Forum Replies Created
YW Moderator-39Member
Moish, what can we do for you?
YW Moderator-39Memberhow does bring fit moish?
YW Moderator-39Memberthe naming of an item or action based upon the sound associated with it.
Buzz, hiss etc.
YW Moderator-39Member.
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| (_) Thanks, That was too close!
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?Secret Word::::::?O?N?O?M?A?T?O?P?O?E?I?A?
?Unused Letters:::? ?B?C? ? ? ? ? ?I? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Q?R? ? ?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::?A? ? ?D?E?F?G?H? ?J?K?L?M?N?O?P? ?R?S?T? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39MemberWow! another Mod!
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?Secret Word::::::?O?N?O?M?A?T?O? ?O?E?I?A?
?Unused Letters:::? ?B?C? ? ? ? ? ?I? ? ? ? ? ? ?P?Q?R? ? ?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::?A? ? ?D?E?F?G?H? ?J?K?L?M?N?O? ? ?R?S?T? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39Member.
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?Secret Word::::::? ?N? ?M?A?T? ? ? ?E?I?A?
?Unused Letters:::? ?B?C? ? ? ? ? ?I? ? ? ? ? ?O?P?Q?R? ? ?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::?A? ? ?D?E?F?G?H? ?J?K?L?M?N? ? ? ?R?S?T? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39Member.
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?Secret Word::::::? ?N? ?M?A?T? ? ? ?E?I?A?
?Unused Letters:::? ?B?C? ? ? ?G?H?I?J? ?L? ? ?O?P?Q?R? ? ?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::?A? ? ?D?E?F? ? ? ? ?K? ?M?N? ? ? ?R?S?T? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39Member.
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?Secret Word::::::? ?N? ? ? ?T? ? ? ?E? ? ?
?Unused Letters:::?A?B?C? ? ?F?G?H?I?J? ?L?M? ?O?P?Q?R? ? ?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::? ? ? ?D?E? ? ? ? ? ?K? ? ?N? ? ? ?R?S?T? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39MemberGo Me!! I won another!.
Here is a new game for all you night owls
?Secret Word::::::? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?Unused Letters:::?A?B?C?D?E?F?G?H?I?J?K?L?M?N?O?P?Q?R?S?T?U?V?W?X?Y?Z?
?Used Letters:::::? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????YW Moderator-39MemberB
YW Moderator-39Memberi’ll do the next game
YW Moderator-39Memberwhat do you mean didn’t see it? you added it in your update before the missed S
YW Moderator-39MemberI’m pretty sure this is not an actual word
YW Moderator-39Memberand the T
YW Moderator-39Memberyour post is not written well. try rewriting it. You were not conveying your message in a way that it could easily be understood
YW Moderator-39Memberis this an actual word?
YW Moderator-39MemberMoish, difficult to understand what you were trying to say. You sound half asleep
YW Moderator-39MemberT
YW Moderator-39Memberdid you forget an S at the beginning of the word?
YW Moderator-39MemberL
YW Moderator-39MemberNot you, you have a few things in the “deleted” pile
YW Moderator-39MemberA
YW Moderator-39MemberWe request that people write in coherent sentences, which include the limited use of shorthand.
Here is a quick guide, however:
OP – Original Post / Original Poster
IIRC – If I Recall Correctly
LOL- Laughing Out Loud
With other, lesser known terms, if we, the moderators don’t understand it, it won’t get posted
YW Moderator-39MemberNo thanks. I don’t want to bring too much attention to may actions. I might get into trouble with the other moderators
YW Moderator-39MemberSorry, I just saw how upset you were that 1800 was taken from you, so I gave it back. I did not review all the posts from last night which were moderated by others, sorry
YW Moderator-39Memberno blacklist. 72 was just having a little humour at your expense. (but yours was sent in prior to his!).
All I did was undelete yours, moving yours into the 1800 spot, and mod 72 down to plain old 1801.
YW Moderator-39Memberyou mean when I undeleted your milestone post?
YW Moderator-39Memberyea. why?
not sure for how much longer though
YW Moderator-39MemberM B D X T
March 12, 2009 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm in reply to: Free Firefox Add-on (Search Shas, Tanach, Rambam…) #986221YW Moderator-39MemberI just found this when looking through the old posts.
This is wonderful. Thanks a bunch
YW Moderator-39MemberN
YW Moderator-39Membersorry ames, no can do
YW Moderator-39MemberI know it’s not my fault at all, and there’s nothing I can do to help them
Don’t underestimate the power of t’fillos. Davening for them is the most powerful thing that can be done. Don’t tell yourself you can’t do anything. Know that your t’fillos are doing something positive
YW Moderator-39Memberwhat makes you ask that?
(you are awfully close to toeing the line of trying to find out personal info about a moderator)
YW Moderator-39Memberkapusta, don’t let anyone tell you we are not friends.
Look above
YW Moderator-39MemberA
YW Moderator-39Memberyasher koach to all involved here. Twas truly a pleasure
YW Moderator-39MemberJothar, That was brilliantly worded. I agree
Just a question to make sure I am totally understanding you:
Should we be happy or sad today with no beis hamikdash?
Should we have moved on?
YW Moderator-39Membermod39- you really got me thinking. So- how do we apply the moshol?
Since you ARE asking me. There is a difference between physical and spiritual. One should not be happy when spirituality takes a hit. We mourn the loss of a gadol because he not being here will possibly hinder our spirituality. We mourn the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash because it was G-d telling us our avoda was no good to him.
[Side Point: One cannot be jealous of their friend or their possessions, but they can be jealous of their Torah]
What feivel said in the Original Post was 100% emes. The moshol is also correct, just not universally applicable.
YW Moderator-39MemberIf I Recall Correctly
YW Moderator-39Membercan’t disagree with mod39 simply because his post applies to our generation. However, I think the ultimate height and madreiga would be what feivel described. Is there anyone like that in our dor?
IIRC, I once heard a shiur in which a midrash was quoted which stated that Jews were punished for not properly crying over the death of Yehoshua. Happiness is not a universal.
What do you mean the post applies to our generation? Was there simcha when Rebbe Yehuda HaNassi died? Should there have been?
Was there simcha when Bais Rishon was being destroyed? Baid Sheini? Should there have been?
YW Moderator-39MemberSorry, I need to side with Moish on this one.
#1: After a person is niftar (lo alaynu) there is a din v’cheshbon. We are sad because this is a tremdously difficult time for the nishoma.
#2: When a tzaddik dies, we cry that the earth we are on has lost a piece of kedusha. We also cry because we will no longer have access to this tzaddik. Rabbonim still cried after R’ Shach passed away, simply because he was no longer with us (for those who did not know, R’ Shach was not “functioning” at the end of his life).
King Shlomo even writes that there is a time to cry
YW Moderator-39MemberJmatt said he wouldn’t, or was it couldn’t give a D.T. tonight. For some reason, he is still on the main page. So since nobody is going to give, I’ll give it a go.
#1:Why is this week’s parsha so disproportionate? The 1st two aliyos are huge, and the final five are tiny? The answer is that since shevet levi did not sin by the eygel, it will not be an embarrassment for them to get these aliyos. For the rest of klal yisroel, however, it would be better to pack the entire chayt of the eygel into 2 aliyos, and we’d avoid more embarrassment.
#2: We are now in the “pesach period”, so here is a hagadda piece.
The torah is “like 4 sons” What does that mean? It means the same Breishis which is learned in 1st grade, is the same Breishis learned in high schools, and the same Breishis learned by the gedolim. We don’t need to change it for others. Each person can learn it in accordance to their level of understanding. And the Rasha will find justification for his evil behaviour in Breishis as well.
YW Moderator-39Memberany more?? the 1st riddle wasn’t touched yet!! and you want more
YW Moderator-39Member2. after the first letter, it is a palindrome
Correct, though I was hoping someone said, “if you put the first letter at the end, you get the same word in reverse”
YW Moderator-39MemberCorrect Dr Pepper, the word was Underground (had to add the UND tothe beginning and the end)
Here are two more:
1. What makes the number 8,549,176,320 unique?
2. What is the commonality between the following list of words:
- revive
Good Luck
YW Moderator-39Membermod 39- i think the other mods don’t really care if what we say is pointless they think-OK there’s nothing terrible about it so i will post it-while you are prob a little more serious then they are- in real life(but you always answer our questions thank you) so you only want us to have intellectual conversations-am i right?
Firstly, there is a big movement “from the top” do instill dignity and respectability to the CR. This is not to become a chatroom for bored teens (e.g. how u?, gud, n u? gtg CU l8r).
Secondly, I am not the only one. Often I will check the section of deleted posts and see plenty of pointless posts deleted by other mods.
YW Moderator-39MemberNice kapusta. Looking forward to more from you in the future You too Moish!!
YW Moderator-39MemberTruth be told, I do not have a favourite, nor a list of favourites.
I do have a ‘black list’, but I cannot delve further into that subject
YW Moderator-39MemberMembers of the CR, We are WAY off topic (and no, that isn’t a good thing)