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  • in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922771

    did you really expect me to read the entire megillah?!

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922760

    ZK, well said.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922759


    You can use OpenDNS.

    you can Blacklist sites that inappropriate, should you have the need to access a site that you have yourself blacklisted, you can white-list it in a matter of seconds.

    common, your an IT guy.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922758


    Yeah, we all know what goDaddy is. you do NOT need to use their website in order to log on to your email. I was sure that you know that.

    I dont know why you are asking me if this or that site should be blocked or not. I was just talking about a filter in general, not about specific sites, that should be between you and your Rav.

    Yahoo, that is correct their site is filthy. you can access your yahoo email without accessing their website. this is no excuse of not listening to our Rabonim.

    again, I dont know why you keep on singling out sites. It is not my business which sites should be white-listed or not. I was just refuting your argument as to why you CANNOT make money with a filter. that was nonsense.

    in reply to: Auctions That End On Shabbos #1042208

    You can’t withdraw the EBay money until you ship? I thought that the PayPal money is available right away.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1181812

    I check into this thread not give advice, only to see if WOW has any good news.

    IYH bkarov we will hear something positive.

    in reply to: Who Are The Ten People Who Post? #958163

    Phew! I made it to the list. I’m in the club. Finally, a regular poster.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922747

    OK, So being addicted to the internet is not an addiction, who says that it has to have a label?

    It does not change the situation.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922745


    Good question. I am not in a position to answer those questions.

    You have to discuss that with your Rav.

    I was referring to your argument that you MUST have unfiltered internet. I do not see that this should be the case.

    GoDaddy, Even if this site needs to be filtered due to its filthy commercials. I dont think that you need to register domains on a daily basis. If you do, then ask your Rav

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922743


    OK, in other words what you are saying is the your company would not permit a filter.

    You can still have a Blacklist filter.

    besides the fact, sites can be unblocked in seconds.

    if you work with a blacklist, bottlenecks should not an issue.

    in reply to: Do You Put Out A Flag On American Holidays? #1023086


    I don’t think that one will be sufficient.

    in reply to: Who Are The Ten People Who Post? #958149

    I don’t consider myself a poster. Count me out.

    in reply to: Today #898461

    20, It looks like your making some kind of announcement. Why in would you think that today is NOT Monday?

    in reply to: CR Techies: Visual Basic #885534

    Some of our systems are written in VB, the Pro is that anyone with just a little programing knowledge can right away see how the software is constructed.

    in reality, almost anything can be done with any language, you would just need a different approach.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922723

    I really dont know why there are people that fight tooth and nail against having a filter. i have not seen one reason NOT to have a filter.

    The Amazon and Ebay sellers just give silly arguments, as to why they need access to porn sites. or as to why any site that needs to be accessed cannot be whitelisted. (three minutes wont kill the item on Amazon)

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922722

    Yes, there is an addiction, I know lots of people that cannot control themselves, they are on the net a big portion of the day. either on youtube or any other time spending site.

    Putting a filter will not take away the additiction, however it will put limits and borders as to where the addict can surf.

    Guard your eyes, will at least make the surfer think twice before he/she clicks on the site. (unless they are unashamed on their actions.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922720


    Interesting that you call me out, without knowing who I am or what I know.

    All that I can tell is that I have a team of IT staff in my department, we have custom software with multiple websites. in other words there is extensive IT work. (we have four different locations spread out in a few different states).

    There is no reason that any IT guy needs to visit netflox or any porn site, there is no reason why an IT guy cannot have guard your eyes.

    By us, whenever anyone needs access to any site, it gets whitelisted. either just for the time that the requestee needs it, either permantly.

    I have gone the extra step and explained my position (which happens to be those of the rabbonim). You on the other hand give empty arguments, you do not explain why you need unfiltered interenet.

    iin case you did post a reason on one of your previous posts, forgive me.,

    in reply to: Do You Put Out A Flag On American Holidays? #1023082

    Thanks for posting that.

    That was the speech I was referring to.

    in reply to: Do You Put Out A Flag On American Holidays? #1023080

    I dont, most people in our community dont.

    The only reason I would place a flag is so that there shouldnt be a Chilul Hashem, Other than that why is a flag significant?

    Rabbi Avigdor Miller once said by a shuir, that each Yid should be put a flag, since the Americans are the ones that accepted us, we should have at least some Hakores Hatov and show that we love the country.

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #945687

    I think that Mod-80 said it well.

    We shouldnt say Halled ont he 4th, since the Neis was not with us (assuming that this wqas a Neis).

    in reply to: Social Work #882639

    Social workers have the ability to help many people, they have a tremendous zechus (and of course make a lot of money..)

    in reply to: JULY 4TH #1022521


    Would you mind sharing what a BBQ and America being a great country have in common?

    I also think that America is the greatest country, even greater is the fact that my grandparents were accepted and given a chance here in the USA.

    However doing something that Goyim do is not something that I would prefer. We spend the day together playing and having fun (like each Sunday) we daven and learn as well. Use this day of rest to cut myself off from work and enjoy life.

    in reply to: 4th of July vs yom haatzmaut #943949


    I can name a lot of countries that would not have a problem if Jews settle there. The fact that EY is a place where Jews can live (I dont know why you call consider it a safe haven for Jews, Chareidim are hated intermaly and externaly in EY) is not sfficient for us to celebrate.

    I find your comment about Obama Stupid and offensive. ( I am no Obama Supporter ).

    Would you mind to share with us just a few more reasons on why we should celebrate Yom Hatzamut?

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922697


    BTW, I am a bigger reader than poster, You are providing to many personal details here.

    a lot of your posts are based on one or more personal details, mostly sorrounding your work.

    I can make a list of information ( I would of course never do that) of snippets that I have picked up reading your posts.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922696

    To all the IT people that say that they cannot have a filter because A. they need unfiltered access. B. they can always find a way around.

    Please note that you can always unblock a site that is blocked. and the idea of a filter (as I heard from a Rav) is not to have fool proof filterezation, rather that you shouldnt have open access all the time, the fact that you know of a way around the filter, doesnt mean that you should not have one in place. its much better to have it i place, since if you do want to go to a site that is unappropiate, you should at least have to work your way around, it shouldnt be a click a away

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922695


    i am really sorry, I am in a position to disagree with you.

    I for one research products on a daily basies, in fact most of the products are designer textiles. our network is filtered, there is no reason to have access to filthy sites in order to research an item.

    If however I or someone else on our team needs access to a site, the site gets whitelisted either temprarily or permantly, whitelisiting takes just a few minutes. no hassle at all.

    The rabonim reckognize the fact that we need internet, they know that a lot of people are on teh interenet the entire day, this is the way they make a living, however there is no excuse to have unfiltered internet.

    I would like you to give me an example where filtered internet would prevent you from making a living.

    BTW, you do nto need access to FB or Twiter in order to post something. we post all the time without access.

    in reply to: How to say no to a date #882414

    I second PBA.

    in reply to: yippee for me! #882289


    thats if you think that you said something not nice.

    I did not see anything not nice in ANY of your posts, I was referring to the poster that thought that it is important to right something and couldnt come up with anything positive.

    in reply to: yippee for me! #882286

    when you have nothing nice to say, dont.. Never mind.

    in reply to: BALTIMORE BLACKOUT CON ED LOCKOUT #882357

    so what do you suggest?

    they go around on the streets and shout: “All former ConEd workers, we have a temp job for you in Baltimore”?

    in reply to: WHERE IS ZEESKITE????? #882093

    I was sure that ZK will get a SLOW MODDING DAY ALERT!

    in reply to: Interacting With Ex-Family Members #882340

    I think that this question is to general.

    It really depends on the story behind the family becoming an ex family.

    in reply to: Thinking of Leiby A"H #882136

    I know that I am way off, but come to think of it, another loss we had as a result of Leiby’s story, was the loss of AYC.

    in reply to: WHERE IS ZEESKITE????? #882091

    Between the kitchen and computer screen.

    in reply to: photography #882099

    Trolls trolling at their best.

    Or is it one Troll putting up a puppet troll show?

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882248

    Also, the water most be drinkable, therefore wipes might not work.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882247

    PBA, I think you are right, I could not find a source that only Bshas Hadchak is one allowed to travel without water for washing.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882246

    A. I think you are referring to what the poskim mention, which is washing for nekiyos, the used to wash three times.

    Mayim reshonim gets tamei. Unless its a revi’is. Therefore we wash twice.

    I me toned he kelei thing to Pasul using wipes. Btw, according to some poskim, the water does not have to be in one place, if it’s all connected sort of zeria (doesn’t have to be with all dinim like by a Mikva) is good enough. So if all the water touches, it’s good enough.

    in reply to: yippee for me! #882280

    Dont get worked up by some poster.

    Anyhow, congratulations on your accomplishment(s).

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882244

    Haleivi, that is incorrect.

    Mayim Shniyim is because mayim reshomin gets tamei.

    This does not occur when using more than a revi’s as sam2 pointed out.

    Sam2 the water not only has to be in one place, it most be in a Keili. it has to have a din Keili.

    in reply to: I Pledge……Forget it i changed my mind #882122

    He should get a mi sherpora

    in reply to: yippee for me! #882272


    up until this post you got along so well with Health. look what one post can do.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882239

    PBA got himself a Blackberry, (he probably found it in Starbucks)

    if you notice, his posts are much shorter than they used to be.

    looks like he has a hard time using the keyboard on the Blackberry.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882237

    You don’t need a revi’s.

    That’s why we wash two times each hand. Once to get it tahor, but the water sbecomes tomei. The second time is metaher the hand and the water stays tahor.

    When you have a revi’s, the water never gets tomei.

    Its called mayim reshonim.

    in reply to: photography #882096

    Why do I think that smartstar and wonka are related?

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882233


    I don the shulchan aruch in front of me, however I recall that when I learned simian 159 I was mentioned that this is only bshas hadchak. And not for pleasure Hikes.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882232

    You can wash with less than a revi’s. A revi’s is enough for two hands.

    The problem with wipes.

    A. It’s not a Kelli, which is a must by netilas yedayim.

    B. as you mentioned, there are other stuff besides water, whatever Pasuls a mikveh, Pasuls for netilas yedayim.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882229

    I just re read PBAs original post.

    If someone is already in middle of the way/hike and wants to eat bread and knows for a fact that the is no water within the next three mil (72 min).

    In my personal opinion, he should not use the water for shing the hands, since he will have no water left for survival. (since he knows that the is no other water in the area, hiking without water is definatley dangerous).

    However, he has the option to wash and save the water for drinking.

    It’s not a real tumah.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882228


    If there is no water within the next 72 minutes, he does not have to wait, rather he can eat right away.

    I think that the question boils down to if he is allowed to participate in tis endeavor or not.

    Using the water, not an option, since he needs I to drink.

    Therefore, the question is if someone is allowed to put himself in such a situation lichatchila.

    As far as I remember, it is not permitted. Only bshas hadchak.

    in reply to: Cell Phone Call Back Etiquitte #889702

    In most cases I do not call back.

    Leaving a message is not associated with any difficulties, leave a message so that the person you called should know that you are expecting his call-back.

    Otherwise, assume that this person belongs to the group of people that does not return calls if you tried calling them.

    When I see that someone tried calling me multiple times over a short period of time, I do call them back, as it might be an urgent matter.

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