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you touched my heart with your story. You are 100% right that there is a stigma… I have a close friend who went through some really tough times (emotional illness, divorce, depression….) and just got married again to a wonderful boy who was never married before. I think he is the most amazing person for looking past her USED TO BE ILLNESS (she got help obviously) and marrying her. May your yeshuva come soon
adorableParticipantGOQ- its about taking the circumstances and situations you are put into and working with them to be the best person you can be. I think you fit the criteria of someone who takes what Hashem gives them and works with it instead of against it. Just MHO- dont knwo who you are so its hard to tell…
adorableParticipantSJS- that is very cute…did you work at the yankee statium or in manhattan?
adorableParticipantI know my brother talk about this every bein hazmanim-one wears them out and tried to work his magic on the others too. he lost one brother but got the younger ones to….
adorableParticipantthey are really just regular ppl but I’m still very into them not sure why though
adorableParticipantcares about his wife and children and puts that before his social life and work life (IMHO)
adorableParticipantbpt- you make me roll. guys and girls are just so different there is no way to explain us to the guys… about the gym I cannot understand but I would not walk out of my house if I wasn’t wearing makeup but that might also be because I would like to get married in the near future!
adorableParticipanteclipse- if you would charge for all your services you would be a rich lady
adorableParticipanthow do you know what your brothers name here would be? how can you be sure that you are not his sister?
about the subtitles you have to behave for a little while and then eventually one mod gets in the mood of giving subtitles and gives them out
May 4, 2011 5:12 pm at 5:12 pm in reply to: Skverer rebbi predicts predicted the assassination of Osama bin Laden This week #763921adorableParticipantthe song is sfardi i think but what do you mean about the fish?
adorableParticipantI feel very dumb but I cannot figure it out. I think it was just her natural reaction- without thinking she just felt frustrated that she could not find this guy so she killed her sister who was the only one around
does that make sense? just a quick thought I did not think about it too long YET….
May 4, 2011 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm in reply to: Is It Worth Releasing Bin Laden Photos To Prove That He's Dead #764385adorableParticipantit does not prove that he is dead – just like Obama’s birth certificate does not prove where he was born. Our president is the last person I believe in the worlD!
adorableParticipantI am confused!
adorableParticipantI was actually going to thank you for all your help. I ended up getting my friend to come with me from one wedding to another- I did not want to walk alone and we got her car from the valet and drove but still used your directions (partially!) thank you for all your time
May 3, 2011 9:38 pm at 9:38 pm in reply to: If you dont know what ur talking about, stop talking so much! #763721adorableParticipantha ha how are all the wedding preps going?
adorableParticipantok well
adorableParticipantdid you write the article in the Mishpacha? you remind me about someone who wrote a letter about his single status
adorableParticipantwishywashy- sharp comment!
adorableParticipantare you talking about doctor Lebowitz in Lakewood, NJ or someone else? I heard about a women who had OCD and goes to bathe and wash up a million times before going to the Mikvah and still then she says it wasn’t good and will go back…. sounds nuts to me but who knows?
adorableParticipantWishing you only a happy life and may you find your Bashert soon which I’m sure will help both of you!
I agree! May you find your bashert soon…. I think you should try and just give your niece her space she might feel like you smother her for some reason.
thank you amichai for sticking up for me!
adorableParticipantI come to the CR and post things that show I am frustrated and then they get deleted and then I get even angrier but that is the way it goes
adorableParticipantjust thinking that we have not heard from you- seems like you just disappeared…
adorableParticipantbpt- funny that you say that… someone just asked my father if he should continue to date a girl who he liked very much but was pulling her skirt down (to cover her knees) the whole time. this was a first date!
BTW i meant you have not been here lately as often as you used to be here…
adorableParticipantI would love a room like this at home- just walk it and it calms you down!
adorableParticipantbpt where have you been lately….
May 3, 2011 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: Skverer rebbi predicts predicted the assassination of Osama bin Laden This week #763906adorableParticipantyou are right i just checked it i dont know if they say it but open and close their mouths…. once again you are correct!
May 3, 2011 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm in reply to: Skverer rebbi predicts predicted the assassination of Osama bin Laden This week #763905adorableParticipantok you might be right i will check and let you know
adorableParticipantblinky i was just thinking about you last night how are you?
adorableParticipantI watched parts of the wedding and thought it was a beautiful event. she is so stunning and regal! hope this one lasts!
adorableParticipantMods- I just saw mine this minute and want to thank you for it. Its so cute but not so accurate about me because I happen to be thin but I like it a lot thank you so much!!!!!!!
May 3, 2011 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm in reply to: Skverer rebbi predicts predicted the assassination of Osama bin Laden This week #763902adorableParticipantMod- LOL you had me laughing but I dont think they spoke just moved!
adorableParticipantyoyo- I hope you are joking!
adorableParticipantate it for lunch was horrible and cold and barely edible but thanks to a cup of coffee i got it to go down!
May 2, 2011 9:23 pm at 9:23 pm in reply to: I didn't want to see another royal wedding thread, so #763416adorableParticipantnot sure how long I am here but Mazel Tov to you. this place is a great place to be!
adorableParticipantI had some issues with a guy in one of the stores that I go to and I felt that being a very good customer of their store I have a right to tell the managers what I feel…. I went over to the manger and told him the whole story…he took care of that guy but then I became friends with him. I wish this whole thing would never have started!
adorableParticipantI am truly sorry! I did print out your info though! Thank you again and I am sorry hope you forgive me I really do appreciate it
adorableParticipantThe more I thought about this the more I think you should just leave it go. I dont know your niece but if you think she is mature enough not to show it to everyone she knows then go ahead and write it but if not then just forget the whole thing and move on.
Yogi- why are you concerned?
adorableParticipantI cannot imagine making a seder by myself and hope you are joking…. No you must not mish but I understand where they are coming from when they tell you that you should come join them and eat some meals out…
adorableParticipantso you are not sending it to her?
adorableParticipantrednails- you are right and i think they have these available…. I know that there was once such a course where I live
adorableParticipantI would not marry someone who came in wrinkled clothing or if he was chewing gum but if he had bad breathe or was laughing out loud i would let it slide for the first date. other than that no way!
adorableParticipantjust do it! not that anything will happen if you decide not to send it but why not? as long as its nice and not battering her and telling her how bad she is then send it!
adorableParticipanti would take someone not so good looking and kind and sensitive for sure but does that mean someone ugly looking?
May 2, 2011 5:49 pm at 5:49 pm in reply to: whay are stockings allowed if they are see through? or are they not allowed? #763745adorableParticipantI just had this discussion with someone the other day. I am so confused….I heard that someone said in Rabbi Forscheimers name that you can wear 30 denier. when I asked him (I have someone who works with him ask him and I heard it from his mouth!) if that means that anything that is 30 is ok he said no! There was a meeting of rabbonim and they asked him for a denier that they can say is ok. He did not want to give one because every person is so different….until the pressed him so much that he said “anything under 30 is not allowed ever but over 30 has to be checked out on your foot. you have to be able to tell the the person is wearing tights from across the street.” those were his words
adorableParticipanti also think that if you get too personal or too touchy like writing things like you know that I love you…. or anything like that she might take it as you are trying to flirt with her and she is not interested in that…. be careful not to be too pushy but be warm and nice
adorableParticipantI know what you mean…. you dont want it to be awkward forever
good luck in whatever you decide…
adorableParticipantyou have to ask nicely and tell them what you want….
adorableParticipantwhat happened? did you send the letter? did she respond?
adorableParticipantis it a safe neighborhood for me to walk there alone? can i go from one to another at night?
April 29, 2011 3:31 pm at 3:31 pm in reply to: Doing Something L'Ilyui Nishmas A [Purposeful] Suicide #764747adorableParticipantdo you know someone like this?