Forum Replies Created
September 23, 2012 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897653abcd2Participant
To yehudayona: I am sorry for your personal experience and do know that the system at times can be very frustrating. However, I know dozens of parents that have been involved with otsar hamaspik hasc etc.. that have the opposite impression, whose children excelled in unimaginable ways.The men and women that by and large do their jobs with special children do so with tremendous ahava mesiras nefesh and knowledge.
September 23, 2012 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897650abcd2ParticipantRadiantglow: Wherever you go there will be shules and social circles where you feel you have to keep up with the joneses. It is all a matter of where you Daven and who your social circle is and the pressure you put on yourself. In NY there are all types.If you are coming without money Yeshiva tuition and needs for your son can be overwhelming. As referenced above NY would have the best support system. Do not feel overwhelmed. In NY tuition per child will be between 5-10 thousand. Out of ny and in certain ny suburbs tution will be between 10-18thousand and scholarships will not be as forthcoming. Additionally as referenced above special needs cannot be matched. Coming from Eretz Yisroel where you have plethora of shopping and yeshivas and then going to a one horse town would be very hard. Additionally parnasa wise baltimore and nyc would be much easier for your husband to find work.
September 23, 2012 1:49 pm at 1:49 pm in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897644abcd2ParticipantBTW: A) You might have some private reason for not choosing NY I should have phrased my last sentence that you should could consider NY as opposed to asking why not.Again NY has many different neighborhoods where you might feel comfortable
B) I know a few former brits and they never felt fully comfortable with driving here.Regarding the above communities: Driving is usually a necessity and many families have two cars. In NYC you can do very nicely without having to drive you are never more then a five minute walk from shule shopping transportation.(taxis and transportation are abundant and cheaper in NYC then a suburban setting
C)Yeshiva tuition in NYC while prohibitive like most places is still less and easier to get a scholarship for then the above aforementioned cities additionally yeshiva school bus is provided.
For a special needs child Yeshiva tuition and/or day programs are given as part of govt grants for special needs.Outside nyc many municipalities require you to outlay some of the monies at the beginning of the school year and then petition for reimbursement(reimbursement does happen and they will cover tuition in the end but you must first register start paying tuition and then gov pays back the school after year has begun).
Hope we can be helpful and Hatzlacha with your move.
September 23, 2012 12:07 pm at 12:07 pm in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897642abcd2ParticipantIf you are coming from yerushalyim your best bets for most opportunuties would be Baltimore as they have the largest populationand most choices and work can be found in dc baltimore silver spring etc.. and they also have more choice of yeshivas and Ner Yirsroel has always been very open to Baalie teshuva
Why is NY not on your list? Work opportunity and yeshiva opportunity abound and for a child with special needs the free Jewish services and govt support that NYC offers cannot be matched anywhere. Many people coming from Eretz Yisroel think all NYers are chasidish that a baal teshuva family might have a problem intigrating into but this is not true! Queens Flatbush Far rockaway have many Balei teshuva. Why is NYC not on your list?
abcd2Participantre fast forward oomis: The Lehramn’s are very fine people. Mrs. Lehrman Hashem should give her Koach is alive and well.R’ Dovid ZTL is buried in Beth David.
Iced a brief humble synopsis of former very Jewish Neighborhoods in Brooklyn: East Flatbush: lasted till late 1970’s Jewish Population completely dwindled down late 1980’s
East NY, Brownsville,were done in the 1960’s minyanim still remained 1970’s
Canarsie had full Shules till 1990 Jewish population dwindled down in 2000, but two minyanim remain and some shules are rented out to chasidic outfits who bus in from BP everyday.
While crown Heights is a Lubavitch stronghold it pales in comparison to the total number of Jews that were there till the 1970’s
Unbelievably,each of the above neighborhoods had between 25-50,000 Jews. Now what happened to all those Jews and their children? What happened to a vast amount of them? Should there not be by now due to natural population growth a few hundred thousand more Jews in the tristate area?
The answer:Sadly,many of the children who grew up in the above neighborhoods were not afforded a proper jewish education and assimilated.
abcd2ParticipantPoppa bar abba:That comment really is not becoming of someone of your well read stature.There are many wonderful normal fine parents who try everything conventionally and unconventionally and still have a kid OTD.
More: “However a child over his teen years … an 80% chance of him never returning.”
I do not Know what the exact stats are in terms of percentage wise but let us just say your observation is correct. That will still leave a 20% chance of return.
People have defied far greater odds when coming back from life threatening illness.If there was a 20% chance of your child returning to the fold would you not want to risk anything that might work?
I am well aware Gemara and seforim talk about Taharas Hamishpacha and the influence it can have on our children’s upbringing.However, please think about what you wrote. There are many fine families,people in your neighborhood, (whichever one it is )even Rabbonim and I am sure even readers of this forum who are careful in the mentioned area that still have to deal in some form with a problematic child or someone going off the Derech.
Forgive me and I am sure you actually do know this, but judging Likaf zechus is always important especially this time of year.Unless something is really blatant,or unless you live in someones house it is really not possible to be
” clear” about any Tzaros an individual or a family has.We really cannot understand Cheshbonos for isurim.
Mommia22:a)You had a suggestion that has worked with some individuals
Vochindik- The whole entire situation has to be known to give an answer.
(what where when why)Unless it is an extreme situation someone going off in their teens or young adulthood still might return when older.A)The source of their angst might not have had anything to do with their going OTD but was the most convenient way of dealing with their confused feelings.B)Their ambivalence and/or ignorance of certain aspects of yiddishkiet at the time,were due to being young and thinking they knew everything but once more mature maybe the person in question will remember the positives and seek to deal with their Emunah and return.C)Their were outside influences friends, stressors etc.. that family might not have known about or the person could not escape that heavily influenced the change in lifestyle that are no longer present. D)A person might come back for the sake of their children.
Personally I would consult with someone like Rebbetzin Jungreis or Aish Hatorah.These are people that deal with these issues everyday and can listen and try to dissect the whole situation. They might even be the Shlichim to bring the person in question back to the fold. Hatzlacha!
abcd2ParticipantI feel that this post is terrible
Just to let all above know that this past week a lady in Pennsylvania was arrested for almost killing her husband via putting visine in his coffee.(something she apparently tried to do in the past as well)
There is nothing prankish about anything that could potentially harm or kill a person
abcd2Participantif your local supermarket cant help you quality frozen foods has it readily available and they ship all over the country (quality is the largest distributor of kosher frozen and grocery product in the ny area and supply many supermarkets across the country) on their website they list it right away just by typing creamer in search you can also call them
abcd2ParticipantRe chofetz Chaim post: agree with above as false. However great European Gedolim said that American Jews would be protected due the great amount of tzedaka they give I read this quote in more then one book and I believe it was referring to the Gezeira of the holocaust. Hashem should protect all Jews from all tragedies wherever they are(I cant recall but it was a direct quote either Reb chaim Ozer or Reb Boruch Ber lebowitz ZTL I do not think it was the Chofetz Chaim)
abcd2ParticipantFirst talk honestly to the husband directly as to why the spouse might feel the need to do this,(i.e. is there a distress in the married life or is it simply a taiva or a simple slide in frumkeit)
Why jump to embarrass the husband in front of the family Rov? He will be embarrassed enough as it is.
After confronting the issue the husband and wife should set up a filter. If for some reason a filter cant be had on the computer, let the spouse know for the time being you will monitor computer usage.
An essential part of this is for the husband to learn a mussar sefer 15 minutes a day (plenty are available with a good English translation) and husband and wife together should read a book on Shalom Bayis.
If the husband says this has nothing to do with the wife and is simply a taiva and hard struggle that he cant defeat on his own have him promise to speak to a well known Rav or marriage counselor that you can mutually agree upon within a short set time frame. If he fails to follow through, then speak to a Rav/counselor and make the appt.for him. You are out to help the marriage and come out stronger not to embarrass the husband.
Unnecessarily, disclosing this info to your Rav can do irreparable harm. The relationship of a husband with a Rav is very important and might make him feel ill at ease when needing support and asking halachic shailos and might even force him to switch shules.
B)Keep in mind this can be attributed to a reaction to outside stress the husband is just keeping inside,and actually happy with his relationship with his wife,and might actually need help with that stressor and the improper internet usage is a symptom resulting from that .
c) As Rabbi Reisman said by the Flatbush internet asifa, that while it is an aveira, looking at improper things on line does not mean that you need a get from your husband or that he is a rasha.
D) I assume your friend made sure that there were not teenage boys that could have been on the internet at that time.
Wishing only simchas
abcd2ParticipantTo Rabbaim and others:KVH/Rabbinical council of New England recently installed a whole new vaad. As part of the transition, the new vaad analyzed the Kashrus situation and clamped down on any laxities.
The kashrus division of the Vaad oversees virtually all kosher stores in the boston area and is compromised of talmidie chachomim.
abcd2ParticipantChabad in orlando can help you arrange time share rentals. Additionally,a website vrbo has vacation rentals all over the country with dozens in orlando area.In orlando you can easily rent a vac home with a private pool.
abcd2ParticipantI forgot to mention about Noam like others posted above that I heard nice things from families that sent there.
ywband:Can I assume the veretzky day camp uses yiddish for learning, like the yeshiva does during the year?
abcd2ParticipantNoam is located in BP and is a mix of very yeshivish and chasidish.I am sure that chaim and possibly also Ruack have bus service.
abcd2ParticipantDespite your screen name of redsox I will assume you are from Brooklyn.
These are the most popular yeshiva oriented boys day camps in Brooklyn.
Chaim (Chaim Berlin,but boys from many diff yeshivas and backgrounds go there for day camp)
Ruach (much of the caring senior staff have been there for years)
Yedidim (Yedidim offers extended day for older kids.I am not completely sure about ages and exact times,but I think the day ends somewhere between 6-630pm for fifth grade and up)
Simcha Day camp located in the five towns offers bus pick up in Brooklyn. Additionally, Simcha goes a full day on Friday.
Safe and Happy Summer
abcd2ParticipantIkea,possible bargains sears and macys fine furnishings
abcd2ParticipantAs it is Erev Shabbos, it is worth noting one major change in the last few hundred years is the adoption of all Kehillos of using Lecha Dodi as part of Kabbolas Shabbos.
This tefilla is also only a few hundred years old, and in retrospect it is amazing that various Kehillos in Europe were hesitant to incorporate this now essential, universal and meaningful Tefila into the Friday night Davening.
I am very grateful how such a beautiful heart warming Tefila and cohesive song is a part of all our Kabbolas Shabbos.
Good Shabbos:)
abcd2Participantits MBD/yossi green a great rendition of it (an excellent cd anyway beside for this song) is on HASC Jerusalem Experience (time for music 17). BTW if you like this song then get the Hasc yerushalyim DVD. This song and others were given their own moving videos during the concert and are viewable on the DVD. Beside for the yerushalyim videos the dvd also has lipas funny hasc gelt video. Enjoy and good shabbos!
abcd2ParticipantThere are tons of rich sefardim, Ashkenazim, yekkes and chasidim as well,why single out the SY community? There are dozens and dozens of syrians that I know of that are struggling.
Houses and fancy cars are not always an indicator of true wealth. How many families do you know that do not necessarily have a mansion or a high end car, but pay yeshiva tuition(even with scholarship),have a home or multi-bedroom apartment, go on at least one overnight vacation per year and help support a son/son in-law?
While many of us (myself included) have monetary concerns, just be aware whoever you know that fits into the above category is pulling down a salary or has access to money (from relatives or Mazeldig investing) 3-4 times that of the average American family.
A better way that this thread should have begun was to try to figure out a way why certain people might still have money in this economy.All reasons are applicable to every segment of our community and fall into any one or a combo of the following: Family money, Well paying profession, family business,smart person, socially successful (i.e. likeable and a lot of connections) and shrewd investor.
Of course the number one reason is your Hishtadlus and continual Davening to Hashem who is in charge of all our Mazel.
The slogan for the lotto is
“Hey you never know”, but its so true with are Mazel as well. You never know what your Davening and Mitzvos might bring 🙂
abcd2Participantthe Goq thankyou for your concern Boruch Hashem am doing better.Was nice of you to ask
abcd2ParticipantSemantics can sometimes be as important as the words spoken.
I agree with what alla means however context has a lot to do with speech and language. On the video he is pandering to the muslim crowd and is preaching toward the version of Islamic concept of G-ds rule.Otherwise, who cares who rules over Yerushalayim if it all is G-d s domain.He is begging for palestinian rule of Yerushalayimm.
Using Al quds instead of Yerushalyim has a tremendous meaning as it refers to it being holy in the eyes of Islam.If he wanted he could have referred to it as yerushalyim and al quds to signify its holiness to both religions. (to above that said al quds is no different then Jerusalem) Jerusalem is just the english transliteration of the Hebrew/Jewish Yerushalyim.
When refencing how he prays every day for the end of the zionists,the use of a neutral word such as creator or master of the world,could have been used instead of alla. In this day in age aluh akhbar is a rally cry for Jihad.
There is no justifying this Rodef
abcd2Participantmdd: If you saw the video you know that he was referencing to a savior for Muslims, praying for alla to bestow muslim rule and said that Yerushalyim is al quds.This was not simply referring to alla as another name for the creator.
abcd2Participantthanks Shticky I was a bit under the weather that must be how I missed it on the main page. But I am still dismayed what can we do to completely discredit these people?
abcd2Participant1)(with apologies to above power sellers)No matter how many stars an ebayer has you are still subject to possible scams or false advertising of product condition.
2) Even if a product on ebay is offered with free shipping ebay returns are usually harder.
3)An ebayer could give you a negative rating for returning something while Amazon will usually take it back no questions asked.
4)Amazon shipping is usually faster and free or little cost
While you can definitely get some bargains on Ebay if prices are comparable(and many times they are) Amazon wins by a long shot.
April 29, 2012 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163145abcd2ParticipantI am sorry of course I am aware of Rav weismandl and the other sides promoted by galen ross and ann porter.I cant get into it over here,but not everything is always so black and white as it may seem. I do commend you that you are knowledgeable of all publicly aware coverage of the kastner topic (rav weismandl, ross porter etc..) but there is more.I will disclose, that a certain Chasidish Rebbe that I know of (now in the Olam Haemes) a few years ago was going to print a book similar to Rav weismandel, after digging deeper he felt that Kastner did not deserve it and shelved the project. As with any controversial topic the truth,for better or worse is not always easy to find.
Have a very Gut Vuch and Simchas.
April 29, 2012 4:19 am at 4:19 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163142abcd2Participantactually, the investigation was run partially by goyim, 2)your information about who was saved is off many orthodox and rabbonim were saved 3) I actually, knew one of the secular zionists ( a well known professor )who truly wanted to further villify Kastner. He pushed for exoneration, after completing his investigation. I am not asking in a mocking way but am curious if you please, where is your info from? As I know of people saved by him, people originally involved in the rescue efforts as well as people including Rabbonim and rebbes who felt that he actually did not deserve the accusations leveled against him.
April 29, 2012 2:28 am at 2:28 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163137abcd2Participantderszoger, i know who was on the kastner train i know what took place. I also know that more then a handful of Torah jews were saved through his efforts, not only on the train but also literally thousands of others . I also know about the investigation a few years ago by scholars wanting to show how evil and wrong Kastner was and discredit him completly. After interviewing witnesses and going over ream upon ream of documents, they actually said that Kastner should be exonerated.
April 27, 2012 4:24 am at 4:24 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163111abcd2ParticipantThe vast majority of Chilonim lack proper Torah background yet I saw many of them on video,thanking Hashem for being able to live in Eretz Yisroel, many Davening by the Kotel, many wearing Yarlmukas and others saying Kel Molay Rachamim by Yom Hazikaron. They don’t really know about the complete valditiy of Torah but still did not deny that only Hashem is the one to give thanks to during joyous occasions and is also in charge of the next world and Techiyas Hameisim.
Are we always so careful to say every word of tefilla slowly, not say lashon Hara,Kovea Itim properly,Zariz to do Mitzvos,give enough Tzedaka to be an Ohaiv Shalom viRodef Shalom.
While the average Chiloni is sorely lacking in appreciating the beauty of Torah we have that special zechus that we are as knowledgeable about Yiddishkeit as much as we are.
We are all judged on our own level:
Who in your opinion should be judged more harshly us or them?
Isn’t it wonderful that Hashem has Rachamim and loves all of us
abcd2ParticipantWhen choosing a name everyone’s emotions are running high. If either spouse are uncomfortable or feel that the child’s name can be disadvantageous (and in worst case a tool that can be used in derision and teasing) then as best you can discuss it openly and rationally.
If you have misgivings about a name, step back for a second and see if they are based on emotion or logic and also if you believe your spouse will be resentful of the forced choice of name.Of course no one would ever want that their child should Chasvishalom not be happy about their name.
Certain names even those used in our history by big tzaddikim due to circumstance or negative connotation are sometimes taken out of use or dropped altogether.
I.E. For a period of time in the immediate aftermath of the false moshiach some people refrained from using Shabbtai, you will probably be hard pressed to find anyone name their son Yishmael or more recently use a certain girls name that has become synonymous with cancer.
If the name is so important that you want to use it no matter the personal or social repercussions, a way to avoid unpleasantness is adding a name but from time to time refer to the full name at home.This way you and your daughter will not forget whose name she carries.
p.s. if you dont use the name at all but want a zikaron, start a gemach or endow a tzedaka fund. Zichron or Bais.. and on all stationary write out full Jewish name
Whatever you decide should be with Mazel yiddishe Nachas and ligadla litorah ulichupa ulimaasim tovim and marry a ben torah.
abcd2ParticipantA)(THE)grand officier (Grand Officer) of the National Order of Quebec
or B) Government of Quebec
abcd2ParticipantRabbi Yaakov Salomon from aish hatora
Re:147 Rebbetzin Jungreis also a great suggestion but if you need someone right away it will be at least another week or two. Rebbetzin Jungreis was a speaker by a Pesach program in San diego and fell and fractured her hip very badly erev the second days (surgery was BH succesful)she will not be allowed to fly back to Ny till next week you can keep in mind Esther Bas Miriam
April 25, 2012 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163092abcd2Participant“btw, what do they do on this “yom zikaron”? Do they learn Mishnayos? Make a sium Hashas? At least some “tikun”?”
It was a chesed from Hashem that we were granted the knowledge of being Frum:
Let us take upon something to help our Jewish brothers and sisters.I suggest that it would be much more constructive as it really is pas nisht to sully the memories of people who die Al kiddush Hashem,whom the vast majority cannot be taken to task for not having a Torah true lifestyle.
For better or worse the soldiers are there to defend us and put their lives on the line defending even the most anti zionistic charedie so he can live in Meah Shearim. Saying a Kapitel Tehillim in their memory today or any day, or in the zechus that Hashem grants continued Shmira has nothing to do with the Medina.
If you would like change, or their observance is not up to par please stop taking to task instead say tehillim, do more mitzvos have extra Kavana in shemone Esrei when referencing teshuva es tzemach dovid ata chonen etc.. be mikarev an Israeli to help bring about change.
Heart felt pleas can change the situation that Hashem should along with OUR EFFORTS help bnei Yisrael in Eretz yisrael and America to choose the right path.
Sadly,much of their anti-frum sentiment is our own fault, if only we would be dan lekaf zechus and be mekarev properly.It is a tremendous Bracha to be fully aware of the beauty of Yiddishkeit,and it is a chesed from Hashem.Imagine if chasvishalom we were not frum would hearing constant criticisms help us want to be frum?
We all know Devarim hayotzim min halev, nichnasim el halev. We can easily reach the hearts of our brothers and in turn inspire the feelings of Rachmonus from Hashem to bring the full Geula if we all try.
April 25, 2012 9:17 am at 9:17 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163060abcd2ParticipantYom Hazikaron is purely a remembrance day to recognize and give thanks to those that fell defending the Jews in Eretz Yisrael.
Even if there would be no state we would still need people to defend us. There has been from the secular and frum the concept of Yishuv Eretz yisrael enmasse for the past few hundred years. If you recall the Baal shem tov , the vilna gaon and rav yisroel salanter all encouraged settlement.Whom would you like to protect the people that are there?The antisemitic U.N. peacekeepers or the arabs? We must give thanks and remember those who gave there lives for us.
The point above that this is not in a siddur or sefer has no relevance. Throughout the centuries people have declared celebrations and remembrances such as specific communal fast days or communal purims.Unfortunately are brothers and sisters are not educated enough that perhaps such a day should be spent saying Tehilim or fasting,but there is nothing at all wrong with the concept itself.
Regarding the comment of the secular and the holy being so mixed up,this is tragically true.But realize this is also the fault of the Frum community as much as the secular, if we would reach out nicely instead of with hate, the love would go a long way. The average secular Israeli thinks they know everything they dont know about Yiddishkeit. Education,less stupid zealotry(not one person ever became shomer shabbos by having a rock thrown at them),and accountability and hakaras hatov(the non-frum Israeli society is by default the largest supporter of Torah in the world) would go along way to changing the anti frum atmosphere,and be mikarev more people to the camp of Torah.
Anybody that dies defending the Jews or simply because they are Jewish dies Al Kiddush Hashem.Whether you are for or against the Medina you still have to give thanks and remember the Jews who gave their lives and are still risking their lives defending us. It should definitely be part of your routine to remember the living soldiers and the Kedoshim in your Tefillos and Tehillim.
To hakatan “No, there is no joy from the bloody results of this needless and anti-Torah experiment. ” Dont throw out the baby with the bathwater. Chasvishalom to say that no joy has come about over the last 64 years.As I mentioned above the AntiTorah part is very much are fault almost as much as the seculars.If Bp Flatbush Lakewood and williamsburg would empty out we could change the anti frum climate and bring some moderation to the crazy so called frum zealots. We have become all to comfortable in our galus.May Hashem shield us from any more sorrow and bring Moshiach bimheira Biyamenu
abcd2Participantmoche timche may Hashem bless you with a long healthy life. Obviously you have to daven for success at any age however you need special Zechusim as a senior.
In fact we plead especially to Hashem for this on Rosh hashana yom kippur and all selichos days, when we say Altashlichenu liays Zikna kichlos kochainu al tazvenu it is an acknowledgement of a special Rachamim needed when you get older. If it was just tefilos then kabel birichamim uvratzon in the first verse of shema koleinu would suffice we single this out along with the other special requests.Aside from tefillos in tehillim and throughout tanach we find instances of need of special Rachamim when we get older. Simchas
abcd2ParticipantDear OP,in the first sentence of your query you asked for a stage in life as opposed to specific age.
re stage in life:
I do think men and women somewhere bet40-45 start to be viewed by themselves and others as getting older.I think a reality starts to sink in more between 45-55 as a result of life experiences.(A stark example at this stage is having to take more care of your own parents, or to a lesser extent a doctor reminding you that you cannot eat all the things you used to enjoy).
Re being a senior: Once you are zoche to be healthy and past 70, it is all a matter of Mazel, and Davening to Hashem to sustain your mental and physical Koach as long as possible. Staying active, a caring family,positive mindset and remembering that age is just a number(just because you are numerically a senior doesn’t mean you always have to act like one) are all key. You can have a 85 year old doing better then a 70 year old if they are able to stay active and maintain positive outlooks on their station in life.
Re scary: Aside from the fear of infirmities that can come with old age, each new stage of life while many times happy, is scary for anyone concerned about accomplishing what they were supposed to. Whether it be while in yeshiva, college, career, or relationships… there are certain things you set to accomplish in all stages and areas of life.
While Boruch Hashem, we know Hashem judges favorably and with Rachmonus no matter what, people tend to be harsher on themselves for what they could have or should have done.The fear of time passing and rectifying faults REAL OR PERCEIVED is inevitable for any senior. As a senior you have a magnified fear of perhaps not using your G-d given tools to their greatest extent and worst of all, mistakes made or regrets over things that you could have done differently. It is important to remind yourself at these times what Boruch Hashem you did accomplish.
May Hashem guide us through all our stages of life, that we should be able to accomplish and do what is right and be a person Sameach Bichelko.
March 23, 2012 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm in reply to: Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships #862291abcd2Participantto op: Mazel Tov on your marriage may you be Zoche to build a Bayis Neeaman Biyisrael!
Try having your mother do an activity together with your wife.Maybe your mother could take her or the two of you out for pre-pesach dinner does not even have to be fancy, or invite over to the house,in the middle of conversation see if some common interests build up,i.e. your mother and wife both like such and such book,speaker,restaraunt or a certain museum and then your mother could build from there.
Another thing is if your wife mentions she needs something before yom tov your mother(as long as she will not be interfering) can tag along with you and your wife for the shopping and do the groceries or other tasks together. If it is clothes shopping your mother can solicit your wifes advice about an article of clothing for purchase. This will show your wife that your mother values her opinion and other shopping expeditions and social interactions may follow.
Spending part of yom-tov with your parents will be able to foster a closer relationship in a very positive and natural manner.As this is your first Pesach together, you should emphasize to your wife how happy your parents are to be having her for yom tov, and have your mother compliment her.There so many easy conversations that can be had over Yom Tov especially Pesach, such as recipes afikoman presents, chol hamoed trips minhagim etc….Let your mother just let the conversation flow naturally. I am sure that their bond will be stronger after Pesach.
Re your wife: Boruch Hashem I am sure you married a wonderful person with excellent middos,this is an issue that will go away by itself naturally.Bezras Hashem you will soon see the wonderful relationship your mother and wife will develop.
abcd2Participantjust for the record many people are not saying tachanun this week because of shiva yemei miluim
abcd2ParticipantThe problem was due to a truck taking down phone and electrical wires a block away from the base along with one or two poles for good measure.Boruch Hashem I don’t believe anyone was hurt .
abcd2Participantlogicician: So you are saying that there was nothing wrong with someone assuming their fellow co-workers wives or their relatives would like to clean toilets?
Many of your bubbies and Zadies were fit for menial labor when they first came to america, imagine if all employers had the same attitude as you, and lopped all Jews together, we would still be seamstress and working in sweatshops.
Just because there are piles of people from the same country willing to, does not mean it was right to ask in such a manner. Would you in a million years ask anyone else you worked with,if their spouse would like to clean your house?
There is definitely prejudicial assumption and talking down to over here.
The only proper way to ask is how you would ask anyone. Not to ask straight out does your wife want to do menial labor.
If a worker would then volunteer his wife or a relative fine but to ask straight out is not right. How do you think the worker might have felt if his wife actually had a decent job or at least something not menial? But now he thinks that the Jewish boss assumes that this is what my wife and cousins are good for.
P.S. my mexican cleaning lady came here together with her sister. Her sister more easily overcame the language barrier and is a nurse, who actually did menial labor for a while to support herself through school.
abcd2Participantto cshapiro:I am sorry but The asbury park press would have a field day with the Op. I would not advertise “that my husband asked his mexican coworkers if their wives or cousins were interested”It is extremely racially insensitive. The same statement could be said that my husband asked his coworkers for any references or whom they use.
Imagine if you are looking for a CPA and someone said I already asked my Jewish friends whom they use, or better yet someone wanted to play basketball and publicly stated I already asked all my black friends.
I am sure you didn’t mean it as such but the fact is cleaning help is menial labor and you publicly singled out the mexicans as being fit for such work, there are many nationalities that are housekeepers, and in this economy you would be surprised who would want to earn extra cash.
BTW did you think of hiring some frum teenage girls or boys?
As an aside with their new deal unionized maids in NYC can now make up to $60,000 a year plus benefits.
abcd2ParticipantI live in Flatbush I have plenty of good Shabbos greetings. To some above posters have you ever tried being the one to initiate the good shabbos greeting?It definitely works both ways.
To Postal: unless you are very chasidish flatbush is much more appropriate as there are all types and all types of shules and rabbonim.Within many Shules there different types as well.
Bottom line if you are not chasidish you will not find yourself comfortable in Boro park. Additionally a wider range of schools and better transportation are in flatbush.
abcd2Participantto big bear you don’t have to mention nationalities,at the end of the day we are all Jews.
abcd2Participantseaallsides- Kol Hakavod, excellent proactive suggestion, as oppossed to just reading the allegations in disbelief. Tehilim and introspection are very appropriate as well asking Hashem for Rachmonos for all of us as we wage our own pesonal battles to overcome our Yetzer Hara as well.
If the allegations are true the Dan Lekaf Zechus is that this person must have had a very difficult life.To do thievery of this type their is something more then being just a common thief,as even mafia types draw the line and do not steal from charities.
Hashem Yerachem that we should all continue on the right path,and be able to overcome all our nisyonos.May we only have simchas in Klal Yisrael and merit the Geula Bimheira.
abcd2Participantdear 147 book of our heritage gift set or Pirkei Avos gift set. As it is already a few months removed i would not recommend bat mitzva treasury
abcd2Participantthere is a great bas mitzva book out now by artscroll with illustrations by Rabbi yona weinreb. Titled: The Bat Mitzvah Treasury
A collection of illumination, calligraphy, inspiring messages, essays and laws.
Seems very straightforward and interesting got it twice, both girls loved it. Mazel Tov!
abcd2Participanttake wherever the biggest scholarship is in terms of cost hunter is cheapest but in terms of understanding and flexibility wurzweiler is the easiest to hold down a job and be frum.Through their pep and block programs (your actual job can count toward your externship as long as it is approved and you do something a bit different your second year usually not an issue)and they have many gratis externships in frum organizations that will lead to paying jobs.
I know people that went to both Fordham and Wurzweiler (and two that went to hunter) everyone is at the same salary levels. You only really start to make money through private practice or dual jobs/long hours (ie work for more then one agency or do two different types of social work. At that point,(at least a few years after graduation) your connections and abilities will push you ahead. No one will care if you chose Fordham instead of Wurzweiler, Hashem should help if you are a good therapist you are a good therapist.
Additionally, you should factor in the ability to hold down a job while attending wurzweiler as opposed to unpaid interships and bad placements as dictated by Hunter and fordham.This will go a long way in terms of financial peace of mind for the next few years.Hatzlacha
abcd2ParticipantI assume you are from ny, and are looking for obstetrics. Mostly any doctor in cornell/ny hospital
DR. Steven Hockstien at cornell is one
(212) 821-0810
More then a A few people i know used him.
NYU also has some very good doctors Dr victor douek is a well known doctor there
Phone: 212-753-8839
Cornell is on 68th street NYU on 34th
in terms of commuting to appts. hockstiens office has a parking garage and is by fdr exit doueck i believe is midtown either one will be a walk from train station
you can google search either name. Should be with mazel
February 12, 2012 8:01 pm at 8:01 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851415abcd2ParticipantIn people speak there is no mention of Reb Chaim and the event spoke about the family of the little girl traveling to some hotel somewhere,not an alley in Yerushalyim.Additionally, the girl wanted to dump the guy after a few meetings because of the scar and then he explained himself. A few possibilities:
A)Either the story in people speak and this one are similar but not one and the same
B)They are the same story but to help assure privacy, certain facts were changed
prior to publication in people speak
C)The part of the boy seeking advice from Rav Chaim kanievsky was attributed wrongfully, or conversly in print version or other versions it was not rightfully attributed to Rav Chaim Kanievsky.
abcd2Participantthank-you shticky-guy
abcd2Participant1)Drives on the wrong side of the CR
2)Wishes America was still flying the Union Jack
4)(1,000,000th in line for the throne)
5)London Bridge Toll Collector
6)Supercalifragilistic member of CR