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  • in reply to: Same gender marriage- immoral? #781316

    Dear derech Hamelech I strongly suggest you speak to your rosh Kollel. I did not know that you live isolated in Eretz Yisrael or was it only recently that they tried for a pride march in Yerushalyim. All Jews must care for one another.And remember chas vishalom it should not come to this but whatever mishigas happens in america many left leaning politicians in Eretz Yisrael will try to copy it

    in reply to: Same gender marriage- immoral? #781268

    To Derech Hamelech: I do not understand how you say this law does not effect you, It now gives us another thing that is acceptable to the outside world which we will have to grasp with. Imagine if such a couple lives on your block and your child will come home and ask you, look what a nice loving family why is it wrong?To say that the Torah forbids it when your child might see that they seem very happy is a very hard lesson. Additionally,this whole situation has bought lewd behavior into the forefront of everyday conversation. And Bichlal when something is accepted by general society it is very hard to make a strong geder to protect ourselves,you must realize this law will give a level of comfort to Jewish (including otherwise Frum people, we are all frum aside from our aveiros whatever they may be) gay people who struggle with this to say it should be accepted and now science and society agrees with us.

    in reply to: Everyone Should see a Therapist #781097

    Dear Shein:”Of course Rabbonim and R”Y’s have training.” I am sorry but while there have been great strides made, you are terribly misinformed.B)If you are seeing a rosh yeshiva for emotional family or mental health advice then make sure that person has all the time to see you as a therapist sees a client and is experienced in everything. A Rosh Yeshiva still has a Yeshiva to run and might not always be available or have expertise in every area. They are a Rosh Yeshiva and a Tzaddik not a therapist albeit many of them have tremendous life experience with various emotional and mental health issues

    in reply to: what's better: to be humble, OR mar'eet ayin? #780318

    When you daven together with campers you play a very crucial role as it is easier for them to be motivated to daven if the counselor is davening along with them.By many camps this is actually a requirement. However if this is to difficult, Daven at home first, and then Daven together with them without Sheim Hashem they will assume that you Davened at home already, and you will still motivate them.Just remember your primary job is to help these kids be motivated in Davening.

    in reply to: Mohelim – Cost of Bris Milah #779590

    we paid 400 my friends have paid anywhere between 400-700 i have no idea where 1000-1500 is and this is in brooklyn

    in reply to: In a Heap O' Trouble #986176

    Just BTW a tremendous Gadol said that american Jews have a special Shemira due to all the tzedaka they do

    Hatzala, shomrim, bonei olam,chai lifelie Ohel the most tzedkas and Gemachs in the history of the Jewish People,Satmar Bikur Cholim, Chabad houses everywhere have nothing to do with Derech Eretz?

    These are all inyanim of derech eretz and Bein adam lichaveiro

    please do not serve as a prosecutor against yourself and your friends. As mentioned above yes we have problems but Moshiach can come at any second to doubt that or to say otherwise is bordering on Kefira. Part of mussar (and I am not giving you any just stating fact that you could research on your own) is not to be so hard on yourself or others.To say Hashem is Chasvishalom going to punish us is not the mindset you should have. Daven for Yeshuos instead of worrying about what is wrong you can Daven to Hashem that despite are faults and because we need Moshiach to help us please send him. This is a major crux of our Yamim Noraim tefillas.

    Hashem when judging knows our problems and faults mazids and shogegs yet still Hashem has infinite patience and Rachamim and loves us, judges likaf Zechus like a father to a child. We are Ameich Kulam Tzadikim and you are part of the family as well and you can trust your father will take care of you and your brothers with rachamim.

    in reply to: yeshiva or public school? #811681

    minyan gal: you had mentioned about them putting on a play modeling a seder and chanuka; That would never fly in america due to stricter separation of church and state a charter school here is just another public school. By the charter school here in brooklyn, there was a poster in a classroom of a man blowing a shofar. The poster was deemed to be a religious symbol and the poster taken down. Also the demographics are different in the charter school here half are non jewish students

    in reply to: Behave Yourself #779161

    I assume if you were in public you would be shein and Zees regarding whatever was stressing you, making you uncalm or whatever was annoying, you might not have done. That is ideally the way people should act in private. Ironically, because of our comfort level with the ones we love we don’t always do that 🙂

    in reply to: Give it another shot or not #802552

    I personally know of four couples that went out again and are married for years already with kids. The reasons they gave that it did not work the first time they went out was inexperience in dating(not realizing they had the one meant for them), cold feet,were not truly ready to go out yet the first time around.

    While I agree that there is cause for concern for why it did not work the first time,focus on the positive.This guy who I had a nice time with wants to go out again. If it is for any of the above reasons that he dropped you the first time, he is not a bad person to go out with again. May you soon find your Shidduch bisha Tova umitzlachas

    in reply to: yeshiva or public school? #811665

    Itchesrulik: BH your father accomplished but how many did not remain frum or their frumkiet did not last more then a generation. It is also impossible to compare the public school enviroment today to those of the time your father went.Even in younger grades today everything is allowed everything taught and everything permitted and remember the kids have access to everything in their homes, are these the homes you would feel comfortable sending your kids to play by?

    I will agree with you though I am sure your father is very ehrlich as are his friends.But, that has nothing to do with public school. It has to do with the kochos that went into him, and the appreciation by many grandparents after the holocaust to have a strong Jewish identity instilled in their children.

    in reply to: They Need Me and I Need You #779011

    Contact Rabbi Walerstein or Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis Walerstien number dont have but you could contact his yeshiva Birchas shmuel or ohr nava . Rabbi Jungreis walks around the streets helping troubled kids and helps them get jobs places to sleep and what to eat and if not for him he might be able to direct you (dear mods this is not a secret number call or text 646-256-4049)

    in reply to: yeshiva or public school? #811657

    dear minyan gal charter schools are an abject failure and a plus for assimilation BTW I am very involved in Kiruv and of all people Rabbi Eric Yoffie of reform Judiasm agreed with me a small quote

    ” For some charter school enthusiasts, these difficulties may be acknowledged, but the argument is made that the Hebrew language is in any case the key element of Jewish instruction and is sufficient to create a lasting Jewish identity. As a lifelong lover, speaker and champion of Hebrew, I cannot agree. Hebrew alone cannot sustain Jewish life, and the power of Hebrew comes as much from unlocking the treasures of the Jewish religious tradition as it does from creating ties to Jewish culture and the Jewish state. One need only look at the experience of the more than half a million emigrants from Israel in America. Those who do not make religious connections and who hope to maintain their Judaism solely through Hebrew language are the first to assimilate.

    The high costs of day school are a legitimate concern, but we should not give up on day schools and surely we must support those day schools that we have. If philanthropists and communal leaders are interested in finding additional vehicles to assure our Jewish future, I recommend turning to projects with a proven record of success. For example, we could undertake as a community to provide every Jewish child with two years of Jewish nursery school and two summers of Jewish camping. Reasonably priced and freed from the constraints of public financing, these educational experiences can do what charter schools cannot: they can deepen Jewish identity, strengthen Jewish peoplehood and produce proud, affirming, committed Jewish children.”

    Rabbi Eric Yoffie is president of the Union for Reform Judaism.

    in reply to: yeshiva or public school? #811656

    Cleverjewishpun:Just curious do you think it will be so easy for a third or fourth grader to give up all his /her friends what about mixed dancing and parties?No sleepovers at friends, unfiltered internet foul language spoken as everyday words in homes of friends what are you setting such a kid up for? I could maybe hear you till kindergarten/pre1a but till third grade would never work in modern society.

    To charliehall: You have said that you live in riverdale,I will go out on a limb and assume that your lawyer friend with the nine month old is in the same social circle or live in Riverdale. SAR Ramaz etc.. charge a ton. There are many schools in other areas while still tough on parents charge much less then 10-25k per kid. For example I have many friends that live in the five towns I would not move there just because of the LIRR cost and combined cost of tuition and taxes being double of brooklyn. Is this lawyer still planning to have fancy vacations or buy expensive clothing everything is about choices in life some are voluntary some are made for us. You say they will hire tutors instead lets assume it at a minimum 150 per week = 600 per month there are many Yeshivas outside of your area that will love to take a child at 6k per year. If you are able to reach out to them try convincing them to move.I am sorry but it does not sound as if they are not sending to Yeshiva due to a real monetary reason but are dissuaded from sending to their prime choices.You or someone else might be able to persuade them otherwise use your Koach. Haztlacha

    in reply to: In a Heap O' Trouble #986171

    “By all accounts of what I see around me, moshiach is clearly going to be tarrying for a while.”

    Hatzala, Tomchei Shabbos, Artscroll, Feldheim, Tehillim groups, Bonei Olam Atime, Chai lifeline, Chaveirim, Shomrim, Avos ubanim learning, Shiurim for all topics and ages, Our place,Oora, Aish Hatorah Hineni,the most tzedkas and Gemachs in the history of the Jewish People,Satmar Bikur Cholim, Chabad houses everywhere, Echo,NCSY,YUmechina Programs, Project Seed,Parteners in Torah,Whether in Kollel or working the ability to have time to learn on a high level due to the plethora that is out there, whether bichavrusa alone via sefarim or electronic media any time of day, Jews returning to Eretz Yisroel, an Israeli Government while generally not Frum that allocates millions to support Torah, a generation that rose up from the holocaust upon whom it can be said “Never have so many been indebted to so few”National Kashrus organizations,the legal arm of Aguda Yisrael to help press our needs,people such as Rebbeim and laymen and laywomen that are constantly working for Tzorchei Tzibbur and the list can go on and on Boruch hasehm

    I do not have my head in the sand there are plenty of Tzaros in Klal Yisroel effecting all of us tuition,Shidduchim, etc.. and they do sorely need proactive addressing.But maybe Moshiach will come for all the good we have done in these past few generations. Always remember Ameich Kulam Tzadikim and Moshiach could come Kiheref Ayin.

    in reply to: STRESS ISSUES #785009

    dear coke : just because something is natural does not mean it cannot be harmful many holistic medicines are worse or have as bad a potential harmful side effect as real antidepressants.Anyway rednails should first try coping techniques before taking a pill natural or otherwise

    in reply to: Which large appliance dealers are reasonable with good cust service? #778759

    for what its worth agree with BH18 about drimmers just got an A/C there. also if you are having a contractor come in to adjust your counters they many times can get you a discount on appliances from drimmers or others. You can also get 10% off coupons for lowes and home depot from their websites for appliances or anything else. Even with the discounts still shop around abit

    in reply to: Are you allowed to buy cut up fruits in a non jewish store? #778580

    To hello:I might be assuming to much doubt but I am not sure if they fully keep knives clean. I actually have seen counter people in Kosher and non Kosher stores alike using knives and utensils without fully rinsing it off. Strict halacha according to what you say yes you are right.But i just dont trust them to fully clean the knives.Even in frum takeout stores kashrus agencies cannot vouch for things being fully parve and advise to assume everything is fleishig or flieshig keilim.Once again I trust your Halachic knowledge of this issue but this might not be such a black and white issue. So I will not err judgement I will also ask the opinion of a Rav that I know that is a consultant for various local and major kashrus organizations. It could be you are totally right and my concerns are not justified.(will not be back tonight though sorry)When i get back the answer I will post unless someone else does. be well

    in reply to: Are you allowed to buy cut up fruits in a non jewish store? #778577

    thanx hello99 but what I was trying to imply is that there are so many different salads and fruits in supermarkets these days prepacked you do not know when buying a box of cut up watermelon, if a minute before the same knife was used to help chop up onions with a side of meat, or many times you see fruits and salads that are mixed with trief dressings that knife might have been used in preparation of a treif dish even if you are only buying non-charif items. The modern supermarket is very different then the REMA times.I think a delineation should be made between stam a fruit store and store that sells fruit and salad together with other dishes and sauces

    in reply to: Do I confront them? #779559

    FYI if you are posting this here, then Mr. or Miss whomever you saw will probably realize or at the very least think it is them you are talking about.Assuming you saw correctly then they are an active coffee roomer. How many people in the CR in the past few days quickly had to adjust their screen because someone suddenly saw them posting? If it is a friend then it really is not the worst thing in the world, however they might have liked their cloak of anonymity. If you don’t want your friend to find out ask the mods to get rid of this thread

    in reply to: MBYHSFGO? #1005972

    ITFAPOD= Interesting Tidbits For Awkward Pauses On Dates

    in reply to: Are you allowed to buy cut up fruits in a non jewish store? #778572

    to Poppa BAR Abba thank-you but just wondering re chariff fruit from the REMA: With extensive fruit and salad platters and lunch boxes to go would we not be afraid these days that the knife is used for charif or trief.(IE if MR A in the grocery is putting together a salad platter with deli and he notices there is a sliver of fat on the turkey i do not think he will make a special trip to use a different knife). Additionally even if knives are kept separate (fruit/salad knives from salad/fruit platters that also combine with sauces or sides) I do not know how one can guarantee that they are not byomo or charif or trief. I just am not sure if the REMA would apply to modern delis and supermarkets who constantly sell cut up fruits and salads with sauces fish cheeses and meats packed together.

    in reply to: Are you allowed to buy cut up fruits in a non jewish store? #778561

    to hello 99. I am sorry to say but the above scenario is not farfetched(workers using fruit knife for treif sandwiches)There was a fruit store where such an incidence did occur (probably happiest who posted above heard something about it)BTW That store though is no longer around. If you are from brooklyn do you recall what happened last year by dunkin donuts? The workers were warming up their own lunches in the microwaves? It was also farfetched but it did happen. Do you actually think in big supermarkets without hechsher they make sure to wash fruit knives separately and not in hot water? In many places the fruit section is next to the deli, cheese or fish. All problematic if washed together.Also, even if washed separately if the fruit knives soak in the sink isn’t the sink treif? Or if they wash in an industrial washer isn’t it a trief dishwasher even if washed separately? Unfortunately things are not so simple.

    in reply to: SoUp PlEaSe?! #777787

    just btw if you are making a gepachked soup with a lot of things unless you davka wanna cook bear in mind many store brought soups are just as good and cost the same or less

    in reply to: plague of the generation imo #757712

    unaffordable yeshiva tuition and both parents working are responsible for all thats wrong. If you had less stress about money, and parents more free to spend time with kids I guarantee the internet drugs etc.. would not be as problematic as they are today. BTW how many people are now considering charter schools as opposed to yeshiva in jersey and Brooklyn.

    in reply to: Legit!!! #756820

    From meriamm webster dictionary


    : legitimate

    Examples of LEGIT

    1. What she’s doing is perfectly legit.

    2. All I want is a legit chance to succeed.

    First Known Use of LEGIT


    in reply to: HEARTBURN! #758644

    persistent untreated heartburn that you you just sugarcoat by not feeling its effects via tums or other drugs is very dangerous. You must be seen by an md. You might have a serious digestive issue in early stage that is easily treatable before it becomes a major issue not easily treatable


    From infoplease how april fools day got started

    In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year’s Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year’s day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on “fool’s errands” or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe.

    in reply to: Blue Envelope #753988

    agreed very annoying in corner of eye

    in reply to: Need camp for 3year old boy in flatbush #754003

    IF he is he three year old post nursery then you can send to Ruach it is an all day program. If not send to torah umidos or to toiv(Rebbetzin Oshry)

    in reply to: Wonder Baker: Anyone know where to get one? #759324

    to deizyooger: I think it so you can cook over the gas burner on yom tov otherwise you would be right toaster/convection oven would be good but only for chal hamoed Chag kasher visameach!

    in reply to: Wonder Baker: Anyone know where to get one? #759320

    I came up with a few just do an internet search for stovetop oven in google shopping. Additionally there is another item called a portable camp oven that is the size of a countertop fridge search google shopping you will see both items.

    in reply to: do 'mazinka' dance or not? #753121

    The whole concept of the mezinka was in fact taken from not frum concepts and with the passage of time people became less concerned about the idea and it became more acceptable. Unlike Joseph however I know you were never in a million years planning to have mixed dancing.

    The reason many Rabbonim are against the practice aside from the origin is what takes place during the dancing. Many choshuve rabbanim feel it is against Jewish ideals to show that you have now swept your kids out of the house on their own. A Jewish parent should always demonstrate that the house is always open even if the child is married on their own, and mommy and daddy are always there IYH especially when they become bubby and Zaydie and that parents always show concern and have you in mind in their tefilos .

    A few Rabbonim that I have heard directly from have said that a Jewish Parents Job is never done, by demonstrating a dance with the broom it is as if you are showing you did your job to marry off your kids to send them off into the world and now you can be patered(exempted) from your kids lives.BH it is a tremendous accomplishment,and should be celebrated and obviously not all rabbonim feel this way. Everyone should have Yiddishe Nachas and may you have mazel and Bracha whatever your decision.

    In the Zchus that you are thinking of your friends may your friends always think of you

    in reply to: do psychologists really help ppl? #756998

    to mind over chatter: Many therapists charge what a doctors visit would cost if you did not have insurance between 100-200 dollars with most charging 125-175 an hour. I do not understand your statement about “charging an arm and a leg.” If you want reduced rate and insurance acceptance you can obviously see someone more cheaply. In Brooklyn The Jewish board has some good therapists that will accept insurance.

    in reply to: do psychologists really help ppl? #756995

    There is nothing wrong with being concerned about your issue even if you feel its minor.If you had a persistent stomachache even if minor you would see your doctor. Emotional health is just as important, if you feel you need it don’t hesitate to get in touch with a psychologist or social worker. Most qualified and menshlech counselors will let you know in an initial phone conversation if your problem should be addressed in the psychological setting, and if they are the right counselor that could handle your issue. You do not have to be mentally unstable to have something emotionally bothering you or something in your life that you just cant handle without outside input. Davka it is to be commended and shows you have your head on straight, that you realize that you have some issue that needs addressing whether emotional or otherwise. Hatzlacha with whatever you are dealing with,Frielichen Purim

    in reply to: Please Make Me Laugh #750909

    guaranteed at least to get a smirk

    A man rushes into drugstore and asks the pharmacist for something guaranteed to stop hiccups. The pharmacist slowly poured a glass of water and when it was full he picked it up, suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs, and threw the water into the man’s face. “Why did you do that?” the man yelled angrily. “Well you don’t have hiccups now do you?” replied the pharmacist. “NO!” shouted the man. “But my wife in the car still does!”

    in reply to: hisachdus (crc) hechsher on baking products #750069

    there are many bakeries in brooklyn under hisachdus. I have seen some of their kitchens not all products are hisachdus however, the CRC approves of their use. Go to a CRC bakery and see what they use and then you will know what you can buy that is approved by CRC

    in reply to: Why oh why all the pain?? #749333

    To msseeker:Iam very happy that you have found the reason for our punishments we are facing. Just by the way I would like to point out in the Torah aside from the three oaths , there is also zachor es yom hasshabbos, kabed es avicha vies emecha, lo signov,Viahavta liracha kamocha….

    in reply to: Why oh why all the pain?? #749332

    i actually thought neturai karta were the arch enemies of the Torah but thankyou for exposing yourself. The last time i looked there were no secular zionists embracing achmadinejad or calling for destruction of the jewsih people because they live in eretz yisroel. I agree secular Zionists are wrong but that doesnt make you right. At least most of the secular zionists are tinok shenishbar as oppossed to others who know the Torah and twist it

    in reply to: Murder in Itamar ~~~~ whose fault? #748827

    to jewishness: as you have copied your response from a similar thread(why all the pain)This is a tragedy that shakes up most normal people without the need for being Motzie shem Ra on people in Eretz Yisroel here was my reponse in that thread

    You have no right to insult Hashems people whether they live here or in eretz yisroel in such a blanket manner

    TO JEWISHNESS: Eretz Yisroel has the highest amount of people that keep kosher, learn Torah, keep Taharas Hamishpacha (even the most the most chiloni goes to mikva at least once before getting married)and the Rishaim in the government even though they are pushing for cut-backs are the biggest supporters of Torah learning in the world.We cannot subscribe reason to Hashem meting out punishment, perhaps it was even due to sins by people in america as in the internet age we are very keenly and immediately effected by this tragedy. Do not cast aspersions and certainly you have no right to say all the leaders are Rishaim. Need I remind you there are Rabbonim and others who are part of the political process. I am not burying my head in the sand, yes there are problems in Eretz Yisroel but there are problems everywhere.We should Daven that in the Zechus of all the right things going on in Eretz Yisroel Hashem should protect his children and lead us into doing and helping us accomplish teshuva and bring our geula bimhera.

    in reply to: Why oh why all the pain?? #749316

    TO JEWISHNESS: Eretz Yisroel has the highest amount of people that keep kosher, learn Torah, keep Taharas Hamishpacha (even the most the most chiloni goes to mikva at least once before getting married)and the Rishaim in the government even though they are pushing for cut-backs are the biggest supporters of Torah learning in the world.We cannot subscribe reason to Hashem meting out punishment, perhaps it was even due to sins by people in america as in the internet age we are very keenly and immediately effected by this tragedy. Do not cast aspersions and certainly you have no right to say all the leaders are Rishaim. Need I remind you there are Rabbonim and others who are part of the political process. I am not burying my head in the sand, yes there are problems in Eretz Yisroel but there are problems everywhere.We should Daven that in the Zechus of all the right things going on in Eretz Yisroel Hashem should protect his children and lead us into doing and helping us accomplish teshuva and bring our geula bimhera.

    in reply to: Baby formula #748664

    to daas yochid you are thinking along the right lines. I was told that it has to do with lach bilach (mixing permitted and not permitted items to nullify and in our case when something is assur miderabban)There is an essay which discusses this lach bilach concept online type in the words lach bilach in google you will get the article it is on the bottom of part/page three heres the link

    in reply to: Baby formula #748662

    to little EEma: There actually is a halachic preference (Chumra)to use liquid but as i stated I only guessed the reason. I will look it up or ask the person in the ou that i know.In terms of spillage and otherwise, this is not a concern as one should not pour the formula and bottles near any pesachdik items all mainstream kashrus authorities say to keep it separate and wash the items and prepare in the bathroom.I will hopefully get the answer soon. Additionally as i stated there obviously is no Inyan of kitniyos for babies

    in reply to: Baby formula #748656

    Just a friendly reminder if anybody here is a first time parent, we are almost shloshim yom kodem hachag. A parent must buy formula before pesach, as well as purchase new bottles and pacifiers. Bottles should be cleaned and rinsed in a nonfood(ie bathroom) sink due to kitnoyos concerns. It is preferable but NOT a halachic necessity (as stated by OU R Blumenkrantz ZTL and others) to buy liquid premade formula (I believe the reason being this way you are not preparing the kitniyos mixtures yourself on yom tov.) Obviously there is no inyan of kitniyos for the baby.

    in reply to: Baby formula #748655

    to daas yochid: doctors recommend milk based formula as it is better for most babies in terms of nutrition,digestion, and certain fat and proteins. Soy based is usually given only as a second choice due to some babies having difficulty digesting milk. Additionally in some cases babies are overly sensitive and can suffer from a soy overload.

    in reply to: The Maccabeats Released A New Purim Song #747972

    to cshapiro: buy their cd it does have a few original songs and the songs they copy are nice as well. To geshmak man all I can say is hey you never know in terms of what effect the song might have in terms of kiruv

    in reply to: Yigal Calek #780060

    Additionally, a few years back london boys choir performed by a Hasc concert you can by the cd or dvd of the concert they perform a part of Kan tzipor if not all of it. It is a great CD with alot of great calek songs and old London songs

    in reply to: Baby formula #748643

    Cholov yisroel similac is also advantageous as if you are in a pinch you can also get non-cholov yisrael easily without switching your babys formula. There have been many quality control issues with non-us brand formulas in terms of nutrition needs many people in Eretz Yisrael and Europe supplement with vitamin drops due to deficiencies.And yes the above poster was correct Materna has been at least temporarily pulled from USA shelves

    in reply to: Yigal Calek #780058

    I also believe the song is from Calek Mostly Music has a bunch of the old pirchei tapes(some of which have been transferred to cd) London Toronto etc.. give them a call or visit if you are in brooklyn

    in reply to: Flowers for Shabbos #746535

    Dear smartcookie, there actually are people like that. They believe flowers are messy and wasteful (assuming it is a nice arrangement what else would you pay twenty bucks or more for just to throw out in a day or two)personally, i do try to buy flowers erev shabbos nothing expensive though. I also have seen this inyan in seforim.

    in reply to: Social Work School #1024825

    wurzweiller has a summer program where you can do all your field work during the year wherever you live

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 300 total)