Forum Replies Created
eclipse- what is here? crown heights?
adorableParticipanthe is a stupid arab and thought he was infallible.
adorableParticipantI did notice a bunch of teen girls come here all tog- LSS, Gumball… and some others
adorableParticipantgetzel- I second that your jokes make me roll
adorableParticipantwho are you? for real are you the manager? if you are so pls tell me why you ignored me…. email me please then i will believe you (maybe)
adorableParticipantI actually thought she looked beautiful and very majestic. why type of gown would you like her to wear- long sleeves and a high collar?!?! come on!
adorableParticipantwhen it comes time for me to light then i will ask my rav… until then I’ll leave it to my father
adorableParticipantI think there are quite a number of guys here too that talk about “their” things too for ex. tzitzis, cars, mets/yankees…. those are more or less only guy things in my eyes…. and im not a teenager anymore so….
adorableParticipanthealth- now that you are unblocked can you come back please? dont be scared of this place please
adorableParticipantwell then why was my mother told to add another one? She was only able to turn the lights on and off that week and when she came home she was told to add another one…
adorableParticipanti dont know about the second marriage thing but I do know that if you miss a week for some reason (my mother missed one week when she was in the hospital) you should add another one forever.
adorableParticipantI was thinking about just starting it…
adorableParticipantcan i ask you why you care so much?
adorableParticipantI am so lost wow!
He is now unblocked.
adorableParticipantI just listened to an interview that he gave on some music thing over the phone. sounds like a great guy…did not get the cd yet though.
adorableParticipantnone- take her to a shadchun in real life or call some for her but if I had to chose one I would choose frumster
adorableParticipanti just want to send someone an email but dont want him to know its me emailing him so if i do it from one of my co workers computers is that less likely for him to figure it out?
May 4, 2011 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm in reply to: Is It Worth Releasing Bin Laden Photos To Prove That He's Dead #764429adorableParticipantgo onto the home page its right there. i cannot bear to look at it if i dont want to faint right here!
adorableParticipantyou are not so dumb after all i guess. that is partial but good shot
adorableParticipantthe mods are not computers they are humans. They might not know there was a thread like that already (more than one mod here you know) and they also might not have time to check to make sure its not a double. who cares if someone wants to post the same thing twice? why do you care?
adorableParticipantHE did something to tick the mods off but not sure what it was
adorableParticipanti dont want to forget it until you tell me which post you are referring to. are you new here btw?
adorableParticipantwell either way it was something that i did not think was personal but my mother did and i repeated it to someone in the family until it got back to her. you would think that i didnt tell her not to repeat it!
adorableParticipantso what should i do now?!?!?!??! shrek!
would they be able to tell if its send from the same office and same network but a different computer?
adorableParticipantwhat thread are you talking about? why are you and why would i want to tell you? you are scaring me
adorableParticipantouch that would be scary if he was. is your ex from england or does he act (or think he does) like an englishman?
adorableParticipantwe wont go there for now…. check every other thread and maybe you will find it one day
adorableParticipantare you the manager?
adorableParticipantyes i told you he is…shall i say not your typical? but in essence he is more than just different
adorableParticipantI still dont think i would ever be able to do what she did. its a very big step especially for a women that it means so much to
adorableParticipantPac-Man- the manager is too long to write about over here but i think my aunt is plain old dumb and thinks its cute. when she married him we were very close but then i got bigger and things change…. He used to go around telling his friends that I was his first wife until this other lady came around
May 4, 2011 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm in reply to: Is It Worth Releasing Bin Laden Photos To Prove That He's Dead #764410adorableParticipantI cant use photoshop if I tried and defenitely cannot create a picture of a dead Osama Bin Laden so there you go…. even if the 5 yr old that you know who can use it is a real person….i cannot imagine him drawing more than a house with flowers at best
adorableParticipantI think he told her straight out that he does not like makeup- like why dirty your face with all this stuff? he likes to see her pure face
adorableParticipantshe decided to respect her husbands wishes. I would never be able to do that but….I think in the back of her mind she always wanted to be able to stop but not sure if it was a conscious thought
adorableParticipantZk I also have some things to read from their side of the fence. skirt lengths, makeup, heels….
adorableParticipanti dont think there are any left- still trying to find one-ALL I NEED IS ONE- but I cant! where are they hiding?!?!?!?1
adorableParticipantshe is a wonderful person and I cannot imagine how she did it but she knew that it meant the world to him. She was the type who wore makeup from a very young age- house full of older sisters….always loved playing around with their stuff…
adorableParticipantI think I was also in second grade and I remember that we came home early and I heard my mother listening to the radio all thru supper… my father worked in Manhattan at the time but was not in that part of town so…
adorableParticipanti would never be able to deal with the pressure a mod faces on a typical day and all the bothering that we do here…. poor guys
adorableParticipantjust wanted to make sure you saw that i thanked you for your time and assistance
adorableParticipantcherrybim- Im happy you are not being my kallah teacher! I have a co worker whos husband does not like when she wears makeup. She stopped cold turkey- from one day to the next. I admire her so much you cannot imagine. she went from heavy makeup every day to a tiny mascara (she is blonde!) for a wedding!
adorableParticipantmods just wanna thank you again i love mine! I guess I’m not adorable after all that but I am beautiful!
adorableParticipantwellmeaning busybody- did you read my post thanking you or do you only notice when I forget to?
adorableParticipantshlishi- I just read your post. thank you for that…I could use any luck that I can get! my uncle is not a constant issue- he just makes me nuts when I see him- he awakens all my senses….and makes me throw up when i get home and think about it! And the manager- yes I could use help with that on a DAILY basis!
adorableParticipantI think she should just thank him nicely and move on. I dont think it shows something nice about her if she just ignores it and does not say anything….why did she earn it? But why would you rave for hours? just say thank you so much and move on. whats the issue?
adorableParticipantblinky- so are you back here for good or is this a tease?
adorableParticipantanytime. keep up the great work!
adorableParticipantcherrybim- bad advice to tell someone that you dont know. you want to cause shalom bayis issues there?
adorableParticipantso im not a serial killer after all and I dont think like one. Ok great thank you cute riddle
May 4, 2011 6:13 pm at 6:13 pm in reply to: Is It Worth Releasing Bin Laden Photos To Prove That He's Dead #764401adorableParticipantI think they should release some photos but not all maybe. They are upset that he was killed already why would this aggravate them more? They are not humans and we have to stop treating them like they are! Plus no one believes this president of ours anymore so…lets see his proof!