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  • in reply to: Joining Hatzalah #873003

    I would love to join hatzoloh. .

    I am up each day at 3 in the morning, and since I am self employed I am available most of the day as well.

    However, I was told that getting accepted (monsey hatzoloh) is very hard. Since. Am not an ambulance chaser, I won’t be an hatzoloh chaser as well.

    in reply to: Joining Hatzalah #873002

    Maybe cuz they get lots of application. And think that most people are interested in the lights and sirens.

    in reply to: Joining Hatzalah #873000

    Answer would be to contact the branches corporate office. However chances are slim that they will accept you.

    A lot of people that applied, some of them who have the capabilities to volunteer, yet they were declined.

    in reply to: Ideas For Chol Hamoed Pesach 5772 – 2012 #865424

    Croton Dam, it is in Westchester Mount Kisco, it is very nice as you get to go ontop of the dam.

    Beutiful picnic area, great for family with lots of children.

    Best thing is that it is free!

    in reply to: OK, Who's Left? #864807

    he Doc. we need your humor!

    in reply to: Coca~Cola #865922

    or how Joseph became Chacham..

    in reply to: AYC is back #864944

    I dont think anyone got fooled,

    This imposter poster, does not even resemble the real AYC.

    I hope that AYC still reads the CR and knows that there are those that remember him/her.

    in reply to: Guess what I Found Today?? #864873

    ZK, yes i sure do.

    in those olden times, I was just a reader, even now, I do not post much. I like reading and learning, rather than posting my opinions.

    All I remember is that eclipse left us without any prior notice, I dont know her but I hope that all is well with her.

    in reply to: How To Sent a Post #864623

    send it to where?

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy #865232

    Its a clear fact, pregnacy is not easy women are emotional and hormonal. combine all of that and they can use our support.

    Health, please dont take it personally, just state your opinions and keep n moving.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056338

    One thing for sure, throwing up as a result of getting drunk is not mentioned in any place as a mitzva!

    in reply to: Metzitzah B'Peh #865764

    Interesting, the Mohel does not come in contact with the baby utill the eigth day (Mogel Fischer did not perform briss on the baby that got herpes untill three weeks after the briss)

    There are a lot of doctors, nurses and aids that have come in contact with the baby.

    in my opinion, all of these people should be tested for herpes only after they are tested should the mohel be tested.

    This was Fischers mistake, poeple in the ‘know’ have advised him to surrender and have himself tested. He should have fought it! since the baby was a three week old baby, all the nurses doctors and family member who had come in contact with the baby should first be investigated and tested and only afterwards should they test Fischer.

    However, I still think that there should be a vaad that would consist of rabonim and doctors which would hand out certifications, I think that it is ridicoulos that anyone can call himself a Mohel.

    in reply to: 'The Wolf' Fan Club #864664

    However I am stilll not a wolf fan, I consider myself a Popa Fan!

    in reply to: 'The Wolf' Fan Club #864663

    OK, so I appologize then,

    in reply to: Tzedaka: Is Giving a Quarter Enough? #864820

    it probably depends on your financial capabilities and who it collecting.

    However the wrost part is that no matter how much you give, they will (at least some of them) will make you feel greedy.

    just say thank you!

    in reply to: 'The Wolf' Fan Club #864661

    I dont know if he will or not be in gehinom, as I dont really care.

    I just cannot stand the fact that he makes fun others and of things that others keep holy.

    in reply to: Yiddishe Chasuna?!? #864612


    although I entirley agree with your post, however I do understand that there are perople that are on different levels of yiddishkeit than I am.

    there are those that have no problem dancing mixed, they will of course not undertand why you make such a tumol about this issue.

    However in our circles (I mean the one that I am in) it is clearly ovious that the chasunas have changed, for the worse. it pains me, expecially since I do know the origin and logic behind most of these ‘songs’ and ‘moves’.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis during a Womans Pregnancy #865221

    yes, it is challenging for the husband to remain supportive with an emotional and hormonal sensitive wife.

    However it is the husbands obligation to be there for his wife, she is going through hard times, you should be in this together.

    The best thing would be that you actually let her know that even though you do not really understand and know what she feels, you will try your best to be there for her.

    it pays!


    I am unaware of this Dollar vs Euro thing.

    However it is obvious that most desicion makers have their own agenda. Very few are really interested in our country’s best interest.

    Look how we deviated from a country that manufactured almost everything to a country that manufactures almost nothing!

    in reply to: Are these young women nuts, selfish, out of it or something else? #865131

    I have noticed this as well.

    I always hold the door regardless for the other persons gender. most goyim will always nod or murmle a thank you. But not all yidden will do so.

    However, I think that it is not because yidden are rude, it is because we are isolated and were never trained that A) you should hold the door for the next person, B) it is polite and correct to acknowledge the fact that someone held the door for you.

    Mothers, make sure to teach this to your children!

    in reply to: Guess what I Found Today?? #864870

    guess what i just found.. a thread started be eclipse!

    in reply to: Metzitzah B'Peh #865752

    Metzitza Bpeh is a Mesora, It should not be stopped unless absolutley necessary.

    However I think that there should be a vaad which should oversee all mohalim.

    there should be giudlines, which would include proper training, and saftey precautions.

    The vaad should be have rabonim as well as mohalim and Docotors.

    Each mohel would have to get certification, which would mean that he is well versed in halacha as well as in all saftey precations.

    recertification would be needed after a preiod of time.

    Just like we now require all bakeries to have a hashgacha certification, the same should apply for mohalem.

    I think that this is common scents.

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862901

    Ok, so what you are saying is that if I can prove to you that getting married is indeed toradig, you would understand my case?


    Who is they? What yeshivoS have this rule. Doesn’t seem that the gedolim all said that this is right.

    in reply to: Multi-Level Marketing #863047

    Mods, who are the we?

    are you sitting around the circular CR table sipping from your mugs and modding posts on your laptop?

    that sounds like a bunch of fun!

    in reply to: Multi-Level Marketing #863046


    First please explain, how come does one make back the money by signing up an additional 12 people? I thought that Ambit is here to save money.

    Next, I have heard (sorry, Only heard) that Ambit doesnt like it when you work the system, for instance they threw off someone that I know of, only becuase he did what you described, he recureted recruters to get more recuters, however the catch was that the recuters first recuted before singing up. so like that they came in ready to make some commision.

    so it is either them scamming you, or if your smart enough, you scamming them, all about knowing the system.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157843

    That is correct.

    Also, according to secular law, there is no reason that you are obligated to donate blood. (hence the term donating is used).

    However, in a torah veiw, one can argue that even though no one can demand that you donate blood, however there is Lo Samod Al dam Reacho.

    there are not ‘many’ dangers or risks involved when giving blood.

    in reply to: Home Birth #862968

    They are mattir a husband to travel, however in no way shape or form is a mother allowed to endanger her childs life for her comfort!

    Dont tell me that you cannot comprehend that!

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862898

    i am not tfighting any battle, I was simply stating my opinion. I have mentioned that more than once.

    i respect the desicion of the roshey yeshivos, and I am in no way to challenge them.

    that said, it is my opinion, that this is not toradig.

    You on the other hand present arguments that are only on a personal level, your argument is limited to the individual that wants to enroll in BMG,

    however I was speaking in general. concerning the entire idea.

    again, thatnks for letting me know my options, really appreciate that.

    in reply to: gmail #862798

    I wont tell you if it is bad or not.

    However it is the lesser of the bad when compared to other free email hosting companies.

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862894


    OK, you really want me to reply?

    Chazal tell us to get married. you have no right to create any provisions. they do not have to mention three months or any other silly loophole.

    Regarding coming back early.

    that might be good advice. however this has nothing with what I said, I was talking in general. that in my opinion it is not Tora’dig.

    You dont really disagree, rather you have a way to work around this. good, your smart!

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862887

    Please be honest enough to agree that the freezer has nothing to do with what you just wrote.

    My first proof to that is simply there was no freezer before it was established in Lakewood, there is no freezer in any other yeshiva, i don’t think that Lakewood is the only yeshiva that holds the shulchan aruch.

    Gimme a break!

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862884

    Ok here you go.

    A) it is NOT at the expense of learning,

    B) I would challenge you to first let me know that this mitzva has an exception, then I will chanllenge your challenge..

    I would like to state, that I am in no postion to challenge the daas of ANY legitimate rav or Rosh Yeshiva, I was only posting my opinion.

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862880


    You have not addressed what I said. It is against chazal.

    In my opinion, whatever paper a bachur signed regarding not getting married for a zman, might be invalid as it is a Massneh al mah shekusuv batorah.

    in reply to: playing piano by air #862823

    Yes, I play flute by ear/air.

    I can read notes, however I rarely do.

    in reply to: The Silence is Deafening! #874888

    I sonr think that we know the facts all to well to comment.

    in reply to: BMG's Freezer #862869

    Against it.

    how in the world can you demand a jew to do something against the torah?!

    and it is a Yeshiva that is demanding such a thing! for what? for Hashems torah.. well hashem wants Buchurim to get married.

    in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863071

    Look at this!

    i can understand any legistlation that is in place to inform you of the risks involved. or of any other healthy alternatives.

    However to punish, that makes no sense, unless you are in goverment and looking for ways to pay for certain goverment programs.

    the only tax that I can understand, is that we should tax unhealthy foods, the money should go straight to medicaid or medicare, so like that it is not a penalty, rather a deposit for when the eater will have to pay the medical bills.

    in reply to: Multi-Level Marketing #863030

    If it is to good to be true, Probably isnt!

    in reply to: Home Birth #862948

    I dont really know the facts, I admit that.

    however my opinion is, Home births are irresponsible. birth is a natural accurance, it is well known that there are a lot of complications that can occur.

    Birthing centers, are OK only IF the patient has been fully screened and monitored, and ONLY if they have personnal at ALL times that are able to attend to emergencies that can (and do) occur during chold birth.

    Hospitals might not be as comfortable as an hotel, however they are able to handle potential emergencies. They do this on a daily basis.

    I think that this is extremly logical (using my prehospital medical degree as a knowledge base).

    in reply to: Internet Filter – Jewish or not #861789

    you are validating apushatayid, however he had a different reason as to why you should use a computer only in front of other people.

    I have done the same in our business. there is no filter (only open DNS to which anyone with a little computer knowledge can easily work around.

    Therefore all computers are at all times usable only in front of other people.


    thats correct, all prisoners can now sue and request a new trial IF they can prove that their attorney did not inform them about a plea bargain.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157802

    yeah! now Popa is worried about side effects.

    THIS got be rolling!

    in reply to: Ohr Yitzchok Shabbaton in Stamford……. #860785

    Reminds me of reading in a newspaper an article detailing an event when in fact this event had been postponed!

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861095

    That article was about an attorney that fights tickets.

    Dont think that he will reveal to many tricks on how NOT to get a ticket, it is in his interest that you DO get the ticket!

    in reply to: Cereal for Dinner #860724

    I might be giving myself away.. However at some brissim I am the only one eating the chicken (even if it is only 7AM)

    i probably wouldnt yet be able to exchange my morning coffee for a pack of Salami..

    in reply to: iPhones #1144524

    Common, You can take pictures with your camera, and keep music on your iPod.

    Addiction is real, if it concerns you, try to avoid it if possible.

    in reply to: Dating A Gerrer Guy #861502

    care to explain?

    In this case, if the boy is known to be more openminded, than it’s highly unlikely that he’ll keep these chumros.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157939

    Although I try to refrain from giving personal compliments on an anonymous blog.

    However I do see that you would make a great RN as you love to learn, and your easy going nature.

    Have a bunch of Hatzloche.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157938


    yes I have been in the L&D unit a few times, I have also assisted OB Patients in the pre hospital setting.

    I admit that it is painful, however I do think that it is blown out of proportion.

    Sorry about that, however this is what I think.

    in reply to: Tzedakah – How Much To Give? #860688

    This weeks Mishpacha had an interesting article regarding something similar.

    Someone once gave a larger than usual sum for tzaduka (accumulated masser), did not take long for people to start knocking on their doors requesting money and appointments.

    I had the same thing, after donating to a cause, I made it to the list. Each night I have rabonnim and gabaim demanding to sit with me for just five minutes, it always turns into some 30/45 minutes.

    I don’t have the time for them.

    Besides that whatever I pledge, they start arguing that I have to give at least xxx amount of dollars.

    I really don’t know what to do about this.

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