Yea. That’s the world. Full of sweetness. Just gotta know how to find it. Imagine everything offered on a sliver platter, constant bliss, worry-free life. It would be no challange, not worth living for. So every part of existance, the good or not yet revealed good, is all sweet. The main thing is to try to have a happy attitute (I like your attituda..), stay (or try to stay) constantly b’simcha and up-beat. Know that all troubles are DIRECTLY ordained and orchestrated by HaShem, they will pass, and it’s to our benefit. They make us great, elevate us to higher levels of perfection.
May all C.R.-ites, especially those that inspired me, influenced me for the better, sent encouragement my way (esp. one special individual), be blessed from HaShem with a meaningfull life, full of Simcha, Nachas from children (marry & have them!), and be of healthy body, mind and soul. <curtsy & bow>