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  • in reply to: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!! #2181329

    P, a great idea to have chatGPT support Torah learners, but I would not bet those winning numbers.

    chatGPT so far showed great ability to converse like a human, but not a great ability to reason. A journalist asked it to write an essay why people like AI bots, and the essay was very persuasive including a reference to Pew research poll that confirmed how people like bots. The only problem was – the poll was made up, did not exist.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180946

    Modern, I agree that Biden in general responded to Russian aggression in the right direction. He is no Alger Hiss… one can argue about effectiveness of his specific policies. I think these are mostly to his advisors relying on their academic wisdom and not having enough real life exposure. It was easily seen in Afghanistan withdrawal. Nobody was dismissed and same chachamim continued. Their theory that they should gently warn Putin so that he knows if he continues, thete will be more responses- similarly failed as it was interpreted as bluff. Would puRussia stop if we have given Ukrainian Himars and planes in January 2022? I don’t know but it made sense to try

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180948

    Modern, please try to separate facts from your biases to have a meaningful discussion. To claim that Trumps call to increase NATO funding was a plot to undermine is not even worthy to be published by pravda

    in reply to: Sefira Reminders #2180950

    It is sort of unappreciated that we all do the same count – chasidim, misnagdim, moderni teymani, Sephardi. Improvement comparing with the time of tzedukim

    in reply to: ORANGE SOAP IN MIKVAS #2180949

    Polish seim issued health regulations for mikvaos in 1920s. Presumably they required soap but not red for commies or brown for nazis. Chofetz Chaim called to both lobby against the laws and also collect funds for mikva upgrades. So if Aguda did the upgrades, they would not use blue and white either. They tried black but old fashioned women didn’t associate it with tahora, so orange was the compromise and we can’t change the tradition since that.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180529

    Answer to my question above: Sweden

    in reply to: The Three Differences #2180233

    common, nobody has a tradition chasing cows of their goyishe neighbors for milking. for one, you will get arrested for trespassing and assault. At the same time, Pesach is supposed to be a yomtov when you eat yummy food and have seuda with others.

    How was it going during BM? Was your Pesach with matza and maror completely dry? Did you ask people on their gebroks minhagim before registering on the same animal? None of that is mentioned in Gemora as far as I recall. So, if yo would need to cut yor neder when Moschiach come, why not prepare a week early!?

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2180232

    Ok, so main conclusion is that unless people unite in their reading of the formulas the world will come to an end. This is because a theorem that says if you can prove that 1 = 2, then you can prove any false statement using valid operations (i.e. 1+1 = 2 + 1, 1*4 = 2*4, etc).

    What is the source of math? While people figured out counting and addition on their own (Noach – animals, Moshe – accounting for Mishkan), subtraction is already clearly min hashamayim – Avraham asks whether there will be 5 tzadikim less than 50, and Hashem teaches him that this is 45.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2180231

    this case apparently includes claims that writing personal checks is business records; that overpaying taxes is an offense against the state; that federal elections are the state matter; that not letting people negative information before election is fraud; and maybe more.

    this is a dangerous case for the Clintons. If this becomes settled law, Bill Clinton will be charged rent for using White House rooms as a motel; then for not declaring this income for tax purposes, and for lying to a federal investigation in order to preserve his political power and plan his wife’s federal election. Hillary will be charged for not paying damages for the lamp she threw into Bill as part of the concealment efforts, then for not reporting this to the news. Then, she will be charged with wiping her server with the cloth in order to win federal elections.

    All government guys who asked social media for a delay of NY Post publication about Hunter’s business deals will be charged in NYC for same election interference and will sing as a chorus.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180230

    modern, When did Biden suggest enlarging NATO, I missed that, pls clarify.

    On the other hand, Trump demanded from NATO members to increase their contributions (or else!) and for Germany to stop buying Russian gas. This is now achieved. I am sure your opinion is sincere based on the headlines you saw, without analyzing the articles. Maybe the dissonance between your opinion and the above-mentioned facts will help you clean up your information sources before Pesach.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180229

    mlbrklyn, Close but I don’t think so, as they are bordering other non-Nato countries (sitzerland – austria) and serbia some other yugoslavs.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2180113

    Gadol > While the issue has not been litigated

    Is it usual for the NYC DAs to pursue someone for “falsifying business records” while also testing issues that were not litigated? It looks like the Congress will be justified in arresting the prosecutor for “election interference” – trying to prosecute with unusual zeal of a candidate for federal election. Or, at least, this should be a good reason for a federal court to accept an appeal and the case to go to US Supreme Court?

    in reply to: The Three Differences #2180072

    common: > utilization, for people who dont eat gebroks matza has a much lower utilization use.

    this should be a petach to cancel the gebrocht neder, as your ancestors might not have known that

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180071

    another quiz: there is now a country that is surrounded from almost everywhere by NATO countries. Which one is that and what are they going to do about it !?

    in reply to: The Three Differences #2179905

    difference #1 teachers you being smart and honest is better the opposite:
    you can earn a good living selling high-priced matzah for known shiur instead of selling cheap popcorn in large packages that really contain less of it.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2179904

    ok, I concede it was a theatrical phrase. Change from the “most acquitted” to the “most investigated” in a wider sense of this word. And it worked well for T – when he was in politics, he knew that everything could, and would, be used against him.

    Do we have other presidents, whose phone calls with world leaders were leaked because some staffer listening on did not like the turn of a phrase? If they were, they would have been better presidents. I am more surprised that no significant dirt was found in his (and his father’s) previous real estate businesses before he became a politician. As an example, some people here compare allegations against T’s and B’s children. Whatever they are, T’s kids run legit businesses, where something might have been, theoretically, improper, while B’s kid got paid by shady companies from our adversaries without any business expertise.

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2179900

    Maybe, due to the lack of the multiplication sign, the answer is – incorrect syntax?

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #2179871

    Avira, thanks for clarifying the water non resistance! You just can’t trust internets any more!

    Is it ok to keep the black hat in shul together with the talles & tefillin during rainy season? Or is it a financial risk? Some might learn not to worry about a stolen hat from a kal vahomer with the tefillin, but it is not so – as stealing tefilin is a bigger aveira, no “frum bochur” will dare, and also harder to resell! (I am channeling Rav Yehuda – a need for a convoy for Sotah v Niddah).

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2179872

    Sorry for interrupting a learned discussion, but I am yet to know of a moschihist or of a misnaged who changed their opinion based on the new reading of rishonim. Do you?

    R Salanter was once confronted by a maskil in an inn. A debate was suggested, so Rav took off his jacket and suggested that the loser put on the other’s jacket (traditional v modern). When the maskil refused, Rav said there is no point in a debate where the person is not ready to follow up on the results.

    So, maybe, we should compete on who has more people at his seder, or how many Yidden one taought Torah or who makes better cholent.

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #2179733

    huju > do not put a plastic bag on your black hat to protect it. Black felt is naturally water-resistant and will be fine when the rain stops.

    Is it so? Seems like most people are not aware, or maybe want to project that they care about their heilike hats.

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #2179732

    Gadol, maybe – and I – are confused because we are throwback to the previous generation! Not as far as Rishonim, but maybe 100+ years.

    So – for us – wearing a black hat means dressing like a Talmid Chacham, Slobodka Rosh Yeshiva, etc – and the requirement is to behave accordingly, which is a tall order, and we both humbly do not pretend.

    for the current kids, when the hats are in fashion for several generation, they are dressing like their high school Rebbe, their older brothers, and customers at Lakewood Pizza+. So, they legitimately strive to that level and do not understand our kvetching.

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #2179729

    yeshivish, a fair question. I did – for a short time period, but then I went to study and work and got myself a heating system taht R Zusya did not have. So, I got upset when I realized that I will not be able to answer the question – “why I was not like Zusya” but, of course, I then realized that the harder question would be “why I was not Always Asking Questions”, so I am working on this here. Get it?

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2179726

    facts – Trump by now is the most acquitted person in this country. Is it normal to have so many investigations, audits, special councils, impeachments for one guy – with minimal results (so far)? I would not have been surprised for a lot of misconduct to be found given types of businesses Trump is involved in, and was pleasantly surprised when not much was found so far.

    One outcome of this process that political offices will be even more restricted to people who spent their life collecting public salaries, as anyone involved in business would not want to be treated this way. Even Mitt Romney who apparently did not have any shady deals was painted as a greedy capitalist who “did not build that”.

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2179725

    if you _really_ not sure of the answer – copy it into google

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2179724

    you can also take a practice SAT (math or English) on khanacademy and post your result here if you want the kavod when you correct others.

    in reply to: Elementary Mathematical Equation #2179463

    why not start with an easier challenge: simply find the smallest positive integer solution of x^n + y^n + z^n for n>2? I think I saw an answer on the margins of some old sefer, but can’t locate it right now.

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #2179451

    > Therefore I wear it since I want to identify with that group of people.

    So, following r Zusya, I identify as myself, so I wear the same hat as myself. Hope you too.

    in reply to: Bulk price… Increase? #2179450

    Mida k’neged mida: the deal is punishing those who did not do rithmetic by making them buy more of this not healthy stuff.

    My family has the tradition from Hungarian shtetl to never drink Coke on Pesach because of hashash that goyim put treife sugar substitute.

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2179449

    whatever the faults Israeli Ashkenazim (both anti- and religious) had during arrival of Sephardim, I don’t think it is true that Sephardim are doing better in USA. Just because there is a strong insular Syrian community in NYC, does not mean that there are no others who assimilated. And many Sephardim in Israel stayed “traditional” – not necessarily 100% observant or leatn but respectful of their religion. This is probably further true for a similar number of Russians who came with no Jewish background and assimilated/intermarried to higher degree in USA.

    GadolHadofi, sounds like CS was suing someone and got a reshus from his buddy at beis din that he is embarrassed to defend and feels like will not be upheld by others, so he does not want to mislead me and directs me to the LOR.

    in reply to: Full service gas during a labor shortage #2178916

    @fake, there are several things one might learn at an entry-level job: learn to be responsible for his actions; keep his middos in check; coming and leaving on time; being honest in financial matters; become motivated to go learn a skill to get a better job.

    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178888

    midwesterner > But you will me mal’ig a significant chazal due to lack of empirical evidence?

    Chazal often uprooted/disproved other chazal when there was an evidence that previous policies failed (different ways of organizing schools, for example). It is legitimate to _suggest_ that certain takonos can not be changed as we do not have courts as great as before, but claiming that chazal do not care about evidence s is lashon hara on chazal.

    Not that GH brought any evidence, I tried to substantiate his claim, see ^

    in reply to: Full service gas during a labor shortage #2178611

    This is great news for those who want to support their learning. Take a job at the gas station and continue learning. A perfect job, does not take up your mind much beyond counting cash and watching the pump. Perfrect for Torah she b’al pe. Furthermore, if you take this job in Lakewood, you can speak with your customers in learning and get hevrusa and tips!

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2178608

    besalel, in my version of the joke is that Rav suggested that Moschiach will take them to EY away from the kozaks, and the wife suggested that Moschiach take Kozaks to EY while they can stay with the inn and the farm..

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178607

    Talmidei chachamim merabim shalom… Religious community was on a defensive from secularism for a long time. As they are stronger now, they should think how to approach their brothers with wisdom and patience and correct things so that more people are happy about that. Do I know how to get there? I don’t.

    in reply to: Mi Shebeirach for Israel and the Soldiers #2178612

    I have different sidurim from my family: one has a misheberach for Franz Jozef vemishpachto (by name), another for Nikolai Aleksandrovich vemishpachto. Clearly, it would not be possible to use both at the times when they were at war with each other! So, if we have those tefilos, it is probably OK to have tefilos for people who were freely elected by Yidden in EY.

    Read the tefilos carefully. We are not asking for a brocha for anything they choose to do, we are asking Hashem to give them chochma (that they might be lacking).

    in reply to: korbonos #2178090

    Moschiach will overrule all building permit limitations before doing any constructions. That is what Rambam means that life will be the same under Moschiach except the Jews will have no restrictions and zoning limitations. This way EY will easily accommodate all Yidden and everyone who will be hanging by a thread – by building like in Hong Kong.

    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178073

    ujm> wife’s brothers.
    you surely meant “your wives’ brothers”.

    I think checking specifically brothers is to see how _sons_ will grow – taking into account both genetics and educational style in the family. Yours sons will be raised early by your wife(s) and she inherited/learned her educational style from her/their mother(s) who raised the brother(s).

    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178072

    Insuring someone else’s brothers is of bad taste and Moris Ayn, as someone might think that you desire their misfortune in order to collect the Ensurance.

    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2178071

    Gadol > Why would the marital status of an older sister be relevant to a bochur’s interest in whether to date a girl?

    you need this to be spelled out?! As we see here, there are a lot of judgy people – in general, and even more so when going thru piles of resumes. So, if someone thinks that a girl should not go out before her sister is married, then seeing such a situation will lead them to toss the resume.

    Of course, if it is OK (by some opinions) to fudge a year, then making older sister 1 year younger, and younger sister older will often fix the problem (on paper).

    Also, does this apply to twins?

    in reply to: Et Tu #2178067

    Maybe Et tu relates to הֲרָצַחְתָּ וְגַם יָרָשְׁתָּ

    @fakenews, as I suggested several pages earlier, why not just learn a sefer or by heart. Where is a tzadik running?

    common, are you saying that because others are suing an Yid in a goyishe curt, beis din will let you join them? makes no sense to me. do you have references?

    in reply to: Flying to Israel #2178084

    Flying Al Italia (O’H) always ensured that you will daven with kavanah the whole way (and some extra time). A good chance, others were davening with you, so you can think you are in a minyan. I once enquired of Polish catholic stewardesses whether there is a place for davening and they said that the plane will definitely benefit from tefilos and cleared an area for me, and gave me extra raw carrots after that.

    in reply to: How to do teshuva for breaking shabbos? #2178077

    @fakenews, thanks for bringing high science to support my empirical observations. Generally, if you feel uncomfortable with something, it is always a good idea to try changing things gently. As Trump said it succinctly to Black voters “what do you have to lose”.

    in reply to: 2 shabboism initiative this week from Rimanov Rebbe #2178069

    Someone needs to get this campaign to the wilde demonstrators

    in reply to: Et Tu #2178068

    (Brutus being adopted son of Caeser)

    in reply to: Et Tu #2178066

    Romans were in England, so an Englishman can be addressed with “Et tu” on a chance he is a descendant of a Roman. Ditto, were non-Roman Jews.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2178064

    Amil, apparently great depression was a catalyst of children – who were first to become unemployed – to go to school as they had nothing else to do, leading to official recognition of “teenagers” as having their own status and privilege of not working.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2178065

    if someone is serious about gun violence prevention, they should propose a legislation that has something for all sides. Better background checks balanced by some perks to responsible guy owners, so that the other side does not feel that they are losing ground even on issues that they could accept on the merits. Unfortunately, like most debates, this one becomes a game of partisan advantage, so there is blood on all their hands.

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