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Clearly the Korban Pesach Sheni was consumed on the night of Iyyor 15th, hence that many people consume a piece of Matzo on nite of Iyyor 15th rather than afternoon of Iyyor 14th.
14-15 of the month may possibly be connected to the fullness of the moon.
Needless to say, penultimately the answer is that this is a Gezeiras haKosuv to be an entire month later.
Also, please bear in mind, that the original Divine Plan, was to have a Yom Tov, each month during the Summer. Pesach Sheni is the Yom Tov for Iyyor. Came Tammuz which should have had the grandest of all Yomim Tovim, and got messed up by the Eigel haZohov, striking 3 months with no Yomin Tovim. ….. These 3 holidays are all made up to some extent in Tishri, hence 4 separate holidays in Tishri:- 1) R.H. 2) Y.K. 3) Sukkos 4) Shemini Hag ho’Atzeres to pay back Tammuz, Ov , Ellul as well as have one for Tishri itself.
May 6, 2012 4:18 am at 4:18 am in reply to: Kidush levana tonight motzai shabbos anyone see the moon? #872430147ParticipantYou can see the moon by flying above the clouds as the Bobov Rebbe once did to catch Kiddush leVonoh.
The only problem about flying above the clouds tonite [apart from the massive expense this would entail] is that it is more than 1/2 way between last Molad & the next Molad, hence resulting in a Berocho leVatolo:- A.K.A. as a transgression of the 3rd of the 10 commandments, in addition to not having fulfilled the Mitzwah of Kiddsuh Levono. B’H I already fulfilled this Mitzwah 10 nights ago, on Leil Yom ha’Atzmaut Mukdom.
Please bear in mind, that this year with all Molados being approximately 1&1/2 days early {or Hebrew months commencing approximately 1&1/2 days late after the Molad} so that latest time for recital of Kiddush Levono is way before the 15th of the month.
This coming winter, when marCheshvon Kisslev Teves shall each be 29 days, the Molados & Months shall be much more closely aligned, and being able to bless Kiddsuh Levonoh on the 15th of the month should then cease to be a problem.
147ParticipantThis is not even a close call nor tough decision; Siyum haShas is clear cut obvious choice.
Especially after we read Kedoshim today {& last week in Israel} where best venue for Kedusho & Sanctifying & Hallowing HaShem is by a major “Adas Yisroel” = Assifo, such as 90,000 seats at Meadowland stadium for the Siyum haShas; Not to mention that our wives can also be there and be part of this Sanctification & Hallowing of haShem as we recite Kerias Shema at Ma’ariv, and answer Kedusho & Kaddish.
There are only 2 places that anyone should be at the time of the internet Assifo:- 1) At the Kossel for Yom Yeusholayim, or 2) Kever Shmuel haNovi in honor of his Yohrzeit, or of-course both, but certainly not in Flushing. If unable to be at one of these 2 locations, at least be at the Kossel via webcam, and Daven in spirit of seeing the Kossel live, for restoration of the Beis haMikdosh soonest!
Even on Tish b’Ov where clearly I don’t fool around on the internet, but I do keep looking into Kossel webcam during Tisho b’Ov, to keep my mind focused on the Kossel & upcoming 3rd Beis haMikdosh.
147ParticipantWe know nothing. I have seen many very healthy & active people drop dead young, and I have seen many people in very poor & compromised health live into very ancient ages.
147ParticipantWhat would your guesses be? Whatever works to toss this foreign born individual, Boruch Obama, out of the White House, come 11/6/2012.
147ParticipantAs per the saintly Rav Meir Shapiro ZTKLLH’H:- Every tractate without exception is a Yeshivish Messechto, hence the need for his inspirational & ingenious Daf Yomi brainwave, so no Messachto gets mislabeled as being more Yeshivish than another Messechto.
147ParticipantThe point of their article is the same whether the people its talking about wear gartels and visit rebbes, or wear bent down hats and say tachanun between Isru Chag Shavuos and 12 Sivan.
& these secular newspapers also label Jews who recite Hallel on Yom ha’Atzmaut verses Jews who recite Tachnun on Yom ha’Atzmaut, into 1 category.
147Participant1st things 1st:- There are 12 Gates to Shomayim, for our prayers to most effectively soar up to haShem. In-fact if someone barks up the wrong gate:- i.e. Davens the wrong Nussach as per his/her family custom, his/her prayers may possibly not reach haShem.
My arithmetic tells me that 12 Gates is 6 times as many as Hassidik & Litvak exclusively.
Let me make 2 observations:- 1) Yekkes are Not Litvaks, and despite both praying Nusach Ashkenaz, let me tell you in no uncertain terms:- Plenty differences in both sets of prayers.
2) I have not read 1 remark about Sephardim on this forum:- What happened to our dear Sephardim brethren? Yet many wonderful marriages between Sephardim & Ashkenazim.
147Participantderszoger:- Answer:- No woman member, despite the fact that an ordinary Tzenu’ah woman would rather be treated by a woman responder than a man responder; Not only for childbirth, but even for other medical situations.
147ParticipantThe answer to your observation “peaceful” is that B’H that gentleman is utilizing his phone for Gemorro study & not for some sports commentator or jazz.
147ParticipantThe era has finally arrived to be focusing on Yerushalmi as we are on the final approach to Bi’as haMoshiach.
Yerushalmi is so incredibly fascinating, and no excuse when we give Din vCheshbon to haShem [@ after 120] for not having learned Yerushalmi, because B’H we are piecemeal getting an English Yerushalmi, already on several tractates, and more in the offing.
147ParticipantFortunately, Hebrew grammar is so much easier & more logical to comprehend & master than French or German grammar, let alone for Yiddish or Aramaic or Latin grammar, which are impossible to master.
May 1, 2012 10:45 pm at 10:45 pm in reply to: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan #871578147ParticipantIn today’s fashion conscious world, wouldn’t a decent tie & jacket be just as incumbent if not more incumbent than a hat?
No-one would walk into a job interview with a hat but no jacket & no tie.
147ParticipantFire? Yes fire!!:- The arrows running in the opposite direction is enough to fire my eyes into headache & nausea. I have spoken to several friends who have made the exact same observation to me.
April 29, 2012 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm in reply to: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan #871564147ParticipantThere are only 2 Halachic instances, where Davening BiYechidus supersedes Davening with a Minyan:-
1) If one is about to embark on a long distance trip, even if he will arrive at the destination in time for that same Tefiloh, and be able to get to a Minyan at his destination, he should still pray that service prior to embarking on this trip, even though BiYechidus [assuming he cannot get to a Minyan before embarking on that trip].
2) Mincha MUST be prayed before sunset:- Period!!!!! Even if this entails davening Mincha before sunset BiYechidus verses davening Mincha after sunset with a Minyan. The Mishnoh Beruroh is so emphatic about this Halocho, that there is simply no way around this one.
Just about every other situation, falls aside in deference to Davening with a Minyan. This includes:-
Vasikin BiYechidus verses a Minyan later [but before 1/3 of the day]
Early Maariv with a Minyan verses Maariv BiZemano biYechidus
Schacharis before sunrise with a Minyan verses shacharis after sunrise biYechidus
Mincha on Friday Chanukah before candle lighting biYechidus verses after Chanukah candle lighting with a Minyan
In all of these situations a Minyan overrides the other preference.
Even Tartei deSasrei with Mincha & Maariv at a Minyan overrides davening them BiYechidus at different time frames.
147ParticipantAvodah Zara Daf 8a; All about how the winter solstice came about, and accompanying celebrations etc.
Or Arachin Daf 15, after dealing with the consequences of Loshon Horo in Tazria Metzoro.
or the very last Amud of Makkos, as we are just a 1/4 year away from Tisha b’Ov.
April 27, 2012 2:14 am at 2:14 am in reply to: Yom Haatzmaut, min Hashamayim??? The Atbash cipher. #943791147Participantto AviK & Shmoolik1:- Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.
We absolutely have to be Makir Tov, that Medinas Yisroel is giving a safe haven & refuge to our brethren, be they Russians, Ethiopian or any other stateless Jew.
147ParticipantSo it is unfortunate for you RT, that your birthday is Tisha b’Ov. Probably, your mother was fasting that Tish b’Ov and hence went into Labor, giving birth to you on Tish b’Ov.
147ParticipantMy response to you Sam2 is, think back to the days of Pharoh when he got to the stage of “vaYachbed haShem es Libo” after about the 5th plague, and it was no longer in his power to recant. Effectively part of the punishment was , that haShem had removed Bechiras Hofshi from Pharoh.
Sadly, Naturei Karta have descended to this level, where they have basically been robbed of coming back to their senses & repenting.
147ParticipantLets; unite together on this awesome Yom Tov of Yom ha’Atzmaut which we are now already Zoche to, for 64 years.
Sadly, Naturei Karta have chosen to severe themselves from the Jewish people [B’H they were stopped from burning the Israeli flag this year], but every other one of we authentic Jews have to unite on this wonderful auspicious moment, be we Misnagdim or Chassidim, Sepahrdi or Ashkenazim, Litvaks of Jekkes or Yemenites, and everyone in between.
147ParticipantWelcome back, just in time to celebrate Yom ha’Atzmaut with us. Have a wonderful Chag Sameach!!
147ParticipantBoth Tachnun & Hallel come from the same wonderful Sepher of Tehillim:- Pick Chapter 6, or Chapters 113-118.
R.T. According to the Rabonut, your concern has become a thing of the past, because nowadays when Yom ha’Atzmaut is a Tuesday [as was the case last 2 years & next 2 years] they were Madche [delay] Yom haZikoron from Sunday to Monday to reduce Chillul Shabbos, so then Yom ha’Atzmaut gets pushed off to Tuesday.
Sam2:- Do you mean to say that Rav Schachter shlita doesn’t hold of being “Makdim” Yom ha’Atzmaut? He is a huge Godol, so I’ll follow his lead & recite Hallel on Friday Iyyor 5th, akin to what I did 4 years ago, to recite Hallel on Shabbos Iyyor 5th.
Please let me utilize this opportunity, to wish all you readers a wonderful Chag Sameach, on this 64th = 8 squared anniversary.
We shall be back here on this forum,in 23 days time, celebrating 4 & 1/2 decades of the Ness Golui of Yom Yerusholayim. The awesome words “Har haBayis bYodeinu” still ring in my ears to this very day, and literally send chills down my spine, every single time I think of those incredible words & moments.
April 26, 2012 3:04 am at 3:04 am in reply to: Yom Haatzmaut, min Hashamayim??? The Atbash cipher. #943783147ParticipantYoshChayal:- I already heard your wonderful explanation of “Ayin” & “Zayin” in a sermon on Yom ha’Atzmaut many many years ago, back in the 70’s. Hence you could not be more on the ball, in your assertion, of this wonderful Torah proof for Yom ha’Atzmaut.
All the more so, as we know, that all Sholosh Regolim have a corresponding Rabbinical Holiday. Chanukoh corresponds to Sukkos, as the Porei haChag go down, as do the # of candles according to Bais Shamai [Eilu vEilu Divrei Elokim Chaim]. Purim corresponds to Shovu’os, both being time of Kabolas hatorah. Yom ha’Atzmaut corresponds to Pesach, both being a time of Geuloh.
Your Gematriyos YoshChayal are awesome & very inspiring, and are further prove of the Divinity of this wonderful Chag.
As for your question HLeivi:- Absolutely!! My saintly Rosh Yeshiva who unfortunately was Niftor this past year at a ripe age, told me unequivocally, that one should absolutely be Makir tov to haShem for the Nissim, and to Medinas Yisroel, for having open their arms & borders to Jewish refugees. Hakoras Tov is a wonderful Midoh, which sorely was lacking from 24,000 pairs of students at this time of the year.
I wish you all Chag Sameach on this great day of Yom ha’Atzmaut:- This year 64= 8 squared:- leMa’alah Min haTeva Squared.
147ParticipantCertainly not the Mishkan, where the Kohen Godol was clad in light colors, mainly sky blue, as per the pictures in the various books on the Mishkon.
According to Kabboloh, on Shabbos one should not be wearing black which is color of Saturn god, but should have at least 4 white items of clothing.
Come Memorial Day in another month, and we are back to the wonderful Minhog of white straw hats thru Labor Day.
147ParticipantI shan’t be available to attend the Asifah, because I shall be busy that day observing Yom Yerusholayim, for the 45th time.
I also shall be busy that day, studying Sepher Shmuel in honor of his Yohrzeit.
147Participant1st things 1st:- Get a unanimously accepted Kosher Eiruv. If we cannot even have a universally accepted Eiruv, how are we ever going to have a unanimously accepted street closure arrangement.
Don’t run away from the issue by talking about ambulances etc. Even in Mattersdorf, everyone understands that ambulances are allowed there on Shabbos/Y.K. no questions asked, and I have seen them there on the Holy Shabbos, without anyone shouting nor stones being thrown.
147ParticipantHearty Mazol Tov to you 7dwarves upon the birth of your 7th kid, on Nisson 30th, on the 243rd yohrzeit of my 8th Generation ancestor. Despite your name 7dwarves, I assume you have no connections with Snow White.
Our family records say he was born in 1687, and passed away @age 82, Sunday May 7th, 1769, which was Nisson 30th.
I just took a peek on Wikipedia, and it also gives date of May 7th, 1769, and Wikipedia certainly did not obtain their info. from my family records. You can even see a picture of him on Wikipedia, as well as read up some of his resume.
Maybe your wife is descended/related to the Maharam m’Rothenburg or/& Mahari Miy’Weil, since the Korban Nesanel himself is descended from both of them.
Please keep us informed, if you end being Mechabed my ancestor & your 7th child, with this name of Nesanel.
Iyyor 15th is the anniversary of Moshe Rabbeinu’s composing of the 1st blessing in Birkas haMozon, upon commencement of the Mon falling down.
147ParticipantCorrect Hudi, but don’t forget that all important picture/photograph which is worth 1000 words.
147ParticipantYou are welcome dhl144.
Clearly, you Sam2 didn’t know Rav Avigdor Miller ZTKLLH’H. When he exclaimed full Hallel, he obviously wasn’t speaking in the literal Halachic sense, but was impressing upon his audience to appreciate all haShem’s wonders, using some of his incredible “actor talents”.
147ParticipantGo & meet Rebbetzen Esther Jungreis at Hineni; They are located on West End Avenue between W 71st & W 70th Street. She lectures there every Thursday evening @8PM, but no-doubt you can set up an appointment with her sooner, if this is urgent.
She has dealt with issues similar to your’s, numerous times.
If for some reason this doesn’t work out, touch base with Rav Jonathan Rietti shlita or Rav Dovid Goldwasser shlita or both, for advice & suggestions.
147ParticipantTake care of your travel visa
147ParticipantHoRav Avigdor haKohen Miller ZTKLLH’H said based on the verse of “Kol haNeshomoh TeHallel Koh Halalukah” for everything breath we need to say Hallel to haShem:- & He screamed out:- Full [Whole] Hallel for every breath!!
April 24, 2012 12:09 am at 12:09 am in reply to: what's the Torah way of "finding a spouse?" #870333147ParticipantThe Torah way to marry is to use a religious website such as Orthodate or/& Frumster, and not to waste big bucks on Shadchonus, nor to unnecessarily overburden already busy Shadchonim.
This also circumvents the issue of putting all potential Shidduchin on hold for the entire summer, because it is not the Torah way to leave singles languishing for 2 months +, when having fun in the country. Religious websites don’t take 2 months vacation breaks during the summer.
147ParticipantA Revi’is of wine is nowhere near enough to even be over legal limit for driving, especially being approx. 4% alcohol wine, bearing in mind, that I procure a lot of low level alcohol wine for Seder nite, and being difficult to estimate exactly how much wine for the Seder, always have low alcohol level left for Chol haMoed.
147ParticipantLesschumras:- Next time you are in Israel, there is a Shul of Hillel Street [very near Ben Yehudah] which prays your Nusach Italia. They have services each Shabbos. I don’t know know their schedule for Yom ha’Atzmaut services this week.
147ParticipantHow about the 84 year cycle calendar? which used to be used in Rome. It is very accurate as well.
147ParticipantI already answered your question Itchesrulik in the “crisis in crisis” forum which is where you posed this question to me. But I am still awaiting your response to my question about BeHab, in that forum.
For your info. Kozov, this is absolutely not my Sevoroh. I read & studied & learned this from Sepher “Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz” who carefully & methodically researches this involved topic. You can read this Sepher either in Hebrew or English. HoRav Hamburger shlita is probably the single biggest expert in this topic, in this day & age. There is an entire chapter in that Sepher dedicated exclusively to the authentic pronunciation of the Cholom, so that we all correctly fulfill our Chiyuv mideOrraisso of Kerias Shema & Parshas Zochor.
147ParticipantHow about white & blue? It is Inyonei dYomo with Yom ha’Atzmaut. This would also be a great opportunity to instill the kids with the Chashivus of Tzitzis & explaining to them what we are are lacking without knowledge of the Chalozon blue blooded fish.
147ParticipantWhat is the difference if I eat my dinner with mixed seating at a wedding {that has separate dancing} verses eating my dinner with mixed seating on an aeroplane?
147ParticipantCan I change from Nusach Ashkenaz to Nusach Sefard? Absolutely Not!! There are only 2 authentic Nuscho’os:- Ashkenaz & Sephardi; These 2 authentic Nuscho’os have both been around for well over 1 Millennium.
The other Nusach is so fabricated, that just look how many variations it is infested with, because it is not genuine, and hence there is no consensus about the correct version for Sephard. Somebody decided to invent it approximately 300 years ago, and deviate from Minhag Avoseinu b’Yodeinu.
Havara:- A Patach can never be the same sound as a Komotz, therefore Komotz must be an “O” sound as in the word “hot”.
There are only 2 correct Havaras for a Cholom:- Either an exceedingly deep “O” sound as in “Go”, or an “ou” sound as in “house”. The “oy” sound is absolutely 100% flawed/invalid, because then how does one distinguish between a “Cholom” on its own verses a Cholom followed by a “Yud”?
147ParticipantThe calendar was only required to see us thru to 6000; Without this assumption of 365&1/4 days {Julian calendar} despite a known 12 minute discrepancy, it would be billions of year from 1 Birkas haChamo until the next Birkas haChamo, rather than a 28 year gap.
Jewish calendar is so Makpid on having as few variables as possible as Patri said, that even in a Leap year which is Chosser, we still keep marChehvon & Kisslev @29 days, and Adar hoRischon @30 days, despite the weird resultant of having 3 consecutive Roshei Chodoshim @1 day followed by 2 consecutive Roshei Chodoshim @2 days.
147ParticipantAccomodating your hair disease is a Chiyuv miDeOraaisso of “v’Nishmartem Me’od leNafshoseichem”, whereas Availus b’Sefiro is at most a Minhog.
You can study about bold patches in yesterday’s Parshiyos Tazria-Metzoro.
147ParticipantI am already getting ready for Yom haZikoron this week, on Erev Yom ha’Atzmaut.
147ParticipantI used to observe Yom Ha’Atzmaut on BeHab, but since in recent years the Rabbanut in such years made Yom ha’Atzmaut a Nidche to Tuesday Iyyor 6th, this is now a mute point.
Please bear in mind, that BeHab is more incumbant on people who work on Chol haMoed, and hence are Mevazei Es haMo’ados. Hence no BeHab after Shovu’os, since no Chol haMoed. Since I wear my Shabbos clothes on Chol haMoed & drink a Revi’is of wine each day of Chol haMoed, I technically am absolved from having to fast on BeHab.
But question for you ItcheSrulik:- What do you do when Pesach Sheni falls on BeHab?
147ParticipantChacham: No Problem! It is my priviledge to recite Hallel on Yom ha’Atzmaut.
As for your assertion Sam2, that the Availus corresponds to Yud Beis Chodesh, let me assure you it is more lenient:- If you Sam2 observe the 1st 33 days as the mourning period, and your buddy who keeps the 2nd part invites you to his/her wedding during the last week of Nisson, you definitely are allowed to attend the entire Chasuno including dancing to the music:- The mere fact you won’t be shaving before attending your buddy’s wedding suffices to count this towards your 33 day quota, despite the music. Yet the guy in Yud Beis Chodesh could not attend this nor any other Simcha {unless very close relative}.
147ParticipantAaron Chaim’s question won’t occur again until 2020, when Rosh Chodesh Iyyor is on actual Shabbos. The again 2023, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2033.
However, if you are in distress from not shaving, there are Heterim to shave on Yom ha’Atzmaut, but I don’t know if you Minhog Aaron Chaim is to hold Yom ha’Atzmaut BiZemano next Friday? or Mukdom next Thursday?
147ParticipantLog onto Orthodate & Frumster.
147ParticipantThe lesson is that you are 1 week out of date; This week is Tazria Metoro/ Mochor Chodesh.
Shemini was already read this past week, on Nisson 22nd.
147ParticipantB’H we are sesuming Tachanun this coming Tuesday, to seek Divine compassion & mercy, albeit 4 breaks from Tachanun during Iyyor alone, including the end of next week for Yom ha’Atzmaut.
147ParticipantThe Kever of the Chief Rabbi of NYC, which is located in Queens, around Cypress Hills I believe.