Forum Replies Created
March 6, 2015 12:18 am at 12:18 am in reply to: Why couldn't I live in dovid hamelechs times #1063337akupermaParticipant
Close to a tsaddik, but…
no air conditioning, no central heat in winter, no indoor plumbing
no antibiotics
no anesthetics for surgery – no pain killers other than alcohol (nothing stronger than wine)
50% child mortality, and perhaps 20% maternal mortality in childbirth
no preservatives for food (so you often ate spoiled food)
no printing, no telecommunications, no mechanical transportation
no electrictity – meaning no lights other than candles or oil lamps
We should be grateful Ha-Shem lets us live in the most comfortable and affluent time ever.
March 4, 2015 9:46 am at 9:46 am in reply to: Why don't Yidden ever say yimakh shemo when saying the name of Emperor Hirohito? #1062722akupermaParticipantWhy would we?
Hirohito had nothing to do with running the government. He was a figurehead, for the most part. While Japan had an elected parliament, it was dominated by the military leadership (not the royal family).
If you attribute the activities of the Japanese government to him, you would have to give him credit for saving many Jews. Not only did Japan refuse to round up Jews (the Germans asked them to, they refused), they granted asylum to many Jews who reached their territory when fleeing the Germans.
akupermaParticipant1. Paul’s neo-isolationism turns off many.
2. He has minimal experience in public life, was a competent but hardly amazing career as a physician, and a large part of his appeal is based on his family (too much like Jeb and Hillary).
3. He might accomplish much to influence the other candidates to adopt more libertarian approaches.
akupermaParticipantThe discussion of extraterrestial life, parallel and multiple universes, non-human sentient life, etc., involve kaballah and isn’t appropriate to discuss in a public forum such as this one where Goyim and Am Ha-Aretzim can listen in.
akupermaParticipantI don’t care what you stay. I still won’t let me kids go out with anyone who isn’t descended from Adam Ha-Rishon.
akupermaParticipantHalachic copyright was always time restricted, usually for a very limited number of years. The goyim’s copyright of close to a century, or more, goes well beyond that halacha (e.g. 70 years after death of the author). Feel free to reprint the Rambam or Rashi without getting permission from the descendants.
akupermaParticipantI’m descended from Adam ha-Rishon, and I wouldn’t let my daughter marry anyone who wasn’t.
akupermaParticipantSatmar is a continuation of traditional Jewish ideology going back to Sinai. It will survive.
Zionism is a spinoff of European nationalism and is dying. It’s basic idea, the establishing of a secular “Torah-free” (their words, not mine) Jewish homeland have been rejected by most people who call themselves zionists. Most Israelis have rejected either the idea of a Jewish homeland, or the idea of secular nationalism. The post-zionists will eventually assimilate into Euro-American culture. The religious ones will eventually decide that Torah is more important than political structure. Over time, zionism will be in the dustbin of Jewish history along with the Misyavanim or the supports of Shabatai Zvi and the Frankists and the “Reform movement.”
akupermaParticipant1. Why pay for a fancy goyish name when there are other restaurants that are just as good with familiar food, and cheaper. Remember you have to pay a franchise fee to be a “Subway”.
2. Its cusine is in many ways inherently treff – so the owner is paying extra for something he can’t really market. Remember most of the cuisine in a real “Subway” involves pork or mixing cheese and meat.
February 24, 2015 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Court filings and documents: Obtaining electronic copies #1061031akupermaParticipantThat would be the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. Their website is at: link removed
They have three divisions (Trenton, Camden and Newark). The website gives contact information for the Clerk’s office (the “Clerk” is the one in charge of the administration of the court).
February 23, 2015 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm in reply to: Court filings and documents: Obtaining electronic copies #1061026akupermaParticipantAsk the reference librarian at your local law library. He/She will know what’s available in your area. If you are an alum of a university with a law school, you probably can ask the law school’s reference librarian. In some cases, the larger public library’s have someone familiar with legal reference sources.
akupermaParticipantTorah613Torah: Thus even the MO who by being Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Kasrus (if they weren’t they are non-orthodox, non-frum, part of “them” rather than “us”) are showing tremendous mesiras nefesh. Shabbos and Kashrus are the line, and the MO are on the correct side of the line.
akupermaParticipantpopa_bar_abba: The average MO is hardly better off than the average non-orthodox Jews. Being better than the other major ethnic groups (European Americans, African Americans, Hispanics) doesn’t prove anything. The Modern Orthodox are better off than the Hareidim, but the secular Jews (the ones who work on Shabbos and eat cheeseburgers, not to mention many other things we don’t talk about) are humongously ahead of the Modern Orthodox.
akupermaParticipantIf you were hareidi and become “modern orthodox” you will probably be better off economically. If you were anything not shomer mitsvos (conservadox, conservative, reform, assimilated) becoming “modern orthodox” will almost certainly create severe economic problems. Once you give up working on Shabbos and yuntuf, and keeping kosher both at home and at work, you pay a serious economic penalty. The line where the penalty kicks in is the one the separate “Modern orthodox” from non-frum. Having to adjust your work schedule to the Torah calendar seriously limits career options. Keeping kosher even if only the “ingredient kosher” that lets you have a tuna salad while your colleagues are having steak, means you suffer serious restrictions.
Having children isn’t really a function of “Modern orthodox” vs “Hareidi” – from the point of view of most Jews (who are not Shomer Mitsvos), the “Modern orthodox” also have “too many” children. Education for “Modern orthodox” is probably more expensive since they want both a Jewish and secular education (and good universities are vastly more expensive than a yeshiva).
I believe many hareidim don’t realize how much mesiras nefesh the Modern Orthodox have, and it is probably all the more painful since they are so close to being able to benefit from the outside world, but are just inside the line. They are inches away from being able to grab the golden ring of the secular world, and are refusing to grab it.
The difference between a language and a dialect is largely political. In recent times such languages as Ukranian and Afrikaans (not to mention Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian) were declared by local governments. The day before they were all regional dialects. The act of parliament declaring the local regional dialect to be a “language” has nothing to do with whether people could understand each other. As most Jews could only read the Hebrew alphabet, they were unware whether the person they were speaking a slavic language to was writing it in Roman or Cyrillic (and indeed, until recently, the person they were speaking with was probably illiterate).
akupermaParticipantYou have two problems:
1. You have to offer McDonald’s a nice wad of money to use the name, even though you can’t use their suppliers
2. You have to find a substitute for the treff ingredients that goyim think taste as good.
3. You have to make a profit without charging customers more than the McDonald’s prices even though you are paying substantially extra for ingredients and closing on Shabbos and Pesach (losing roughly one-sixth of your business).
You’ll probably conclude that being a kosher equivalent of McDonalds makes more sense economically than trying to be an official McDonalds.
akupermaParticipantAre there any kosher McDonalds in North America?
In general, kosher versions of treff restaurants have done well (some kosher Subways have not been a success, and the kosher Duncan Donuts do so not by changing ingredients but by leaving items off the menu – which obviously wouldn’t work for a fleshig restaurant).
akupermaParticipantBe happy that Ha-Shem doesn’t expect a payment for making shiduchs.
akupermaParticipantThe starting time is a function of how fast they daven, and how much they skip (e.g. do they say everything in the siddur, or go striaght from brachos to Rabi yishmael). On the average, about half an hour before netz. One has to ask.
akupermaParticipantgamzuultova: Who is rich – the person who is happy with what they have. Given that “not making it” in Brooklyn in the 21st century is the equivalent of being very comfortable in Brooklyn of 100 years ago (not to mention places such as Warsaw or Maarakesh of 200 years ago), people should complain less. If you want to live like a rich shagetz, you have the option – but almost by definition, frum Jews prefer Torah and Mitsvos rather than baubbles.
akupermaParticipantWelfare programs in the United States are not not among the world’s best (on the other hand, taxes are lower in the US than in most places).
Unless disabled, you won’t qualify for social security until old. However medcaid provides tolerable health care. There are food stamps, WIC and sometimes housing assistance. College for you and your children (includes distance education leading to degrees) is usually provided for free. In general welfare programs are structured to encourage you not to stay on them – this reflects a Protestant idea that it is sinful to be poor.
To deal with the inevitable poverty of being a kollel person, read a lot of history on how people used to live. Be thankful for AC in the summer, central heat in the winter,and indoor plumbing — not to mention fresh fruits and vegetables year round, and a large amoung of processed foods with hecksherim. This list goes on. If you look at how middle class people live in the 21st century you’ll get depressed. Look at how poor Bnei Torah lived in the 18th.
akupermaParticipantIf you read more history, you would know that the sorts of things ISIS is doing are actually what many armies have done throughout history. That it is considered criminal by some countries is the hiddush, but not a new one. Even in the middle ages, many people objected to such barbarity (not that they stopped it). ISIS is actually fairly normal for goyim. We’ve been “spoiled” by living in America.
The way Americans conquer countries by minimizing civilian casualties and helping the people they conquered is rather new and unusual (and note how the “left” is constantly denouncing the Americans).
akupermaParticipantThe traditional answer to the first question (someone who speaks only one language): an American.
In all fairness, before the 20th century most educated Americans know multiple languages, but since World War II American language skills have atrophied (being the leading superpower is a factor).
Jews were historically multilingual. All men needed to know Hebrew (legal documents were in Hebrew). Everyone knew the local Jewish dialects (e.g. Yiddish), and many knew both the local dialect (e.g. Polish, Ukranian, etc.) and the language used by the government and courts (e.g. Russian, German or Latin).
February 16, 2015 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm in reply to: What to do if ur boss is openly hostile #1060274akupermaParticipantGolemGorilla: so what is the employer doing?
There is no legal requirement to provide kosher junk food at meetings or special events. You can survive without them. Actually, when they bring kosher junk food I suggest they are trying to assasinate me. If it involved business travel (e.g. not covering the cost of bring kosher MREs on a trip to an area with no kosher restaurants, while offereing to cover the cost of restaurants for other employees), or even lunch at work (assuming a rujle prohibiting bringing food from home), it would be an issue.
A bonus is discriminatory only if you could show a pattern of bias that fell into one of the traditional categories. While private sector firms sometimes give end of the year bonuses, most employers do not, and by definition, no one has a right to them.
February 16, 2015 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: What to do if ur boss is openly hostile #1060266akupermaParticipantRe: How to deal with a boss who is hostile to frumkeit
1. Do you job very well. Legally marginal employees are protected, but being a valued employee is a better strategy.
2. Be consistent and open about halacha.
3. Don’t try to pull anything (e.g. if you take off during the summer to go to the country, don’t even think about taking off hol ha-Moed or other days that don’t have a prohibition of melachas). Be willing to come in super-early and to work super-late to make up time. Be the one anxious to cover on Sundays (or Saturday night ) and Thanksgiving and their religious holidays.
4. If that fails, you can file a complaint against the company with the EEOC of the local equivalent. If you have hired an attorney, he/she can advise you on the details. Many large cities in the US have frum organizations that can help.
5. The CEO of a corporation is not relevant since you are working for the corporation, not the CEO. His personal animosity doesn’t matter; what the corporation does is what matters. Remember that most CEO’s are employees, albeit rich ones. If you are high enough in the corporation that you have anything to do with the CEO, the local frum legal community may now a member of the Board of Directors who can help.
6. If it comes to suing, large corporations have “deep pockets”, meaning that lawyers love to sue them since if they win there is a big payday (for the lawyers). The bigger, the better.
akupermaParticipantThere are many job where a late start is possible. The problem is a late start means a late finish. And many frum workers prefer to start early and finish late in order to being able to take off Fridays and around our holiday periods. Most people prefer an earlier starting and ending time. Families with two parents sharing child care often prefer one parent starting late (after the kids go to school) and the other starting early in order to be home when the kids finish school. No big deal.
akupermaParticipantPopa bar Abba: In Israel the problem is that most Jews turned down the opportunity to return when offered, and the Arabs then moved in (we welcomed them as liberators – it was the Romans they expelled). The Arabs have been there for over a millenia (compare that to America where even in downtown Jamestown, Europeans have been living there for barely 400 years). In no other country has a claim of indigenous peoples been taken seriously when the dispossesion occured so far back.
GolemGorilla: You have a malpractice claim against your lawyer if he didn’t appeal to the next highest court. And as long as you sue (file a lis pendens) you can probably block the other side from selling or mortgaging the property since the person won’t have clear title. From your description of the legal system, it seems you don’t know much about law and have been exploited.
February 13, 2015 4:30 am at 4:30 am in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136924akupermaParticipantLior: Are you talking about a mugger, or about a cashier who you claim shortchanged you. When you are arrested for mugging the cashier, you may have some trouble. Police tend to side with the storekeepers.
If there is a good reason not to call the police (e.g. you are an illegal alien, there are warrants out for yhou, etc.), I can see the point. But getting into a fight that you may not win isn’t in your interests. If there is no evidence that can prove you case, the one caught breaching the peace gets arrested.
akupermaParticipantUnless you sold him the land, his claim be challenged, and you have until the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, which in most American states is 20 years (but some are less). You may be unable to use the small claims court since many states would require this action to be brought in a court of general jurisdiction since it is an action to determine ownership of land. If you are in the US, you need to check your deed (in some countries you’ll need to check an official registry). In any event you need a lawyer. Disputes over land are hardly unheard of, in part since even when buying a house many purchasers don’t have the property surveyed. If you have title insurance, you might also file a claim since if your deed included the land, they are required to defend your claim.
P.S. Your reference to a “land office” suggests you are not in US, since a central land office sounds like a Torrens system – so contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction. Anyone who handles real estate matters should be competent to deal with this.
February 12, 2015 2:11 pm at 2:11 pm in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136919akupermaParticipantBarryLS1: Correct – meaning that the camera will also recall the customer’s assault on the cashier. Assault and battery (names vary between states) is usually a felony. If there is a video, then it should be quite easy to call the manager or the police. If the video shows you assaulting the cashier and grabbing cash, but not the cashier stealing your cash (and the cashier may know how to avoid being seen on camera), guess who goes to prison?
February 11, 2015 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136913akupermaParticipant“Say Lior was shortchanged $5 which he watches the cashier slip into his pocket. Can he tiptoe around the cashier and pull his $5 out?
Can he take a different $5 from the cashier’s pocket?
I think most would agree Lior can do both and there is no need to “go to courts”
Do you disagree? Does anybody?”
SO the cashier, who in fact believes that it was his own $5 he put in his pocket, presses the “panic button” and the police will arrest: Lior — and not just for larceny but for robbery (the use of force to steal, a much more serious crime), and if the jury believe the cashier, Lior will have an opportunity to do kiruv work in a prison (not jail, prison, robbery is usually a felony).
Of course the cashier might decide to whack Lior with a large object (its self-defense), or perhaps the store guard (the cashier’s boyfriend, no doubt, comes over to do the whacking). Lior goes to the hospital, if he’s lucky.
Only if the shopkeeper uses excessive force will the shopkeeper be in trouble.
February 11, 2015 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm in reply to: Genetically Engineered Animals and Kashrus #1119561akupermaParticipantFor a fish, the answer as to whether one can eat the fish is based on the simanim (my guess is that they would be unaffected). The same would also hold for mammals. But then there is the issue of whether you a tradition of eating the animal, beyond looking at simanim.
However for both plants and animals, there is the issue of whether one is allowed to breed it yourself, in addition to the question of using it. For example we are prohibited from creating mules but not from owning and using them. If the GMO involves cross breeding different species, then there are some interesting halachic question that will be answered when the practice becomes more common (probably in Eretz Yisrael, since few Jews elsewhere are into farming, and mixing two species is an issue for farmers (American Jews are more into eating kosher animals than raising them).
February 11, 2015 1:24 pm at 1:24 pm in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136905akupermaParticipantShouldn’t the question be: May a shopkeeper use force to stop a thief who runs off with merchandise that wasn’t paid for? I believe the answer is in almost all legal systems is that the shopkeeper would be charged with murder for killing the thief, though in countries such as the USA the shopkeeper might be acquitted due to jury nullification (but don’t count on it).
There is a reason that one of the first mitsvos, applicable to goyim as it was one of the mitsvos of Bnei Noach, is to have a legal system. Settling disputes over trade good by blood feud is not a good policy.
February 10, 2015 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Slimfast and KIND (brand) health snacks founders want Israel in TWO STATES! #1058643akupermaParticipantcharliehall: At the end of World War I, the Arabs, led by the Great-Great Grandfather of the current Jordanian King, who up to that point had been based in western Arabia, believed he had been promised a unified Arab state including all Arabic areas east of Suez (then as now the exact boundaries where the Turkish and Farsi speaking areas blend into Arabic areas was unclear). The zionists (e.g. Chaim Weitzman, then the universally respected leader of the zionist movement) and the hareidim (Dr. De Haan was their emisary) supported the idea. It would have led to a stable Arab state, with Jews able to move in and build a homeland, but not to subjgate anyone or make the Arabs into second-class citizens in a non-Arab, non-Islamic country. The partition was dreamed up by the Brits (with the help of the French) in order to prevent such a state as part of their “divide and conquer” strategy. The war between the zionists and the Arabs was originally a plan devised in London, and the zionists (and the Arabs) fell for it.
February 10, 2015 2:26 pm at 2:26 pm in reply to: Slimfast and KIND (brand) health snacks founders want Israel in TWO STATES! #1058637akupermaParticipantAZOLIS: I tend think that partitioning big countries to make small ones is “Balkanization” and doesn’t work. My opinion is that the partition in 1947 was a mistake, as well as the one’s a century ago, and that they should look at the boundaries proposed in 1918 (all Arab countries east of Suez, with a Jewish homeland within those boundaries). Its unreasonable to expect Arab Muslims to ever agree to be rules by others in that region, and that the zionists made a fatal mistake by switching from building up the Yishuv to building a medinah in which the Arabs are ruled by us.
However most Israelis and most American Jews support a two-state solution, so it isn’t reasonable to complain about a Jewish businessman supporting a policy that most American Jews also support.
February 10, 2015 2:29 am at 2:29 am in reply to: Slimfast and KIND (brand) health snacks founders want Israel in TWO STATES! #1058634akupermaParticipantMost Israelis prefer a two state solution (a Jewish zionist state and a Palestinian Islamic state). The alternative would end up being a state in which Jews and zionists are a minority (which is why the zionists favored in 1918, but very few do). Indeed, only the hareidim would find it tolerable to be in a non-zionist state dominated by Arabs – which is what a single state would lead to.
akupermaParticipantMaybe the person asking the shailoh intended to go to a co-ed gym to work out with improperly attired females, in which case the tseuvah “working out is asur” would be quite correct.
A second hand account of what a rav says, especially out of context, is meaningless. In published responsa the author makes the context clear.
akupermaParticipantIt has never been done, and cloned animals have some serious birth defects since apparently some cells reflect the age of the animal cloned, so you get a baby that may look like her mother but genetically is quite inferior.
No has claimed to have cloned a human. Therefore no Rav has ever poskened on the matter, and a posek based on a sci fi novel is meaningless except on Purim.
My guess is as as the woman cloned (it can only be done to women) and the woman who carries the baby to term (can be the sameone), are Jewish, the baby would be Jewish with the same halachic status as any other clearly Jewish baby whose father is unknown (though it might be argued she is the daughter of her maternal grandfather).
akupermaParticipantTo the person who complained: ‘I’m kind of annoyed with all of human society’s rules about how a person is supposed to dress. “
1. It used to be worse (think about corsets and hoop skirts for women, and for everyone when wool was worn even in the summer)
2. Perhaps next gilgul you want to be dumb animal? Clothes are a human thing.
3. So you want to be nudist? (no problem with clothes)
4. So you want to be a hermit? (able to ignore what others think)
akupermaParticipantPenguins wear feathers (albeit brown ones when young). They have no choice. They are birds. They do keep kosher for the most part (eating only fish).
Among humans, only penguins, there are diverse styles and if you don’t wear what is in style people think you are weird. Among Americans, consider the problems of a man, other than Scot, who wants to wear a skirt instead of pants? And if you want to be well dressed in the US, you are very limited in the styles and colors of your suit (Obama got in trouble for dress code violations last summer since his suit wasn’t formal enough for his rank and was considered disrespectful). Fashion can be bizarre (look up what proper undergarments for a well dressed western European or American woman were in the mid-19th century – utterly weird — fortunately that style never caught on in frum communities in Eastern Europe or the Middle East).
So really its not that the frum community has weird rules, its that humanity has a weird way of doing things, and the criticism directed towards the frum community reflects the limited knowledge or perhaps sheltered background of the critics.
akupermaParticipantIn America, a minority ideology that is, say, 20% of the country, will end up with little or no representation in the Congress, since you need a majority in any district to get elected. In Israel, such a minority would get 20% of the seats.
For example, Hareidim are roughly 10% of Israel. They typically get 10% of the seats. If Israel has a single member system, you would probably get an hareidi elected from Bnei Brak, and maybe two or three for Jerusalem (depending on how district lines are drawn), but that’s it. There average district in Israel would be over 50000 people, and in the rest of the country you won’t find areas that size that are majority hareidi. You would have perhaps three hareidim in the kenesset (there were 18 in the outgoing one), all focused on the local interests Bnei Brak and Jerusalem.
akupermaParticipantLior: The American threshold is 50% (in some states you can squeak with about 40% in a three way race). The truth, is under the American system, none of the small parties would be in the kenesset – only Labor and Likud (and only a handful of others). The chaotic Israeli system reflects a Jewish tradition of trying to include all factions in the community.
akupermaParticipantold man: They are not using the word “boycott” correctly. Switching to a cheaper brand is not a boycott. It’s called “shopping around.”
If for example, they were refusing to wear Borsalinos and switching to a more expensive hat that would be perhaps a correct use of boycott since it clearly didn’t have an economic motivation. The fact the some kollel yungerleit aren’t aware that there is no halchic requirement to wear Borsalino hats is amusing at best.
akupermaParticipantRe: ” Today it seems local government is Big Poppa Dear Leader, that takes us all for fools, maybe they partially right “
Who voted Big Poppa Dear Leader into office.
The North Koreans have an excuse for having a fool as president – he came to power at gunpoint and stays in power at gunpoint. Americans looking for someone to whine about need only look in a mirror.
akupermaParticipantcharliehall: Even Arabs and hareidim who oppose the existence state are allowed to vote (though many choose not to). Also unlike America, there has never been a serious problem of dead people voting, or of fictitious voters (having a population registry helps), whereas in America one party (the Democrats) have frequently relied on all sorts of shenangians.
Israel does have free elections, with the ruling party frequently being voted out of office. That’s fairly rare outside of western Europe and North America. And due to proportional representation, every ideology has a chance at being in the kenesset (even with a 3% threshold, in the US the threshold is 50%).
akupermaParticipantIsn’t snow what used fall from the sky back before global warming changed the climate?
akupermaParticipantAll companies are in it for the money. That’s how capitalism works. It isn’t like their is a “Ministry of black hats” or a “Joint rabbinical committee on man’s hats” comandeering factories and giving exclusive contracts to manufacturers. Someone seems to think there is a clause in the Shulhan Arukh requiring purchased of Borsalino’s products rather than someone else’s.
If Borsalino is overpriced, other companies can (and do) offer competing products.
In a capitalist system, it isn’t a “boycott” if consumer look elsewhere.
akupermaParticipantto A jew who cares who wants a way to bring prices down:
1. Buy less expensive (less attractive) goods
2. Substitute goods
3. If the price is high relative to the cost of production, that will attract new suppliers, which will result in lower prices.
Observe what happened to the high price oil (with many screaming “peak oil”, and oil companies making record profits). Demand fell, supply increased, and prices fell.
Welcome to capitalism 101.
akupermaParticipantI suspect that many frum housewives would prefer a female plumber coming to the house (however it would be difficult from a frum girl to get trained as a plumber, but that’s a different issue).
akupermaParticipantThere is not now, nor was there ever, a halachic requirement to wear a wig. Wearing a wig doesn’t even correlate with how frum you are. It is a an issue of fashion and style, which is of great interest to sociologists, economists and fashion mavens – but has nothing to do with Torah and Mitsvos.