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  • in reply to: How to deal with pain #784493
    am yisrael chai


    so sorry to hear about it.

    Just went through this myself; the day shiva finished for 1 person, the next one passed away…that’s why I hadn’t posted till now.

    wish I knew what to say to make it better for you.

    in reply to: How to deal with pain #784489
    am yisrael chai


    It’s great that you are fighting through this challenge and not isolating yourself. Your reaching out online is a testament to your resilience and perseverance. It’s also helpful to know that you are not in this alone.

    Keep up the good fight and you should see results

    in reply to: Davening During Texting #784203
    am yisrael chai

    One of the better gifts I’ve given myself is blocking texting from my cellphone.

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103695
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ?????? ??! (now where have I heard that before?!)

    in reply to: Tips for budgeting #784371
    am yisrael chai

    Remember the old adage “LESS IS MORE.”

    If you are using purchases to fill an emotional void, identify the source and tackle it head on.

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103693
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ??? ?????? ?? ????

    in reply to: For MiddlePath and Bomb #786100
    am yisrael chai

    “I don’t remember which ones (threads) off hand”

    mp, you could check your profile and you’ll see on which threads you’ve posted recently

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785475
    am yisrael chai

    Dr. P

    “It wasn’t on the riddle thread and it’s still there.”

    On which thread did you banter back & forth?

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103688
    am yisrael chai

    ???? ??? ????

    in reply to: Living within a budget #784112
    am yisrael chai


    “Why are you more confident that a basar v’dam said you will earn X amount of dollars per year, more than what hashem will give you?”

    The basar vadam is Hashem’s shaliach

    in reply to: Caring about other people needs- Where to draw the line #791508
    am yisrael chai

    “If the person you are doing the favor for has developed a sickness that they use others or are lazy, by you doing them a “favor” you just enable them to continue being sick.”

    It’ not always so easy to determine. There are some people who suffer from emotional issues rendering them unable to perform simple tasks, yet they appear “normal” to the layperson. Labeling such individuals as “users” or “lazy” is a huge avla.

    in reply to: Living within a budget #784109
    am yisrael chai


    precisely my point

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103686
    am yisrael chai

    ?? ??? ???? ??? ????

    in reply to: How to deal with pain #784484
    am yisrael chai

    “For the past year I’ve been dealing with my own difficult situation. I don’t know anyone frum in this situation so I felt very isolated and could not find a frum mentor or similar support.”

    My experience is that there is always someone else out there with a similar although non-identical situation. Seek and ye shall find. Yagata umatzata taamin.

    “I’ve always found from experience that a good cry and a bowl of ice cream (can be substituted for any other fattening or caffeinated treat) can do a world of good!”

    Using fattening and unhealthy foods as an anesthetic is highly not recommended. Try a different method that’s beneficial in both the short and long term.

    in reply to: For MiddlePath and Bomb #786097
    am yisrael chai

    perhaps this one

    (haven’t been here in awhile, so I’m not sure)

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103684
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ??? ??

    in reply to: Living within a budget #784107
    am yisrael chai

    “Is it a lack of bitachon to live within a budget, and to have (almost) every penny figured out?”

    Would you say that standing in the middle of a busy highway shows bitachon?

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103682
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ???? ????

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103680
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

    in reply to: pinky by hagbah #783977
    am yisrael chai

    The earlies source seems to be the Meam Loez (Ki Savo). Interestingly, ???? has the numerical value of 613.

    R Palagi- one should point with the right index finger of their right hand. (see Sefer Hachaim from Rav Chaim Palagi 3:6)

    in reply to: The next Generation is here…with more chutzpah than ever! #781394
    am yisrael chai


    Could this behavior perhaps be her struggle with identity & separation so typical of teenagers (& beyond)?

    If so, better that she go through it now than later years down the road. Most parents of kids this age describe similar behavior (as well as the moms pulling their hair out, so to speak).

    You sound like a very dedicated mom and as such, your daughter will come to appreciate you once again, in due time.

    Gam ze yaavor be”H.

    To come full circle, it might be a good idea to use this critical time to appreciate your own mother & her struggles. She probably did the best she could.

    Wishing you much hatzlacha & patience

    in reply to: Can a CR post Constitute Valid Halachic Kefirah #780753
    am yisrael chai

    Can the mods change “does” to “can” in the title so that it CAN make sense


    You’re welcome. -95

    in reply to: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children #780917
    am yisrael chai

    “Just because your parents are divorced doesn’t mean you don’t have a father. (Unless the mother didn’t let him see the child.)”

    Blaming the mother carte blanche is unrealistic.

    Perhaps the dad went otd. Maybe the dad doesn’t want the responsibility of being a parent. There are other possible scenarios which you can come up with if you think about it.

    in reply to: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children #780916
    am yisrael chai

    ‘Parental alienation…wherein sometimes the mother tries to paint the father in a bad light, and seemingly “protects the children from him”.’

    It could be the other way around, too, where the dad alienates the child(ren) from the mom.

    in reply to: wife's name #782632
    am yisrael chai

    How did you come up with the name Eeees?

    in reply to: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children #780906
    am yisrael chai

    “I don’t think I should write my own prayer on this forum, because I think people would be too appalled and frightened at what I’ve gone through.”

    For some this may be true. For others, you may be the chizuk & inspiration that they need. There is always someone else in a similar situation (different, but similar).

    If you decide not to write because of your own personal reasons, that’s understandable.

    But please don’t write because of what others may think.

    You’re in a unique position to help others in a similar position.

    As middlepath wrote above, “Sof Davar, I can relate to your prayer. It is somewhat comforting to know there are others who went through similar types of hell.”

    in reply to: The geography game! #1203457
    am yisrael chai


    in reply to: Everyone Should see a Therapist #781091
    am yisrael chai

    Everyone has baggage, as life in olam hazeh is not perfect.

    As the baggage is dealt with, one becomes a healthier adult with the prospects of a healthier choice in a marriage partner & a healthier marriage.

    This is way easier than dealing with baggage that has reared its ugly head during a marriage.

    in reply to: The next Generation is here…with more chutzpah than ever! #781368
    am yisrael chai


    I’m curious if you see a correlation between your daughter telling you what you should have done when she was younger & you feeling your mother made a poor choice when you were younger

    This forum is anonymous & your mother is unknown here, but it is quite feasible for an alcoholic’s wife to post here:

    My daughter thinks I made a mistake giving up a life with an alcoholic who abuses me & the family physically, emotionally, & I am petrified of his alcoholic rages which he conveniently forgets the next day. My body was perpetually bruised & I was repeatedly violated, as were some others.

    I was petrified taking the final step of dissolving the marriage, no money, no roof over my head, without enough emotional or financial support.

    I felt that this was the only recourse I had as the father for YEARS refused treatment. I had become the unhealthy enabler & codependent.

    I & my family would have been destroyed if we had stayed a a unit, yet my daughter criticizes my choice & believes it’s because I didn’t have the strength of character. Nor the patience.

    Could you believe it?

    in reply to: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children #780872
    am yisrael chai

    “but the prayer automatically assumes that it’s the father that is not there.”

    The prayer assumes nothing.

    Did you miss the OP:

    “This prayer written by a child of divorced parents”

    The child knows which parent is missing.

    in reply to: End of Charades #780463
    am yisrael chai

    “Abused kids are much more likely to be abusive adults.”

    OR abused. Studies show that both are realistic possibilities. And this is in cases where there is no intervention or counseling.

    This make a huge difference.

    in reply to: Are frum yidden more clique like? #780844
    am yisrael chai

    mod, I’m surprised that 2 lines above were allowed to go through, after the discussion on the other thread about onaas dvorim.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221662
    am yisrael chai

    Minyan Gal

    May your mom be for us a gitte bater

    She’ll be thought of when bentching lecht later

    We’re grateful to her, too

    For she has given us YOU

    And you’ve made her merits so much greater

    in reply to: The geography game! #1203435
    am yisrael chai

    Yemin Moshe

    in reply to: Are You New Here? #780221
    am yisrael chai

    As far as I knew, I’m newish

    in reply to: The geography game! #1203431
    am yisrael chai


    in reply to: Responsibility and the Jewish Blogger #781162
    am yisrael chai

    Kudos to you, Icot!

    in reply to: The geography game! #1203429
    am yisrael chai


    in reply to: Are frum yidden more clique like? #780840
    am yisrael chai

    ??? ??? ???? ?????

    Minyan gal coined:

    “You don’t have to be frum to be a mentch, but you must be a mentch to be frum.”

    “when i go into a non jewish shop or a non frum shop, more often than not ill get a hello and goodbye, but i seem to rarely get that in frum shops.”

    Yup,same here. How can we change that? Anyone have ideas?

    in reply to: What to do tonight?? #779758
    am yisrael chai

    There was a levaya this evening of a yingerman who passed away w/o realizing his life would be cut so short. He was the epitome of making use of each moment. Rabbaim was certainly not speaking hypothetically.

    Studies show that when helping others, one becomes happier & feels productive & accomplished.

    Might I suggest that you become a mentor for a child from a single parent home, visit a homebound individual, or call the gamach hotline to see where help is needed. I’ve heard that the gamach booklet needs to be updated & volunteers are needed to make calls to update the listings.

    If you can, let us know what you choose.

    in reply to: for moderators only #1036890
    am yisrael chai


    I have a lot of respect for you how you are forging ahead & not being complacent with life as you knew it…among other things, such as your unbelievably creative talent.

    I was wondering if you referring to dovid

    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim Worldwide Daily #1229454
    am yisrael chai

    MOSHE BEN SHEVA ESTHER niftar today bd”e

    in reply to: for moderators only #1036886
    am yisrael chai

    This reminds me of the typical teachers’ complaint that it’s the A+ students parents who attend PTA, while the F students’ parents are MIA…

    in reply to: In a Heap O' Trouble #986177
    am yisrael chai

    “That (believing) has nothing to do with hope.”

    I’m not sure how one can separate believing & hope.

    Moshiach will come either b’ito or achishena, depending on whether we are deserving or not.

    Either way, Hashem has our back covered.

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960140
    am yisrael chai

    (Yeshayahu 9:5)

    tough to understand

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069722
    am yisrael chai

    2. hot dog

    5. spud pudding

    potato kugel


    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103583
    am yisrael chai

    ?? ????

    in reply to: I'm POSITIVE About You #779552
    am yisrael chai



    A huge quality that you possess is your TREMENDOUS amount of ???? ?????.

    (you would have ended that sentence with !!!!!!!!;))

    If you could bottle this amazing quality & sell it, you could retire before graduating school… 🙂

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803130
    am yisrael chai

    any improvement?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069720
    am yisrael chai


    It seems that several digits fit the bill, so how are you isolating to one set of 2 digits?

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