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Consider switching to a desktop with a large monitor. The computer should be set up in the most public place in the house, with the monitor situated so it will be clearly visible to everyone else in the house. Even if fear of Ha-Shem doesn’t keep you from abusing the computer, fear of everyone else in the house (parents, siblings, spouse, guests, etc.) will.
February 25, 2025 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Sorry, you must be logged in to comment. #2369007akupermaParticipantJust open another window in the same browser. Log in to YWN. Then go back to your original YWN window and post away.
akupermaParticipantAn AI is only as good as whomever programs it. It is a computer program. It does what you tell it. If you a a fool, it will be foolish. If you tell it to quote AP, you will get a Democrat partisan answer. If you tell it to quote Fox, you will a a largely partisan Republican answer. If you tell it to quote YWN, you will an frum-oriented answer that is usually right though its biases are obvious.
January 20, 2025 4:58 pm at 4:58 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2354428akupermaParticipantFacebook asked if I wanted to repost what I wrote on Jan. 20, 2017. I said then that “Trump has been president for almost an hour and so far, NO apocalypse. I guess those predictions were more examples of fake news from the left-leaning establishment media.” The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Trump has a minimal majority in the House, and barely one in the Senate., and will probably lose both in 2026. It may a major point in American history, or only a trivia contest question about non-consecutive terms. The only difference from eight years ago is that the Progressive (WOKE) wing of the Democrats is shattered and by 2028 the Democrats may be sane again (bad news for the Republicans), while it isn’t clear if the “RINOs” (basically Reagan/Tea Party Republicans) will stick with Trump. Decisive factors may be some of Trump’s foreign policies relating to allies such as NATO, and East Asian democracies, inflation, and whether to expel employed non-criminal aliens.
January 16, 2025 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm in reply to: US, Qatar , Saudia Arabia should provide Guarantee of 1 billion per Prisoner #2353426akupermaParticipantWhy would they? What is Israel offering in return? Remember the prisoners in question want to overthrow the governments in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United States. They have no faith in Hamas “peaceful ways”, and the two Arab countries would probably execute Hamas’s terrorists if they captured them. The “moderate” Arab countries want peace with Israel, and the key to that is negotiating a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel desperately wants the hostages back, and the more hostages returned alive, the better off it is for the Israeli government.
Israel does have the option of executing any terrorist who is not wearing a uniform, or engaged in war crimes (such as rape and murder of civilians). Also remember, the when a war ends, there is a requirement to release prisoners of war. Note that Israel made a decision to abolish capital punishment, and being a democracy, it is hard to change such a policy without public support.
January 15, 2025 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2352935akupermaParticipantDon’t worry. As long as a majority of the politicians, judges and generals are persons of Jewish descent who reject Torah and Mitsvos, and who assert (and even sing about it the national anthem) that the goal of zionism is to free Jews from the yoke of Torah – no one would see the war as being a Milhemes Mitsvah. At some point, based on current demographic trends, Eretz Yisrael might have a government in which most of the leadership (of the government, the legal system and even the military) will be Bnei Torah, and the upper class hilonim will be fleeing since they don’t want to live in Jewish state – then the question will get interesting.
akupermaParticipantIt appears the New York judicial system is admitting its mistake in falsely accusing Trump. By definition, a felony is something for which you get at least one year in prison. In all fairness, this is the first time someone was convicted of paying a blackmailer; in the usual case, the one receiving the money is being prosecuted, not the victim of the blackmail.
January 2, 2025 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348256akupermaParticipantCalendars usually choose an arbitrary date. The Romans often used the date of the mythological founding of Rome. For a while the French used the date of their revolution, and America uses the data of independence (on official texts of laws). Many countries until recently used the date of the current monarch coming to the throne. For a while, we often used the date that Alexander is believed to have conquered Eretz Yisrael. The year used in most western countries is a mythological date, and using BCE/CE is a way to make it less insulting for non-Christians. The Talmud clearly allows using non-Jewish dates on documents, so at least they shouldn’t insult us by trying to make every date into a religious statement.
akupermaParticipantThew primary function of the goyim’s “New Year” is to have a date mid-winter for record keeping. While there might have been a connection to what day some mythological baby born on Dec. 25 would have had a bris, the date was chosen relatively recently. The advantage of having a date mid-winter is that nothing is getting done so your one year measurements are more precise. Spring (as it had been) or Fall (as we do) are times of lively economic activity, which isn’t good for a statistical purpose. Their “New Year” is not about remembering or forgetting, and de facto marks the end of their end of year, post-solstice celebrations which is based on the Roman Saturnalia.
akupermaParticipantAlmost all children are vaccinated, and once anyone gets polio in a community, all the unvaccinated get vaccinated. Vaccines work for life, and the effects of having polio are very visible and obvious. It won’t become a major problem.
There is a problem since some of the mistruths or half-truths the government public health officials spread during Covid (e.g. that Covid was a major threat to children so that schools needed to close, and those who got the Covid vaccine would have no side effects and wouldn’t have to worry about testing positive for Covid ever again) made people question the well established (and safe) vaccines such as the polio one which has been around for 70 years. I would suggest the blame falls more on the civil service (“deep state”) people in the health departments rather than President Biden, since no one ever took Biden seriously to begin with.
akupermaParticipantThe government has a problem regulating drones since, as the Ukrainians have shown, even the “toys” you can buy at B&H or Walmarts can also do military missions including blowing up enemy targets. The FAA is experienced at regulating only larger aircraft and the military has experience defending against only larger targets. Regulating hobby drones, including commercial drones, would be difficult and would cause an outrage by those who use them in their businesses (for photography, for delivery of goods, for monitoring traffic, etc.). And shooting down drones would result in the shooter being sued by the drone’s owners for destruction of private property.
December 9, 2024 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: Tehilim 83: Syria (Assyria) joined anti Israel genocide #2339999akupermaParticipantThe Syrians of today are largely Arabs with a big mixture of Greeks and Romans. They aren’t the ones referred to in Taanach, and more than American Jews are American Indians.
akupermaParticipant1. By halacha, non-frum people are banned from military service on the theory they are probably liable to be killed as punishment for much of the daily conduct, so why “tempt fate” by letting them be soldiers. They could be drafted as jobniks.
2. If the Hareidim were running the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, as was the case in the pre-zionist era, we wouldn’t be war with the Islamic world. The rabbanim warned that demanding to rule over the goyim and making them do our bidding would lead to conflict, and the rabbanim were correct.
3. It is tempting to say “It was the Zionist’s idea to start a war with the Muslims, so let them fight it” but the problem is now that the medinah’s enemies are engaged in a global campaign of genocide against all Jews, and in this are being helped by non-Muslim left-wingers who always found the continued existence of Jews annoying (since according to Marxist theory, we should have been assimilated long ago).
akupermaParticipantThe alternative to a two state solution is for Israel to cease being a democratic state (either by killing the Palestinians or not allowing a large part of them to vote). Either would alienate public opinion in the United States. validate the WOKE anti-Semitism, and probably lead to US-supported sanctions against the zionists. Also note that in a single state solution, only complete unity of Jewish voters (i.e. a coalition of everything from the Haredi parties through what’s left of MAPAM and MAKI, including the openly anti-religious parties) would allow for Jewish control of Eretz Yisrael.
The difference between parties as most of the Democrats oppose the idea of a Jewish state, and are willing to support groups such as Hamas knowing their plan is also a “single state solution” (to be implemented “from the river to the sea” by killing all the Jews in Eretz Yisrael).
November 28, 2024 5:16 pm at 5:16 pm in reply to: ILLEGAL ALIENS versus Undocumented Immigrants #2336357akupermaParticipant“Undocumented” is just a polite way of saying “illegal aliens”. No human, these days, is ever undocumented. Even if you wash up on the shore naked, the cops who pick you up will give you a document. “Undocumented” means improperly documented.
“Illegal” is problematic since that is something determined by a court. Am American court may rule that the “undocumented” person may in fact stay (e.g if the person turns out to be a citizen or a refugee). Calling an improperly documented person “illegal” is similar to calling a person accused of (and perhaps falsely accused) a crime, a “criminal”.
“Immigrants” or even a “wannabee immigrant” reflects that most of the “illegals” (“undocumented”) wish to stay and become Americans. While the situation is different in other countries, those who are “illegal” tourists or “illegal” temporary workers are not perceived of as a problem. In fact many “illegals” in the United States are really “tourists” (who overstay their visa, and get employed without proper authorization) or persons who plan to work in America and then return home (remember America has a labor shortage, and pays relatively high wages).
The word “alien” is also a problem since over the last 50 years it has acquired the meaning of “person from another planet” so calling someone an “alien” implies they are not really human. Note that most other languages have no word for “alien” other than the word for “stranger” or “foreigner”, e.g. זר in Hebrew, or étranger in French.
What does this have to do with socialism or Marxism? Marxism focuses on class struggle. A Marxist looking at the issue would say that the American proletariat opposed immigration because it reduces wages, whereas business owners and employers favor immigration since it increases the pool of workers resulting in lower wages, and often higher productivity. Socialist countries rarely have a problem with undocumented immigration since very few people want to live in socialist countries, and most of those attempting to move to the United States are in fact fleeing socialist countries and desire to exploit capitalism to get rich without government interference (something the Democrats seem to ignore).
akupermaParticipantDue those rules apply to all the officers, or is it similar to European colonial units or the American “colored” units in which the group deemed inferior are the “grunts” commanded by their better.
November 21, 2024 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm in reply to: Statistics Demonstrating Jewish Community Increasingly Voting Republican #2334640akupermaParticipantThe Democrats’ “Progressive wing”, which is ascendant, supports active discrimination against Jews, tolerates anti-Jewish violence, and endorses Hamas’s demand for “ethnic cleansing” of Jews “from the River to the Sea”. Beyond that, many if not most Democrats oppose Freedom of Religion (favoring “freedom from religion”), and the Democrats are the party of the major corporations, which are largely closed to frum Jews. And don’t forget that Democrats favor killing babies, castration and sterilization as a social policy, supporting criminals against the police (as long the crimes victims are “politically incorrect” which includes us, etc.)
akupermaParticipantThe further back you go, the more gedolim appear to us as Charedim. The same holds true for most Baal ha-Battim. To a certain extent 21st century Hareidim often act like reinactors (i.e. they are really much modern than they seem, but act old fashioned as an ideological statement – note use of modern medicine, modern engineered fabrics, modern transportation, modern printing). Contrast this with some goyim who for example, refuse modern drugs, only wear natural fabrics (made from plants or animals rather than from petroleum, don’t use automobiles, insist on using scrolls, etc.).
No one was “modern” before “modern” times, almost by definition (e.g. Rashi never had a smartphone, Moshe Rabeinu never browsed the internet, the Maccabees never used rifles, no one before the mid-20th century used antibiotics or frozen foods, etc.). To a 21st century person, all the Gedolim prior to modern times appear to be Hareidi.
November 13, 2024 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332321akupermaParticipantCheeseburgers don’t kill, and at Trump’s age his chances of lasting another four years are well under 100%. There is a very high correlation between being over 80 and dying. Also note that Vance was really Trump’s chosen one, whereas Harris was more or less forced on Biden to balance the ticket (she was the least toxic “Progressive” available). So don’t be shocked if Trump retires sometime after Jan. 20, 2027.
Also note that Vance is more polite and better educated than Trump, and will appeal to both the MAGA base and the Republican Conservatives.
akupermaParticipantIt was perfectly legal to trick the Democrats into replacing Biden with Harris, knowing that as WOKE Progressive Harris would never break with the ridiculous policies that were destroying the Democrats (something that Biden, an experienced if slightly senile politician might have done). Only a fool would run for office on a platform that including putting men on women’s teams and in women’s shower rooms, admitting unemployable wannabee immigrants and cutting benefits to citizens to subsidize them, allowing open anti-Semites who advocate genocide of Jews to have any role in the Democratic Party, trying to ban people’s preferred automobiles and kitchen appliances, handing out jobs on the basis of gender and ethnicity rather than ability to do the job, etc.). The Democrats needed a “Sister Solija” moment to dumb this baggage, the Trump supporters made sure they wouldn’t pull it off. Brilliant politicking by the MAGA faction.
akupermaParticipantMost of what the original posting wants are beyond the power of the president. especially on matters related to commodity prices or international relations.
It would be nice if persons who attack Jews are prosecuted, and institutions that engage in routine anti-Jewish discrimination lost federal funding and tax exempt status.
November 7, 2024 9:58 am at 9:58 am in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330460akupermaParticipantA mentally ill politician with no respect for rule of law – we are only stuck with him until Jan. 20.
Then we get a sane populist celebrity non-politician, also with minimal respect for rule of law. Perhaps disrespect for rule of law is infectious.
While I would have preferred a fiscally responsible, law abiding conservative – it is a bit arrogant to ignore the fact that bulk of the people in the country are not elite well educated members of the bourgeoisie, and since America is a democracy, it is possible, as just happened, for the proletariat to a candidate who reflects their values and world view.
akupermaParticipantMy prediction in the post script of my last post was correct. What is silly (and disturbing) is that the polls have been consistently wrong, and in the same direction (overstating the Democrats) for a generation.
akupermaParticipantWhile landlines failed miserably in 1936 (they predicted Alf Landon, since only wealthy people had phones), once phones became almost universal (in the 1950s) you could easily call a random number of people and get a random swath of the electorate. You also had phone books giving the addresses of almost all customers. When most people switched to cell/mobile phones this was no longer possible.
P.S. My guess is the over estimation of Democrats will hold true, suggesting Trump will win, perhaps comfortably. Also, many people may perceive as Trump winning and decide to vote for him to get the matter settled once and for all.
October 30, 2024 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm in reply to: Leftist Wonderland: Where Logic Takes a Holiday #2328159akupermaParticipantThe Democrats (including, and led by, their “Progressive” wing) have logical policies based on factual errors, and on biases that most Americans don’t share. They are misinformed, and instead of mocking them, their mistakes should be calmly debated.
October 29, 2024 12:54 pm at 12:54 pm in reply to: please vote who you thinks gunnu win the election #2327712akupermaParticipantDefine “Jewish” and “vote”? Do you consider assimilated Jews (e.g. people such as Doug Emhoff, and those like him) to be Jews? If so, most will probably vote for Ms. Harris. Polls that rely on self-identification usually count such people as Jews (the Israelis for immigration purposes, not to mention the Nazis for knowing who to murder, also did so), and therefore find most Jews supporting the Democrats.
If you limit predictions to frum Jews, and especially those who live in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods, they have been supporting Republicans for some time on the national level, and considering that Harris is the most openly anti-Jewish candidate to run in modern times and perhaps ever, one doubts that will change.
October 29, 2024 12:54 pm at 12:54 pm in reply to: Jews must recognize the mysterious world #2327719akupermaParticipantThe first things we teach little kids is that in the beginning, Ha-Shem created the world, and that a little bit later, Ha-Shem rescued as from Mitsrayim. There is absolutely no empirical evidence for the former, and only minimal circumstantial evidence for the latter (the disappearance of the Canaanites from Eretz Yisrael and our appearance there, slightly after the time we calculate for having been rescued). Can you think of bigger fact than these? We accept the truth of these based on our kabbalah, suggesting the Jewish tradition going back to our earliest memories as a people, including teaching kabbalah to children.
akupermaParticipantShould women be subject to laws passed by men? Should women be subject to taxes?
A good (if undemocratic) argument could be made that uneducated women as well as uneducated men should not be allowed to vote, but that argument fell apart in many countries since they were unwilling to deny voting rights to uneducated (and therefore, usually poor) males. Note that at present, women tend to be better educated than men (a political issue in America, since the Democrats favor affirmative action for women when statistics show that if anything it should favor males).
October 15, 2024 11:07 am at 11:07 am in reply to: US Thad Missiles and Troops to Israel. Beware of MAGA Isolationism #2324638akupermaParticipantHarris seems to have bought into the “big lie” that the Israelis are trying to murder civilians. That is certainly the argument being made by the Progressive Wing of her party, which she has not denounced, and which she has been affiliated with in the past. This suggests that American support of Israel has only a few more months to run.
Trump being chaotic is unpredictable, so in spite of his “America First” doctrine, none of our enemies will know what to expect, and that is more of a deterrent than Biden’s wishy-washy policies which Harris will at best continue.
Trump is anti-immigration but is not racist. His movement includes Haitians, Venezuelans (Hispanics in general), and all the other ethnic minorities. The only opening racist movement in American politics is the Progressive Wing of the Democrats (from whence came Harris and Walz) which is openly anti-Semitic. It is a great accomplishment of America that the anti-immigrant movement, very broadly, consists of the children and grandchildren of immigrants (WASP “Know-Nothings” have disappeared). Neither Harris nor Trump appear to understand the importance of immigration for economic growth, Trump sees them taking away jobs and pushing wages down, while Harris sees them as prospective welfare clients who will vote for the hand that feeds them.
October 9, 2024 11:50 am at 11:50 am in reply to: Navigating the Challenges of International Public Relations #2322875akupermaParticipantIn dealing with people who support genocide, ethnic cleansing, mass murder and rape – we should follow the Anglo-American precedents that proved highly effective in the 1940s. One technique is best exemplified by the bombings such as those of Hamburg and Tokyo, Dresden and Hiroshima (the latter more than anything else convinced the Japanese they were not racially superior and destined to enslave their neighbors). Another technique used widely in Europe involved “hanging” (not necessarily the humane form the Brits favored), and of course we should remember the “blind eye” that many Allied commanders turned when the soldiers executed those who had been involved in running concentrating camps.
The reality the “liberals” among feel to realize is that you can’t argue with a racist bent on killing you. Debate doesn’t work on such people.
October 8, 2024 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2322703akupermaParticipantujm: The issue of safek goy, safek mamzer arose recently with the Ethiopian Jewish community, and there seems to have been a consensus reached that a nominal conversion would work to remove both safekos.
In America, where someone with non-frum ancestors applies to go to a frum school (not to mention, if they get married), the standard practice has been to chat about their ancestors enough to know that they can trace their ancestry back to someone frum, and to be able to determine if there are any issues. At this point the question is only about a few generations (excluding the early 19th century Germans, and the colonial era Sefardim). In the foreseeable future that will be very hard to do, especially with families that had been non-frum for four of five generations, in which “kiruv” for all purposes evolves into a “conversion” movement. It also should be noted that already the percentage of Americans with Jewish ancestors is rising steadily so that increasing we are in a world where all goyim are safek Jews (perhaps an argument against use of a Shabbos Goy).
October 7, 2024 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2322254akupermaParticipantujm (re: shidduchim), if someone is considering a shiduch and they don’t have a clear idea of their ancestry back to the point when their ancestors were frum, they will probably be considered a safek Jew, and asked to convert. This does cause a minor problem if the person is a male Kohen or a male Levi, and especially if the person is a female marrying a Kohen. Of course if the person is unable to be certain if any of their Jewish ancestors had kosher marriages before being totally OTD, and then a civil divorce, being a safek Jew as well as a safek Mamzer is resolved by conversion (cf: issues raised with remote communities whose marriages were kosher and whose divorces were not). NOTE that if some who is already Shomer Mitsvos, and discovers they may not be Jewish, wishes to convert, it isn’t a big problem since they already have the Jewish education and Torah lifestyle requried.
October 7, 2024 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm in reply to: If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel. #2322183akupermaParticipantIt isn’t all clear which is worse. In many ways Trump’s “support” of Israel, combined with an “America First” foreign policy (i.e. no foreign wars) may be even more likely to put Israel at risk, since it will give a “green light” to America’s enemies (including Iran) to pursue aggressive policies without fear of American intervention. Domestic anti-Semitism, on the other hand, is an issue in which Trump is clearly preferable from our perspective, as the WOKE wing of the Democrats appear to be taking over the party, and they include Harris and Walz, and they are openly anti-Israel and anti-Jewish (meaning opposed to frum Jews).
For Israel, the message should be that no matter who wins, their survival is in their hands and they need to be prepared to defend themselves with their own resources and give up dependence on American aid or the financial support of American Jews (e.g. raise taxes, build up defense industries so they don’t need imports, promote policies of national unity go back to having a third world standard of living so they can support a first world military without imports).
October 7, 2024 10:53 am at 10:53 am in reply to: How To Do Kiruv Nowadays When Half of Non-Orthodox “Jews” Aren’t Jewish? #2321914akupermaParticipantWhether doing Kiruv, or running a yeshiva aimed at Baalei Tseuvah, one has to be prepared for the possibility that someone raised in a non-frum background is not Jewish, or at least, there is no way of determining if they are Jewish. One should note that in the case of Baalei Tseuvah who are already doing mitsvos, and then discovers they may, or perhaps definitely, are not Jews, conversion is greatly simplified by the fact they are already adopting a Jewish lifestyle. At this point, anyone who is of German descent (i.e. from the 1848 waive of immigration) or Sefardi (from those fleeing the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th and 17th centuries), whose family has not remained at least nominally Orthodox, probably is a safek goy, and this will soon be the case, if it isn’t already, of the waive of East European Ashkenazim who came in the late 19th and early 20th century.
On the bright side, during the first generation or two of going “off the derekh” people often had arguably valid marriages but rarely bother with a “get” when they got divorced – but if it turns out they are goyim that solves the problem (since it is lot easier to convert that to deal with mamzerus).
There is a view that it is prohibited from trying to convince goyim to convert, but it isn’t clear how that appears to non-Jews of Jewish descent. It needs to be remembered that until recently, it was a capital offense for a goy to become a ger, so any Jews openly encouraging goyim to convert would be executed.
akupermaParticipantIf it turns out that the Arab-Israeli (or rather Iranian-Israeli) conflict ignites World War III, similar to how a local conflict in the Balkans ignited World War I, Neturei Karta will be seen as the only group who correctly understood how Jews turning into Zionists could destroy the world.
October 1, 2024 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2320829akupermaParticipantThey are both “good” or “bad” for the Jews, but in different ways.
Harris’s close alliance and past association with the Progressive (WOKE) wing of her party is very threatening since they are active anti-Semites.
Trump’s willingness to accept support from far night the anti-Semitic activists is probably less threatening, since the right-wing anti-Semites have minimal support whereas the left-wing anti-Semites are a large movement and probably control the Democratic Party.
MAGA’s isolationism is threatening to Israel (and the world) but is not based on anti-Semitism, whereas the Progressive position is that Israel (and Jews who support Israel, and all non-assimilated Jews are presumed to be zionists) is evil and should be destroyed (and they act on this belief by attacking Jews in America and around the world).
akupermaParticipantYussel: Normal people surrender. Lawyers specializing in international and military law capitulate. Don’t expect to find “surrender” on the SAT, but be ready for “capitulation”.
akupermaParticipantWhen Biden (a few years younger than me) was growing up, many people still remembered World War I (and World War II was something of a continuation and a rematch). The situation today globally is very similar to that of the early summer of 1914, and Biden wants to keep a lid on the situation including the war in the Middle East, Ukraine and the potential conflicts in East Asia. He needs Israel to win enough so they don’t decide they have had all they can take and start throwing around weapons of mass destruction, and while Israel could wipe out the Palestinians and cripple the Muslim world, the backlash would probably set off the “powderkeg” that is set to explode globally (and unlike 1914, many countries have weapons of mass destruction or can get them quickly).
akupermaParticipantThe author of the posting forgets that the whole idea of Zionism was to free Jews from the yoke of Torah and to wipe out learning Torah. To them, closing down the yeshivos and drafting the students is a “two fer” (they get more canon fodder and sharply undermine Torah scholarship and they hope to strike a fatal blow against Yiddishkeit). If all the Zionists wanted was to Jews being able to live in peace and devote themselves to Torah and Mitsvos, they had that option a century ago, and turned it down. Frumkeit is not really compatible with conquering the neighboring goyim and bending them to our will, which is the concept of “sovereignty” that it the core of the zionist dream. The Zionists have painted themselves into a corner through their own bigotry and pig-headedness (choice of animal is not a slip of speech).
September 30, 2024 3:11 pm at 3:11 pm in reply to: What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year? #2320312akupermaParticipantMy suggestion would be to study “Journalism” as it was taught in journalism schools in the pre-WOKE era, involving reporting, fact checking, political neutrality, objectivity, etc. We really don’t need an online version of the Jewish Press, or a Jewish version of the New York Times as it is in the 21st century, but a new source similar to what mainstream newspapers were 50+ years ago would be nice.
September 27, 2024 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2319290akupermaParticipant1. If they are “real” Chareidim (e.g. Satmar, Neturei Karta) who hold that Torah prohibits establishing a secular nominally-Jewish state, then they are conscientious objectors. Such persons routinely minimize accepting benefits from the medinah (and refuse funding from zionist entities including the Israeli government). There are no good reasons for the medinah to conscript such persons, and probably should treat them as Arabs (i.e. Palestinian Jews) with no more rights, or disabilities that Palestinian Muslims who refuse to serve in the IDF. Such persons should be exempt regardless of whether they are learning full time or not. It should be noted that most western democracies have traditionally exempted conscientious objectors to military service, and arresting conscientious objectors would be a public relations nightmare for the medinah.
2. For individuals who accept the legality under Jewish law of the current Medinah, the only real issue the IDF’s accommodation of religious practices (or lack thereof). This could be addressed and to a certain extent is (e.g. in special units and Hesder yeshivos). For Zionists who believe that their learning is more important than playing soldier, accommodation can be done through Hesder programs or even arranging part time service or work in alternative services such as defense factories (and noting that the Israeli government considers a yeshiva student learning 20 hours a week to be full time, so many exempt students can do some gainful employment).
3. The government could tie support for yeshiva students to military service, if they similarly tied support for university students to military service, and also tied state benefits to military service. However this would alienate many non-hareidim (secular left wingers as well as Arabs) who don’t serve in the army (and according to government statistics, they outnumber hareidim who refuse military service.
akupermaParticipant“Capitulation” is a fancy, lawyer-like, word that means “surrender”. For examples, the Germans capitulated to the Allies on May 8. The United States capitulated to the Taliban in Afghanistan. If the Israelis are forced to capitulate to Hezbollah, they probably will have to give up the Galil,
September 26, 2024 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm in reply to: Trump ready to drop Ukraine – Is Israel next? #2319011akupermaParticipant“America First” means foreign countries LAST. Remember that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are allied. There already are Russian troops stationed in Syria (referenced in reports of foreign troops supporting Hebzolah in Syria ready to enter Lebanon and fight the Israelis). If Trump wins, he will give much sympathy for Israel, but nothing that will meaningfully stop the Russia/Iran/China axis from attacking. And remember that Israel is hopelessly outnumbered, and receives a large amount of its arms from the Americans. Of course one could hope for a miracle, perhaps in zechus of Israel cracking down on Torah education, banning abortions and LGBTQ, etc. (I am being sarcastic). The Israeli might be able to survive if they give up their first world standard of living (which many if not most Israeli Hareidim don’t enjoy), and are prepared to fight without American aid – but that might be too little, too late.
While Kamala (and her movement, the WOKE Progressive wing of the Democrats) only hate Israel, they are not likely to meaningfully oppose the “axis” since they prefer to focus on domestic matters and WOKE policies, rather than rebuild national defenses which have been seriously weakening for the last 16 years, so if those who depend on the United States in Europe or Asia which to survive, they need to be prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to defeat their enemies.
September 22, 2024 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317562akupermaParticipantNo one has ever bred a chicken with a different bird. The genetic engineering of chickens, which had already taken place by the periods referred to in the Talmuds, was done through natural means (preferring those that lay eggs even when infertile, and eating the rest).
Please list the Hechksherim giving heckshers to unprocessed chicken eggs, and the companies producing them. I can’t seem to find them in any kashrus guides, leading me to think discussion is a HOAX (probably be a non-frum Jews trying to annoy us).
September 22, 2024 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317369akupermaParticipantWho is selling raw chicken eggs with a hecksher? What company is paying for such a hecksher?
If some “dairy” company has a contract with a hecksher that all their products get the hecksher, the eggs frequently sold by that dairy company would technically get a hecksher, but the marginal cost of that hecksher would be de minimis (the fee for the hecksher would be on products that require supervision). Processed food such as powdered eggs need a hecksher but the discussion is over raw chicken eggs sold with unbroken shells.
Non-chicken eggs that occasionally get sold commercially, which is rare, are from kosher birds such as turkey and duck. Almost all eggs sold anywhere are from chickens, largely since chickens have been genetically modified to produce eggs roughly once a day and even when they are not fertilized.
September 21, 2024 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317015akupermaParticipantWho is giving a hecksher to raw chicken eggs?
Unlike milk (in some places, non-kosher milk is sold commercially), there are no non-kosher animals whose eggs are commercially available, or are customarily eaten by humans.
akupermaParticipantBy retaliating against Hezbollah the Israelis warned them that they can expect that conquering Eretz Yisrael will NOT be a push over, and they did so in a way that minimized non-combatant casualties (how many people give their work pager as a toy for their kids to play with?). Report indicate that the injuries were from the pager exploding in the hand and near the face of the user, or in their pockets. If a thief and murderer can break into your house, do his will, and leave without fear of consequences, he’ll continue to do so. Seriously wounding a large part of the enemy’s armed forces is in fact a much more effect measure than levelling the houses of the civilian population.
Calling Hezbollah a “terrorist” organization is a mistake. It is a formal armed force that is under Iran’s de facto command. They are no more terrorists the Israeli artillery or air force units – the only difference is Hezbollah primarily targets civilians, which is illegal under international law and that fact should help us understand that the pro-Hezbollah (and pro-Hamas) movements worldwide are criminals similar to the National Socialists and allied parties in Europe in the early 1940s (and yes, I’m suggesting that the pro-Palestinian demonstrators and politicians, including most of the “Progressive” wing of the Democrats, are NAZIs, pure and simple). And we need to remember that successful deNazification involved inflicting mass destruction and executing the leaders.
akupermaParticipantIf Trump or Harris announced that they would pardon anyone whose prosecution was politically motivated (excluding only who had inflicted physical harm on another person), including anyone arrested at a political demonstration or anyone whose conviction had been demanded by politicians or the media -they would be a national hero and win. Americans do not approve of the use of the legal system to harass political opponents and if either candidate adopts an anti-Lawfare policy it will seriously improve their chances of election.
akupermaParticipantThere is no reason to believe that Vance would do better, The Republicans would have been better off 8 months ago Trump retired and endorsed Haley, who then chose Vance for Vice-President. Unlike the Democrats (whose split between WOKE and DINO is over ideology, e.g. WOKE supports Hamas and anti-Semitism in America, the DINOs don’t), the Republican split of MAGA vs RINO is based on style and campaign tactics more than ideology.
The “never Trumpers” are unlikely to rejoin the Republican party since they object to MAGA ideology and generally share the Democrat’s view that the Trump supporters are a “basket of deplorables”. TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) does make the Democrats act like idiots (e.g. calling for Trump’s imprisonment or execution, without or without a fair trial), and if Trump dropped out they might recover.
September 15, 2024 11:25 pm at 11:25 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2315098akupermaParticipantIf you want to be safe from goyim, in the long run, you are talking about another planet (should we try to take over Mars before Musk does) or Olam ha-Ba, which is quite safe for frum Yidden.
We should realize that the period starting with the end of World War II has been a “golden age” and is unlikely to continue and we should expect to return to what was normal in the past.