Forum Replies Created
PM- you clearly think its not ok so why are you still here?
adorableParticipantshevy is the best usually but the most expensive. If money is not an issue I would go with that
adorableParticipantI think im pretty good then…the more I see that ppls posts get deleted more than mine the more I think I am staying here and not running away yet. Thank you for my rates…
adorableParticipantthank you now we can continue. I feel like we discuss this every couple of days but hey why not right?!?!??!
adorableParticipantmy boss wants me here to answer the phones so he would not tell me to go home
adorableParticipantif you googled it you cheated but thank you for the answer
adorableParticipanti dont think so unless he calmed down a lot
adorableParticipantI used to only check the news. Now when I come on here I go straight to the CR and when I try reading the news I find it boring
adorableParticipantRD- are you new here?
adorableParticipantZK- go on craig’s list they have some cars there now that look interesting. My friend is also looking for a car…
Can you daven for all of us here to find our bashert quickly and easily and all those who needs children and shalom bayis should be helped too. Maybe turn your Hakaras Hatov to Hashem into something concrete instead of just telling us how much to thank
adorableParticipantI get paid per hour and still post here because there is nothing for me to do now. is that stealing?
May 27, 2011 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: what was your first memory and how old were you? #778597adorableParticipanti rem stealing winkies in the middle of the night and my father finding me and putting me back to bed
adorableParticipantgood shab guys! miss you until tuesday!
adorableParticipantseems like her friend left just as fast as she did
adorableParticipantat least this can turn into a discussion (anything can in this place) but urs could not!
adorableParticipantno she was not dressed properly. heard a great story from reb. leah horowitz- she walked into a store and was horrified to see hoe a certain frum girl was dressed. when she was trying to figure it all out she realized that the girls was all perfectly covered but was dressed like a cowboy. the “look” was very wrong!
adorableParticipantjust watched it! really good those guys are amazing
adorableParticipantare you proud of me that in all these months nothing (these dont count and its not a personal joke!) ever got edited I think its cool
adorableParticipantI think I understand what you mean but i def “tried” more things out (watched things that i would not have in HS) now that I am working and I feel bad about that
adorableParticipantok not cute mod 80 stop it!
adorableParticipantbpt- I agree it must have to do with the weather there is no other logical explanation. And they dont all live in BP (we discovered that before from MOD 80) so they might be getting different weather…. that makes sense
adorableParticipantwhen i think about some of my posts that were deleted or edited (B”H its not that many that are deleted and none that i ever recall being edited) I wonder if I was a mod would I let them through? Just thinking about it.
can i still apply for that job?
adorableParticipantanyone see the pester rebbe’s video “Thruway”? am i the only one who noticed that he only has peyos on one side?
adorableParticipantgood 4 u!
adorableParticipantthat bothers me too- I watched them knowing that they are wrong to watch and will come into my mind to haunt me but i did it anyhow! Oh that stupid yetzer hara!!!!!!!
May 27, 2011 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm in reply to: I am getting the evil eye from a squirrel next door and I dont know what to do #1108306adorableParticipantwhy are you analyzing a squirrel?!?!!?! do yourself a favor and get a job
adorableParticipantsilent- your tefillah is heartwarming. You seem like a very deep, thought out person and that will get you very far in life. May we all find our yeshuos easily and quickly
adorableParticipantmod- I was thinking that too. I cry all the time for no reason
adorableParticipantno advice but its great that you are so aware and feel for your husband and not saying its too bad this is how i am in this stage in life. i know some ppl who do that and i think its mean!
adorableParticipantyg- no you are right. I am sorry for that wording and you are right.
mdd- one thing you cannot accuse me of is being farfrummet. That is not what I mean. There is a difference between learning about certain things through the Torahs views vs. through movies and porn videos… do you understand me now?!?!?!? I dont mean to learn it when its time for marriage…
adorableParticipantomg you guys are awesome!
adorableParticipantthe cottage cheese sounds interesting to me never seen that. I just got carried away with that detail and could not read the rest of the post
adorableParticipanti text my friends all the time. for t-mobile use [email protected]
adorableParticipantwhy couldnt you have taken the drink and then said something to the cashier to show that you are entitled to the soda? that way every hears that you are not stealing
adorableParticipantguys these are great keep them coming….
adorableParticipantits harder for the girls to get over it than the boys. they have other ppl to move on to while the girls might not
adorableParticipantveg have bugs too
adorableParticipantwhoever recomended garden of emunah- thank you its a great book and i read it but did not do enough of it to really change my life i did it here and there and only a little every day. i love the stop surviving start living!He is great!!!!!!
adorableParticipantread my posts and you will understand what i meant. or someone else can explain it to you but i cant go through the whole thing again. Mod 80 should be able to help you…LOL
adorableParticipanti think you are the only one who willingly gave away your identity. I guess it makes it easier than trying to figure you out!!!
adorableParticipantnot working but thank you anyhow
adorableParticipantnope. diff wedding
adorableParticipantcan you post a link?
adorableParticipantits just hard to hear every other day that someone said no to you
adorableParticipantI dont mean innocent as in the second definition for sure and i dont really understand the first one very well either. I think you misunderstood my post
adorableParticipantI have a friend who keeps gettign redt shidduchim by the one lady who asks her before the guys. she is so hurt every time the guy says no. I wish I could call her up and tell her that she is causing my friend untold heartache and its just not fair. I wish she would call the guys first and THEN call the girl. Dont make it harder for us please
adorableParticipantyou might be so holy that the holiness burnt the spider
adorableParticipantok cant wait. anyone went and wanna report how it was in the end?
adorableParticipantinnocent does not mean not knowing things it just means learning them from the right sources with the right hashkafos and not through the internet or other sources in the wrong way and with the goyish hashkafa
adorableParticipantmaybe her mommy didnt let her go today