286765
    Amil Zola

    As a child Lkwd was known for their memorial day parades. Depending on the day of the holiday my father would load us into the old Dodge and drive us to Lkwd to view the parade. We were all exceedingly proud of the contingent of Jewish war veterans that marched. I doubt with the growth of the Yeshiva culture there are very few Jewish war veterans left from the wars after WW2. That being said, Decoration Day/Memorial day was never confused with Veterans day/Armistice Day by our family. My Uncle (the first American born in our family) was with the 4th infantry and helped liberate Dachau.

    in reply to: Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After #2258363
    Amil Zola

    “Jews are allowed to live anywhere in the US only if they are US citizens.” Blatantly wrong. Quit posting falsehoods.

    in reply to: Tear Down the Wall between Egypt and Gaza #2247151
    Amil Zola

    In 1790 nativist policies were advocated for by the Federalist party. Then there was the Chinese Exclusion Act. From about 1840 to WW 2 German Americans became the target. Certainly these laws aren’t pro immigration by a long shot.

    in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2242744
    Amil Zola

    Hmm it’s a darned if you do and darned if you don’t position I’m in. Because I asked a clarifying question rather than just assuming. Oh well at 70+ years old and being on the internet since the 80s disparagement of my posts have no impact on me. I grew up in a household where literature wasn’t censored, although I’m in contact with others, both in my family and community who do censor their childrens reading materials.

    Ad meah v’esrim!

    in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2242196
    Amil Zola

    Actually I do recognize some frumma may read Amelia B, but since I don’t assume I ask. I remember first reading AB and realized it was just a retelling of Bartleby the Scrivener by Melville although for a younger audience.

    in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2242102
    Amil Zola

    Coffee addict, have you. ever read Amelia Bedelia?

    in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2242073
    Amil Zola

    Reb, I doubt most here have not read Amelia Bedelia. You may have to explain it to them.

    in reply to: Political Conversations of Old #2241797
    Amil Zola

    Wait, he ditched his hat and that ruined society?

    in reply to: Political Conversations of Old #2241719
    Amil Zola

    I remember Kennedy as president. I was unaware he ruined society. Hmmm…

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2240780
    Amil Zola

    Sam must be wearing his tinfoil kippah today. I thought most adults understood that unemployment benefits are finite and determined by the states. As to these new stimulus checks, apparently 7 states are considering inflation relief payments to some or all of their taxpayers.

    Amil Zola

    HaKatan: so whats with schools sending their girls as noted by another poster above?

    Amil Zola

    How modest will it be for a frum woman to join in a public demonstration? Will there be separate areas for women and men? I’m presuming the busses will be segregated.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2238782
    Amil Zola

    Two wives and all those kids, doesn’t joe have a son-in-law that could fill the bill?

    in reply to: UNICEF calls for release of hostages after video of captive child #2238611
    Amil Zola

    The slaughter in Gaza occurred on Oct 7 2023. UNICEF first condemned the hostage taking of children on 10/10. Don’t complain because this wasn’t covered on a timely basis simply because you just found out about it.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #2238107
    Amil Zola

    My personal preferences is degenerate western jazz or rock and roll when I’m cleaning. I can really scrub floors when I have Prince blasting.

    in reply to: Zelensky is jewish and so is kamala harris’ stepdaughter #2238067
    Amil Zola

    Boyaner, same would hold true with some of those slaughtered at the desert rave on Oct. 7.

    in reply to: Are we the only ones seeing this? #2236790
    Amil Zola

    Try using a news aggregator. You get news coverage from a variety of sources, not just the ones your rabbi says you can have. Or you can rely on YWN and the posters here to filter your news content.

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2236426
    Amil Zola

    Hmmm with the expense of gun ownership, will tuition committees consider those expenses when granting discounts?

    in reply to: Record number of Jewish gun ownship #2235038
    Amil Zola

    Lostspark, here in the PNW, even tie dyed hippies have weapons and carry permits. I live in a blue state, in a blue county and in a blue town. Most of the folks I know Jewish and gentile are gun owners for a variety of reasons. Your stereotypes aren’t working. Getting a gun and a permit is a long time commitment and expense. You need regular range time and interactive range time and ammo, then there is the range rental, cost of weapons and security for same. For Frum families, strapped for cash and time, the expectation of achieving the competency necessary for safe and accurate gun handling, would represent a significant expense in $ and time.Maybe it’s time for some guns and ammo gremachs?

    in reply to: Pompadour hairstyle: why do our young men have this? #2233575
    Amil Zola

    I see very few pompadours when Im in areas that are densely populated by frum Jews. I do see men with a variation of a fade with a slightly longer top. These are far from pompadours. And regardless, who really cares? Its not like theyre trying to keep a kippah on while sporting a mohawk.

    in reply to: I will go to Starbucks tomorrow #2232094
    Amil Zola

    Meh, I don’t use starbucks or any other coffee places for that matter. A pound of my favorite coffee is about $15-18 depending on market prices. So at the high end my coffee costs under $1 per cup.

    in reply to: Did Russia warn Ukraine before attacking? #2231822
    Amil Zola

    Ummm I’m guessing you don’t read or listen to news much. In the run up to the invasion Russia was claiming that its troops were mobilizing for some military training exercise. Newspapers (foreign and domestic) were all reporting on the movement of troops to Ukraine and many predicted the invasion. The writing was on the wall. Are you purposely being obtuse or are you really that pooly uninformed.

    in reply to: Charlatans #2231823
    Amil Zola

    Hmm, someone is lying. Perhaps the army is truly under supplied or perhaps there are folks making money off affinity scams? No way for us to really know. My personal experience here in America (in the last 30 years) our US military reservists have BDUs, packs and necessary kit when they are ordered up to active duty. At the time of call up they are provided with additional kit depending on where they are being sent to and what their official duties are. Weapons are not taken home but are distributed upon call up if necessary.

    in reply to: Interest Rates: A Budget Buster #2230454
    Amil Zola

    90K is worth far more in the PNW then in the tristate area for a frum Jew. Our cost of living is substantially lower than that of the tri state area. And again, not all frumma live in the known Jewniverse, nor are we in lock step with the lifestyles of those in the east coast Jewish communities.

    Certainly be happy earning 50k in the Jewniverse and getting 50k in entitlements. We all have choices. I’m not here to confuse you with facts or regional data nor am I hear to convince you to change your mind. I merely clarified with some factual information.

    One of the things I find amusing on the YWN is the emotionality of mens responses. Why take umbrage if someone has an opinion different than yours or disproves your claims with facts? This is life in the world, people have different opinions and some research data before making claims. Its time for you to get over yourself.

    in reply to: Interest Rates: A Budget Buster #2230279
    Amil Zola

    Chaim as I said I live in the PNW, FWIW the data I’m using is current for my geographic area and starting salaries of 4 year public and private institution graduates. It may not hold true for the Jewniverse.

    in reply to: Interest Rates: A Budget Buster #2230226
    Amil Zola

    Chaim 87, in my area actuaries are getting entry level private industry jobs at $100K going to $150k in two years, with only a 4 year degree. Tomologists, radiation techs, instrument mechanics, diesel mechanics, project and program managers, data and program analysts all start at about 90k (entry level) a year here in the upper left hand corner of the US. Public sector salaries for the same jobs are at least 25% lower but come with benefits (paid leave, retirement, medical, educational etc) that make the actual entry level salaries much higher than the $90k entry level of the private sector.

    Naturally there are frum that won’t pursue these careers since some require contact with non frum individuals and members of the opposite sex or require relocation to areas outside established frum communities. And we must recognize that many frum HS don’t provide comprehensive career guidance for their students.

    in reply to: You who vote Democrat #2230196
    Amil Zola

    As a Democrat and a supporter of Israel, I wonder where Mossad’s intelligence gathering fell short? Unfortunately now is not the time to investigate this failure.

    in reply to: Interest Rates: A Budget Buster #2229753
    Amil Zola

    Chaim, my lifestyle is similar to CTLs although we are on opposite sides of the nation. I do not live in an densely populated Jewish area, or as I call the tri state area, the Jewniverse. My family left NJ before $5k chandeliers and Moncler puffer jackets became de rigueur.

    in reply to: Interest Rates: A Budget Buster #2229499
    Amil Zola

    I don’t spend a lot of time being concerned about how the Cohens spend their money or their financial choices. I choose to live debt free, drive a 20+yo vehicle etc. If someone chooses to purchase on credit or use equity lines of credit based on perceived home values that’s ok with me. My masser goes to paying tuition for those whose families are struggling, and if I choose to have an expensive steak at a rest or purchase one for my BBQ then I will.

    in reply to: ENGLISH SHOULD BE OPTIONARY #2222401
    Amil Zola

    CTL I’ve commented here over the years about my trial of diagramming some sentences from the YWN coffee room. As a first generation American my parents felt that a command of American English was required for success in this country. English was not my parents second language, likely closer to the fifth. They accessed English via any number of programs (NGO) available to immigrants at the time.

    in reply to: ENGLISH SHOULD BE OPTIONARY #2221328
    Amil Zola

    I’ve mentioned before that I tend to attempt to diagram (RBZS calls it dissecting) some really egregious sentences from these pages over the years. It’s a pity schools no longer teach it. Students could have a greater understanding of sentence structure and syntax.

    FWIW learning proper sentence structure will be a thing of the past once AI is more commonly used.

    in reply to: ENGLISH SHOULD BE OPTIONARY #2219588
    Amil Zola

    Goodness,today’s trolls are certainly uncreative.

    in reply to: Molino flour #2218295
    Amil Zola

    Has Yael closed the recipe thread over at Ima??

    in reply to: shiylos on children’s stories #2211774
    Amil Zola

    CS European centric fairy tales such as Goldilocks reflect an xtian mindset. I would guess that most frum families don’t depend on the brothers Grimm or Aesop to promote morality tales. It appears from reading your post that you have an expectation that these old tales reflect Jewish thought and law. When looking at these non Jewish tales one must understand that they are not written from a frum POV.

    in reply to: Outrageous auto insurance premiums #2209789
    Amil Zola

    Insurance fees are ultimately determined by your state agency that regulates said fees. Complain to those people, your tax dollars pay their salaries!

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207647
    Amil Zola

    tosherchusid: I don’t think  bigotry means what you think it means.

    in reply to: Any pet owners here? #2203023
    Amil Zola

    Two border collies and one cat.

    in reply to: The most pressing issue facing the Jewish community in 2023 #2201332
    Amil Zola

    Cancel my subscription.

    in reply to: How are you spending your Sunday? #2200982
    Amil Zola

    Personal care day, enjoying the rain and cool weather. Guests for dinner tonight.

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198510
    Amil Zola

    Coffee Addict, just Google. I’m on an internet group with my local Audubon people. Locally we’re seeing a big decline of our bird population most likely avian flu.

    Gadolhadorah: I’m glad you got to see the Gorge. It is magnificent. Unfortunately 2021 was a horrid year for smoke and fire out here. Many of us didn’t think it could get worse, but 2022 beat it hands down. We had falling ash for a couple of weeks with temps in the 90-100F range. Many of the wineries took a hit since the smoke spoiled the grape harvest.

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198173
    Amil Zola

    Has anyone checked with their local Audubon Soc, regarding bird deaths from smoke in your area?

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198166
    Amil Zola

    Has anyone bothered to report dead birds to your local Audubon group?

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2197946
    Amil Zola

    I live in the West and wildfire smoke is nothing to take lightly. Last summer I had almost a full month of this dense smoke (and ash) during some of the hottest days of the summer.

    When you are impacted by this smoke check your ACs, if possible set them to intake the air from the room and not the outside. When the event is over check the filters on your HVAC home systems and your vehicle.

    in reply to: Ten Commandments Posted in Public Schools #2194197
    Amil Zola

    Avram, TN, WVA, AL, GA, MS, LA off the top of my head.

    in reply to: Ten Commandments Posted in Public Schools #2192961
    Amil Zola

    In some parts of the American South many folks post the 10Cs on their front lawns.

    in reply to: Is “The” Yeshiva world news” some sort of Instagram? #2189817
    Amil Zola

    Ze, I’m sorry you found the past three years miserable. That hasn’t been my experience but oh well. Hopefully now you can pursue something other than misery.

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