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When Israel invited Gorbachev in 1992, Rush quipped – This is as Jews inviting Pharaoh after Exodus
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantGH: as more and more of the previously independent practices are bought out
Now you are complaining. “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” after he sells his office.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantMrs. Syag, trying my best!
More shiurim available online
Daf Yomi is better attended
Can eat during shiur
Can ask questions during shiur on mute without bothering anyone.
And google the answers yourself.
Kids are better behaving sue to lack of peer influence
Kids see me working and learning.
Kids now know that even mathematicians do not use pre-calculus. Can’t fool them anymore.
Can attend work meetings without travel.
Can attend multiple meetings simultaneously.Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI am dismayed that medical office assistants are projected to grow 19% next 2 years (with average job growth being 4%). I thought we just proved that millions of us are capable of making our own vaccine appointments over publix websites!
High costs of healthcare hides such inefficiencies as “only 10% of overall costs”, which may be as much as other countries spend on healthcare in general. Hopefully, recently introduced hospital price transparency combined with population zoomification will put pressure here, unless the “big guy” will reverse the “old guy” reforms
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantGlasses might be protective too. So (less seriously) is eating garlic.
One early statistic observation was a French observation that smokers are better than surviving Covid. This research did not age well. Presumably, observation can be explained as following: younger, generally healthier in general, smokers get hospitalized, and are more likely to survive.
Even latest Israeli research in Lancet – 99% reduction in difficult cases, 85% reduction after first dose. This is among health-care workers, not elderly.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantCOVID revealed who your real friends are and unmasked those who do not care about others and pretended to be smart and learned.
This is decreasing demand for shaliach manot and freeing funds for matanot la evyonim.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantCOVID eradicated flu and probably other less successful viruses.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantDY >> You are too quick to assume you don’t have one.
this is, of course, a valid concern for all of us. I personally was involved in a couple of competitive intellectual pursuits over years, so I know what I don’t know reasonably well. As an illustration of me knowing my limitations, I realize that I can’t convince common sechel that I am not doing my halachik root canals – nor do I need to.
More generally, routine memorization of material will not give you an ability to know what you don’t know. One would hope that Talmud learning should give you some feeling what you can and what you can’t figure out. Maybe ask your own Questions and answers, and then go thru commentaries to see if you made a mistake…
Another story (with the same Rav): he gave a parsha dvar Torah on shabbat first to non-observant students, and then to observant. When he entered the second room, he would stand for a minute without saying a word. I knew that he typically discussed same issue that bothered him in multiple talks during the week. So, I asked him why he was pausing. Was it a trick to force listeners to quiet down? He admitted that the topic was the same, but he explained that he needs to re-work how he talks about it: students from Jewish schools were trained to listen, but he wanted them to first understand the problem and (sic!) start asking questions. So, he had to push them further.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> look at how fast he declared The Red State of Texas a Disaster area
Not trying to get in the middle of this bull fight, but Gov of Texas thanked Mr Biden “for partial approval” of his disaster request.
There is a first impression that Biden’s administration is very focused on creating perceptions. Repeated claims of “no vaccines”/”no plans” are unseemly. The federal effort seems to be directed solely to re-distribute does to the desired populations and “no plans” is simply used to justify the take over. First, this will generate ill will and takes focus away from trying to deal with the main problem. If there are any genuinely new ideas how to deal with the pandemic better, I may have missed it.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant@Daas, He’s saying that people don’t ask enough shailos in Choshen Mishpat.
To go deeper, our focus is not infinite. You will have priorities in what you are thinking/ doing/ learning/ davening about. This may be subconscious. As you just slipped above – “even Orach Chaim”. “Even”? Because it was earlier in your yeshiva curriculum? The way I see it, there is no “kal vehomer” here. Issues relating bein adam lehavero are harder by definition as
(a) there is generally no one answer as issue depends on people involved
(b) as every issue l’havero also have an aspect l’makom, you need to do it right once
(c) mistakes l’havero have to be forgiven by that person, and might be harder than being forgiven by Hashem !It may be that we, as a community, re-focused on mitzvot l’makom as a natural reaction to Reform, communists, etc to build a protective wall. This is like proverbial burns after jumping into the fire to save someone. Jumping was the right thing to do, but the burns are real and need to be addressed.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant@Daas, ok, glad that we are on the same page. I may have sharpened this issue too much to get my point across. I do ask Orech Chaim shailos when I have them.
@Common – also a fair point. I do ask experts on all of the above. Total probably comes to 5 max per year. This is reasonable. Disclosure: I did try on major appliances with a mixed success, but I learned a lot!
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantIs asking shailos always good? Can shailos be ever bad?
I saw a last year response from r Willig re:yeshiva contracts changing due to Covid – we are now dealing with dinei nefashot, dinei mamonot can wait, just keep money whether they are for now.
Once my Rav was giving a class on business ethics in halakha. He mentioned, inter alia, that Polish responsa had a lot to say about it, but then, I think from 17th century (possibly coinciding with economic decline of Poland as grain became less needed in the West) –
most of responsa became about kashrut of pots and pans and no more business ethics Q&As.So, we had a short conversation:
Me: So it is _your_ fault?
Rav: No, it is _your_ fault.Hope you can unpack this.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantDY >> Ironic considering your screen name
thanks for a good question!
I was just thinking today that I got a misleading name! AAQ does not stand for “always ask shailos”, it stands for “always ask kushios”.. .As R Steinsaltz ZT’L used to say – Eskimos have hundred synonyms for snow, Arabs – for sand, and Jews – for “question”.
So, AAQ stands for trying to analyze the issue deeply and with integrity, reducing noise and bias of preconceived opinions. You are trying to make into an opposite – only some “gedolim” are allowed to think, the rest should tremble (haredi?) to decide any simple issues. In this case, I am trying to show that your trembling somehow disappears for issues that affect well-being of people around you.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantSo, if you were the person hesitant to switch the light on, you would accept Rav’s rebuke, but you would not accept mine? Would you call the Rav to clarify?
same essay address a similar point: “An authority who allows himself to be consulted [when a life is in danger] is reprehensible, and he who consults him (rather than speedily acting to save the life in danger) is a murderer” (Tur, Orah Hayyim 328). Maimonides, that master of conciseness, deviated from his regular manner and treated this issue with great elaborateness… [Rav Soloveitchik, in the original, inserts the previous citation of
[AAQ: R Yosef Soloveichik was part of that story also – he was that sick kid]February 19, 2021 12:41 am at 12:41 am in reply to: Green Passport for Yeshivos in the U.S. #1949918Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantGH: (Moderna?) now being tested for younger age groups
I think they are. I am not sure how this test is being designed. I can see them testing for short-term safety. But how do you test for effectiveness given low disease rates? Either you need a huge group or maybe they are testing for some intermediate metrics, such as viral load?
Anyway, Israelis started vaccinating kids w/ medical issues without waiting for placebo-based testing. It looks more and more that real-life testing (with caution) is more effective way to get to the solution than FDA “golden standards”. It may have been OK at the beginning -Warp speed ensured that manufacturing was being set up during themonths of Phase 3, so there was no real delay. But now, there might be time to go with less-controlled tests. For those concerned, analyzing data from uncontrolled settings is still science. It has higher chance of error – but it compensates for ability to test more variations (dosage, for example) and more test cases.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantHe was using it as an example that the mitzvah of caring for human life overrides everything else.
He also quotes R Chaim Soloveichik who directed a person to add fire on shabbat for the doctor to better see a sick child when the doctor was reluctant to ask for it. The person hesitated, and R Chaim said that the person is both am haaretz and an apikoires …he leads to this thesis: One who makes light of the mandate of pikuach nefesh is not only making light of one isolated halacha. Rather, he is guilty of distorting and perverting the entire Torah. His flippancy depicts the laws of the Torah not, r”l, as “merciful, kind and just,” but as vengeful and vicious. It goes without saying that such a distortion constitutes a chillul Hashem….mischaracterizing our compliance with social distancing as a mere capitulation to the standards of outside entities had significant practical ramifications. The standards of all outside entities do not value life as absolutely as does the Torah. Tosafos (Yoma 85a) comment, “‘You shall live through them and not die due to them’ [means] that we must under no circumstances allow for the death of a Jewish person.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> People should ask their ONE rav and their ONE doctor.
this is not always true. Specifically, in a case of unknown entity like a new virus, it is prudent to ask multiple doctors and take into account the worst case. this is according to Rav Twersky above, some other poskim, and Dr. AAQ himself. If your Rabbi is making this mistake before paskenining, please explain it to him. Some local Rabbis here initially tried that – just call their friendly frum doctor form a well-known institution. This is still daas yahid.
February 18, 2021 9:54 pm at 9:54 pm in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949872Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantAll these are “first world problems”. How about – do we have a moral reason to vaccinate low-risk groups while there are hundreds of millions of high-risk people all over the world who will not get a vaccine for maybe years?
Should Jews at least make sure to help Jewish communities in 3rd world countries?
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantfor the laughs: our online school required flu vaccinations this year ….
We filed for a religious exemption – our religion does not allow even little risk of going to the medical office to get a vaccine from flu that is not happening this year in order not to infect other online students?!
PS please don’t ask me whether I asked a shaila about this!
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantQuoting a story from R Meir Twersky:
I heard the following story from my brother, Ha’Gaon Hakadosh Rav Moshe Twersky zt”l hy”d, who, in turn, heard it from Ha’Gaon Rav Gershon Zaks zt”l: There was once an emergency meeting of gedolim to discuss potential responses to a harsh, cruel governmental edict. The discussion continued through the day until it was almost sunset. One of the participants suggested that they should stop to daven Mincha. The Chafetz Chaim zt”l, astonished, lovingly reproached him: “Mincha ligt ihr offen kup?! Mincha is on your mind[8]?!” The importance and sanctity of tefilah (prayer) is indeed inestimable, and yet – in certain circumstances – it is forbidden to pray!
[8] Tur, Orach Chaim 93February 18, 2021 6:36 am at 6:36 am in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949547Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> CDC is jumping the gun by allowing vaccinated people to avoid quarantine even when exposed?
good question. Maybe they have numbers, or feeling pressure from politicians. When politicians say that “they will follow science”, they take responsibility from themselves but MIGHT be pressuring scientists behind the scenes.
Hopefully, this is a transient question: if vaccines decrease prevalence of the virus, then it will be easier for everyone.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantMrs Syag,
thanks for clarifying. I think we have a profound disagreement here – which questions are important and, further, where chumrot are applicable.It would be a bad pun to say that “nobody died” because I said 1 kaddish instead of 3. I obviously showed chesed to freezing people. The Rav did not correct me. so, how bad it could be.
You just can’t say the same about people not wearing masks, especially in the communities where so many older people died. “no shortage” of doctors is a strange reference. This illustrates that you are willing to approach this question in a much lighter way than question of liturgy. (Overwhelming majority of doctors tell people to wear masks. Re: rabbis, I quoted a psak above that one should not ask such Rabbis shailos, so it is a catch-22 here).
February 18, 2021 6:34 am at 6:34 am in reply to: Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes #1949543Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> All Ethiopians undergo geirus misofek. Why not all Russians?
Because Ethiopians went through hundreds of years of having their version of Yehadut. Russians started coming in the 70s – 60 years after Soviets destroyed religious life, or just 30 for those from Lithuania and Latvia. A competent beit din can figure out who is Jewish or not by talking to their grandparents.
FYI, when the student movement for Soviet Jewry was starting in US in the 60s, both Rabbis and Israeli government were not eager. R Feinstein, R Teitz, Lubavitch Rebbe all called for a quiter approach to a different degree, partly being afraid of Soviets, partly to protect their own quiet efforts. R Soloveichik, when asked by students, consulted Israeli government, and also suggested restrained, but later changed his mind, when he realized that he based his halachik ruling on false advise from Israelis – he asked them “what is best for Soviet Jews”, and they replied “what is best for Israel” (as they hoped for diplomacy with USSR).
You seem to be making a similar logical error – making conclusions about a group of Jews not based on what they are, but how it immediately affects you.
February 18, 2021 12:03 am at 12:03 am in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949527Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> how likely it is for someone who has been vaccinated to be contagious
again, preliminary results show that you are right. But opposite thinking goes as following: vaccine may prevent serious illness more than viral load. Then, vaccinated person will be walking around feeling healthy but possibly infect others, especially those with whom they are in prolonged contact, such as family. Just like children …
Even if the load reduction is confirmed, the question is – by how much. Would it be enough not to reduce other measures. And the main protection, of course – despite the threads online – is not the masks, but deciding where not to go.
February 18, 2021 12:01 am at 12:01 am in reply to: Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes #1949530Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantApparently, Bidenistas are canceling agreement with Mexico on preventing Central Americans move through their territory (which they did in lieu of paying for the wall, I guess). What is the justification? If I understand correctly, international laws on refugees say that they should apply to the first country they enter.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantMadeAliyah, my point is that we have different political parties claiming opposite things.
It just can’t be that closings are a left-wing thing in US and a right-wing thing in Israel.
It just can’t be that Trump’s pro-active approach to vaccine did not matter – and EU’s by-the-book approach failed because they were tardy.
The simplest explanation is that politicians use situation to attack their opponents. Usual thing in a democracy, but an unseemly one during a public emergency.And we do not need to join that.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> dont consult an expert.
I quoted bunch of opinions and ways I consulted, I did not see you quoting whom you are consulting regarding COVID behavior. I asked several times. Maybe I miss some, I apologize.
Still this is funny, as apparently you subscribe to Daas Torah and I do not (yes, I asked).
February 17, 2021 11:37 pm at 11:37 pm in reply to: Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes #1949514Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> in part to water down the rapidly growing Chareidi vote
such ahavat israel .. Or maybe to be sure that all Jews will come given how many mixed families were among them?
February 17, 2021 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949509Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantCharlie, glad to see someone working on this! If you are doing analysis, it got to be by a connected cluster, not just by zip code. People mostly communicate within their own group .. you can use maybe mobility data + estimate ethnicity from names to see if there are tighter cluster – maybe some indeed are 95% …
February 17, 2021 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949430Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantRaboisem, savlanut. Israel is producing the answers to all these questions. We should know clearly in 1-2 months.
There are preliminary studies saying that vaccinated people have lower load and thus decrease probability of infecting others.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> did you just read some opinions and made a decision
a good question – when do we need to ask, and whom? I heard and read enough questions about kaddish that I don’t see my situation as unique or risky. These questions do not seem to depend on the particular person, unless someone is uniquely OCD or disorganized …
I ask more often when the answer might differ depending who is asking.
For example, I asked questions when I had problems with schools. One confirmed that my kid is not a problem, a school is (by referring to his own experiences) and hoped it will work out. Another one encouraged me not to be afraid of doing online (which we were reluctant at that point). When COVID started, I sent info about online resources around, the Rav resent it to many other Rabbonim, vouching for me, so I presume he did not mind.
I also heard a question ask re:COVID – someone’s Rav was not careful about this – how one should relate to this Talmid Chacham? The answer was – you should still show him respect as to Talmid Chacham, but you should not ask him shailos.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantThe world seemingly went mad. Maybe it is a long asymptomatic COVID or a separate virus that Chinese or Russians sent at the same time. For some reason, when the country/world needs to come together, everyone is reducing public health problems to political arguments.
It is easy to see that most of them are wrong, as they all contradict each other. In US, wearing masks and closing businesses is considered liberal. In Israel, right-wing government tries to close and their lefty ‘partners” – to close. In US, some blame “lack of federal distribution” and say getting vaccine was easy. In Europe – many blame rigid centralized system for being behind US in getting vaccines. In Israel, being the highest vaccinated country in the world seemingly leads to yet another election…
February 17, 2021 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes #1949417Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI would not trust statistics quoted about illegal immigration one way or another. They are most likely propaganda. Many quotes say “immigrants have less crime”, for example, intentionally confuse legal and illegal immigrants. The other side often brings spectacular cases that may not be representative.
Legal immigration is much safer as people are to some degree vetted for their background and have known connections to people or companies in US. Congress should agree to the number we are willing to accept and stick with the numbers. If you want more, maybe organize private charity and sponsor more (may need some legislation also). Soviet Jews, arriving as refugees, were faring better in the communities that helped them directly, v. those that offloaded them to government services.
In extreme cases, like Syria, the most practical way to support refugees is to resettle most of them in nearby countries. Bringing 10,000 of them to US is taking focus away from the millions left behind.
February 17, 2021 6:42 pm at 6:42 pm in reply to: Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes #1949416Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI believe most new economic immigrants tend to vote for a party that provides more benefits.
Exception are political immigrants and refugees with prior experience of socialism: Cubans, Russians, East Europeans. Including Jews from those countries. Not sure where Chinese stand on this. Later on, some move to more conservative positions, but many stay behind (Reform Jews).
Eventually, it evens out, as most all voters are descendants of immigrants and the country is split 50-50 (in electoral results)Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantMiDvar Sheker Tirhok? Just buy tulips.
The difference between bitcoin and tulip is anonymity that is being used by criminals and terrorists, and countries headed by criminals and terrorists, to go around financial monitoring.
Will participation of more mainstream players change that? bring some regulation? Or simply make it harder to find criminals among larger population? I did not research that.
February 17, 2021 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949407Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantSyag >> covid run through more than 95% some of our shuls as well.
You sound weirdly proud of your aveiros. could you verify the 95% number?
Check how many people are in the hospital from your wider community – significantly less than before?
Note that making conclusions from a very small circle of neighbors may be misleading, you need to look at larger population. Virus comes and goes in clusters. So, there might be a time period
with no cases, and then suddenly a cluster.If the real number is 50% (this is Russia and Mexico level) and not 95%, then transmission will be reduced significantly, but not fully.
For a comparison, there was a recent conference organized by a world-known technology “futurist”, who gave PCR tests to those who wanted to attend in person. Despite that, there was a cluster of cases among attendees. Futurist apologized but seemingly is still believed to predict the future …
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantUjm AAQ: What can we learn from Vashti?
Why do Jews answer question with a question?
Who told you that?Maybe, it has a lesson for women, as they are obligated in reading the megillah more than the other parts of Torah?! Beware of your husband even when he is trying to prove that you are the most beautiful woman in the belt? One wrong word, one bad friend, and he is ready for the beauty pageant?
Btw, Trump wasn’t the first head of state to run beauty pageant, aheshverosh was. But Trump had more wives. Both have Jewish children
For balance to the misogyny above, pesachim quote another King on how to answer questions about the menu: ask the Queen, and everyone should follow that and not be demanding
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> That’s not a choice you get to make without a rav
I quoted already multiple opinions about being careful. And also opinions about one kaddish being sufficient. Maybe you can verbalize what exactly makes you so uncomfortable.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> That may mean the they are doing it lman sholam, not that its the way to do things,
Hey, you don’t know _our_ gabbi 🙂 He can just look … We do have open line of communication
>> I always ask a shaila in regards to Yiddishkiet and I don’t always like the answer but I do it anyway
We seem to differ in our definition of Yiddishkeit. I would rather be careful about not infecting people, rather than missing an extra kaddish.
on a related note of priorites, I saw a quick teshuva from R Willig some time last spring. Someone asked about payments for broken contracts. He answered – now we are doing just dinei nefashot, keep money where it is, we will deal with mamonot later.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> even though Vashti HaMalka was very pretty that Esther HaMalka was even prettier
That’s what he (the King) said …
We need to learn something from Vashti! Otherwise, it is not clear why she is in the Megillah, other than explaining why the King became single.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> ROFL China started this whole mess
mi hu haham? halomed mikol adam …
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantEveryone is talking about dangers. This is legit. Still, Hashem created all this devices that you could use … buy him a Chrombook, bolt it in the living room, and use it to learn divrei Torah and math.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantcommon, here is a more specific Q&A regarding number of kaddishim:
Q; May one sign-up to learn the same mesechta mishnayos in memory of two different people who recently died, and only learn it once or does he have to learn the mesechta twice? While R’ Moshe (IG”M Y”D 1:254) rules that by Kaddish at least one Kaddish daily must be recited for each individual niftar, I am not sure if this same concept applies by learning mishnayos. R’ Ephraim Glatt
Answer: Rav Willig- Kitzur Divrei Sofrim Perek 55:246-7 quotes the Ra’anach who says that one kaddish can be said for two people because the zichron can be for two people. Divrei Sofrim suggests that this leiniency is only when the kaddish is for a parent and then a second person is added on. When it comes to mishnayos, it is even more important to learn twice.Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantCtLawyer: thanks for claridying
re:old strange shuls. There is a shul in CT that, out of good intentions, has the word “shalom” printed on the pavement. I was confused as this is one of the Hashem’s names, and walked around just in case. The regulars, of course, have no problems with that.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> she backpaddled like crazy
Oh, I thought the issue was fully confirmed.
February 15, 2021 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm in reply to: Do Rep. actually have an impeachable case against K. Harris or it’s just air? #1948506Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantThe fastest route for Trunmp is to become President in 2023 is by running for Congress in 22.
Given that base shows up in midterms, his participation will ensure flipping the house and possibly a couple of Senate seats. He can then become the Speaker – 3rd in line to Presidency and impeach first Harris on insurrection and immediately after that Biden on corruption or 25th amendment. He can argue the case in the Senate as the impeachment manager. Bernie & K will be already mad at the centrist Biden by that time, so they’ll flip for the price of a couple of cabinet posts.Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> some shuls restrict to members only
“members only” is another issue. I am talking about travel/quarantine – whether they are covered by minyan or government rules. I know of lot of people, whether Jews or non-Jews, disregard them. This is how pandemic travels and evolves.
a WHO member says that he realized what quarantine is only when he was in China – they were taken from a side entrance from the plane to the hotel and were treated as biohazard.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantcommon >> this was done after consultation with a leading posek
First, thanks for the wonderful bank story. As the story clearly says – the lady asked for one kaddish for her husband, and one kaddish for someone else. It is obviously more zechuyot to say more.
I then consulted R Salanter. He let someone else be shaliach tzibur on his mother’s yohrtzeit and explained – my mother deserves that I do this mitzva (hesed to the other person) be done on this day. So, this establishes that hesed is not less a good thing for neshomah than extra davening.
As to permissibility of reducing davening – our minyan already skips upfront, and there are multiple teshuvot what canbe reduced that I can summarize as “you can skip, but make sure it still feels like davening”. This is definitely a case here.
On a simple level, shtika k’mode. Rabbi and gabbi heard me and did not correct. And they are quite capable of!
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant>> [river] Interestingly that is the law nowhere in the US
I learned this sugya very superficially, maybe others can contribute and we can understand equity in halakha. This issue will be pushed at us, whether we want it or not.
Re: Health, I think this is more aggressive than AA. This will now be measured systematically. there is now lively discussion in liberal media about every Biden’s department and whether there are enough people of each sub-class at every level. If this continue, I think Biden will just quit.
Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI think the question is a valid one during the pandemic. Even if this is a relatively little time, but it is extra time. Whether you are in an unsafe minyan inside, or at a safer minyan outside where people are exposed to elements. I am also often an only one saying kaddish, I just skip the earlier ones, and then say one at the end at a relatively high speed. I hope others utilize various other means of minimizing tircha …