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am yisrael chaiParticipant
U can google Buffon’s needle for more info.
There’s another way of solving this; u may prefer that way.
Definitely keep working on your formula; u may become famous for it!
am yisrael chaiParticipantZeesKite- “Count me out – I don’t post here!”
Then u must be an im-poster 😉
am yisrael chaiParticipant??? ???? ?? ??????
am yisrael chaiParticipant?????? ?????? ??????
am yisrael chaiParticipantthat’s stupendous, Doc!
How’d you get it so that it’s not left-justified?
am yisrael chaiParticipant??????? ??? ???????
am yisrael chaiParticipant?? ????? ???? ??? ?????
am yisrael chaiParticipant& I know for a fact that there is some of your school’s staff on here.
Bpt is correct.
Btw, I happen to have known the Birns personally (your school was named for the wife), a very special couple that went through the war.
am yisrael chaiParticipantIcot
This is Buffon’s needle problem that uses integral geometry to approximate pi if the length of the pencil is not greater than the width of the line.
L= length of pencil
t= parallel lines are t units apart
x= the distance from the center of the pencil to the closest line
?= the acute angle between the pencil and the lines
The probability density function of x between 0 and t /2 is
The probability density function of ? between 0 and ?/2 is
x and ? are independent random variables, so the joint probability density function is
The pencil crosses the line when
1. If it’s a short pencil & L<=t:
Integrate the joint probability density function to get the probability that the pencil will cross a line:
= 2L/t?
2. If it’s a longer pencil, the calcualtions r more complicated but solvable
June 16, 2011 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777368am yisrael chaiParticipantah’s told ya to axe faw a buck
naht axe faw a bike
_Jimmah from Geojah’s preachuh
am yisrael chaiParticipantI’ve been using this method for those times when the last page would be just an input box without seeing the preceding message from the previous page
& a mod gave a similar idea…
am yisrael chaiParticipant“trying to figure out the yichus of a rock…”
the rock’s yichus is that Hashem made it…besides, Hashem is compared to a rock ??? ???? ????, ??? ???? ?????, etc.
Now look at that rock in a different way!
There’s a great story how Hashem puts a rock in front of all of us (difficult obstacles) which we need to “push” in order to strengthen our muscles…
am yisrael chaiParticipantif you are giving non-foods as a gift, give it before ??? so there’s no inyan of kinyan
am yisrael chaiParticipant“Don’t question his judgment or integrity.”
Are you kidding? We believe in ??? ?????, helping refine ?????.
am yisrael chaiParticipantam yisrael chaiParticipantam yisrael chaiParticipant?? ???? ??? ???? ???
am yisrael chaiParticipantI finished the cheesecakes myself,
Stopped counting after the eleventh, no-twelfth!
Oy vay my poor waistline
Went down by the wayside
Ich darf dem Aibishter’s heilige helph!
am yisrael chaiParticipant?? ????…?? ???? ??????
am yisrael chaiParticipantblabla- after reading your second heartbreaking poem, I’m going to add here another positive thing about you:
You are courageous, reaching out…
(I hope you are in touch with mg)
Here’s a smile for you 🙂
am yisrael chaiParticipantBlabla,
I wish I had a magic wand
To take away the pain & despond
You are Hashem’s child, He loves you a lot
And you are the only Blabla He’s got
For there’s no one else like you in the universe
Who’s spiritual & caring & puts feeling to verse
How amazing, when you feel so down & criticize yourself
You still daven, taking your siddur from the shelf
It’s your relationship with YOURSELF that needs to improve
GIVE YOURSELF Ahavas Chinam as your first move
Quieten those critical comments that you constantly give
SO that you can have a more POSITIVE space to live
Put on some music, write 5 things for which you’re GRATEFUL
Take vitamins, do exercise, eat blueberries by the crateful!
Expand your support group, know that this one day shall pass
At which time you will be in the top of your class!
June 12, 2011 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm in reply to: why is it fair for a younger daughter to have to wait for the older daughter? #776279am yisrael chaiParticipantAsk your chacham for advice.
(I know of a case where the older didn’t give permission…neither of the 2 sisters ended up getting married)
am yisrael chaiParticipantSJSinNYC had a baby girl!
am yisrael chaiParticipant“Crisis? why is everything a Crisis?”
The OP meant “creases” and was concerned with the irony, I mean, ironing
am yisrael chaiParticipantYour limericks are hysterical to read
I keep smiling at the screen, yes indeed
I’ll share with you cheesecake
And laugh till my knees quake
The giggling is all the exercise I need
June 12, 2011 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776953am yisrael chaiParticipantI know a frum guy who stopped dating for 5 years to get the counseling that he needed.
He deserves a lot of credit.
And he got married shortly thereafter.
am yisrael chaiParticipantam yisrael chaiParticipantWe read in ????? ??? that when Boaz sees Ruth at his feet, he says in 4:11-4:13 that (paraphrasing) my daughter, don’t be afraid. Whatever you say, I’ll do. I’m a redeemer, but there’s a closer redeemer. Stay the night. In the morning, if he’ll redeem you, fine. Otherwise I’ll redeem you. Lie down till the morning.
The ?? ??? ?? says that these are not only Boaz’s words but also Hashem’s!
Hashem says to Am Yisrael: Stay through the long night of ????. Don’t ever give up, for morning will surely come. And when morning comes, you have a closer redeemer, your own ????? ?????? ?????. Perhaps they’ll be enough to redeem you when ???? comes.
But if not ch”v, if you’ve been loyal to Hashem, then Hashem Himself will be your redeemer and do not be afraid!
am yisrael chaiParticipantZK- funny 🙂
am yisrael chaiParticipant“This problem does not exist in Villiamburg, Munroe or New Square since women there don’t drive.”
The challenge is with entering/exiting the vehicle, regardless if from the driver’s or passenger’s seat.
You would probably advocate women not leaving the kitchen altogether to alleviate the tznius issue…
am yisrael chaiParticipantblindfolds
am yisrael chaiParticipant-Perek 23 of Tehilim is said by Shalosh Seudos
-23 Tishray is Simchas Torah in chutz la’aretz
-Mesechtos Makos has 23 dapim (excluding daf alef!)
-On the 23rd day of Sivan the second letters were sent out by Mordechai and Esther in the name of Achashveirosh
-Yirmiyahu reprimands B”Y that he has been warning them for 23 years about improving their behavior (Yirmiyahu 25:3)
-On the 23rd day of the 7th month, Shlomo sent B”Y back home, happy for the good fortune that Hashem showed him, David, & all B”Y (Divrei Hayamim bais 7:10)
-Tola ben Puah judged for 23 years (Shoftim 10:2)
-During King Yehosh’s 23rd year of reign,he had Yehoyada fix the problem of bedek haBayis (Melachim bais, 12:7)
-Yehoachaz was 23 when he ruled J-m (Melachim bais 23:31)
-gm’ of ???, we daven to Hashem for forgiveness as a Father
-gm’ of ??? ??, Hashem is our Father
am yisrael chaiParticipantBlinky & MG, thanks for your jingle
However I’m somewhat still single
We all married Hashem
?????????? (Bamidbar 28:26)
May each one find one’s maidel or yingle.
am yisrael chaiParticipant“It is precisely that-Rus’ tznius-that impressed Boaz.”
AND her incredible chesed.
am yisrael chaiParticipant-7 hakafos on Simchas Torah
-7 times a tzadik falls & gets up (Mishlei 24:16)
-Chana & her 7 sons
-Leah had 6 shvatim & Dinah
-7 prakim in Michah
-7 years Yaakov worked for Rachel
-Paroh had the dream of the 7 fat cows & the 7 sheaves…
-Yisro had 7 daughters (Shmos 2:16)
-Noah took 7 pairs of kosher animals…in 7 days it would rain…
-7 altars (Bamidbar 23:1,14,29)
-7 shofaros (Yehoshua 6:4,6,8,13)
there are many more!
am yisrael chaiParticipantMy job search (email)
1. My first job was working in an Orange Juice factory,
but I got canned. Couldn’t concentrate.
2. Then I worked in the woods as a Lumberjack,
but just couldn’t hack it, so they gave me the axe.
3. After that, I tried being a Tailor,
but wasn’t suited for it — mainly because it was a sew-sew job.
4. Next, I tried working in a Muffler Factory,
but that was too exhausting.
5. Then, tried being a Chef – figured it would add a little spice to my life,
but just didn’t have the thyme.
6. Next, I attempted being a Deli Worker,
but any way I sliced it…. couldn’t cut the mustard.
7. My best job was a Musician,
but eventually found I wasn’t noteworthy.
8. I studied a long time to become a Doctor,
but didn’t have any patience.
9. Next, was a job in a Shoe Factory.
Tried hard but just didn’t fit in.
10. I became a Professional Fisherman,
but discovered I couldn’t live on my net income.
11. Managed to get a good job working for a Pool Maintenance Company,
but the work was just too draining.
12. So then I got a job in a Workout Center,
but they said I wasn’t fit for the job..
13. After many years of trying to find steady work,
I finally got a job as a Historian – until I realized there was no future in it.
14. My last job was working in Starbucks,
but had to quit because it was the same old grind.
am yisrael chaiParticipant-??? ???
-Yehoshua marches around Yericho 7 times
-Naaman washes in the Yarden 7 times to get rid of ????
-Tehillim 12:6
-the 7th time the name ?? is used (Breishis 6:9)?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????. In gmatriya, ???? is 490 which is 70 x 7
-words having gematriya with multiples of 7:
???? 21 (part of Hashem’s name)
63 ????
441 ???
420 ??????? ????
448 ???? ??????? (also has the root of ??? in it!)
– Mishlei 9:1 (wisdom & the 7 pillars…)
-7 ????? when laining on ???, the 7th day!
-???? is after 7×7 years
-????? ????? is 7×7 weeks
-7 days of ??? & ?????? in E”Y
-shiva in mourning
-??? ????? by a wedding
– 7 days of celebration after the wedding
– 7 ???????? on ?????
– the 7 nations in E”Y ?????, ?????, ?????, ???, ???, ?????, ?????
– the 7 ?????? of Hashem
– (there’s a connection to the 7 orifices of the face)
am yisrael chaiParticipantBlabla,
I am reading the pain in your words above
Know that the readers here are sending much love
I know that you’re feeling much pain right now
But know that in due time this will pass somehow
You write your post so eloquently
You exhibit good qualities so poignantly
For despite the deep pain that you feel
And even though you feel like a fifth wheel
You look up for guidance from the One Above
Who no doubt looks at His child with abounding love
He wants the absolute best for you
And growing pains is what you describe & need to go through
Just know that at the end of this whole process
You will know WHO YOU ARE and achieve personal success
In the meantime, you write that you feel all alone
Try then to pick up a tehillim or get to the phone
Just be careful of your negative self-talk that you do
It is something that can depress & paralyze you
Just as you wouldn’t put a treif item to your lips
Don’t allow negative, destructive thoughts, even in drips
When you feel yourself putting yourself down
Know it’s a treif thought that causes a sad frown
Don’t allow a morsel of tarfus into your mind
You will then not feel so undermined.
Catch yourself doing something nice
Write what you’re grateful for, not once, but twice
Keep paper nearby to catch every word
And you’ll soon see-you’re not anyone’s nerd!
Keep seeing the glass as half full
Retrain your brain to see what’s plentiful
With flying colors you’ll surely pass this test
We’re rooting for you, & we wish you all the best!
am yisrael chaiParticipantI’m with you, Gefen. Hashem gave us the mitzvos to LIVE ??? ???, not to be paralyzed with fear in the context in which you write. Hashem is a loving G-d & not punitive in the way that 1 mistake & one gets clobbered ch”v.
The Sefer HaKuzari writes that we should consider each and every mitzvah as a personal invitation by Hashem to enter into His very palace.
There’s an INCREDIBLE vort on the megila we just read:
We read in ????? ??? that when Boaz sees Ruth at his feet, he says in 4:11-4:13 that (paraphrasing) my daughter, don’t be afraid. Whatever you say, I’ll do. I’m a redeemer, but there’s a closer redeemer. Stay the night. In the morning, if he’ll redeem you, fine. Otherwise I’ll redeem you. Lie down till the morning.
The ?? ??? ?? says that these are not only Boaz’s words but also Hashem’s!
Hashem says to Am Yisrael: Stay through the long night of ????. Don’t ever give up, for morning will surely come. And when morning comes, you have a closer redeemer, your own ????? ?????? ?????. Perhaps they’ll be enough to redeem you when ???? comes.
But if not ch”v, if you’ve been loyal to Hashem, then Hashem Himself will be your redeemer and do not be afraid!
So you see, intention & loyalty is very important.
Do not be afraid!
am yisrael chaiParticipantthanks, DY
Am Yisrael is considered the Kallah & Hashem is the Choson on ??????. We are engaged on Pesach, we have a countdown (countup, technically) till the wedding date, & the ksuba is all the promises of how Hashem will take care of us. Our wedding gift is the Torah. Priceless. Timeless.
Some find it easier to see it as a recommitment & renewal of wedding vows.
Wishing everyone once again a wonderful, committed relationship.
am yisrael chaiParticipantmany Ashkenazim are also makpidim on pronouncing the ?? as an “s” & not a “t” during davening despite using the “t” pronunciation in conversation
am yisrael chaiParticipantany update?
am yisrael chaiParticipantThe Chidushei HaRim explains that the reason Shavuos is called Z’man ‘Matan’ Toraseinu and not Z’man ‘Kabbalas’ Toraseinu is that it’s the day that the Torah was ‘gifted’ (?? ????????) to us, and not the day that we ‘received’ the Torah. The gift began on that date–and the actual *receipt* of the gift continues to take place daily –day after day, every time we learn we learn another pasuk, another perek, another daf, even another word of Torah…
This also explains why ?????? doesn’t have a date in the Torah as other holidays do (count 7 full weeks…), that we receive the Torah daily…
am yisrael chaiParticipantOn Pesach, we are limited with what we may eat.
On Succos, we are limited where we may eat.
On Shavuos, we can have our (cheese)cake & eat it, too,
But then it lasts only a day or two!
So make the best of it & don’t waste a minute!
Stay up all night learning, put your whole heart in it 🙂
am yisrael chaiParticipant“I think I’m bored.”
So why don’t you learn from the navy seals (as the title suggests)& get yourself into a helicopter & land on some roof somewhere
am yisrael chaiParticipant“Mazel tov to am yisrael chai, who has managed to keep his secret until now.”
It’s hardly been a secret. Dz has been making sure everyone keeps the correct countdown (count up, actually) till the great event.
And you could have read some of the culinary delights being prepared by some for days now 🙂
am yisrael chaiParticipantMAZEL TOV everyone on our wedding tonight!
May we all know unbounded joy, love, & diligent commitment in the relationship.
am yisrael chaiParticipant“Is it ever permissible NOT to learn?”
I guess you’ve never had to deal with a niftar, baruch Hashem.
(Btw, some hold not to learn on the night of Dec 25 &
some hold not to learn textually inside tanach from tzais to chatzos.)
am yisrael chaiParticipantWith this thread, perhaps Mod-80 is black & white & red all over…
am yisrael chaiParticipantThere are other exceptions.
Think of mitz-RA-yim, mil-fa-NE-cha, she-tar-gi-LAY-nu, bi-so-ra-SE-cha, vi-sig-mi-LAY-nu,vi-har-chi-KAY-nu, mal-KAY-nu, nish-BA-ti, a-vo-SAY-nu, u-si-NAY-nu, may-AH-yin, KO-ach, ay-NAH-yim, MAH-yim, miz-BAY-ach, ash-RAY-nu, ZEH-ra, ya-RAY-ach, NEH-tzach, ma-TZA-sah, ha-li-LU-kah…