Forum Replies Created
June 20, 2019 11:38 am at 11:38 am in reply to: Requirement to tell your guests that your pasta is made from chickpeas? #1745035akupermaParticipant
If everyone at the table was expected to wash, as is the case on Shabbos and yuntuf, no need to tell people. However if it is a meal at which not everyone is eating bread, you need to tell people so they know which bracha to make. The same would apply anytime you serve something that looks like bread or mezonos, but isn’t.
akupermaParticipantEars are so 20th century — they went out of style along with eyes and brains. We are in the 21st century – smart devices to all your hearing, seeing and thinking for you. If we don’t adapt, the goyim will think we are quaint and old fashioned.
June 19, 2019 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm in reply to: Quebec Secularism -more accurately Neutralism Law #1744800akupermaParticipantA bigot is a bigot, no matter whether he claims he is scientifically justified or acting under neutral principles. Whether he the social norm is secularism or Islam or Christianity or Socialism or whatever. The reason you pass laws targeting groups you dislike is hatred. Any government makes hatred towards Jews a public policy is an existential threat. It is likely the rest of Canada will not support Quebec on this, but that remains to be seen.
akupermaParticipantIf you have to ask, you know the answer is “no”.
akupermaParticipantThe split between Sefardim and Ashkenazim occured well after the the 10 shvatim went missing.
akupermaParticipantTo CTLawyer: Law schools don’t usually offer Financial aid,
I believe that has changed, particularly for the non-elite law schools who want to fill a class with students likely to bring credit to the school. They might offers significant “scholarships” to a big chunk (perhaps 20% of the class), but require a certain grade point average to keep the scholarship after the first year, with that grade point average being such that at most 10% will qualify (in other contexts this is called “bait and switch”). With non-elite private law schools having trouble filling all seats, they optimize revenue by discounting (offering scholarships) so long as the revenue they still get exceeds marginal costs.
akupermaParticipantThat sounds reasonable. Among Ashkenazim it is unlikely that more than 5% of males over 13 put on tefillin.
akupermaParticipantIt should be noted that the non-elite law schools are having trouble finding people to fill classes, so if you meet their minimum requirements and don’t require financial aid, it isn’t hard to get it. Only the very top of their class has a chance of getting into “Big Law”, but if what you want is to hang out a shingle it doesn’t really matter where you went to law school. In some states, one can even qualify to take the bar exam by “reading law” (private tutoring and independent study while working as a de facto paralegal). If one’s goal is to be a respectable lawyer in one’s own community (in New York that means serving those with no connection to Wall Street or Midtown or large corporations or large organizations, e.g. serving those who live in Brooklyn outside of downtown Brooklyn), going to an elite law school won’t help as much as being competent and well connected in your comunity.
Of course if the person asking the question is interested in getting rich, then they probably should go to an elite school in which case a BTL is only very helpful if it is in addition to an undergraduate degree in a secular subject from a leading college.
akupermaParticipantThere are no formal requirements for admission to law school. If you have a BTL, an interesting resume and a good background for pre-law (writing skills in English, a respectable background in history/social sciences), and good LSAT scores, a BTL should get you into an American law school (it also helps to be able to pay the $150K or so tuition without financial aid).
If the school offering the BTL has regional accreditation, it is worth as much as any other degree that is of little relevance to the graduate program you are going to. One can always supplement a BTL by taking courses to improve one’s “resume”.
akupermaParticipantIn any area of expertise, intelligent people “refer” to those with specialized expertise. That is not a hiddush. Anyone in any field will over time tend to develop specialized expertise. That’s how the world works. The cooks in the neighborhood will know who is best at pastry, and who makes the best cholent. The gardeners know who can plants the best roses, and who raises the best tomatoes.
The title of “rabbi” has only a single “rank”. It’s a degree that at most is equivalent to a first undergraduate degree (a newly “graduated” rabbi is qualified to teach high school student. There are no “Jewish” equivalents of masters, doctorates, etc. And depending on their interests and career tracts, there are Talmidim Hachamim who never worry about semicha. It’s not a structured system similar to the goyim’ s degrees.
akupermaParticipantSince the sound of the “Ayin” is absent from all Indo-European (a.k.a. Aryan) languages, virtually all Ashkenazim and many Sefardim will find it very difficult to pronounce it. The same goes (for English speakers) with the sounds associated with Aleph, Hes, Chaf and Heh.
Given the Hebrew has always been a living language (contrary to zionist propaganda that Hebrew died out millenia ago and was re-invented by Ben Yehudah & friends), the prononciation and grammar are constantly changing.
akupermaParticipantPrices varied but usually the animal fodder was produced locally so they would reflect local problems. When there was a local disruption (such as a crop failure, or a war), one could always eat the animals.
akupermaParticipantMost people who keep kosher are pleased enough to find a respectable restaurant with waiters and table cloths. They wouldn’t be inclined to pay a premium for fancy cuisine, noting that this is a second premium beyond the premium for the restaurant being kosher.
akupermaParticipantSaying “Eretz Yisrael” shows rejection of the zionist government, either because you hold the establishment of the secular “Medinat Yisrael” violates halacha, or because you reject the position of the zionists that “Israel” consists only of the territory over which the Medinah claims sovereignty, excluding (in particular) the West Bank. Therefore both anti-zionist Hareidim, and “fanatical” Religious Zionists both have good reason to refer to “Eretz Yisrael” rather than the medinah (“Israel”).
akupermaParticipantBaruch ha-Shem that Yiddish, Hebrew and “Judeo-English” (yeshivish, Brooklynese) are LIVING language. If you want a language that is fixed in stone, consider Babylonian or Latin.
akupermaParticipant5ish – if they post the pictures in a way that states something false, it is defamation. If they take the picture and say this was taken by a antivax event, that is not defamatory and is true. If they post the picture and say the person opposed vaccination and has caused multiple death, that is defamatory, and if the person can disprove the online statement it will be clearly actionable. Knowing the social media, the latter scenario is more likely (remember not all persons photographed on the street outside the building are persons who oppose vaccination, but the social media will say so).
akupermaParticipantPrivate citizens can do what they want at public events. As long as the event is not on private property, one can’t exclude photographers. If they attempt to make commercial use of the photographs, they probably need a “release”, If the event is on private property, the owner could sue them for trespassing, or ask the police to remove them. If they take pictures on the public sidewalk, and post them with a crtical caption, they are open to a lawsuit for defamation (the law protecting social media protects the website, not the poster).
June 4, 2019 11:24 am at 11:24 am in reply to: Modern world changed traditional living (shidduch/ affordable living) #1737888akupermaParticipantMany things have changed. Most children survive childhood, and almost no women die in childbirth. In pre-modern societies most children didn’t make, and death in childbirth was the leading cause of death of women (remember that serious infections treated with antibiotics were often fatal before the mid-20th century, and caesarean were done only to save the baby after the mother died). One has to be a very old person to remember when the leading cause of death of Jews involved goyim killing them, or when most professions were largely closed to Jews (not just frum Jews). These sorts of things affect personal decision on economic and family matters. The world changed, don’t complain, get used to it. The old ways were horrible.
akupermaParticipantWhy is it a problem?
BTW, and what language are you objecting to (Yiddish, English) and which dialect (YIVO Yiddish, Queen’s English, Brooklynese).
It appears based on what one hears in America, that both Shabbos and Tallis are evolving masculine form plurals. Such happens in living languages, such as Yiddish and the developing “frum” dialect of English.
I suggest it is actually the initial period of a new Jewish language but that will take a while to settle down before scholars decide that Judeo-English is a language (in all fairness, many argued that Yiddish was just a type of German “jargon” until World War II when we decided we didn’t want to speak German anymore).
akupermaParticipantFashion is not frumkeit (well, wearing pants are, but since the goyim also wear pants no one realizes the halachic significance of wearing pants). If the goyim went back to wear skullcaps, no one would notice that Yidden wear them as well.
akupermaParticipantIt is a mitsvah to wear fancier clothes on special occasions, and velvet is fancier than regular cloth. It not “frummer”, its “fancier”, but sometimes there is a good halachic reason to dress up.
If you wear a plain cloth kippah on weekdays, than you can switch to velvet on Shabbos. If you want to look like you are wearing Shabbos clothes all week (e.g. to show you want to be considered prosperous and self-important, e.g. a lawyer whose respectability is his stock in trade), you might prefer velvet rather than plain cloth on weekdays.
akupermaParticipantIf the US had a parliament system, Obama (or some other Democrat) would have become prime minister in 2006 and would have been replaced in 2010. However one needs to remember that in parliamentary systems there are never “mid-term” elections, and tghe dynamic of choosing a leader impacts more on the election of the legislators.
akupermaParticipantWhile the founding fathers (who didn’t approve of political parties, and then promptly started founding them) thought that the House, Senate and President would be at each other throats, therebe preventing a dictatorship, the hypepartisan political parties also do a good job. If you want a government where decisions are made by the leader and immedciately carried out, try places such as North Korea or Germany’s Third Reich. A little bit of anarchy isn’t such a bad think – look at it as a vaccine against dictatorship.
akupermaParticipant1. The Democrats screwed up badly. They worked on running up the popular vote totals (in “blue” states) in order to a “mandate” and ignored the “purple states.” The Republicans focused on getting their voters out where it mattered and won the “purple” states. In the American system, a party should ignore states that you are certain to win or lose, and concentrate on the “in between” states. The Democrats must have thought we were using the French system (straight popular vote).
2. Please note that Hilary did not “win” the popular vote, she only had a plurality. The difference was in third party votes, particularly for the Libertarians. If we were using the French system, a runoff would have been required.
3, Also note that one reason for not using popular vote nationally is that states have different systems, e.g. some states let felons vote, others do not. Some states allow activists to collect absentee ballots and turn them in to be counted, and others do not. Also not that many of the big cities (New York and Chicago) are infamous for voter fraud, but in an electoral college system they only affect one state, not the national system.
akupermaParticipantThe Democrats will shoot themselves in the foot like they did in 1972 and 1984, and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Trump will regard it as if he has been proclaimed a diety.
May 25, 2019 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm in reply to: Are gun rights protected by the First Amendment? #1732872akupermaParticipantFirst amendment protects freedom expression, and there might be a first amendment issue raised by prohibiting display of a gun (especially if it was unloaded). It is unlikely to be litigated since the debate on guns focuses on the 2nd amendment. However if the right to gun ownership was restricted based on religion or political ideology, it would involve both amendments. (at least according to those who hold guns are for self-defense, a more traditional reading of the 2nd amendment is that its primary purpose was to allow dissidents to own guns).
akupermaParticipantIs reading non-Jewish fiction kosher?
While the idea of a suffering hero is Christian, the idea of a persecuted minority with a vibrant advanced culture hidden from the general society is a Jewish theme. The author is a Christian and the Christian themes are visible in the book if you know what to look for.
akupermaParticipant1. Should women be tax-exempt?
2. Men have pretty much run the world even after women could vote, and they came pretty close to trashing
it. Just look at the leaders who inflicted World War II on us – no women there.3. Since the primary role of Jewish men is to learn Torah, it would make sense to let women take care of other details like running the government and making money.
akupermaParticipantGrant and Harding may have been inept and tolerated corruption if not corrupt themselves, but they also made serious efforts to support civil rights laws (remember the Democrats were the party opposed to civil rights until the second half on the 20th century – until then, most Blacks were Republicans). Jackson may have supported a well established policy of forcing Indians to relocate away from population centers, but his policies in what is known as the Jacksonian era led to opening up political participation to a wide range of Americans including Jews. American was arugably moving towards developing an aristorcracy until Jackson shook things up. That the Democrats under Jackson significantly included the working class led in the long run to opening the way for Blacks to eventually join the system (though that was clearly not his intent), and by opening up the political system to the proletariat the US avoided the severe class-based divisions found in Britain. For all your criticism of Pierce and Buchanan, as well as Jackson, that by acting in ways that postponed the Civil War, they significant increased the liklihood of a Union victory – if the civil war has begun 30 years earlier, before railroads, with only muzzle loaders, and with the northern states not have pulled way ahead of the south in terms of industrial capacity, the outcome might have been very different, and the presidents from Jackson through Buchanan all worked to prevent the civil war. It should be noted that support for tariffs has wide support in the past, usually among the “liberals” favoring protecting jobs rather than “conservaties” who see free trade as promoting economic development.
akupermaParticipantThe classic definition was a Jew (in a rich western country) who sends a second Jew (from a poor backward country, such as Russia or the Ottoman Empire, but usually Russia) to Eretz Yisrael with a third Jew’s money.
akupermaParticipantIt isn’t so clear about Grant, and in particular how much he had to do with the anti-Jewish order issued by his office, and promptly cancelled. Looking at his whole career, he appears to have good relations with Jews.
akupermaParticipantObama accomplished one of his primary goals: establishing an American national health insurance that is too popular to abolish. Johnson was successful in radically changing the role of government in social programs, which was what he wanted to do. Roosevelt convinced the American people to reject both Communism and Fascism, which many if not most Americans in 1932 were likely futures, and then managed to get the United States into World War II even though most Americans were isolationists (without Roosevelt, there is a good chance American would not be western style democracy, and that the thrid Reich would now be approaching its 100th anniversay). Carter and Hoover failed in all their policies, but both were seen as nice guys. Its too early to tell with Trump though he has managed to put a brake on the leftward shifing of the judiciary which was one on his major goals.
For super-losers, I would suggest Andrew Johnson and William Henry Harrison.
May 15, 2019 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm in reply to: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro #1727444akupermaParticipantThe DE FACTO position of Chabad, taken globally, is the politics (Likud vs whomever else is running, Trump or Schumer, Tories or Labor, etc.) are really not all that important, and what matters is Jews learning Torah and doing MItzvos, and anyone concerned over anything else (e.g. almost all of us on YWN) is wasting their time with things that aren’t important. The “bottom line” (as well put in Pirke Avos, among other places), is that this world really isn’t worth prutah.
May 15, 2019 6:52 am at 6:52 am in reply to: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro #1727206akupermaParticipantChabad isn’t really “zionist”. Note that they actively work to preserve Jewish communities in golus. On matters unrelated to Torah and MItsvos, they tend to support whatever the community supports. That’s why Chabad in New York supports the Yankees and Mets, whereas Chabad in Baltimore supports the Orioles. In things that don’t really matter, such as politics and supporting the “home team”, a Chabad shliach in Tel Aviv will be acting different than one in Morocco or Russia,
akupermaParticipantJust like we did for Shabsai Tvi’s birthday?
akupermaParticipant“Mrs.” followed by husbands name reflected the husband higher legal status, e.g. if he was an duke, she was a duchess only by virtue of being married to him. Such titles, along with a woman adopting her husbands surname, reflect usage among the Christians in general, and the British in particular. Traditionally, Jewish women did not adopt a husband’s name but were known as “Pilonis bas Piloni” where “Piloni” was her patronymic (her father’s name). In the 19th century the governments made us adopt their form of names in order to make it easiet to tax and conscript us.
April 30, 2019 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm in reply to: ADL: Anti-Semitic Attacks Highest in Blue States #1721507akupermaParticipant1. Since most Jews live in Blue states, that isn’t surprising.
2. Red states support the traditional idea of religious tolerance which is deeply rooted in American culture, whereas people in blue states focus on identity politics, promoting race and class hatreds, and tend to favor “freedom from religion”, thereby creating a climate that encourage toleration of anti-semitism.
April 28, 2019 8:42 am at 8:42 am in reply to: “Acharon shel Pessach” – No other Yom Tov is called so, why is it called that? #1719764akupermaParticipantWhat else would you call it? Unlike Sukkos, the last days of Pesach are not a separate yuntuf with their own name?
April 22, 2019 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm in reply to: I don’t understand outcome of Mueller report #1718229akupermaParticipant1. The Democrats decided to impeach president, and otherwise to resist anything and everything he does.
2. A special prosecutor is appointed to investigate the charge that the president was a Russian agent.
3. Special prosecutor concluded Trump was not a Russian agent, but many of his friends are crooks.
4. Since special prosecutor didn’t produce evidence that Trump had engaged in “high crimes and misdemeanors” (political crimes while in office), and since it had already been determined that Trump is evil incarnate who must be opposed by all good (“political correct”) persons (determined by the Democrats in 2016, and affirmed by CNN), Trump obviously obstructed justice by concealing that he is evil and worthy of impeachment (and probably drawing and quatering).
So really, it all makes perfect sense,
akupermaParticipantThe more we assimilate the more likely the goyim will turn to “racial” anti-semitism rather than religious anti-semitism. The underlying reason is our refusal to fully assimilate. Note that in pre-war Germany and modern America, secular persons of Jewish descent are readily identified as Jews, and are attempt to impose an alien ideology on the general society. Those who choose to truely assimilate are not identified as Jews (e.g. John Kerry, can assimlate quite well).
akupermaParticipantWe reject their culture, lifestyle and way of doing things. We mock their dieties. We smash their idols. We deny the authenticity of their scriptures. Note the anti-semitism began when Avaham Aveinu was the only Yid. Also not that even Jews who make a serious effort to live and act and believe like goyim, keeping only the slightest degree of Jewishness also run into problems. The cause of bigotry is bigots. No hiddush here.
akupermaParticipantNot really.
First, the frum anti-vaxers are marginal to the frum community. It isn’t like they are followers of a leading rav or rebbe, since the “official” frum community is not involved with “alternative medicine”. The efforts of the frum community have always been toward “establishment” medicine (e.g. getting more people covered by CHIPS. That some Yidden follow some very dumb non-Jewish ideology and get n trouble for it is something that the frum establishment probably sees as reason to say “I told you so”.
Second, the diseases prevented by vaccines are all fairly serious. Even the mildest ones cause major expenses especiaily if both parents are working (including situations where the mother is a teacher), since the children get sick enough that a parent has to stay home with them. Some have serious complications, and even if the chance is 1/10 of a percent, that means a few dozen frum Jews will die or be permanently disabled.
akupermaParticipantboth. One finds individuals of both genders with the name. I suggest giving a child with the name a middle name that is gender-specific so people won’t have to ask.
April 15, 2019 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: Looking to Buy Bookcases, Please Help ASAP #1714864akupermaParticipantGood bookcases cost hundreds of dollars, and the best ones cost over $1000) and are made of real wood (or steel, but they are less attractive).. You can not assemble them yourself. They are not made of plywood, engineered wood, or manufactured wood.
April 11, 2019 7:08 am at 7:08 am in reply to: Your children weren’t meant to be a korbon Pesach. #1713302akupermaParticipantIf you are a ewe, I would think that having your child as a korban pesach would be a great honor.
akupermaParticipantChildren rarely go to college as by they time they complete the necessary courses they are already adults.
Perhaps the question is on how to advise young adults considering going a secular university?akupermaParticipantIF an indiviudal can declare a personal fast, there is no question a Rosh Yeshiva (or other leader of Klal Yisrael, e.g. the “Rebbe” of a community) can declare a fast.
If he decided to do something that would otherwise not be allowed, such as to require the yeshiva to recite Hallel on his birthday, that would be different.
April 7, 2019 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm in reply to: Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time #1710663akupermaParticipantActing against his own personal economic interests (assuming he is as rich as he claims to be and isn’t just faking it), Trump targeted high income persons and affluent home owners in states with high state taxation, and benefits those with lower incomes who can’t afford to own a home and live in poorer states.
This is the idea of progressive taxation. Until recently, it was the Democrats who favored a “tax the rich”, but as the Democrats become the party of Limousine liberals it appears it is now the Republicans who are the party of that favors progressive tax rates.akupermaParticipantMisnagdim see Ha-Shem as a “Boss” who is constantly assigning “shoulds”. They “fear” the Ribono shel Olam.
Hasidim see Ha-Shem as a super-duper best friend and everyone likes doing things together with one’s best friend, and it happens this friends like mitsvos. Hasidim think its cool to have the Ribbono shel Olam as best friend.
April 4, 2019 8:56 am at 8:56 am in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1709137akupermaParticipantThere are two sets of hedarim, one Chabad and one started by the Chassidsh Kollel (how that will develop is unknown as it is quite new). “Totah Institute” was founded by a hasid but is now dominated by yeshivsh.
In the heart of the frum community, houses under $250K are common, and if you look hard enough you could find a semi-detached for well under $200K. More expensive options abound, but they tend to be further away from the most-frum shuls.
Note you will probably need a car in Baltimore, unlike Brooklyn.