always runs with scissors fast

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  • in reply to: Is the vaad the mafia?? #831279

    cleverjewishpun, they definately can operate like mafia, especially when they are putting a hechsher on treif products, such as in one situation a mashgiach discovered that the canned tomatoe sauce was on the same production like as the canned pork in tomatoe sauce. oops. but no one is suppose to find these things out. just cover it up and keep going.

    in reply to: Articel on NY Post Web-site on religious Jews child abuse #832413

    soliek what is the nature of the book you are presently writing?

    And the article you mention what was the topic?

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060038

    BaalHaBooze, The only other real difference between me and your friend from high school is that I am a female!!!

    Can you imagine? You probablly thought I was a yungerman right?

    Well I guess I was always a tom boy. I always got along a lot better and understood better the boys in our neighborhood. Girls were boring. I was always looking to have fun and be wild.

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060037

    I’ve got the top 2 of all time HIlarious of the Hilarious pranks.

    My best 2 are as follows:

    After my next baby, im yirtze Hashem, I want to take to the hospital with me a Halloween mask say either a green witch face with a wart on the nose or a ugly old man face.

    While lying in the postpartum unit in my hospital bed, I will sit up in bed, and put it on. Imagine, the sheets nicely pulled up, and my hands folded nicely on my lap, sitting peacefully. As if I am calm and normal. Then the nurse will walk in to do her rounds and laugh at the “patient” in the bed. Only thing I am worried is that they may transfer me over to the psych ward. Chas v’shulem.

    Thats why I didnt do it after my last baby. But I think I am hilarious. I make myself laugh.

    The best funniest trick I did once was I went into a little corner store like 7-11. And I got a can of soda and bag of chips. I put it on the counter to pay, and the cashier rang it up. I dug into my pocket and lined up on the counter “gold rocks” which were actually those little white rocks you find in fancy people’s front yards sometimes, and these happened to be spray painted gold. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I said discretely with a sparkle in my eye “they’re gold”.

    He laughed his head off. So did I. THen I paid cash.

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831156

    original, actually the thought of our day of passing is very important to review and remind ourselves of daily. We are to contemplate daily that we are really here for a short journey and mission to accomplish on Earth, seeking and serving the Creator.

    The mussar sefers actually encourage this habit.

    We must remember at all times that at the end, when Hashem comes to “call us back upstairs” we will pretty much be like a compost of flesh for the worms. Only thing remaining will be the good deeds we did and self improvement.

    Only a materialist would be afraid of dying because that means an end to his physical desires and pleasures in this world. But if you want to be afraid of dying, do it in a positive way in that you’ll be afraid that you only maybe won’t succeed in fulfilling your potential and overcoming your greatest yetzer hara when its full strength against you in life.

    WHen its time for me to go I will probablly be sad, remorseful and full of regret. Regret I didn’t daven enough, do teshuva enough, learn halachas and shmiras shabbos shmiras ha loshen more. DIdn’t have enough patience with my kids, didnt give more love and unconditional acceptance to my spouse. I might regret I didnt write that great novel that made people’s heads spin.

    I might be sad that I could’ve been like MOshe Rabbaynu but wasn’t even close to be alwaysrunswithscissorfast.

    I actually heard of this one sect of chassidim that some men have a minhag of getting up in the night and laying themselves down in a wooden box on the floor, as if lying in their coffin, which serves to remind them that they are not immortal. I am not telling you to get a wooden coffin. just…making a comment.

    in reply to: Squirrels vs Cats #830822

    Sorry but this has to be said


    or was this suppose to be comical? In that case I am also laughing with you!

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060031

    Oh yeah, one time I have the urge to call up the phone number of a “For Sale” sign nailed to a tree on a house’s property.

    I wanted to ask how much they were asking for the tree. LOL

    Once in a while I hide on my husband and jump out and say “boo”. I think that is funny.

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037169

    yeah, you’re name is easy too.

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060029

    Ken Zayn I have these impulses very frequently. Sometimes I make myself laugh in public even when I am alone, just thinking about shticks I’d pull if I could.

    I want one time to ride the city bus and have my cell phone ring but pull out a banana and answer it and have a very serious conversation on my banana phone. See the reactions. ha ha

    Or Sometimes I get this fantasy idea that all us heimishe chassidishe women in the country will one day go dirt biking in the mountain hills and have contests who can do the best jumps.

    Or sometimes I imagine if I was really proficiently trained in kickboxing and self defense walking home late at night. And I look like a typical heimishe woman, a target for a mugging. Yet under a train bridge I get surrounded by a gang of hoodlums and I surprise them all where I defend mysef by kicking them to pieces like a Ninja. ha ha

    in reply to: Articel on NY Post Web-site on religious Jews child abuse #832385

    I never said these hideous crimes do not happen.

    I was saying that in terms of allegations and criminal charges we need to be aware that alot of them are false.

    However, that being said I must admit as a mother of a new yingle baby, I am a bit scared of sending him off to cheyder as I have heard horrible stories of abuse from rebbayim. I know we have to educate them to not allowing people to touching them, but I am still scared from some stories I have heard.

    in reply to: Abusive marraige #830478

    Soliek, Its a personal choice if you would cut somebody off. But keep in mind that there are no such things as “Perfect People”. And it sounds as though you are looking for that. If you want to operate like that you will be likely cutting off from everybody at some point for daily offenses and “wrong moves” in every sphere.

    The point i am making is that we do need to be flexible at some point and if a person makes a mistake and abuses and lashes out or hits his friend, wife, etc, its ok if the victim wants to forgive. Its ok if the attacker wants to admit his weakness in charachter and work on himself and make amends. Teshuva.

    We are not in a perfect world. But its a personal choice,,, if you cannot forgive that then don’t stay with them. For me personally, I could forgive a physical slap if it were to happen, but I cannot forgive disloyalty. NEver.. That hurts too deep. THe marriage would be over.

    in reply to: Wolf where are you? #830411

    Wolf, can I ask you a weird question? Do you have an exceptionally deep voice? I don’t know why, maybe its just an illusive impression due to your big bad hairy screen name, but I imagine you to have this deep voice.

    in reply to: Articel on NY Post Web-site on religious Jews child abuse #832379

    Raphael, I would like to know where Dr. Twerski gets these numbers from. Actually the estimate of false allegations is much higher if you consider papers written on it by Experts in the field. Dr. Twerski is sitting within only within the context of frum families. A small minority of the global picture which still affects frum yidden as well.

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037166

    I dont know zeeskite, I guess because of your name, and your posts I tend to imagine you easily as a bais yakkov graduate married to a ben torah sitting and learning. Folding laundry all day and I imagine you to wear a blonde sheitel. LOL

    Then I can remember your name since I have attached to it so many specifics. Get it? I imagine Goq as some odd ball genius semi quasie religious with a sense of humur. But for about 90% of every member I dont imagine anything at all therefore its hard to remember them.

    in reply to: Articel on NY Post Web-site on religious Jews child abuse #832361

    Listen, do you know what my response to this article would be?

    We Jews are not immune to the social tactics used by some in America, namely false allegations of sexual abuse, especially in the context of divorce.

    Just because charges were laid doesn’t mean someone has committed a crime. In many instances of allegations it is manufactured out of revenge by the other parent.

    We are not immune, and mental illness knows no boundaries.

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037157

    I still don’t get what means “Joseph”. Who was he, why is everyone against him, what did he do wrong? I actually remember some funny /friendly comments coming from somebody named Joseph once.

    in reply to: Abusive marraige #830476

    soliek has a point. UNless the person undergoes a major personality surgery and teshuva and makes it very clear and obvious they admit they were wrong and are trying to rectify their soul and habits. But that rarely happens with real abusers. THey need long term help.

    in reply to: Question For Serious CR-ites #830303

    No guarantees.

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926259

    What about recycling?

    in reply to: I just experienced a yeshua #824915

    Hashem is great and sometimes all that we needed to do to experience his greatness is to ASK.

    in reply to: because its easier to criticize rather than empathize #823569

    this is a really weird thread, and I have no idea what you’re even talking about. So if someone tells me I should always say OUCH?


    in reply to: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict? #824522

    health- wow. I learned something . I didnt know that. Its really ossur?

    in reply to: Apologizing: It's wonderful #1194654

    Aww,,, c’mon MiddlePath…we WANT to hear it! What is it? Can’t wait! Post it already!

    in reply to: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict? #824520

    When I hand over a few coins to a man begging, I prefer to just know I did my “part” by giving to the needy without knowing what he is going to use it for. And what he does with it after wards is his business. But even if I did know that he was giong to use the tzedakah for drugs,,,,in a way, i do think its kind and considerate to give tzedakah to a druggie because then we are preventing a multitude of possible dangerous situations he can come to- including aveiros and death in a “druggie lifestyle & culture”.

    He won’t have to sell his body, his soul, or steal or kill. And until he gets read drug addiction treatment he won’t suffer without his badly needed drugs that should he go without can cause tremdendous suffering and sickness. Physiologically and psychologically

    in reply to: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict? #824508

    Sam2 take it easy. Nobody is saying drug addicts can only come from Charedi households. ( I know that is not what you’re arguing- I am being cynical at this point )

    THe fact is that I thought by depicting an accurate portrayal of his life, and background that would make it seem like having a heimishe warm family means he IS being taken care of and maybe for that reason, is not in true need of tzedakah.

    I never mentioned this charedi business to make him seem like a bigger jewish drug addict ok?


    in reply to: Apologizing: It's wonderful #1194651

    Yes, carrying around old hurts weighs a lot. I feel i would like to unburden the load I am carrying but I dont know how to forgive easily, and I am very angry at certain people who have really caused me a lot of pain and hurt in my past. I Must work on this I know. Theres a lot to be said on Forgiveness.

    in reply to: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict? #824506

    Sam2, I am not sure why I felt compelled to make that part of the description, but I wanted to paint an accurate picture. I felt that was important for some reason. BUt I like what you’re saying that the fact that he is a Jew is the only bottome line.

    in reply to: Apologizing: It's wonderful #1194645

    OH hhhh Middlepath, you sound like a gem of a boy. I just love reading your thoughts in posts, and I am thrilled for the girl who will get to be your Queen wife one day. You are so deep and sensitive.

    Only your post makes me a little down in the dumps realizing how I got ripped off that my husband is “apologetically disabled” he has a very hard time to say “I am sorry” and it means the world to me. Its a real nisyon for me, who is always quick to apologize, and I get my feelings hurt on a regular basis.Rabbi Avigdor Miller says that searching for one’s spouse is like looking for the one you are going to be constantly be stepping on each other’s toes with. You wait and look and search and then you find them and then its like going through a dance in life wiht this partner but although you may step on each others “toes” once in a while, its good to apologize. You say “oops sorry was that your toe? Are you ok?”

    I don’t get that from my husband. He gets real strong and keeps up his stance which hurts me. And I get really hurt, and retract within a shell that gets harder and harder and more brittle over time and I have a personal problem that I can’t forgive easily even if he says sorry 2 days later.

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827361

    Kapusta how does a thread get “Stick-yed?”

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827334

    maybe jothar is paranoid.

    in reply to: How I Love Dreary Days.. #821543

    i dont know. could be. only you would know.

    in reply to: How I Love Dreary Days.. #821541

    keeskite, want to hear something? YEars ago when life wasn’t so good for me, and I was more or less down in the dumps, I use to crave rainy days. I actually use to dislike it when the dreary day would turn clear and sunny because as I use to put it “…awww now I gotta cheer up”.

    I also felt that dreary days brought out the best in me. Creatively or whatever. BUt now not anymore.

    in reply to: Eating shark …by mistake…what are the chances? #821526

    BSD So about your comment that dolphin is a great source of protein, is that suppose to make me feel better about it ?


    I do crave protein lately as I have physical demands for it, but I prefer tofu.

    in reply to: An important message: Nothing is Lost #821303

    Oh Wolf, But it does!!! I love to hear your voice and value your opinion, Please don’t derive something otherwise from my statement. What I meant to get across was the fact that what you said is true. FOR ALL OF US

    But you in your humble self ways are implying mussar should be self applied.

    in reply to: Eating shark …by mistake…what are the chances? #821517

    ..So maybe it was Mercury I was tasting in my Dolphin Sandwich?

    in reply to: clinical experiences #821002

    Yentingyenta, I have to tell you, I was raised around antisemites.

    Yes it was hard growing up being the only Jewish girl in a public school my whole life and even amongst my fathers family who made outright racist remarks on Jews.

    But that being the case I believe I do know how to answer them today. I feel I help them see the truth as I am able to.

    in reply to: Eating shark …by mistake…what are the chances? #821507

    zahavasdad, yeah, you got it! I meant Dolphin. Not shark. I forgot the fish I was referring to. Did I eat dophin today?

    It was a strong taste like salmon. Is dolphin kosher?

    in reply to: Kiddush Hashem or Chillul Hashem? #821486

    Personally, because of the fact that I have lived amongst goyim and been raised amongst them, until my infamous return of my Neshama to Torah,,,,,,(just my 2 cents but…)

    I think its a Chillul Hashem how nice we dress and carry on with conducting our lives with so much Gashmius. Lets face it we may have Olam Ha Ba but we have a lot LOT of Olam Ha Ze.

    I know for a fact that they are not happy for us, when they see a woman dressed super sophisticated, pushing an expensive baby in an expensive outfit in an expensive carriage. Wearing a $5,000 ring.

    Just my opinion, but I know that they believe our G-d would not want us to flaunt it, even if we have it, becuase that is the opposite of modesty.

    And they resent that.

    in reply to: An important message: Nothing is Lost #821301

    I too am really freaked out by the above message. I know I need to do teshuva. But I think as far as The Wolf’s message is concerned is that the most spectacular part of it was his impeccable English. Because the fact remains as he said, that we will be held accountable and that does not mean being pessimistic. And thats a frightening reality.

    in reply to: clinical experiences #820997

    wow Yentingyenta, kol hakoved. I was a nurse once upon a time. And yes, the charting and reporting thing can get unneceassary gossip and info that is NOT called for. That always bugged me. It irked me the wrong way. I feel its used as an excuse to sneak in a few opinions indirectly. For example, if a religious orthodox woman is not “coping” then where is her G-d? is their question.

    I found its like there is a judgment call on needless info.

    I have a personal experience, that recently I had a baby and baby had to go to NICU for a few days. I resented the fact that during my sit in visits with baby I overheard the nurses at change of shift reporting to one another and said something like “Mom wants to nurse, or insists to be called in for every feeding”. But it was their tone of voice that said “problematic mother”. Or that they found me to be a hassle for that reason. Because they have to call me rather than just giving baby a bottle.

    In NICU – its a touchy area because the nurses are the technical mothers reviving and keeping this baby alive, but BUT I somehow picked up the vibe that they very much want the parents to keep away. I got intimidated by one nasty nurse who wouldn’t let me nurse my baby a minute over the scheduled feeding. I cried. And she kept trying to persuade me “sweetly” to leave.

    I think if Hashem put you in this field and environment then you have a job in being the sweet role model of how to speak respecfully about all parties when reporting and keeping your voice in an even tone, especially when reporting the difficult or derogative info. so that the nurses pick up on the objective.

    However, you must remain diplomatic and never confront anyone any time about their use of language and tone. Its not worth it.

    Nursing is stressful if only because of the interpersonal relationships on the floor,,,plus some.

    WOw NICU …what a scary and daring responsibility!!! I could never do it!

    in reply to: Was Mishpacha Magazine Really Put in Cheirem? #818515

    happiest, yes its that they targeted only women to come and break their necks by skiing without families or husbands in tow.

    no. Seriously now. The fact is that skiing is dangerous. And ask my husband who was choking back tears while doing a tahar on a mais, in Chevra Kadisha on a 17 year old boy who got killed down hill skiing on vacation.

    But aside from that, even if the ad said “c’mon and join us for …….whatever….for a shabbos breakaway.” Like this is the problem. A woman should not run away from her family. Her happiness is THE HOME! SHe is the HOME! If mom seeks outside escapism and needs retreats on the holiest day of the week ,i’d say there are serious issues that need tackling.

    This whole new conconted concept is totally wrong and different than if we were talking about an overwhelmed stressed out mom who just wants to get away with her husband and rightfully DESERVES SO! Like say going away to Aishs Chayil or her in-laws for a rest. Everyone needs a break. I am fully supportive of that.

    But running away from the family with “the girls” to have fun, is different. And if she wants to go have dangerous fun she should at least bring all her loved ones with her who could share in a neck breaking adventure with her. What fun is breaking your neck alone?

    in reply to: Disruptive in playgroud – What would you do? #818208

    I have been in this situation before, and I just stand up and boldly walk over to the rough kid and like a teacher would say very authoritativly state “You need to stop it. You may not hit little kids”. If I see it again I will tell your mother.

    in reply to: I want to study Medicine. but.. #821369

    akuperman, I guess its like hearing a well seasoned professional, educated and successful in their field, who is still single and had had no children at 40 asking “Do you think its too late to still marry and stay home to start being a heimishe mommy”. Like I have succeeded in my line of work. and the two worlds rarely mix. I just have this fantasy and obsession with the medical world.

    in reply to: throff in milk #819202

    i was scared the segula you were talking about had something to do with throw up in milk. Ha ha.

    in reply to: Information about Popa! #818119

    yes, maybe he is only a fragment of our imagination.

    in reply to: Information about Popa! #818116

    I feel like the hunt for who is the real Popa_bar_abba reminds me of “Where’s waldo?” in the picture.

    in reply to: Was Mishpacha Magazine Really Put in Cheirem? #818487

    I once saw an inappropriate advertisement re: a-getaway-all-ladies’ weekend holiday, which is not in line with our holy tradition of trading off the family and husband for a weekend in the north ski hills.

    I am sorry but I really resent BINAH magazine for running ads like these for women.

    IS that what a Jewish magazine has to put in a yiddishe woman’s head?

    That she should go take a risk of breaking her neck on an icy steep hill wearing slippery fibre glass skiis????

    Even if she doesnt kill herself, fine, but what is this going-away-with-the-girls for a weekend teach her family? Should men start going-away-with-the-boys ice fishing or for hockey? I am sorry but that is all goyisher nachas.

    in reply to: Trophy Wives #820000

    Golden Mom …GOOD POINT!

    My husband always says “if a boy is marrying for looks…he should do everyone a favor and dont get married in the first place”. Because what is he gonna do when she hits 30 and after a few kids her looks already start “going down”. Lets face it. Its beauty or brains.

    in reply to: When life hands you lemons… #818176

    brotherofurs I believe that there is no such thing as Hashem handing out lemons. That is part of our perception problem. Believe me I can complain from “the lemons in my life” but I am trying to improve myself and realize that they are not .

    in reply to: opinions on strollers needed #818186

    I just researched for you on ebay. This is the cheapest 3 wheel stroller NEW that they have. Go to the webpage ebay. Then type in this:

    Mutsy Spider Lightweight 3 Wheel Baby Stroller NEW

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