Zohor how to bring Mashiach

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    bael teshuva

    Pray that who ever hurt you should have the most Olam Haba then is the best time to pray for Mashiach. The Yesod veshoresh hovodah (Shaer collel 11 ) says from Zohor to help people who hurt you, this saves you from tragedies and brings Mashiach. Pray for people who hurt you to get the most Olom Habah and do teshuva and then pray for Mashiach and everyone to have Techiyas Hamaeisim. Pray everyone else should pray whoever hurt them should have the most Olam Habah.

    . Print this email and put in shul.

    Reb Eliezer

    Davin for galus Hashchina.

    Reb Eliezer

    The,Pelei Yoetz says that this is hidden in ki lishuascha kivisi kol hayom, I hope and pray for Your yeshua, Hashem daily.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Arvei Nachal says that it says, one who prays for others, Hashem but he also needs the same thing, the geula will be answered first.

    Sam Klein

    The way to bring Mashiach is to solve all the things that are holding Mashiach back from coming

    1)how can we expect Mashiach to come when the Sinas chinam today is worse than when the Bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of it? So to solve this issue we all need to change our attitude to Ahavas chinam.

    2)we are missing the most important thing to help Mashiach already come. We are missing the TZIPISA LIYESHUA. So in order to solve this issue we need to start mourning for the Bais hamikdosh WHOLEHEARTEDLY and feel the loss versus watching videos until the fast is over but this applies to the entire year not just on Tisha B’av. We are so happy today living a life of technology gashmius and how fast would you be ready to give that up if you heard Mashiach has arrived?

    3)avoda Zara was also a reason the first Bais hamikdosh was destroyed. Today’s avoda Zara is MONEY we run after money, we bow down to money and serve it like a God and this was the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM why the market crashed, cause it was an avoda Zara to us. So in order to solve this issue we need to remind ourselves that it really all comes directly from Hashem to help us live and take care of our families and that it’s just a loan from Hashem to get us through the year. True we did work hard for the money but it’s still not our money. Who sent YOU the customer’s? Who kept you on good terms with your boss? Everything comes directly from Hashem.

    Many other issues to solve in order for Mashiach to come but too many to list now maybe if enough people want more I will post more

    For now let us work on solving the issues above that are holding back Mashiach from coming already now with the rebuilding of the Bais hamikdosh


    Sorry, but some of us are having a hard time tonight davening that the Ebeshter will grant a bigger chelek in olam haboh for Haniyeh, Shukr, Sinwar, etc.

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