always runs with scissors fast

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  • in reply to: popa is very possibly retarded (nothing personal honest) #834513

    yeah lard! Here we go again on kashrus of starbucks!

    You know …not so long ago, like in the 80’s the typical coffee shop was making donuts from lard! Can you imagine!

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837945

    Its always an individuals choice. BUT everyone should be making informed decisions. And should know all the risks and weigh it out. I feel I was misled and they were dishonest. With saying that its so safe. And denying the risks.

    Aries2756, when your ob/gyn sends you to postpartum psych you don’t go back to her to ask her opinion as to whether or not you actually need the psych’s prescription. Right?

    That is not her expertise.

    in reply to: popa is very possibly retarded (nothing personal honest) #834507

    yeah, agree with insuranceguy

    My gut instinct is that the OP is very young and immature. Say like a 15 year old male.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837941

    aries2756, with all due respect, i hear the compassion you have for all our sisters when defending their choice to take

    anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds, but you asked a good question. (i cant italicize it)

    But you wrote ” there are many reasons why a doctor will prescribe something to take the edge off and help a patient cope”…

    One of the reasons they over prescribe everybody is that they are making profit from the drug companies. Zoloft and others pay out to psychiatrists for writing the prescription. Its off record, but its done.

    Secondly, you mentioned all the good reasons one may choose. Such as finances, community, health, weight, self-esteem, self-confidence, LACK OF SLEEP, etc., etc, ….need I go on?

    But we are being led to believe that they artificial drug induced consciousness used to cope is the answer.

    I recently went through a very stressful period. Overweight (as you mentioned), financial difficulities and marrying off a child along with marital tension etc. These brought me before a well known psychiatrist in the community recently who deals with Perinatal and Post Partum depression. What was her conclusion? That I need Zoloft. I have never been one to turn to pills as an answer. But this time I succumbed. I felt lets try it. However, although even after only a short period of time on this drug I began to feel less angry, less frustrated, less critical, less negative, less like complaining, and more patient, more calm and sleeping better I asked myselflets do some research on internet on this thing`.

    What I found was devastating. I was completely shocked and thrown into a whirlwind of panic with what I was reading. In short, this medication can become nothing more than a trap. Its been documented that once an individual wants to go off it they can experience discontinuation syndrome. This includes Symptoms described as “brain zaps”, “brain shocks”, “brain shivers”, “head shocks”, or “cranial zings” are a withdrawal symptom experienced during discontinuation (or reduction of dose) of antidepressant drugs. The symptoms are widely variable in description and are of unknown etiology common descriptions include dizziness, electric shock-like sensations,sweating, nausea, insomnia, tremor, confusion, nightmares, and vertigo.

    Look up Discontinuation Syndrome on Wikipedia or Google. See other websites.

    Another problem is sexual dysfunction, while apparently uncommon, it can last for months, years, or sometimes indefinitely after the discontinuation of SSRIs. This condition has not been well-established or proven in the field of medicine, thus patients are not warned of the potential condition by their physicians and it is not listed in consumer information leaflets.

    12 years she`s been trapped on this drug.

    Can you imagine just how powerful this drug is and what its really doing to the brain and nervous system?

    My point is that before people accept a report from a psychiatrist or a family doctor that ok you have depression- take this med…they should first try using natural methods such as Cognitive Behavioral THerapy. I strongly recommend the book the feeling good handbook by Dr. David Burns M.D

    As well Go to the gym. The psychiatrist told me that exercising 5 times a week for 45 mins IS the same as taking an anti depressant!

    This book mentioned above one can pin point the source of their moods and anxiety or depression. Its actually one of the top books that psychologist and psychotherapists recommend their patients.

    Please have me in your prayers and keep me in mind that I should not suffer from any of the above mentioned symptoms of discontinuation such as electrical shocks or brain zaps as I slowly decrease my dose and get off it. They really sound unpleasant.

    Sure its been a nice trip and smooth ride for 3 weeks but I see that its better to get off it before i really get on it and end up messing up my brain long term. I will go to gym instead.

    Oh, and when I contacted the psychiatrist and told her listen I need to get off this for the above reasons, she told me that electrical painful shocks or brain zapping is not a reason to go off the med.

    I was thiking sure it is, because I may one day want to stop taking it and then I`ll suffer from this, no? OR be trapped on it.

    Or maybe her line of thinking is that one should not have a reason to go off of it. By the way, she was very familiar with all rabbonim and dayanim in our community. She mentioned them by name. So…I am not the only one!

    in reply to: Dinner Ideas #835054

    ha ha ha ha.

    well tonight for supper, maybe try spelling pasta?

    in reply to: popa is very possibly retarded (nothing personal honest) #834500

    TheTroll, nobody here is going to agree with you or respect your comments. Because he is possibly the most oldest member in the CR and not only humorus but well liked.

    IF you hang around here long enough you’ll see.

    in reply to: Dinner Ideas #835051

    popa bar abba – why would you have been spelling vinagarette while making the supper though?

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837920

    But people out there ought to really research these drugs before just taking out the prescription. There can be serious side effects from discontinuation syndrome when/if one ever decides to stop taking them. Unfortunately I dont see women who have no access or are not likely to access the information on the internet as being very likely to know about this information for their own benefit.

    in reply to: I hate Sundays. #834383

    The winner is Smartcookie!!! Grand prize goes to the best commentator! advice. …i did what you said. It worked!

    I didn’t look at the mess all day, In fact I didnt even get nervous nerves from it or anxiety like usual. I took them to the library, actually two different libraries! one goyisher and one yiddisher.

    But yet, here I am at 8:40 pm and the house is waiting for me to clean up and I badly need a time out , so I have come to visit the coffee room! This sunday was pretty enjoyable. Thanks for all your input. I appreciate.

    in reply to: I hate Sundays. #834376

    OK guys so whats the census, WHAT should I do with them tommorrow??? any suggestions?

    in reply to: Struggling With Mental Illness #834111

    can we re-kick up this discussion from the dead again?

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833947

    I have first hand information about these particular ppl becuase I happened to have known some of them. I will tell you about how their “uniform” clothes came into being, with the dress and apron.

    They were looking to be “tznius” on a higher level. So they sent one of their husbands to tell the “cult leader aka rebbe” that they were looking to have a dress code of tznius. He sat and sketched out an outline of what it should look like.

    Then they took turns having a dressmaker make them each a dress.

    THey call it M’meshbaos zahav L’Vishu, from Tehillim 45 where its says “her raiment is made of gold settings”.

    in reply to: Best Classic Songs #834006

    ok now that we’ve listed all the music which is basically

    nisht osgehalten….vus noch?

    in reply to: Why does chicken say OU glatt on it when glatt doesn't apply to it? #834039

    gefen jut what is that suppose to mean?

    jothar- why didn’t you sat to the kid “shabbos!”?

    skiaddict whats a loobie? Since you’re so knowledgable.

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1193474

    Goq , of course it isn’t …thats why I wanted to know . I alwasys thought of you as a male Goq and then I asked myself why. I realized it was possible you’re female.

    in reply to: Lights on Shabbos and Thanking Someone for Doing an Aveirah on Your Behalf #840938

    never thank someone for doing an aveirah on your “Behalf”. THen you are m’chazaking it. Maybe rather, point it out that we are not allowed to daven TO a person and prayers should be directed to Hashem.

    Since you opened a discussion here, may I ask a question. And please nobody get offended….is Lubavitch today considered Avodas Zarah? I am asking because there seems to be this trend within it of praying to the Rebbe and looking for answers from him and believing he was/is Moshiach.

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1193471

    Goq are you female?

    in reply to: Going to medical school #833485

    Health, that would explain why you asses every one in the CR and evaluate them for needing mental health care and meds!

    in reply to: Best Classic Songs #833976

    how does a pushitayid know about Cat Stevens and Led Zeppelin?????

    weird! I only expect it from BT’s like us.

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833928

    mikehall, just to fill you in, Health here thinks EVERYONE needs a mental health professional and meds. She/HE mentions it in other threads too.

    I just don’t like the hostility and antagonistic personality.

    in reply to: When the shadchan doesn't give up! #833671

    nobody would ever get married if it weren’t for the Shadcan and their tactics. Thank G-d for the shadcan.

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833903

    this is when it becomes cult. Its no more free will invovled here. Its turning over one’s neshama to the “rebbe leader”. And that is the sin.

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1193454

    maybe i will try to contemplate what it must feel like to think I want kids’ shenanigans and couldn’t have? in order to appreciate. Yeah, I guess it works. Goq, i dont know what to say to you.

    I want to say something to take your pain away, but there is nothing I can say that will. I am sorry for your lot. And sorry to have complained.

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1193449

    golden mom, if its true that other mothers go through this also, how come they look so normal? I am serious. tell me plz. My neighbors walk pushing carriages with clean kids, and she may be looking stylish herself. THey may even look like the kids are under control on the street. Well behaved. I feel like my kids are really leibedig. And I think its genetic. How come I feel like I am the only lady who is complaining? How come everybody else takes it in stride? Or do you also feel like crying?

    in reply to: cucumber salad recipe #833214

    just cut up cucumbers into cute little cubes, then add basil, and vinegar or if you like instead add lemon juice and cut up a small onion into thin strips. Voila

    in reply to: Going to medical school #833478

    wow I am totally jealous. I dream of being an obstetrician. BUT DREAM Is the key word. GOOD LUCK. Be matzliach.

    in reply to: Best Classic Songs #833958

    does secular music count? Bob Dylan? Roxy Music? Beatles?

    in reply to: The last rebellious thing you did as a teenager. #984563

    became religious

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833889

    Its not just the dress that is a problem. I wont get into it, but suffice it to say I know first hand! And I bet this thread is soon going to be closed. By the way they do not come from beit shemesh. Lets just confirm here, we are talking about the group from northern quebec right?

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060067

    mayan dvash, thats funny. I was thinking when I go to the dentist I’d put those fake white plastic dracula teeth in my mouth and when he tells me “OPEN PLS” he’d have a laugh.

    Another funny thing I thought up doing, but somehow I don’t think I will, is buy from a hardware store lots of wire, those kind that come in colors, like electrical stuff, and then hang them falling out of my purse and jacket and pockets and then ride the metro every once in a while dropping screws or nails and asking people to “oops excuse me” as I pick them up. BUt that one would probablly land me a few bullets in by the police.

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833882

    mikehall, you are right. ITs not only NOT tznius. its not even what the Torah is asking of us. Those people have been ostracized in almost every kehilla for a reason. My personal experience with them is that its no longer about tznius or torah but oppression. In body, mind and soul. I personally had friends involved there.

    in reply to: Fun with your Subtitles #877871

    (To the nursery rhyme tune of hey diddle, the cat and a fiddle)-

    Hey Diddle Diddle

    The lady with a griddle…

    She went to go get her shirt

    but when she got there

    The shirt was a skirt

    And so she had to iron it again.

    * * * * * *

    ONce upon a time there was a lady who lived in a shoe

    She had so many shirts to iron, she didn’t know what to do

    So she sprayed them all with Niagra Spray Starch

    And then ignited them with a match and they looked like a Torch.

    in reply to: Jean Skirts on Dates #832579

    BTguy were you really once a gang member? WHich gang?

    in reply to: Jelousy #832010

    Sam2, I don’t think it helps. In fact, that would just make me more upset knowing that he gave so-and-so that big house, fur coat, house in the country and whatever and I have to live with less!

    I also deal with jealousy. I dont know how I handle it except to be aware of my feelings and to try to realize what the CD in my head is playing. THen I dispell or discredit those beliefs.

    in reply to: 40 challah bakers #833497

    Popa, if you wanted, you have a zechus and could daven for pesach ben sara gittel as you did not make smartcookie look really dumb as you proposed you were able to.

    in reply to: Yo mama jokes #1004811

    gefen was the word squished?

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060052

    How about this one? You walk up to a complete stranger in the street, hand them a quarter, pat them on the back and wish them “Take care of yourself” and walk away. For no reason. LOL

    Or how about if you are in a public restroom using the toilet in the stall, and when you flush you say out loud in a cute voice “Bye Bye poo poo”. LOL Sorry that one makes me laugh.

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831179

    Msseeker, I am not related to Ms. Critique.

    Say that 10 times fast.

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831173

    say that 10 times fast now

    in reply to: Setting us up to fail financially #830983

    2scents I dont know where you live, but in the frum and litvish and chassidishe communities we have a very high materialisitic standard of living. There are very few and far in between folks willing to live within their means. Many people risk losing their house re-mortgaging it to marry off kids, as they are later in their years and not knowing how they will pay it back.

    Many young married ladies dress up beyond their bank account. We all can get caught up into it. Men driving vehicles they cannot justify having, but “everyone has one”. Renovations to the home are part and parcel to the look of one’s home, $$$ keeping up with the Rosenbergs etc. ANONANO has a point. We’ve become like the non Jews, a part of the Americans. We are following in their footsteps. And its no good. Look at the spot we the U.S has gotten ourselves into. 23 Trillion Dollars in DEBT or something like that. That means when it comes and hits home, its going to hurt.. And the commerce experts are not hiding it.

    ANANO is in fact making a good point. How can we continue to have such high standards of living when a) most of these boys cannot even write their name in English and b) we discourage pursuits in business.

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831170

    What about upshearin? IF you dont run after the mitzva sometimes the mitzva will run from you.

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831439

    why would she use the term ‘buses’ for molesters?

    Why would she compare her Rav to Paroh?

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060042

    I think I must get my funny bone from my father.

    Once he was waiting for a bus, and it was raining. He happened to have found a dry newspaper to sit on and a man standing next to him thought he was “Smart” and said to my father “Hey, …you reading that?” pointing to the newspaper under my fathers rear end.

    So my father says “as a matter of fact I am. ” And he simply stood up turned the page and sat back down on it. LOL

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831168

    msseeker. Oh yeah they do. I am here a lot. LOL

    in reply to: Yo mama jokes #1004805

    Yo mama is so fat that when she sat down on a quarta, she squished a booger out of George Washington’s nose.

    in reply to: Anyone here scared of dieing? #831163

    msseeker, i assure you you are a righteous person. YOu were the one who initiated that great debate didnt you, here in the CR? You were the one who defended chassidus against the rabid attacks of the those who were trying to tear it down right?

    in reply to: Squirrels vs Cats #830825

    feivel I am sorry. you are right.

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831432

    wanderingchana, can you please explain to us what you’re referring to as your post is vague. What river/under the bus are you talking about?

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