always runs with scissors fast

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  • in reply to: Should We have a Yeshivah World Chatroom with instant Chat? #807751

    The only feature I wish they’d get in the CR is the option to vote on commentors comments. Like you could see the number of thumbs up or down. Or maybe not down, but at least you’d have the option of saying “Like” and that’d show others say all the members names who like that.

    in reply to: Never did I eat anything as delicious as Bamba hazelnut filling #806523

    guys, guys…guys! WHo did techias hamaysim to this post?

    I thought it was dead and gone, and that was ok with me, since I am on a strict strict diet called TLC (To learn COntrol!) and I will probablly never taste those little bamba babies again!

    Then i come in the CR and see this thread has been revived from the dead.

    Ok go ahead. eat them. it won’t make me jealous. boo hoo

    in reply to: learning vs working – which is harder? #806904

    i agree with the first post that mr taxman wrote however in answer to the op’s question it all depends on the way one does whatever he is doing.

    How does he learn? Does he take it seriously, or just hang around, drinking coffee, and shmoozing?

    How does he work? Does he just punch the clock and stand around waiting for lunch break, or does he actually take initiave and responsiblity in the work place?

    in reply to: Better Girls Than Boys?? #806736

    never even heard of him

    in reply to: Do you thank the Cow for the milk, also? #807197

    yeah ha leivi you got it. i agree

    in reply to: Better Girls Than Boys?? #806734

    Of course girls/ women/ females in general are more good compared to men. We are born with an innate sensitivity of morality, modesty and others’ feelings.

    We didn’t participate in the golden calf. We didn’t even hand over our jewellery. Women are less likely to step outside a marriage and cheat, in comparison to how often it happens amongst married men. We say each morning “sheasani kirtzoynoy” -Who has made me according HIS WILL.

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840690

    When I was a bales teshuva, I thought this practice (as described by the OP- of ignoring another Yid) must be normal amongst the heimishe because that was the way they welcomed me. I got stares, I got cold unsmiling faces staring at me in public, at parties, on the street, in the grocery store lines, but never a hello. I felt very sad and alone.

    Some even had the ill manners and chutzpah to whisper right in front of me, to one another about who and what I was.

    One of the only and very few women who did approach me in the shul shabbos did so only to inform me, by whispering in my ear after davening “You need to cover your sheital with a tichel”.

    After I had already been coming to shul for some time, I saw how they welcomed another stranger. SHe was obviously an Israeli, a new comer, she didn’t have a clue as to the halachas of tznius, she sat in Eliyhu Ha Navi’s beinkel in the Vobish, (since she didn’t know what it was for).

    After davening she was surrounded by a few yentas interrogating her as to who she was, and (what she was doing there). What made me sick and angry was afterwards, a conversation I overheard by some of the posh and snobby better ladies during the Kiddush. One was saying “Yes, but WHY would she COME here?”

    I mean, it is a shul isn’t it? It is after all G-d’s house isn’t it? I mean it is shabbos isn’t it? I mean she did say she was an out of towner, staying alone in a hostel, didn’t she? I mean we are all jews, aren’t we? OK…SO …whats her question again?

    Not one person invited her. Not one person even asked her to join the kiddush. They just do not know how to do it. THis culture has no idea of how to welcome a stranger. Its not a part of this culture. Even though we were once strangers in Mitzrayim.

    Although ok, don’t get me wrong, there are always just people with bad middos, and then there are those who absolutely step up and go the extra mile. Its just that its the exception and not the rule, which is the problem, and its also a problem that when they do act this way its very very disturbing.

    Let me not make it look that EVERYONE IS THE SAME. some folks were nice to me. Some tried to talk to me. But most stayed away.

    in reply to: disconnect and enjoy! #806357

    I just watched it with disbelief and utter regret. Today I spent 75% of the time on the computer and my children were left out in the living room to play. I kept thinking maybe I ought to go sit with them, read them a story, and pay them a little attention. Now the day is done, the children are in bed….OH !!! I think one may still be up in bed.! I will go get her out now, and read her a book!


    in reply to: disconnect and enjoy! #806356

    what is it called ? Disconnect and enjoy?

    in reply to: Dating Other Posters #1207758

    Regarding the OP’s point on Joseph, what does everyone in the CR have against Joseph. Judging from the one or two interactions I had in communication with this person in the CR, I personally saw no flaws, and in fact thought they were nice.

    It seems to me the story is that everyone accused him of having different alias, or screen names, and then ousted him.

    in reply to: Do you know families that do this? #805887

    WIY you are so funny….I do this! I am not fancy by ancestry or nature, but I will go get stressed out, even buying fancier linen napkins, or dishes if we have guests coming. But when we’re alone, I’ll even use plastic sometimes, and they way we conduct a tish…whoa, that’s another story.

    Anyways, I am getting very nervous, truth be told, because we’re im yirtze Hashem getting a new ideim. Son in law.

    I am like ready to scratch and revarnish our dining room chairs and reupholster just to keep up with looking like mentchim or the rosenbergs (who are they anyways?)

    But that is what it is. People don’t like being low, people worry what others are thinking, if they are being judged, People like to look like the better class. And if you aren’t that way naturally, then at least pretend to be and put up an act when others peek inside your house.

    By the way are you male ? Because that would explain why you have no clue how sensitive this issue is to most balebatish women. My husband also talks like this. He would agree with you 100%.

    But thats the name of the game. Look balebatish even if you aren’t by nature.

    in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805799

    metrodriver you sound skeptical. Maybe these “occurences” always happen not so loudly nor publicly because like all sacred, heilige things they involve the pious, and the modest. and in keeping in line with their natures they don’t reveal these secrets or miracles before the great skeptical public.

    Anyways, whose to say fish aren’t shy?

    in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808799

    But WIY where is Part 2?

    in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808798

    wow bombmaniac, you put it so well, re what you said :

    “…. anyone who doesnt really have any real responsibility cant possibly appreciate judaism as it should be appreciated because they havent lived life yet. to them its just like you said “a bunch of nos” because what else are they doing? the “rules” arent appreciated because the person cant possibly understand how or why they apply…basically the more experience one has with life teh more appreciative they are of the so called “nos” because they realize their purpose. “”

    I certainly had my “experience” as a young 20 something year old. Floating around america, pretending to be a flower child, looking for love, community, freedom, urban communal living, and in the end, finding my soul in Judaism. I just turned myself over to Serve the Ribbono Shel Olam, after all wasn’t that what I was searching for?

    You really have a lot of depth of understanding of things.

    in reply to: Okay, So this is really bothering me #805310

    send a registered letter of official complaint to the govenor.

    in reply to: Okay, So this is really bothering me #805299

    i love Tide to GO!

    in reply to: Okay, So this is really bothering me #805297

    Toi, Toi, toi,,,you’re opening it way too fast. I seriously use to have this problem too. You just have to manipulate the foil or plastic top SLOWLY.

    in reply to: Random Question. Answer Honestly Please. #804681

    deiyezooger, I am usually angry upon wakening. When I return to reality, where the mess is, kids are screaming and crying, we’re late for the bus, laundry, cooking, shopping, banking, chicken soups to cook, pack up and freeze, ironing, cleaning the bathrooms, mess everywhere you look. Kids have turned everything over from room to room.

    I try to daven a few words for help, before saying modeh ani.

    in reply to: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story #819722

    I feel happiest definately has an obligation warn anyone who may be a future victim of the abuser. In other words, if there is a chance this abuser may lure others into a vulnerable situation, or if an unknowing person gets involved with them, and is therefore vulnerable and at risk …Happiest ought to warn them.

    in reply to: Random Question. Answer Honestly Please. #804678

    I would be angry at myself for having asked them to do, while the cold water is running down my face disturbing my sweet dreams, dreaming that I had just won the lottery.

    But no, after getting initially “annoyed”- if it was important i wake up then I’d be thankful I asked them to do it, and that they’d done it for me.

    in reply to: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story #819711

    Sorry, happiest I missed out on what you shared with the CR on your past. May I ask you directly? Were you a victim of S..A? (molestation?) at the hands of a community authority?

    in reply to: help!!!!!!!!!! #805253

    Bombmaniac, I know you’re strong enough with yourself that you don’t need my 2cents or approval, however I just want to tell you that me and my husband read your story above about what you did to defend yourself against your mother’s violent attacks,and we believe you did the right thing. I am sure it was uncomfortable for you to do it.

    I want to tell you that one technique I have implemented in my healing is what we call


    R=realize/recognize (the situation for what it was)

    A=accept it happened

    H=heal, and move on. Throw it all overboard and don’t look back.

    I grew up with a antisocial, angry, violent, emotional abusive mother also. On one hand she was sometimes nice, and exceptionally loving and sincere. And then she would turn…

    I heard once from a professor in a course in psychology I took in college that this is the worse form of abuse. To be sometimes nice and sometimes not. Its like a dog that is sometimes approachable and sometimes snaps and attacks.

    Its psychologically damaging!

    The moment I shut the door on my mother, (psychologically & emotionally) I finally felt safe. Its sad but this is the way it has to be. I will not tolerate her abuse any longer, either.

    in reply to: help!!!!!!!!!! #805251

    I agree with bombmaniac that she should disconnect emotionally, HOWEVER its nearly impossible living within close proximity to the mother never mind IN The same house! THerefore, it is my expert opinion that everyone who has to escape abuse and rebuild their life should be physically distanced from the abuser.

    She must and should get out of her mothers house. She can find someone else to live with. AS long as she remains in there she will be a vunerable victim just as she has been her whole life.

    She must start a new beginning.

    FIrst thing that she is responsible to do though would be to recognize the gravity and severity of the effects of the abuse and emotional debilitation its causing her. Then when she realizes something must change, she should reach out to an older mentor who can help her find a solution. The ONLY solution is to move out. Move to another house to live in.

    in reply to: NEED YOUR TFILOS #828150


    in reply to: help!!!!!!!!!! #805246

    Bombmanic, I agree with you 100% that a victim MUST cut off from the abuser –

    i cut off from my mother b/c of her seeming mental illness (although it is well hidden & never been diagnosed)…

    I stopped the relationship 10 yrs ago. and i feel finally safe ,secure & stable.

    there are moments i miss her & remember…but i do not regret my decision

    in reply to: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story #819691

    I commend you Middlepath on your overcoming hardships you’ve been dealt in life. I am happy for you. And I am also sorry for what you suffered.

    I too, have had not an easy life. I cannot share it in detail, but suffice it to say it was sad and hard from childhood in many ways, from which I am still healing.

    One very nice approach/ technique called





    I am still stuck at the acceptance part, as I find it hurtful to my personal self respect and dignity to “accept”. But I am working on it. THen I will be able to fully heal.

    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS! #802465

    I actually think there are a number of non religious apikorus type dudes in the CR, telling from their comments.

    in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802764

    I really agree with what Joseph613 wrote as his comment to the YWN news :

    in reply to: Anyone currently posting in Brooklyn? What's the hurricane situation? #804725

    lol CR1, I hope you’re joking right?

    in reply to: Not trying to offend anybody but are you for real?! #802445

    well sometimes people feel isolated and depressed, too desolate to even turn to Rabbonim or a Rav. This way, in their own little deserted worlds they can reach out to other yiddisher neshamas, who have advice, or a gift of compassion in words.

    But I agree, that the best course of action would be to ask your rav, or dayan for advice

    in reply to: About ice cream trucks I do shudder #962721

    You know what??? You just brought back a memory I have of a “crooked ice cream truck” experience. Once when I was 6 years old, an ice cream truck pulled up to our school way way after all the children should have and woudl have already gone home, however there are always a few straglers following behind. So this ice cream truck was parked in front of my mother’s car, and I was asking her if we could get one. and she told me there is something suspicious about that man because she saw him do something twisted to that kid’s arm or hand. I suppose when he reached for his ice cream he did something to him. But isn’t that weird that the ice cream man targeted an abandoned school yard, selling ice cream? WOuldn’t it have made sense from a business point of view to target a herd of children leaving the premises on that hot day to make more profit?

    Could be that he was indeed sinister.

    Just for old times sake:

    Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang,

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    We love you.

    And, in

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    What we’ll do.

    Near, far, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we’ll spend.

    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Our fine four fendered friend.

    in reply to: Helping Fat People Lose Weight #801977

    I cannot believe no one here has mentioned TLC. To Learn COntrol. Its the biggest and most popular program around the Heimishe Community. Ask any ladies from Monroe, to boro park to WIlliamsburg. I am also on it. I love it. ITs a very technical and strict program. You must weigh every ounce going into your mouth. But its worth it. I am losing, and hang in there, i’ll get back to you and let you know when I’m at my ideal body weight. WIth Aibishter’s help.

    Find a chapter in your neighborhood today!

    in reply to: Who is your favorite member, responding to threads? #807049

    yeah where is he lately by the way?

    in reply to: About ice cream trucks I do shudder #962720

    laughing my head off @ the OP!!!! yeah i could see what ya mean but….its all innocent

    in reply to: Does anyone know the answer to this question? #802180

    yeshivaguy I know its a kzayis. WHat I meant is HOW MUCH DOES a KAZAIS weigh?

    in reply to: Who is your favorite member, responding to threads? #807035

    mdd, WIY, the Wolf.

    and urusla mommish is funny.

    And what was the guy’s name who started the debate between MO and UO? He is smart.

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802637

    I don’t know that the issue is which gadol said its assur. But this conversation leaked into how there ought to be a stem of sensitivity towards avoiding the like as a refined yid.

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802634

    bein_hasdorim: YOU WROTE

    “”I especially feel goyish eating a slice of Pizza, Totally Goyishe.PIZZA It sounds like Pritzus. “”

    Actually I heard from a Rebbetzin once, that IT IS a shaila from kashrus when we’re talking about something like sushi (even under hechieris) because it looks like the goyims.

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801789

    Not true. This sounds like a non Torah, secular perspective. In fact a man is only complete with his helpmate. The finding his wife is a completion to his soul.

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801787

    did anyone notice that the OP never responded or posted here again, after everyone scared him with his spelling sins?

    in reply to: sunglasses are not tznius?! #802620

    I hate sunglasses poised on top of a woman’s head, or shall we say her sheital! IT looks ridiculous. C’mon just be a Yid, why do you have to try to style your look after the goyisher velt?

    I saw a lady working in a boutique the other day, and she was wearing her sunglasses in the shop , ontop of her sheital. Like believe me, it was not too sunny in this little children’s store!


    However, I do like the look of sunglasses. Even to look cool. Even though I know we’re not suppose to.

    in reply to: Figs #806973

    emlf can you please clarify what you mean by bug eating issurim being 4? I do not understand.

    in reply to: Figs #806967

    Sam2 you should be aware however, that although the article in the Hamodia revealed photos of worms found in dried figs, by illuminating them through the use of a magnifying glass, these worms would have anyways been visible to the human eye. THey were only trying to enlarge them with the magnifying glass.

    ITs only a microscope that would present bugs not visible to the human eye.

    mdd – were you serious that I am asking good kashos? or making a tumul of nothing?

    in reply to: Figs #806960

    wow are you sure Sam2? I didn’t know that. BUt then why would they have made an issue of this? And what would be rabbonim’s problem with strawberries ?

    in reply to: Figs #806956

    I once saw a very large extensive article in the Hamodia erev Tu B’shvat written about figs and the like, and it showed just HOW infested figs truly are (DRIED ONES THAT IS) by examination under a magnifying glass. IT was gross. Basically its impossible to eat them.

    I eat dried dates from Iran. Never buy dried dates from anywhere else especially turkey or algeria THEY ARE INFESTED.

    in reply to: Missionary church in town of South Fallsburg! #800439

    Someone is probablly going to take care of that with spray paint one day.

    in reply to: is marring hard ? #801763

    I liked WIY’s post. I always thought he has nice middos and is a real mentch! Thank you for saying what had to be said!

    in reply to: Sefardic fathers vs. Ashkenazi fathers #800103

    You know what? ITs funny but ever since writing this….I have noticed a dramatic change in my perception. Let me explain..

    My kids are leibedig and know how to manipulate me. Lately I have started noticing how under control my husband seems to manage them. I have grown in the last few days to come to respect some of the way he is “Different” than my father because of this.

    I told my husband shabbos, I like your way of making them control themselves.

    in reply to: Do you remember when….. #800984

    Ms. Critique I think you are in your 60’s?

    in reply to: "wiggers" #800300

    Sheitals are treif.

    The “Kosher ” European Human hair ones are the biggest treif.

    There is no way anyone can over see the inspection of this product from beginning to end. And this “European hair” is really actually the same stuff from India, same as before, but they can get away with calling it European hair because its imported and sold to Europe first.

    Think. Have you EVER heard of european women growing their hair long in order to make a few dollars and sell/manufacture a wig here or there? THEY DO NOT!

    In other words the same Avoda Zara group of people in the temples are still making big money off our gorgeous addiction to wigs.

    And to prove it, I can tell you a story first hand. My husband has sri lankens and indians in his factory and off topic one day, he just asks one of them…”Hey have you ever heard of this…selling the women’s hair for wigs”?

    and the man answered “Sure its a big custom, sure we offer it to our g-ds in our temple and then they make wigs for your community, thats how ‘your people’ finance our temples.”.

    Do you think Rabbonim and the like cannot hear this? And could they do anything about it?

    The Satmar Rebbe was against sheitals.

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