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  • in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979553

    forever1- I dont think there’s a way for us to get eachothers emails…

    Btw this forum is really the first time I have ever discussed my D with anyone outside of my immediate family andI have to say that it feels really good. (its funny cuz in my house we call it “D” but i didnt know everyone else did too 🙂 lol

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979551

    health- I was thin before the diabetes. I didnt get skinny from it..but i guess someone who was overweight would probably lose weight.

    Rebbitzen- I dont keep it a secret cuz i think its a bad thing or because im embarrased…If you refer to my previous posts you’ll understand why I keep it quiet.. I cant write it again 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979548

    tralala- I have to say that in your case your 100% right! having to live almost your entire life keeping a secret is very hard (especially for someone so young). but I was diagnosed at 18 when I was fairly an adult already. At first I did want to tell all my friends about it but then my parents explained the situation to me and I agreed with them that it was better to keep it a secret. I have to say that sometimes its fun when people say comments like “Your so skinny why do you always watch what you eat>” or ” You have SO MUCH self control.” well, duh? I just laugh inside and repeat the stories to my family and we all laugh together!

    at the same time though, i would love to have a friend who I can talk to about it sometimes..oh well! I guess that’s why we have this forum!! 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979546

    Forever1- nope! Do you?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979544

    Mod 72- You sound like you have type2. I have type 1 so i wouldnt know much about the meds..i think a lot of others here are the same. sorry

    rebbetzen- No. I didnt go to the shabbaton cuz like i mentioned b4 noone really know about my diabetes so my parents didnt want me to go to the shabbaton. Rabbi Meisels tried convincing my parents but eventually gave

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979539

    rebbetzen- Sorry that the date didnt work out.but you have the right attitude! It was good practice! May the right one come along real soon!!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979534

    Yos11- well sounds like your a boy so maybe you get invited out more than us girls do. When once in a blue i do get invited i just eat and estimate how much to shoot when i get home. Im ususally on target but if not i just correct! 🙂

    are you on the pump? cuz then you could just go to the bathroom or something and bolus there..

    Forever1- is the pump really that discreet? you could hide it in your clothing or tights like you said and noone will see it?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979528

    So for now my doc is willing to keep me and its in brooklyn so maybe ill stick with her until she kicks me out…:) my doc is very good with the pump so in a way i wanna stay with her until I get onto the pump.

    the thing with davening for eachother is that the mods dont let us put personal info up here so maybe we should just daven for eachother by user names..hashem know who we mean dont worry! 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979525

    cofeefan- my doctor who’s trying to get me onto the pump claims that there’s some type of band that you can put aroung your thigh and place your pump on it and it just stays there. that might be an ideal solution to hiding your omnipod if it fits..

    btw does anyone know of an adult endocrine in the brooklyn area or manhattan who’s good cuz im still using a pediatric endocrine.

    Also, i was thinking that maybe we should each daven for each other for does that sound?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979519

    forever 1-that is cool!

    yos11- when was the person diagnosed? was it at a younger or more mature age? My way of coping in the beginning (I was 18 yrs old) was that I felt that hashem was watching over me more than any other person in the world because he has to keep my blood sugars under control at every second of the day (of course i gotta do my part to keep them under control but you get the picture!). So i felt a special closeness to hashem. I also told myself that i was getting more mitzvos than any other “healthy” person beauese every time i checked my blood sugar i was getting a mitzva of vnishmartem meod l’nafshosechem. .btw i am totally not the rebetzin type of person this was just my way of dealing with the nisayon!

    cofeefan- im still on injections because like i mentioned before i keep it quiet, so i dont have a cgm etc. i just dont take my meter along with me ..i check my numbers before i leave the house and take along some small candies in a purse or whatever..

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979511

    cofeefan- Yes that makes perfect sense!! Happens to be that i was only diagnosed when I was 18 years old so at that point my parents felt it was best if we kept it just between our family.. a couple of reasons for this, firstly, for shidduchim! there is nothing “wrong” with me..its just a nisayon from hashem and there’s no reason that i only need to be redt to boys with “problems”. Secondly, because I wasnt a child anymore it was not imperitive that others know about the diabetes in case of emergency. When a young child is diagnosed its important for others to know in case something chas veshalom happens but i was already an adult- with hashems help i baruch hashem was never in a situation that anyone needed to know about my diabetes.!

    So, basically boys dont know about my diabetes until i tell them (which i will only do after a third date iyh!)

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979509

    Rebetzin- do you normally go to the bathrooom every half hour to check your sugar..i assume and hope not! so why should it be any different when your on a date? just be normal check your blood sugar before you leave the house (i mean before he comes) and then you should be fine..if you do feel yourself getting low and you dont wanna tell the boy just excuse yourself to the bathroom and eat a candy or something..its going to fine dont worry hashem will help you just like he helps everyone else!

    cofeefan- welcome to our forum here! im also 20 and in shidduchim..does anyone know that you have diabetes?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979505

    tralala- im not sure what you mean? could you explain what you wrote in your last post?? …what do you mean by i didnt have this problem about telling- did he know before you went out? or did you tell him on the first date? etc..

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979503

    Rebbetzin- if the boy doesnt know you should definitey ask a she’lah because I and lots of other people were told not to tell until the third date!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979499

    Yes Totally! I feel like eating the house when im low! I think its because I know that I can eat anything and I dont have to feel guilty about it 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979497

    health- from what rebbetzen has posted in the past she was diagnosed at age 9 i think so shes a pro at that already..its just dating for the first time!

    Also, most diabetics will probably tell you that they use winkies. theyre great because they are pure glucose as opposed to juice which is fructose and takes more time to raise BGL. They’re better than gulcose tablets simply becuase theyre cheaper 🙂 also, personally, when i go low i dont need to measure exactly how many miligrams of glucose i need i take a drink or eat something really sweet and then i feel better within 10 minutes usually.. i assume most other diabetics dont either measure exactly how much they need.. what does everyone else out there do?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979493

    Well, from what you’ve posted in the past i assume the boy knows your a type 1 so in that case its no biggy if you take something small and sweet along..I just make sure that im a bit higher than usual before i leave the house and like this i dont really havto worry..stress raises your bgl’s a bit so you prob wont go low unless you bolused too much beforefore ..Hatzlocha Rabba and may this be the right one! 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979490

    he might mean the sweating,shakiness..etc that accompanies hypoglycemia.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979486

    hmmmm sounds interesting maybe ill discuss it with my doc when i go there next! thanks

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979481

    To add to rebbitzen’s question. Im curious what people think about a type 1 marrying another type 1. Some people arent so excited about it

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979478

    I am interested in hearing what you have to say so maybe find a nice way of saying it and they’ll post it. (Not to say that ur not nice…I just assume that’s why it was deleted)

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979474

    Health- You dont have to respond to me if you dont want to.. but, you keep saying there’s a way to treat DKA but you say that without telling us what the method is (other than “fluids”). And, like i stressed more than once in my posts, gluconeogenesis only kicks in strongly after about 16 hours of fasting. the glucose that is produced from ingesting proteins is very miniscule and isnt enough to raise a diabetic’s BGL or anyones BGL. Let me challenge you with this question: how come when I eat fish or chicken by BGL dont change by even one number but when I eat EGGS they do change by a lot?? There’s something to it but both myself and my doc dont know what it is.. Maybe you know more than my endo? You seem to think so at least… Oh and btw Im REALLY curious as to what field of health sciences your going into.

    Sorry if I came across harsh in my previous postings… its just that your saying things that arent accurate that I (and many others) have experienced first hand and have more knowledge about. (besides which, I am a health science student in addition to being type 1 diabetic so i really have to admit that i do bh know a lot about these things.. Double wammy:)

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979470

    Health- I am trying to tell you that NO! there is no way to treat DKA without insulin. the treatment is FLUIDS PLUS INSULIN! Trust me I went through this!

    And about the gluconeogenesis which you love to talk about; that takes about 16 hours to kick in so a high BGL an hour after eating eggs would not be from gluconeogensis!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979466

    Health- I just looked up what you said about treating DKA. It could be treated with INSULIN and other fluids through IV.Not fluids alone.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979465

    Health- so whats the answer? dont try telling me its because of gluconeogenesis!!! cuz its not!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979462

    Just wondering if anyone else besides me experiences a raise in BGL after eating scrambled eggs (or any form of eggs) It took me a while to figure out what was causing the high BGL but once i figured it out I started injecting 1 unit of novolog per egg. THat keeps everything clear but I still dont understand why protein would raise my bgl? THanks!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979460

    health- INSULIN is the hormone that causes more Glut 4 transporters to appear on the membrane!! without insulin there are no glucose transporters (Glut 4)on the membrane to allow the glucose into the cells…btw you said its possible to stop DKA without insulin but your still not telling us how???? Where’s the logic in that one exactly?

    whats the difference between biochem 101 and biochem 1? if you really want to understand biochem i can refer you to an excellent course you might not want to contribute to this forum until then in order to spare yourself some embarassmant and harasment!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979453

    Rebetzin- When i say going too far- I mean for myself. like i mentioned before, Im fine during the fast but for about 2 weeks after the fast I cant get my numbers under control. Therefor I only fast on tisha ba’av and yom kippur! maybe ask your husband the Rav what he thinks!! lol

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979452

    health- In an earlier posting on this page you metioned metabolic acidosis caused from anaerobic respiration.. the Diabetic ketoacedosis that Diabetics can fall into is not from anaerobic respiration-that’s called Lactic acidosis. Ketoacedosis is the build up of KETONES in the body, hence ketoacidosis. ketones have a very low ph and therefor when they build up in the blood they make the blood ph too low. Acetone is the ketone that builds up and in some patients with DKA you can smell it in their breath as a fruity odor.

    Another thing, Yes people do die from DKA if it isnt caught in time. when i was diagnosed the drs said i only had another few minutes until____ baruch hashem hashem spared my life in the last minute literally! (The Dr’s in ER told my parents that a boy had come into ER a couple of hours before me and hadnt made it unfortunately.) So yes ppl do die from DKA which is caused from LACK OF INSULIN! btw, you metioned that we could control DKA without is that?? please explain!!

    Hope you understand things a bit clearer this time.

    btw if your a health sciences student you should take a medical biochemistry course-it might help you understand all these concepts. 🙂

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979445

    Rebetzin- I dont see fasting as lack of veneshmartem meod because its not impossible for me to fast. I just need to be very vigilent about my numbers and activites while fasting. thats all!I would really fast all other fasts but that i think is going too far!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979444

    Health- Sorry, I know your probably older than I am but I have to disagree! Firstly- No! One cannot survive without insulin. Lack of insulin is what causes all other complications you listed to to occur in the body!!! Your using fancy terms but the root of the problem is LACK OF INSULIN!!

    Furthermore, all mechanisms that occur in a healthy non diabetic person DO NOT occur regularly in someone with diabetes. Meaning, that low insulin will not cause high glucagon and hence glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. The mechanisms are all either slower or almost lacking in diabetics. Proof- every diabetic (at least type 1) is given an emergency glucagon kit. Why would we need to inject glucagon if our body knows to produce it on its own when were low? also, why would we ever go low if our bodies would be able to control the glucose on its own??

    One more point, the correct spellings are as follows:

    Glycogenolysis and Glycogen!!

    I dont mean to sound harsh sorry if i do!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979439

    because how can you not fast on tisha ba’av? I never actually asked a shaalah but I bh always fasted okay so why not? Its so hard to feel the taanis feeling if your not fasting!! no?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979437

    As a type 1 diabetic I only fast on tisha ba’av and yom kippur. (I used to fast on other fasts too but then i realized that my numbers were out of control for about 2 weeks after the fast.) The way i fast now is by beginnig my day with higher numbers(somewhere around 200-250) this way by the end of the day I am around 130 and still feel fine. btw I am not on the pump so i cant adjust basal rates…

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979436

    Health- the problem with fasting is not about hyperglycemia, its about getting hypoglycemia. Nothing will happen if for a day or two a diabetic will have high blood sugars the problem is if the sugars get too LOW!! Gluconeogenis generates glucose from amino acids. Such being the case, gluconeogenises will prove to help a diabetic who is fasting by stabilizing sugars and protecting from lows. Besides, gluconeogenesis is a cycle that kicks in during starvation mode, not during a regular one day fast!! Also, the only time gluconeogenis is activated is when there is low insulin (ie no carbs) so you obviously dont need insulin to block out the glucose that is produced by gluconeogenesis!! check your facts before you post!!:) We know you mean well but its hard to hear wrong information from someone who doesnt live with this every day!!

    in reply to: Dating with a Health issue. When to tell? #687096

    lots of people are told only to tell after a third date..the answer is different for everyone..dont rely on other people’s opinions for such an issue ASK DA’AS TORAH!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979418

    forever1-I drink coffee all the time and his has zero impact on my blood sugars.. I never inject insulin for coffee, i drink it with prabably 2 tbsp of it the caffeine or the milk that raises your BGL?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979412

    I can imagine that its for sure more convenient and therefor, knowing myself I can imagine that I would just eat whenever I feel like it and bolus cuz its so easy and you dont have to go into the bathroom to do it!! Now, I only eat during mealtimes and once in between when I get home from work!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979410

    I use novolog..I usually dont have a problem with injecting too early but its strange that it does happen once in a long while… btw for all those out there that are on the pump did your Ha1c’s drop a lot when you got onto the pump? My dr is trying to convince me to get off of injections and onto the pump.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979408

    Trala- I just looked it up and you could get the book at

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979406

    Like i mentioned before i am not on the pump and am still using injections but I almost always give myself insulin right after the meal like this I know how much to inject. If I am eating a standard meal which I know will last long and I know exactly how much insulin I need for that particular meal I inject before (ie. shabbos seudos) Also, I agree with forever1 that its pretty safe to inject up to 20-30 minutes before a meal. most short acting insulins take about that amount of time to start working. Although it has happened to me more on more than one occassion that I injected insulin and began feeling really low in less than 20 minutes.. not sure why??

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979402

    the book basically just lists tons and tons of foods and gives you the amount of carbs, calories its easy doctor gave it to me so im not sure where you can get it but I think you would probably do better with buying the scale because the book has some basic foods but a lot of it is foods from different non kosher stores for example, it will tell you how many carbs are in a dunkin donuts iced coffee, donut, or wendys french can use it as a base for your version of that food.. THe scale is truly amazing you could weigh a slice of pizza and itll tell you how many carbs it contains..based on that number you can give your ratio of insulin/carb. btw im still using injections so I dont much about boluses and all those terms.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979399

    Tralal, Wow! I cant imagine how your mother managed…but by now your doctor should have taught that to you. Don’t you think? When I was diagnosed my doctor gave me a great book about carb counting which really helped me alot in the beginning. Eventually I learned the foods that i eat often by heart and I havent used the book in probably over a year (I was only diagnosed 2 yrs ago at 18 yrs old). The book is called The calorie king “Calorie Fat and carbohydrate counter” by allan borushek, the calorie king. Buy it its a great book for someone who is just beginning to carb count. Also, I bought a food scale which has foods preinserted into it (basics like bread, fruits ,vegies, pastries, pizza) You weigh the food and type in a code and it’ll tell you how many carbs are in that specific portion. Eventually you’ll learn to figure it out on your on just by looking!! I bought the Soehnli scale its wonderful! expensive but worth it!!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #979397

    I just joined this forum and yes, Tralala you must get a doctor that knows about the pump if that’s what your on!! The truth is that pediatric endos probably know the most about the pump because that’s what they deal with on a daily basis. Seems like your a bit past pediatrics though…. About carb counting, how have you been managing your BGL withough carb counting? (I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with type 1 and began carb counting right from the beginning..)

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