always runs with scissors fast

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  • in reply to: Increase in OTD Children… are made to feel like second-class citizens, #839726

    I thoroughly enjoy reading the thoughts of the OP on this topic.

    I have a personal experience as well on this issue.

    I was ‘new’ to the community and wanted my children to get enrolled in school. I personally called up the principal and spoke to her and she said she’d ‘see’. In short, she never got back to me. I suppose the fact that I had Jewish kids who needed to be educated was not significant to her in her life/world enough to even call me back.

    I wasn’t just ‘new’ , being baal teshuvas we were indeed ‘different’. We didn’t speak yiddish. We just weren’t the ‘same’. That really hurt. Some schools are like that.

    Those were all the reasons ‘why’ i needed them even more than a regular person who wasn’t fussy about which “jewish day school” they want because I WAS IN FACT choosing ‘their high road’ to travel down and they weren’t welcoming. I feel like resentful that they are in the chosers seats.

    in reply to: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim #840010

    lol popa you’re right

    yes yes zeeskite, thats it. Thats what I mean. But you have to respect it. Its a gift. like money. would you just throw pennies into the sewer? Its an averia.

    in reply to: How Popa vanquished the Chicago people #838634

    This reminds me of a virtual “where’s waldo” game. Everyone is trying to seek Popa out.

    in reply to: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim #840008

    The evil zionim created this beit shemesh thing- way out of control. And its not an issue of girls not dressing “tznius”. Its an issue of they located the orthodox school in the WRONG DISTRICT;

    Here you have innocent girls going to whatever schools in Beit shemesh, tznius according to their poskim, and its not their fault, the men are protesting. Its the gov’t, who has deliberately placed their building in the midst of the WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD on purpose to cause an upheaval.

    Its always the children who suffer.

    Its like the tactics that hamas uses, in Gaza. THey deliberately use hide outs near the dwellings of the people to hide beind. And the innocent suffer the consequences. The chassidim have to stand up in Beit Shemesh to protest the gov’t decisions.

    and I dont mean with spit. But they have to say something.

    in reply to: We are so much better than the them. #838439

    dash and yityan, are you stalking my comments or are they just so darn interesting its hard to forget them? The fact you both had repeated and quoted me here from other threads kind of freaks me out. Do i need to be paranoid now? I mean why would you memorize them and then recite them like a monologue as in acting class?

    LOL , i laugh with you.

    in reply to: Hobbies #837785

    that was the best book! I use to take my kid out to the woods and we’d “play reenactment” of the hobbit. It was fun.

    in reply to: We are so much better than the them. #838430

    not that I miss those days, but its just a fact, you know.

    in reply to: We are so much better than the them. #838429

    yeah, but they have parties and social gatherings at this time of year that rock, esp. if you are a kid and you clean up at every adults house tons of presents.

    in reply to: Whats your favorite Smurf? #837773

    I always wanted to marry hefty, when I was a girl. BUt I don’t like tatoos anymore.

    in reply to: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim #839999

    lemaysa, give us the whole story please. LIke you could be possibly forgetting some details as to in which context he spat.

    Say like for example, the child was wearing a tzilim around his neck and wouldn’t take it off in shul , esp. during an aliyah.

    Or if the child was spitting first and this was a way of teaching him how it feels to get spit on.

    Or say the chasid was choking in a restaurant and while trying to dislodge the calzone with cheese and brocoli from his tonsils he accidentally spat on the kid.

    in reply to: I hate Chanuka Parties!! #837861

    i also hate social parties. Especially the neighborly one. THis year I declined and told them sorry I am really not a social person, and prefer staying home to do the dishes.

    in reply to: Floating wicks- premise, problem, solution #838674

    brilliant! i’ll tell my husband…

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931837

    miritchka, dont you mean a chick a pacha??LOL

    whoa do I ever have my work cut out for me now!

    I usually use a loud voice, and whatever…ok thanks

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #838041

    My problem with it is it appears that antidepressants act only as placebos for mild to moderate depression, and the chatter I read back and forth between psychiatrists on medical websites gives me the impression that they mostly aren’t prescribing them except for severe depression anymore, that it is family docs handing out these prescriptions like candy. there is a serious concern I recently became aware of, that in the LONG TERM, these drugs are causing harm – they change your serotonin receptors in your brain, and that may be permanent – nobody knows. and it isn’t natural or fixing a chemical imbalance either – lack of serotonin was disproved as a cause of depression 2 decades ago – nobody knows if it is a chemical imbalance or what the heck is the cause of depression, even today! withdrawal from antidepressants can be very difficult for some people, but the docs never warn you about that. Your brain adapts to the drug, and if you go off the meds, you can be a total wreck.

    For mild to moderate depression, the most effective treatments known are counseling, getting a lot more aerobic exercise, increasing social support, using a light box in fall and winter if there is a seasonal component to your moods and stuff like that. there are self-help books at the library and a lot of those books have good advice in them. If your depression is mild to moderate, why take the risk of medications when they appear to work no better than placebo according to even the drug companies’ data when there are proven strategies with no risk? these strategies are STILL bona fide depression treatment.

    Why are we running to pop pills?

    twisted I agree with you but sometimes I DONT FEEL PLEASAnt! Like when I am arguing with my spouse! I feel angry. HOW Can a person always show pleasantry?

    Can I post a little annoyance (rant here). ? I agree with you ayshoshee, and I have a hard time watching people in grocery stores “tossing and throwing” their food items carelessly into their cart.

    Like its a cool thing or something. But then I see even the goy at the cash is doing it now also, throwing heavy articles on soft ones just like the customers, then the order gets crushed. Who wants squashed tomatoes? But thats not the point, the point is the bread is feeding us, and we need to have respect. Kavod ochel.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #838040

    I agree Aries. We cannot know unless people divulge personal information.

    However, I assume that within the chassidishe little world I live in , there probablly are quite a number. I am assuming that because of a few comments I’ve heard from different people. One was from a Child Protection worker who works within and she mentioned (obviously off the record) that there is a lot of ladies on anti depressants around here.

    Secondly in 2 different conversations I have had with 2 different friends alluded to this fact. That being that it is indeed, in need and being used by many.

    My conclusion is ..what? I don’t know. I guess I just feel sad for them, for myself and for anyone who has to resign their brain over to this for mild depression.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #838038

    Listen , i haven’t followed the thread since page 2 probablly, but my initial quesiton/curiosity still remains. SO DO YOU THINK A LOT OF WOMEN in general, in our community, today are on Zoloft or not?

    curious minds would like to know….

    what is a kulo machmadim?

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931834

    onegoal whats that suppose to mean? I dont get it

    in reply to: A recap of tragedies of 2011…..The list goes on and on… #837867

    Is the purpose of the thread so that we should share all our personal tragedies here? I won’t do it. You can’t make me!

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931832

    oh guys, I am SO NOT LAUGHING TODAY>>>>>> achhhh HELP!

    ALL the kids are standing around me, hitting each other, crying, and begging to be entertained by expensive outings to museums…


    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931822

    and i am probablly a horrible mother that I think its all funny.

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931820

    well agreed BTGuy,

    No Goq, you are reading into this wrong. My husband fortunately has never called me a bad thing,and … especially NOT turtle!

    yes i was just reading that rabbi avigdor miller was saying the best “teshuva ” is while eating watermelon.

    in reply to: CHANUKAH QUESTION: #912606

    nitpicker, actually many many many chassidishe niggunim are based from old Eastern Eurpean military marches or songs. (From what I have heard)I actually wasn’t in their military.

    in reply to: In-grown toenails URGENT ADVISE PLEASE #838177

    I have only had to have a doctor rip off the toe nail for infected ingrown toenails a few times, usually, I soak it for a bit in hot water, then clean and pry around it with manicure scissors. Then cut straight down at the side, and remove with tweezers. Works very well. No scrubs necessary. But never have any one else do this for you say like a good meaning husband, because you will scream and kick.

    in reply to: In-grown toenails URGENT ADVISE PLEASE #838163

    oh do lighten up a bit YW Moderator 72.

    Its not by pass surgery!

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858374

    ooooh, popa, I see you like to live on the edge. That story gives me shivers. How could you???

    Well…I can one up you. I drink milk past the expiry date. How’s that?

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #838004

    Actually in the book I am reading on CBT by Dr. David Burns “The feeling good handbook” which is like the second most recommended book by psychiatrists to their patients on a reading list out of 1,000 most recommended books…. He says that once in Boston or some place around there, he was at a convention with pharmaceutical companies and their representatives and doctors and there was a pharmaceutical salesman who said a joke off the record that their policy is “Don’t ask- don’t tell” when it comes to side effects off some of the psychotropic drugs. And that means that sure there are known seide effects, but its better not to relate that information if they are not anyways asking you about it.

    in reply to: Please don't make this mistake on Chanuka! #836039

    Look, I didn’t choose to call this “inspirational” on my own. *eyeroll*

    This is how I received the email. They call it daily inspirational quotes. If the message is a warning, then maybe you can sue them for false advertising. (laugh)

    in reply to: kashrus horror stories (2 help us realize the severity) #836528

    dvorak, and what do we learn from the above mentioned story, which you shared?

    NEVER EVER LET YOUR GOYTER WORK IN YOUR KITCHEN!!!! you are taking a major risk. Don’t fool yourself. Is it worth it just for a bit of housekeeping?

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #838001

    I know and agree with Health that the doctors job is to help, heal, and prescribe medication that will do just that.

    So I am not really upset and blaming the doctor. I am thankful that they are there, and thankful for the man who invented SSRI’s. But I just want people out there to know the actual dangers of getting hooked on them, because there can be serious side effects of trying to get off them. In other words, unless you are severely depressed or OCD or severly disabled by anxiety disorders, please reconsider popping that pill when you could otherwise heal thy self by proper exercise, and self improvement books like “the feeling good handbook” based on CBT techniques.

    I during the course of SSRI treatment was so in love with it, I thought “my goodness, is life really suppose to be this smooth a flow?” However, it comes with a high price.

    DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE!!! …and never blame the doctors.

    I love physicians. I wish I had have become one. But they DO NOT TELL YOU EVERYTHING…neither do the pharm.companies.

    in reply to: Please daven urgently for a 11 day old baby in Hospital #835760

    beautiful! glad to hear. Refuah SHalayma. I said her name when I lit friday night.

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910922

    all depends on how “Frum” you want to be. Most ultra orthodox would not mix a seuda/party. When we have guests, I make a separate table in the kitchen for the women.

    IT is better, no doubt. You are putting up fences where the yetzer hara is trying to get in. And thats good.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837981

    I agree charles short. I want to say with tears in my eyes sorrowfully, and sentimentally “Good bye zoloft, its been the best 2 weeks of my life, that I can remember in a long time”….


    BUt seriously, there is too high a price to pay.

    aries, pleae put up the link or tell us how to google it.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837974

    exactly oomis. My “down mood” for example is treatable by diet, exercise and CTB. BUt the “lazy route” is take pills. BUt as you said it can “actually kill a patient”. People need to be more aware of this.

    in reply to: nose job #835641

    lolkatz, and look who is phishing asking about who is phishing!

    Did you think they were personal questions directed at you? LOL

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837972

    Nechamah, “I’m not sure how you phrased your conversation with her, but it could have sounded like you just wanted to be handed over to a specialist in these matters and that’s what your doctor did for you. ” (your statment)

    I DID WANT TO BE IN THE HANDS OF A SPECIALIST FOR MOODS AND DEPRESSION TO ASSESS ME!!!! thats not the problem. I was only saying that fact to aries who had said something irrelevant.

    My problem is that I would rather ‘work on myself’ meaning, eating the right foods, thinking the right thoughts, and exercising unless chas v’shulem I was like major depressive and severly unable to cope or something. I don’t think what I had called for medication.

    And this brings me back to the first opening title of this thread. How common is it amongst frum women? Are we over using this medication? In your opinion is just about everyone on it?

    Its like anti biotics right? Sure its necessary. Sure it cures. Sure it helps. But when is it being prescribed? How often administered? TOo much? Too much prescribing? Could the infection be treated with oil of oregano? LOL

    in reply to: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll #839151

    Where are the “mods” during all this discussion. They haven’t come to disclaim anything.

    in reply to: nose job #835633

    what means phishing?

    in reply to: The CR Band – Who Plays What? #837839

    i played piano, trumpet and violin. But dont ask me to perform now!!! That was years ago@!

    in reply to: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll #839135

    thats weird. maybe he wants to become religious.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837964

    oh, did I mention that when I called the psychiatrist and mentioned all of the above side effects of going off of zoloft she denied it! I think thats what bothers me the most. Its like if there are facts not researched and documented the way they like then it doesn’t exist. She said that its only if it were discontinued cold turkey. But its a bunch of baloney. Google it and see how many websites there are comments from people who have either gradually stopped using, by reducing the dose over time, and yet still have had the effects. These are the words coming from the users’ mouths. Not a text book theorist.

    And not from the companies and professionals’ mouths, who are out to make money off of it.

    For example, a few people mentioned in their comments how despite having been off of it for 3 months or more they still are having their limbs flinch spontaneously every once in a while. Other disturbing reports I read were that one could no longer experience emotions of sadness or crying, even when it would have been appropriate. He called it feeling like a zombie.

    In other words, people who might take this, may not otherwise EVEN TRY to start taking this IF THEY WERE fully aware of these dangers.

    I thank Hashem in HIS kindness and goodness that HE led me to this information in order to help me help myself find a less dangerous way to do so! And the purpose of this thread is to enlighten anyone thinking of starting anti depressants. See if there is another way you can go first.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837961

    One other valid point is that this Zoloft business can completely mess one up sexually and cause arousal disorder. This is a signifcant part of the brain! Again, it can last for months, years, or sometimes indefinitely after the discontinuation of SSRIs. My point is that one should be well informed about this. I was not. Do I really want to possibly change the structure and function of my brain? No, thanks.

    If you remember — in the 1950’s there was a pandemic of mothers taking barbituates or let’s call it an epidemic of doctors over prescribing in order to help them cope. THe rock band the Rolling Stones wrote a song called “Mothers little helper” regarding this phenomena. Here are the lyrics :

    What a drag it is getting old

    “Kids are different today,”

    I hear ev’ry mother say

    Mother needs something today to calm her down

    And though she’s not really ill

    There’s a little yellow pill

    She goes running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper

    And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day

    “Things are different today,”

    I hear ev’ry mother say

    Cooking fresh food for a husband’s just a drag

    So she buys an instant cake and she burns her frozen steak

    And goes running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper

    And two help her on her way, get her through her busy day

    Doctor please, some more of these

    Outside the door, she took four more

    What a drag it is getting old

    “Men just aren’t the same today”

    I hear ev’ry mother say

    They just don’t appreciate that you get tired

    They’re so hard to satisfy, You can tranquilize your mind

    So go running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper

    And four help you through the night, help to minimize your plight

    Doctor please, some more of these

    Outside the door, she took four more

    What a drag it is getting old

    “Life’s just much too hard today,”

    I hear ev’ry mother say

    The pusuit of happiness just seems a bore

    And if you take more of those, you will get an overdose

    No more running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper

    They just helped you on your way, through your busy dying day

    Notice the last line “Dying day”. I feel on these drugs we are very possiblyl digging our own graves by tranquilizing ourselves.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837959

    Thank you YOu have asked the question to which the answer is the issue I am trying to bring light to. I am raising the point that after meeting with the psychiatrist she obviously was very familiar with my chassidish community and culture. She herself is Jewish. She knew what names of dayonim I might be using. When I came away from the appointment, a friend told me on the phone that most women here in our quarter ARE already using that drug I just started. SHe herself is involved in the community and knows through her sisters and friends that its becoming an issue.

    This is why i have an opinion its being over prescribed for starters. And the fact its a 5 million dollar a yr industry in North America could be another clue.

    Aries, if my response sounded annoyed or harshly toned its nothing personal except that you’re the person behind your comments, whom I was directing my response to. The fact is that where you were going with your point that “its all my fault for taking a med without contacting the family doc or some ob/gyn” is utterly ridiculous. As I have pointed out to you that its the area of expertise for a psychiatrist. And no other doctor would refute that and give me their medical opinion behind their medical peers’ back.

    And i understand that we have to be our own advocates, as patients, asking questions and doing our own research but at the end of the day, the professionals are the professionals and they have to assume responsibility for the patient’s treatment and evaluation. I cannot be expected to guide and “educate” doctors as to what I better need. And then hope to find a solution on my terms.

    I expect to tell my problem and symtoms to the doctor and they make a judgment. thats what i did and I got drugged with a potentially very dangerous drug that can trap someone once they want to attempt coming off.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837952

    Besides, aries, the whole point of me writing this thread is to bring the awareness to the unbeknownst dangers of certain medications. And to make an informed choice before just succumbing to a potentional drug dependancy in order to avoid discontination syndrome.

    The fact is that until your post starting with “For all you arm chair psychiatriats out there”…there was no discussion on the qualifications of doctors.

    That is not what I am challenging. I am not contesting wHether it is an ob/gyn or psychiatrist who is MORE qualified to make diagnosises. Again this is about the dangers of zoloft. And the over prescribing done just because some one had a bad day.

    in reply to: Is every other Woman on Zoloft? #837951

    Aries, although my intuition is to let this go because I can see who I am arguing with, and your blah blah… let me set you straight.

    YOu asked me (quote on quote- but I can’t italicize it) “If your Psychiatrist is new to you, why would you just assume that it is OK to take meds without discussing it with your MD or GYN or the doctor you trust the most?”

    So I responded “when your ob/gyn sends you to postpartum psych you don’t go back to the OB/GYN to get her opinion as to whether or not you actually need the psych’s prescription.

    That is not the OB/GYN’s expertise.

    I mean that should be obvious. Isn’t it. I realize you may have just been blowing hot air but now you are coming back with if the ob/gyn felt I needed it, then….blah blah blah.

    The OB/GYN didn’t feel I needed anything. It was me who called her and told her that I am feeling down after a baby and whatever else was going on. She said if you’d like I will give you a referral to so and so. She doesn’t even know what came of the whole thing. Why would I turn back to an obstetrician and say “Dear do you think I should take anti-depressants?”

    I never even saw the OB/GYN. Her job is to hear the patient’s concerns and take action by referring people for evaluation if they are interested in helping themselves. So I went straight to the psych’s appointment. Within minutes I had a drug prescription promising to cure my mood.

    Please think before you write anything else “Helpful”. I feel like I am talking to a 15 year old. Like playing “smart” when you are not.

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