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  • in reply to: Tefillos needed!! Refoel Yoel Ozer ben Chaya Malka #938090

    B””N I will say 120-130 Refuah Shelema

    in reply to: Fascinating Torah trivia #921010

    Zaidy78 I am very glad that you brought to light the Gemara in Tractate Shabbos regarding four people who dies without sinning.

    As you most correctly stated: “Only four people in the history of world died without doing any aveiros whatsoever. The only reason they died was because of the g’zeira from Adom and Chava. One of them is Amram.”

    Zaidy where I respectfully disagree with you in regarding your comment concerning Amram marrying his aunt: “How could Amram have married his own aunt? If you will say that it was before matan Torah, so then the whole gemara looses its punch. ” I do not think the Gemara loses it punch at all. Meaning that a person is required to observe Halochos that are in existence and in force in their lifetime. I believe that the challenges facing the children of Israel in Egypt to keep the Bnei Noach laws were no less difficult than the challenges that we have today to keep all the Mitzvos as Torah Jews. As it was stated by other respondents in this discussion, Idol worship as well as actions forbidden to Bnei Noach was rampant in Egypt. Thus, it appears to me, that Amran is listed in the Gemara as one of the four people who died without sinning on their own because he, in fact, kept all the laws that he was required to keep- i.e. the Laws of Beni Noach, a task at the time, that was much more difficult than meets the eye. Therefore, we do not need to ‘explain away’ through calculations the reason why Amram married his Aunt. It was completely permissible for a Beni Noach to do that and the Gemara inn Tractate Shabbos stating the he died without sin clearly validates this.

    in reply to: Find connection between Pidyon Haben and….. #919843

    Regarding Yehuda and Pideon Haben, as a Father, as I see it, Yehudah had to perform a Pideon Haben for two of his sons- First for his First born son- Er whose mother is referenced as a daughter of a prominent merchant whose name was Shua in Genesis 38:2, and also for his son Perez who is the first born son of Tamar from Yehuda’s leverite marriage with Tamar. Perz, is one of the ancestors of Kind David and the Mochiach.

    in reply to: Fascinating Torah trivia #920995

    RT, as I understand it the answer to your question: ” how could Amram “re-marry” Yocheved if he may have had the din of a Cohen? ” is as follows: At that time in Egypt, before the Torah was given, our ancestors had the status of being Beni Noach and therefore this was permitted. The prohibition of a Kohen marrying a divorcee only applied to Jews.

    In addition, you might also ask an even more fundamental question: How could Amam have married his aunt, Yocheved as this is a forbidden relationship for Jews? The answer, as I understand it, would be the same- The marriage of an aunt to a nephew is permitted for a Bnei noach and is only forbidden for Jews and pre-Torah our ancestors had the status of Beni Noach. The definite proof that this marriage (and remarriage) was absolutely permissible is the Gemara in Tractate Shabbos that states that only 4 people died as a result of the sin in Gan Eden, as they never sinned themselves. Amram is one of those 4 persons listed.

    in reply to: GAS SHORTAGE: Where Can You get Gas Following Superstorm Sandy? #902437

    I spent Shabbos in Cherry Hill, NJ. This area of New Jersey was virtually unaffected by the storm. Gasoline is available and plentiful from Exit 7 of the New Jersey Turnpike and South. You can exit and fill up locally or you can go to the Service Areas on the Turnpike. The local gas stations have no lines.

    Important- There is NO gas Rationing South of Exit 8 on the Turnpike.

    Also, for those of you seeking to purchase kosher food and provisions, the Shoprite is Cherry Hill has an extensive Kosher Experience section that is fully stocked. We were able to buy everything we needed on Motzei Shabbos before returning to our area of New Jersey. The Kosher Restaurants are also open down there as well. For the location of the Shoprite and Restaurants please see this link:

    in reply to: Obama or Romney #875062


    in reply to: Need some Sweet Sweet Tefilos! #873342

    Refuah shelaima to you and your Mother.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920066

    I have added your name to the Rufah Shelma list on

    I would like you wish you a speedy Refuah Shelema and a G’Mar Chasima Tova

    in reply to: What is the meanest thing you've ever done? #812211

    mommamia22 The story about your sister with cancer makes me sick.

    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim: Zechus For Leiby Kletsky #785355

    I will take 120-130 inclusive

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